Magnificent Years

Chapter 158: Ask someone who knows


Lu Anru slapped little Luan's hands twice and broke them with all his strength. The hands tied around his waist did not move at all.

Looking back at the weak-looking little Luan, he remembered a sentence, rabbits bite when they are anxious.

Her original intention was not to fall out with Xiao Luan, she just wanted to tease out the situation.

Then he pushed hard and yelled: "Let go!"

His little face turned red from the shock, so he lowered his hands and gasped, "You don't have to let me go. What do you think happened to the hat?"

Xiao Luan was afraid that Lu Anru would change his mind temporarily, so he held his hand tightly on her wrist and said softly: "I didn't lie to you. I contacted the adults four days ago and they really told me that I would go to the small island on the border of Marsia to rescue her." The three companions returned immediately."

"You told me yesterday morning that they were already on their way back. Did you contact them yesterday?" Lu Anru asked sternly.

Xiao Luan missed Lu Anru's gaze and looked around guiltily to say something else: "Don't be angry, I didn't mean to hide it."

Lu Anru had two battles with the witch at night. He had just struggled again and was exhausted.

Pointing to the position of his bed, he said, "Go sit and talk."

"Okay." In Xiao Luan's philosophy, Lu Anru just stayed away from the door.

The two sat back on the bed. Lu Anru stared at Xiao Luan and asked seriously: "Answer my question, did you contact them yesterday?"

"I've been in touch." Xiao Luan answered softly.

Lu Anru grasped the core point and asked: "We were contacted? What did they say?"

Lu Anru's eyes were fixed on Xiao Luan, with nowhere to hide. His hands were almost scratched by him, but he still couldn't find a suitable answer.

"Say it." Lu Anru roared impatiently.

Xiao Luan shuddered and confessed honestly: "After you asked me, I calculated that the adults should come back. I was worried that you would be anxious, so I told you the estimated time. I tried to establish contact with you in your bag, but failed to contact the adults. . Tried twice yesterday and today, no response.”

"You should have told me earlier." Lu Anru was furious and shook off Xiao Luan's hand.

Xiao Luan stubbornly grabbed it again, feeling ashamed to admit his mistake: "I'm sorry, please don't mess around with your own safety."

Lu Anru pulled out his hand and came to Yunfengmeng's bed. Check the person's breathing and pulse to make sure they are still asleep.

When he turned back, he stared at the humanoid little Luan with burning eyes. He thought of her beautiful tail feathers and said with a heart: "Pluck out the tail feathers and I'll contact them."

"Okay, you can pull out as many roots as you want." Xiao Luan walked to Lu Anru's dressing room and flew out like a bird.

The two tail feathers that had been plucked out were held in Hongliang's little mouth, placed on the table next to Lu Anru, and used stupid native methods to make her happy.

Lu Anru held a tail feather, glanced at Yun Fengmeng, and warned: "Sing a song that will keep her from waking up for a short time, and then establish contact."

"Okay." Xiao Luan flew above Yun Feng Meng and hummed a tune to calm Lu Anru's nerves, but she sang at twice the speed.

Lu Anru understood the rules, slow to soothe the mind, fast to hypnotize, and faster to make people fall asleep.

After singing the song, Xiao Luan flew back to Lu Anru.

The strength to flap the wings is far less than before, and the tune that seems to have special effects consumes a lot of energy.

"Establish the connection immediately?" Xiao Luan's pleasant voice sounded faintly hoarse.

Xiao Luan is not a small girl and can't pretend. Lu Anru hesitated, nodded and said, "Let's get started."

The safety of your hat is of paramount importance and cannot be delayed.

Xiao Luan raised her head and hummed the familiar link tune, her blue feathers shining brightly.

Lu Anru waited intently for a long, long time, but did not hear the strange sound like last time.

After a quarter of an hour of communication, she leaned against the wall in frustration.

Xiao Luan spent too much energy and was so tired that her head dropped one after another. But when he saw Lu Anru's face full of sadness, he didn't need to ask any more questions, and his heart ached. The Lord Tian that he cared about was also in danger.

He picked up another tail feather, used both feet to jump onto Lu Anru's lap, propped himself up and said, "Use it and try again."

Lu Anru put down his hand, pinched the tail feathers and threw them into the powder bag, and asked about the contradiction: "You said that Hat was in trouble, but he didn't allow you to tell me. You also said that you contacted them four days ago, and they said that they would be there after rescuing the same kind of people on the island. Come back. How did he know he was going to be in trouble?"

Xiao Luan jumped back on the bed, lay next to Lu Anru's hand, and replied softly: "Master Hat warns me every few days. If he loses contact with me, he must not tell you and make you worry."

Every few days…

Lu Anru's heart felt like needles pricking her heart, and she asked again in a hesitant voice: "Do you know exactly which island they went to?"

"Sorry, I don't know. If I get closer, I can feel the residual energy and smell of the adults. It's too far here, I can't feel it." Xiao Luan lowered his head into the quilt with self-reproach.

Lu Anru bit his lip, clenched his fists and made up his mind, stood up and walked towards the door.

Xiao Luan flapped her wings and chased after Lu Anru, worriedly asking: "What are you going to do?"

"Ask someone who knows." Lu Anru said decisively.

If a witch can obtain energy crystals, there must be someone out there acting as an insider for her, and she must know a lot of things.

He turned around and grabbed the cyan bird, put it on the sofa for her, and told her, "Don't fly around. You are the only hope of finding your adults. When I ask for the specific location, let's go rescue your adults."

"Okay." Xiao Luan solemnly agreed.

Lu Anru opened the door and walked out of the bedroom, met the concerned eyes of Ella and others, and stepped forward and said: "All students who were directly cursed have curse roots left in their bodies, and they need to be killed and removed from the witch. Who is willing to follow me to the punishment room to kill the witch?" "

"I'll go." Ella raised her hands as a gesture, then looked at the three women around her.

Rosa was caught by the gaze, hugged Xiao Hong tightly in her arms, and said timidly: "If I can help, I am willing to go."

Xiao Hong barked loudly in dissatisfaction and was sent to the bedroom by Rosa to lock her up.

Sheng Mina hesitated for a few seconds and asked sideways: "Is Fengmeng's problem serious?"

"Yes." Lu Anru relayed word for word: "Lianhua said that the root of the curse may sprout at any time and continue to plunder Feng Meng's life."

Sheng Mina looked up at Lu Anru's room worriedly, and suggested from a safe perspective: "The college is investigating this matter. Let's wait for the results of the college's investigation. If the person who was cursed really has the root of the curse in his body, the college will eradicate the witch."

"The college's investigation process will take at least two to three days, and Fengmeng may not be able to wait."

Lu Anru never said anything about her hat being in danger. She knew that human nature was cold and she might be able to find help by rescuing people she knew. Mentioning stranger things can easily make others think too much.

She can understand Sheng Mina's concerns and the selfishness of people and the consequences of life. To be honest, if it hadn't been about the hat, she would have chosen to owe Lotus a big favor. Entrust Lianhua to guard Yunfengmeng to prevent the root of the curse from sprouting, and wait for the academy to investigate slowly.

The terror of witches makes no one brave enough to challenge them alone, nor does they have the strength.

Sheng Mina remained silent, seeming to be thinking about the pros and cons of the matter.

Ella couldn't wait any longer and urged: "Fengmeng treats us well, please help her."

Gao Ying bluntly expressed her true thoughts: "The punishment room of your French society is different from our fighting room. You have never met a witch, so you may not know how perverted she is. I once let her torture me for a whole week. She trapped me in the prison." In the water prison, it is no exaggeration to say that my body was soaked and smelled, and I finally returned to reality through losing consciousness. "

"I have encountered her before. An Ruru and I fought against her at night. I know that she is very strong. No matter how strong she is, An Ruru will be able to defeat her." Ella stated excitedly.

Gao Ying looked in disbelief and asked Lu Anru: "You are fighting her at night. Can you beat her?"

Before Lu Anru could answer, Sheng Mina's question followed closely: "Wait, the point is, how did the witch come to reality?"

"She absorbs the vitality of many people who have been cursed, and her magic power becomes stronger." Lu Anru came up with an inscrutable reason. Lotus probably wouldn't come out to expose her.

Sheng Mina's expression changed with horror, her eyes looked deeply into Lu Anru, and she trembled for an accurate answer: "Can you really defeat the witch?"

"An Ruru, she," Ella replied eagerly but Lu Anru stopped her.

Deer-like eyes looked back at Sheng Mina and Gao Ying calmly, and said calmly: "I can't, so I need your help. The witch's strength is as Gao Ying described, very strong. Maybe we can try together."

She has a minimum bottom line, and things can be made more tense, but the risk cannot be said to be low.

"I promise you." Sheng Mina agreed.

Doubt flashed through Lu Anru's eyes, and she looked at Gao Ying with a 'hmm' sound.

Lu Anru could keep his composure, but Ella couldn't. He asked curiously: "Why did you suddenly change your decision?" Before giving birth to Mina, he was obviously more inclined to refuse.

Sheng Mina raised the corner of her mouth and showed a very forced smile, "I am really resisting this in my heart. I consider that although Mrs. Kaweina has no title, she is favored. So Feng Meng is considered a princess in Xia Kingdom, and the same His Highness Xuan Guang's sister. I saved her and other people who were cursed in time, and the academy gave me a commendation. His Highness Xuan Guang will definitely look at me with admiration, and maybe even get the praise of Emperor Xuan Tian and Mrs. Kaweina."

A utilitarian narrative was uttered, but no one looked down upon the narrator. Just like the reason why Yun Fengmeng likes Wu Hao, there are very few righteous people in the world who are willing to serve the common people.

"I'll go too. I'll go back to the house to prepare things."

Gao Ying left, Lu An took a long breath of relief, and whispered to Sheng Mina: "Thank you, Xiaosheng."

"It's okay, I'm just telling the truth."

Sheng Mina looked at the broken door that was glowing with red light, and suggested thoughtfully: "Call Lotus up."

Ella nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, call Lotus. She ranks first in the whole grade in spells, and is better than many spell students who got B grades. If she comes, she will be more powerful than a tiger."

Lu Anru was moved, but she hesitated. It had nothing to do with her fear of being exposed. Lianhua's temper was really difficult to control.

Ella saw where she was in trouble, exchanged glances with Sheng Mina who kicked her leg secretly, pushed Lu Anru and said, "You go back to the house to prepare things, Mina and I will come to persuade Lianhua."

"Okay." Someone solved the problem, and Lu Anru enjoyed the success. Ella's presence should be able to block some minor troubles.

Returning to the room, she opened the drawer and put all the disposable five-element charms that Xiao Ming left for her into a powder bag.

She accidentally saw a miniature bomb given to her by her father. The bomb was only the size of an M&M chocolate bean, but it played an important role in the junior high school entrance examination.

After picking up the powder bag and stuffing it with the miscellaneous daily tools, Lu Anru adjusted the powder bag into shoulder mode.

On your back, tighten the shoulder straps.

Xiao Luan flapped her wings and flew behind Lu Anru.

Lu Anru stopped and said something to dispel the other party's idea of following him.

"Don't follow me. There's no point in going. You change back into human form and guard Fengmeng. If I don't come back the day after tomorrow, you find a way to get in touch with my mother or Xiao Ming and inform them of the matter."

Xiao Luan understood the meaning of staying behind and responded solemnly: "Okay, please be careful."

Lu Anru opened the door and saw the female generals getting ready, and felt an inexplicable joy in his heart. It's like a desperate journey knowing the outcome. There is no sense of fear anymore, only crazy enjoyment is left.

The female generals each shed their extremely arrogant aura and left the dormitory heroically.

Getting on the elevator, Lu Anru leaned close to Ella and asked in a low voice: "Why did you say anything about touching the lotus?"

Ella replied proudly in a low voice: "Lianhua is a bit like President Huang. A brave man who blindly pursues becoming stronger is very tempting. Just tell her how perverted the witch's spells are. There are very few geniuses in the French Society. They observe their opponents through Understand the principles of spell casting.”

Lu Anru admired him from the bottom of his heart and gave a thumbs up.

Entering the teacher's building and arriving at the lounge of Zhou, the chief fighting teacher on the 119th floor, Lu Anru knocked on the door and shouted his intention.

Dwarf Peter, the secretary of the boat, opened the door and said in broken Xia Guoxiang: "Teacher is on a business trip to the M31 Nebula. You will come back to visit next week."

The two tentacles on its head were covered with small purple-black fruits, which swayed as it spoke.

"Please tell me the teacher's interstellar phone number, and I will explain the situation to him." Lu Anru persisted, and Zhou mastered the button to transfer to the punishment room, which can be operated remotely.

"Just write the matter on the message board outside the door and wait for the teacher to come back to deal with it."

'Pop' - Peter closed the door.

After a bad start, Ella quickly suppressed her frustration, nudged Gao Ying with her elbow, and joked: "It looks a lot like you. It likes to slam doors."

Gao Ying yelled back in displeasure: "Fuck you!"

The two of them teased and scolded each other, making everyone feel better.

Lu Anru took the female generals down the elevator to the 59th floor, walked to Huang Qite's lounge, and knocked on the door.

Huang Qitela opened the door, glanced at the people present, and asked indifferently: "Is something wrong?"

"Yes, President Huang."

Lu Anru re-narrated the incident where Yun Fengmeng and others were cursed, adjusting the rhythm of his breathing no less than five times during the narration process.

Huang Qite's aura was too strong. Looking at him, his expression became more and more irritable, and he always felt like he was going to be beaten.

"You said the witch in the punishment room cast spells to harm people, do you have any evidence?" Huang Qite asked coldly.

Lu Anru reached back, stopped Ella who was about to explain, and admitted honestly: "We didn't, the college is investigating, and I believe the evidence will be presented tomorrow."

"It's empty talk and I refuse to help you. Go back to the dormitory and sleep. The college will investigate." Huang Qite turned around coldly.

Lu Anru blocked the door frame with his hand, preventing the door from closing smoothly.

Huang Qite didn't even turn around, slapped his little hand off, and yelled angrily: "Everyone just eats carrots and doesn't worry about anything. They stay up late at night and wander around. Do you want to make mistakes in class tomorrow and be punished collectively?"

I didn't even bother to listen to their explanations, so I closed the door and saw off the guests.

The female generals experienced two failures, each of which was more wilted than an eggplant beaten by frost.

(End of chapter)