Magnificent Years

Chapter 161: Brave girl


The leading guard glared at the timid villagers and warned them with sharp expressions.

Then he walked up to the couple, lowered his eyebrows and said, "Sorry, I sent the wrong person. Please wait a moment, we will send the right girl."

"Go." Baima waved his hand in an awesome manner.

The tearing noise just now was so loud that Baima could not have missed hearing it, but since the little leader who was escorting people volunteered to take responsibility, he was happy to be at ease.

Lu Anru's words also shocked Lu Anru and the others. Lu Anru stared straight ahead without saying a word.

When Bai Xue and Baima returned to the house, Lu Anru waved to the team members behind him to follow them.

People walked in the direction where the guards left, crossing the grassland and arriving at the small village. Footprints were mixed in the mud at the entrance of the village, making it impossible to tell the specific direction of the guards.

Zhou Sheng and Meng Meng exchanged glances. Meng Meng turned to Rosa and said politely: "Please release the guiding dog."

Meng Meng is about the same height as Lu Anru. She is cute and cute, like a New Year doll. She has the least aggressive appearance in the team. Sending him out would just solve Rosa's timidity problem.

Rosa looked at the cute boy who was shorter than herself. She liked him and agreed softly: "Okay."

After placing it on the ground, Xiaohong sniffed, carefully checked the smell nearby, shouted at people, and ran to the southwest.

The team followed closely. While running, Ella carefully asked Lu Anru: "Do I need to avoid the villagers?"

Lu Anru replied calmly: "No, they are also oppressed by witches. Furthermore, they cannot contact the witches directly, they need to go through Baima and Baixue."

With nothing to worry about anymore, the group of people ran through the streets and alleys, following Xiao Hong to the farmer's house at the west entrance.

They heard the sound before they arrived, and the men argued endlessly.

"Boss, you can't send your daughter there, she's only 14 years old."

"Yes, I suggest that the old man from Lina's Zhu family find someone. Lina's Zhu face was scratched, and she also has a 15-year-old sister. She used her sister as a sacrifice."

"I agree. Her younger sister is older than the boss's daughter, so it's not the boss's daughter's turn."

"stop fighting!"

The leading guard stopped his kind persuasion, stretched out his hand to pull his daughter out from behind, and straightened her trembling body.

He took out a short knife made of special material from his arms, handed it to his daughter, and said in a deep voice: "Yingying, dad removes some spiritual roots every day, embeds them in pure ivory, and creates this soul-killing knife. Dad is a bastard, and he If you don’t have the ability to kill the witch, it’s up to you to get the only chance to get close to her.”

Yingying couldn't help shaking her head, her little face turned blue with fright, and she begged: "Dad, I won't go."

The leading guard held his daughter's hand tightly and said firmly: "Dad wanted to wait a few more days until you were older and ready, but the witch kept getting closer every day. When she checked your appearance, she would get very close to you and use this opportunity to Will kill her and save the village."

Yingying refused to take the knife, and the head guard realized that her ambitious words could not inspire the determination of a 14-year-old child, and instead made her tremble even more.

She closed her eyes helplessly. When she opened her eyes, there was a bit of cruelty in her eyes. She asked her daughter in a deep voice: "Do you still remember your best friend Gu Lan?"

Yingying responded sadly: "Remember, her spiritual energy was sucked dry by the witch, and the remaining spine was thrown into the depths of the water prison."

When old things were brought up again, several young guards kept lamenting, then they thought of that lively and lovely girl, and when they smiled, there were two shallow dimples at the corners of their mouths.

"Yes, the witch not only eats away at our spiritual energy, but also seals the spiritual roots of our rebirth. Last time, a kind and good person came to our world and smashed the blood seal of the witch that imprisoned our spiritual roots. Unfortunately, she could not completely kill the witch. After she left, the witch returned and we lived in darkness again."

The head guard finished speaking sadly, hugged his daughter and kissed the hair on her head, and said sadly: "Dad's good daughter Yingying, we must fight alone, for Gulan, for yourself, and for the villagers."

"But Dad, I'm so scared. I'm afraid that I will become like Gu Lan, whose spiritual roots will always be soaked in the stinky water prison." Yingying kept sobbing, and her tears soaked a large piece of her father's clothes on the chest.

The strong man's shoulders twitched faintly.

"I'm going, don't make it difficult for her." A girl ran out from the corner, followed by her sister who looked similar. The wound on her forehead was covered with red scabs.

The girl walked up from the changing gazes of the guards with her head held high, and stood proudly in front of the father and daughter. She said, "My father said, you follow the moral principles and send your sister back, and I will go on her behalf."

She grabbed the knife that Yingying never had the courage to take, hid it in her clothes, stretched out her hands, and commanded with a calm voice: "Tie it up for me."

That tone didn't sound like a timid child about to be abused, but more like a brave warrior going to the battlefield.

The brown-haired guard was the first to come to his senses, suspecting that the girl was insane, "Linas, are you stupid? You think going to the castle is a good thing? Don't you want to live anymore?"

As soon as he finished asking, he received disgusted side glances from his companions. It was rare for someone to suffer for their eldest daughter, but they couldn't let their silly words make them look bad.

The short guard opened his mouth to coax, but Linas replied quickly: "I was not willing to go, but you sent my sister back, and I heard your boss's decision to sacrifice his daughter. I admire him very much. I She should be more straightforward. If Yingying has the courage to go up there, it will cause bad things. Instead of letting her sacrifice an opportunity, it’s better for me to do it.”

The guards all looked ashamed, and they could only follow the boss and keep saying thank you.

At Linas's urging, the guards took out the rope again and tied Linas's hands casually.

"Tie it tighter, it will be easy to expose if it is loose." Linas asked proactively.

The brown-haired guard had a strong affection for the brave girl, and said sincerely for her sake: "It's too tight to get the knife."

"I have my own ideas, just tie them up tight. Don't let Bai Xue and Baima discover the problem before we get to the castle. Then everyone will suffer."

Linas' fearless words moved the guards, and several grown men silently blushed.

After tying up the sacrifices they had brought, the guards gave Linas some time to say goodbye to her family.

Looking at the sad scene of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man away, Gao Ying couldn't squat anymore and asked Lu Anru in a low voice: "Why don't you help?"

"Wait a moment." Lu Anru looked complicated.

Gao Ying ran out of patience and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for an opportunity to verify whether an important helper is reliable." Lu Anru insisted firmly.

After all, he is a veteran captain, and if the team members have opinions, they will be more or less accommodating, asking Mina to give Gao Ying a hint.

Gao Ying suppressed her anger, gritted her teeth and said a compromise: "Okay, I'll give you a little more time."

Lu Anru said in a deep voice, narrowed his eyes, and waved to people.

Everyone continued to follow the escort team, and the two new members saw the determination of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They thought that the strong fighting men were slandering Lu Anru.

In fact, not only Gao Ying, but also April and Ella were already in a state of despair.

The two of them followed Lu Anru respectively. Ella first made an insinuation and said, "An Ruru, it's rare for a witch's soul to be seriously injured. We must seize the opportunity."

"Yes, the villagers also want to fight back, so why don't we work together to discuss a countermeasure." April helped.

Lu Anru responded casually: "I know."

The answer was full of perfunctory words. Ella persisted in using her rhetoric: "You told me about the punishment mission experience before. The witch is obviously difficult to defeat with four hands. This time she can repeat the same trick."

"hold on."

The repeated words were thrown out repeatedly, and Ella could only spread her hands to the people behind her to show that she had tried her best.

Unable to withstand people's expectant gaze, he added: "Then let's take action as soon as possible, don't miss the opportunity."

"Okay." Lu Anru agreed. In fact, when she saw the boss of the guard giving away his daughter, she had already decided to join forces with the villagers.

But when she heard the boss of the guard talking about what she had done, she postponed her decision again, not because she wanted to gain more respect by gaining fame.

It was the words of the guard boss that woke her up. After she left, the witch returned and brought dark days to the book spirits here.

Acting as a hero for a moment is no good. This time, no matter the people she cares about in the real world or the book spirits here, everything will be pushed to a conclusion -

Only success is allowed, failure is not allowed, and half-finished projects are not allowed.

A group of people lurked in the old stronghold of the wooden house, watching the guards send Linas into the wooden house and leave.

Unable to hear the conversation, people stared at April, who had a secondary headset.

April took out her computer, disclosed the Bluetooth password, and said generously: "Connect to my Bluetooth and you can share the distant sounds recorded by my headphones."


Business is serious and no one is polite.

The link is successful, and conversations in the room are clearly transmitted from their respective Bluetooth headsets.

Baima asked in disgust: "You have chosen her over and over again?"

Linas was dissatisfied: "What's wrong with me?"

Bai Xue said: "She looks inferior to your sister."

"It's all the same in your mouth anyway. I suggest that witches should restrain themselves from being picky."

Lu Anru's choking words amused the crowd waiting outside, and Lu Anru raised his index finger to give everyone a silent gesture.

"How dare you!" Baima slammed the table and shouted angrily, "How dare you disrespect my mother."

"Oh, you intruder is better at fawning over an old witch than Her Highness the Princess. It's getting late, and the witch's limited time is about to pass. I advise you not to waste your time getting angry with me. Take the time to think of a solution and see how you can give it to me. Please tell me so that you can hide it from the witch's eyes." Linas sighed fearlessly.

The room was quiet for a few seconds before Bai Ma compromised and said, "Let my lover help you put on your makeup."

"She has such a bad foundation that she can't hide it with makeup." Bai Xue answered melancholy.

Baima reprimanded angrily: "Since last night, you have opposed seven girls in total. Are you helping them get away?"

"I didn't excuse them. You know the mother's temper. If the girl's appearance does not match her, she will get angry at us. Chu Xia and Xiao Hui are all in her hands, and I will not help the villagers." Bai Xue said firmly.

Baima sneered a few times: "Hahaha, it's best this way. Linas's facial features are not bad, but she has a lot of freckles. You should hurry up and put on makeup."

"Give me better makeup." Linas seemed to secretly say something to Bai Xue. Her voice was too soft and was not captured by the secondary earphones.

The heavyness in Lu Anru's eyes disappeared, he took out the Yincang and pointed in several directions of the wooden house.

"Ella, you bring your twin brothers and block the back window of the wooden house to prevent the people inside from escaping. Gao Ying and Xiao Sheng, follow me in. Xiao Sheng will release the awakening powder in time to offset the effect of the other party's drug. Gao Ying needs to be quick, Stop the white horse immediately."

"Okay." People agreed happily.

April stroked the remaining people with her hands and asked in a low voice: "What are we doing?"

"Catch up with the guards and tell them that the kind people who once chopped off the blood seal of the water prison are back. Let them wait for instructions at the entrance of the village."

Lu Anru left the arrangements, jumped over the fence neatly, and rushed into the house.

Gao Ying and Sheng Mina were slow for a moment and quickly followed. When they ran into the house, they saw Lu Anru beating the white horse and running away.

When Baima escaped, he didn't forget to throw away the white powder in his hand. Sheng Mina remembered Lu Anru's arrangement and raised her hand to throw the awakening powder.

Gao Ying strode forward to block Hakuba's retreat and stepped on his back to subdue him.

There were three loud crashes, the window was knocked open, and the two women jumped out of the window and escaped.

Not long after, both were escorted back by Aila and the others.

Only then did Bai Xue see the face of the intruder clearly and exclaimed: "It's you, are you back again?"

"Yes, it's me. I've brought a lot of helpers, and this time I will kill the witch and the dog." Lu Anru waved his hands to Ella and the others, "Relax, my own people."

Bai Xue ran in front of the white horse, blocked Lu Anru's sharp sword with his hand, and shouted: "Don't kill him, keep him useful. After helping you last time, the witch has a grudge against me, and the castle's traffic seal is on his right hand Heart, he must be alive to open the castle door."

"Okay, let's poison him to silence him to prevent him from tipping off the witch." Lu Anru looked at the stupid Sheng Mina.

Sheng Mina calmed down, took out the whole bag of poison from her pocket, and handed it to Lu Anru. The Healing Club can bring medicine into the punishment room, just like the weapons of the Fighting Club. They know how to use medicine and naturally use poison, things that complement each other.

Lu Anru handed it to Bai Xue. Bai Xue held Baima's chin with one hand, forced him to open his mouth, and poured the entire packet of powder into his mouth with one hand.

"Half a pack is enough, the whole pack will cause serious suppuration of his tonsils." Sheng Mina didn't even have time to stop her, women are so cruel.

Gao Ying's eyes widened in surprise, glancing back and forth between Lu Anru and Bai Xue.

"Was your previous observation of Bai Xue reliable?" It's unimaginable how Lu Anru was recruited by Bai Xue.

"Yes, let's go and meet Wu Hao and the others in the village."

Lu Anru took the lead and walked out of the house.

Sheng Mina poked Gao Ying's astonished cheek with her finger, and teased: "You may not like An Ru, but you have to admit, her brain is really good, and every step is within her calculations."

"That's right," Ella deliberately walked slowly and said proudly, "An Ruru and her brother are very smart."

Gao Ying made a disdainful sound, pushed Charlie, and mocked: "You have the same bragging expression as Ella."

Unexpectedly, the two people retorted confidently: "Nonsense!"

"Yes, Gao Ying is talking nonsense, Charlie and I are telling the truth."

Linas asked Bai Xue again and again like a child, and got a unified answer: Lu Anru was the person who disturbed the witch's water prison last time.

The heroine-like little girl couldn't hold back her admiration. She came close to her idol and asked excitedly: "Are you accepting a disciple?"

"I won't accept it." Lu Anru replied calmly.

Linas reluctantly recommended herself: "I am strong and courageous, please consider it."

(End of chapter)