Magnificent Years

Chapter 157: Hat's power crystal


Lu Anru clenched his fist and hammered the bench, stood up and walked to Ward No. 5.

Walking around the corridor, I was stopped by the nurse on duty: "Please go back, it's past visiting hours."

Lu Anru raised his eyes and saw that the nurse looked familiar. The nurse was also looking at her.

The two recognized each other one after another. Lu Anru raised the corner of his mouth, smiled sweetly and harmlessly and said: "Hello, Nurse Li, we have met before."

Li Ping was one of the nurses who came to pick her up last time, but Ni Yusheng didn't show up and was run away twice.

Li Ping's complex expression slowed down, her brows relaxed, and she responded: "Hello."

Unexpectedly, Lu Anru could still remember her and have a good relationship with the daughter of the founder of Cure. There was no need to waste the opportunity. Ni Yu is not the only one in the world who has grown her brain. After the last incident, she reflected on her bad habit of being unable to hold her breath.

"Nurse Li, I almost lost my life tonight. I need to go in and find out something about the situation with Tina Siqi."

Lu Anru regretted it as soon as she finished her words. Tina Siqi was seriously injured by her. Even if they were fighting back in self-defense, it was not appropriate for the two to meet before the arrival of the police department.

But as soon as the police department arrives, Tina Siqi will be taken away to take notes. After that, it may be difficult to meet again in the next two months.

Li Ping said 'hmm', holding her chin with one hand and thinking. Thinking about this matter, if Ni Yusheng would take the risk to help Lu Anru for a few minutes.

The answer is about to come out, Ni Yushenghui.

Lu Anru saw that Tina Siqi's only risk was that he might hurt or kill someone, so he took a step back and made assumptions. If Lu Anru wanted to take action, the right time and place were just right, and he could kill Tina Siqi in the name of self-defense and counterattack.

He didn’t move under the best convenience conditions, but he did it again in a hospital full of surveillance? Unless Lu Anru is crazy, if he is really crazy, there is no need to wait for her to be accommodating, just rush in.

After quickly analyzing the matter, Li Ping pulled Lu Anru into the duty room next to him, took out a white coat and handed it over.

He raised his wrist to look at his face and said in a low voice: "People from the police department will arrive in 16 minutes. Please take off your coat and put on a white coat and go in. Remember to leave the room in about ten minutes and don't touch anyone from the police department." above."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Li."

Lu Anru called sweetly, Li Ping and Ni Yusheng belong to two types of people. It is not easy for Li Ping, who sticks to the rules, to make an exception to help her cover and let her go.

"You're welcome."

Li Ping took off her light pink nurse uniform, put on Lu Anru's blood-stained bear embroidered jacket, and left the duty room first.

After a minute, Lu Anru stood up and left the duty room in a white coat, opened the door and entered Ward No. 5. There is a big height difference between her and Liping, so we can cover up as much as we can.

Arriving at the bedside, Tina Siqi turned her head, and their eyes met.

Tina Siqi looked at her calmly and said softly: "Someone told me that you would come, and sure enough you did."

The indifferent tone was full of pretense, and Lu Anru didn't have a good temper to respond.

Glancing at Tina Siqi's hands, she saw silver handcuffs engraved with red runes on her wrists, which had the function of blocking the possession of spirits and restricting the range of human activities.

"How did you help the witch escape from the punishment room?" Time is limited, so pick the core question.

"I didn't help her escape from the punishment room. I know you will most likely not believe me if I answer truthfully. Come closer and I will show you two things." Tina Siqi touched her right pocket with both hands.

Lu Anru hesitated and stayed in place. The powder packet fell into Bai Jie's office and Yin Cang forgot to take it out.

She was not sure whether the spirit-binding handcuffs could stop the witch. If the witch was in Tinaski's body, she would ruin the rest of her life if she got too close.

But when he saw a corner of Tina Siqi's thing exposed, Lu An reached out to the yellow crystal uncontrollably.

"Where did you get this crystal?" Lu Anru snatched the yellow crystal, and the familiar touch made her feel confused.

I heard my father say that the hat is an earth-attributed sacred beast, and the natal stone formed from its energy is this pure citrine.

The handcuffs restricted Tina Siqi's movements, and her left hand clumsily touched the surface of her right hand. Just now, Lu Anru snatched the hand too quickly, leaving three shallow scratches.

"I bought topaz at a high price on the black market, and I also bought it at the same stall." Tina Siqi moved her hands to her left pocket and pulled out a slender feather.

Farewell to the white silver feathers, the feathers of the hat brother, Lu Anru felt mixed emotions.

Pursing her lips, she didn't know where to start the question for a moment.

Tina Siqi put the white feathers with a faint silver light on her lap and said sadly: "All sins are caused by them. I need some special materials to make the spells. Students sell them at a high price, but the black market is cheap and high-quality, and everything is comprehensive." . I went to the black market to buy materials and found them. I felt the special energy they carried. The night I bought them, the witch took over half of my consciousness and used my body to make the wish card. "

"You mean the witch used these two things to escape from the punishment room and possess you?"

The Huang Jing put back in her pocket became hot to the touch, and then she thought of the protective spell Sheng Ming had set for her, which made her feel at ease.

Tina Siqi raised her hand to press her aching temple, and replied painfully: "I don't know."

Lu Anru wanted to ask more, but a warning cough came from outside the door, so he had to ask politely: "Can you give me this white feather?"

"Take it away. This kind of evil thing should be destroyed as soon as possible." Tina Siqi pushed the feather to the bed, disgusted and unwilling to take another look.

Lu Anru put on her feathers and stood on tiptoes to leave the ward.

Opening the door, I heard a conversation approaching gradually. A rough male voice said: "Can we move now?"

Bai Jie replied: "The wound has been treated and the body is in stable condition and can be transferred."

Lu Anru was stunned on the spot, in a dilemma.

"Under the bed." Tina Siqi suggested kindly behind her.

Just as Lu Anru turned around, an extra hand appeared on her arm, pulling her and running towards the duty room.

"Look at how confused I am. Are you in ward 3 or 5? There are too many patients tonight. The nurse said it once, but I forgot about it. Let's go to the nearby ward No. 3 first."

Lu Anru walked down the corridor and saw Bai Jie leading the police department people to turn around.

Entering the duty room, he sat on the ground next to the door, wiping his sweat with lingering fear, and sighed: "It's so dangerous."

"It's so dangerous. Thanks to Director Bai. I have to thank her very much." Li Ping's face turned pale. It was the first time in her twenties that she committed a dangerous crime and violated the rules to help others.

"Not only do I want to thank Director Bai, but I also want to thank Sister Li." Lu Anru did not forget to strengthen the relationship.

Liping's heartbeat slowed down, and she turned her head and smiled at Lu Anru: "You're welcome to call me sister."

"Well, I'm Sister Cali."

Lu Anru took out her computer and the two exchanged contact information. She took off her white coat and sat on the ground waiting for half an hour more.

After the police department took Tina Siqi away, Lu Anru slowly left.

Walking back to the long corridor of the speed repair room, a red-haired girl jumped up.

Due to the huge height difference between the two of them, the red-haired girl stopped throwing herself at her and replaced her with a loving hug.

He hugged her tightly and said with emotion: "An Ruru is my noble person. He saved me once in the illusion, and even spent money to protect my appearance when I came out. I am so happy to meet An Ruru."

Lu Anru buried her head in Ella's soft arms and said coquettishly: "We should be each other's nobles, respect each other and prosper each other."

"Some people say that I am your loser," Ella's voice revealed a little sadness, "You must not dislike me."

Lu Anru rubbed a few times and asked protectively, "Who said that? I'll beat him."

"Hehe, I fought. I also told the other party that I am not a sluggish person. It was because of the help of me as the mascot that night that An Ruru won." After Ella finished speaking proudly, she lowered her eyes and glanced at Lu Anru secretly.

Lu Anru returned his affirmative gaze and agreed in a deep voice: "That's right."

The two best friends said a few naughty words and returned to the dormitory together.

April had sent Rosa back early, and Gao Ying and Sheng Mina were also there, smelling slightly of alcohol, sitting around the round table in the living room.

As soon as the two best friends entered the door, three people came up to greet them and looked at them carefully. Sheng Mina took the lead and said: "Gao Ying and I were very worried when we heard the news that you were injured. We finally waited until you came back safely.

"If you encounter trouble in the future, please call us. Do you think we are just decorations?" Gao Ying scolded in displeasure.

Ella had a simple mind and was extremely moved, "Okay, thank you for thinking about me."

Lu Anru nodded one by one, looked at his room, and said anxiously: "There are some important things that need to be said to Lianhua, I will go in first."

"Okay, let's get down to business." Sheng Mina gave way.

Lu Anru returned to the house and closed the door.

There was one person on each of the two beds in the house, sleeping soundly.

He took a few steps closer to take a closer look at Yun Fengmeng's condition. The aged appearance and exposed skin are all back to normal, and the skin under clothes should be equally healed.

Put the powder bag on the table and throw in Huang Jing and Bai Yu.

A slight sound startled Lianhua. The thin man rubbed his face to wake himself up and sat up from her bed.

He stretched out his hand in front of her pink bag and said in a horrified tone: "Let me take a look."

Lu Anru originally planned to discuss countermeasures with Lianhua, so he put the two spiritual objects in Lianhua's hands without any further concealment.

Sitting cross-legged in lotus, point two objects on the index finger and middle finger of the right hand, close your eyes and recite the mantra silently in your mouth. Gradually, a vermilion halo lit up on the fingertips, and several slender purple rays of light exploded from the spiritual object. They fought back twice and were swallowed by the vermilion light.

When the fingertips were left with only red light, Lianhua opened her eyes and made a conclusion in a cold voice: "This object was once used by the caster of the spell, but the original owner was not the caster of the spell."

"Yes, I know the original owner. These two things are the crystallization of their energy." Lu Anru confessed that she trusted Lianhua very much.

"Energy crystal."

Lianhua repeated the term thoughtfully, picked up the feathers and topaz with both hands, turned them over to look at the light, and said slowly: "No wonder topaz is mellow, and the earth energy is as stable as a mountain. The white feathers are clear, and the wood energy floats like the wind. ”

Lu Anru was not very interested in the Five Elements Energy Law and asked what he was concerned about: "According to the controlled students, witches seem to escape from the punishment room through them."

"Impossible," Lianhua categorically objected. "The prison for trapping souls built by Dean Huo, Teacher Ye and Sun Zhu is not just about escaping."

Lu Anru thought for a moment and concluded: "Do you mean that the witch is still in the punishment room, and she just escaped briefly with the help of the energy of two spiritual objects and possessed humans?"

"I think this hypothesis is equally impossible. It's more like two spiritual beings that amplify the witch's spell control several times. Even if she is in the punishment room, she can still cast spells to help her rob humans of their mental power, appearance, and desires. etc."

After Lianhua analyzed it, she looked at Yunfengmeng. With her sharp gaze, Lu Anru's thoughts suddenly became clear.

The injuries of the people who had been cursed, the two illusions of her and Ella fighting the witch, all reappeared in her mind, and various evidences confirmed the inference given by Lian Hua.

"There's no need to destroy the two spiritual objects, right?" Lu Anru asked carefully, instinctively resisting this method of treatment for fear of damaging the hat.

"No, before you touch them, someone has already dealt with them, cutting off the communication between the witch and them." Lotus placed the two spiritual objects on the table.

Lu Anru blinked, and it turned out that Tina Siqi was not being mysterious. Someone had arrived before she asked, and it was that person who figured out that she would go.

who? Xiao Ming? Dean? Or the first fortune teller Yue

Stop worrying about the headache, focus on the present, and ask: "Is Fengmeng's health okay?"

"Yes, she still has the roots buried by the witch's spell. You have to go to the punishment room to kill the witch and destroy the roots left behind."

The lotus talks like the wind is calm and the clouds are calm, but Lu Anru hears the stormy waves.

He opened his mouth and spoke a complete sentence after a while: "Do you know how powerful witches are?"

Middle C and Middle B students share a punishment room. To put it simply, the witch herself in her lair can torture the seniors of Middle B at will.

She is just a rookie, how can anyone be so powerful and capable as to kill a witch

Just thinking about the possibility of being counterattacked makes me shudder.

"I know." Lotus turned on the choking mode.

Lu Anru pursed his lips, closed his eyes tiredly, and said helplessly: "I'll think about it."

"Well, you'd better deal with it as soon as possible. The root of the curse is buried in the bodies of all those who are directly affected by the curse, and may sprout at any time and continue to devour their lives."

After Lianhua finished explaining, she left her room and went back to her room to sleep.

A faint vermilion light appeared in the crack of the door smashed by Lu Anru, blocking the spell, and anyone who forcibly entered would be punished by thousands of ants.

Ella saw Lotus coming out, and worriedly sent a message to Lu Anru, asking: Is it convenient for us to go in

Lu Anru pressed three words to reply: inconvenient.

She had to ask Xiao Luan about some things.

He waved to the braided sister, and when she came closer, he tapped the citrine on his fingertips and asked in a deep voice: "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Xiao Luan kept stroking the braid with both hands, not daring to look directly at Lu Anru.

Lu Anru smiled bitterly at himself and said sadly: "I regard you as a good friend and a good sister, but you lie to me again and again. Until yesterday, you were still telling me lies, telling me that the hat would be back soon."

"Is he coming back this way?" Lu Anru grabbed Huang Jing and threw it to Xiao Luan's feet.

Xiao Luan did not dodge or dodge, allowing Huang Jing to leave red marks on his feet.

The implacable silence made Lu Anru's eyes sore. He grabbed Xiao Luan's shoulders and shook him hard, asking, "Speak, is the hat killed?"

She didn't want to believe that Hat was killed like in her dream, but the fact was before her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hat asked me to keep it a secret from you." Xiao Luan only apologized and said nothing more.

Lu Anru let go of his hand dejectedly and laughed wildly twice, with tears bursting out of his eyes, "Okay, you keep your mouth shut. Okay, you never say anything. I'll ask a witch who is N times more powerful than me!"

"No!" Xiao Luan turned around in a hurry and hugged Lu Anru with both hands as he was about to leave.

(End of chapter)