Magnificent Years

Chapter 163: Pass the test


As Bai Xue walked down the cliff, Lu Anru understood what Bai Xue was worried about.

It's not that the witch didn't get the sacrifice as expected and noticed something strange. Bai Xue and the witch were high-level book spirits in this punishment room, also called the Prison of Trapped Souls. When Lu Anru's team was teleported, they received an alarm.

It's just that they need to collect information through low-level book spirits to determine the characteristics of the candidates.

When Bai Xue saw Lu Anru, she changed her strategy. She didn't intend to hide the truth, but she wanted to confuse the public.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Lu Anru looked around and asked Bai Xue: "Where is your friend?"

Bai Xue walked to a boulder and pushed it with her hands, but the boulder didn't move at all.

"Come push it."

The fighting club stepped forward voluntarily, including Rosa. The reporting task was not done properly, and she had always been sensitive in her heart. A new opportunity comes, so I am particularly positive.

Four girls, plus a few strong villagers worked together, and the boulder finally moved.

Gao Ying consciously stood in a position with few people and acted as the helmsman. When the stone deviates from the line, apply more force to push it back to the main line.

A palm like iron palm was slapped on the boulder, and the route was adjusted accurately every time. Inadvertently, the worries of the villagers were also wiped away.

Gao Ying is a person who loves great achievements. The more praise she gets, the stronger her desire for performance becomes.

I started to follow the direction of the school team meticulously, and then slowly waited until the boulder seriously deviated, and then used my strength to snap it back.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the lake, your shoes will not get wet.

I succeeded in showing off my strength twice, but something went wrong the third time when the boulder was pushed downhill.

She failed to stop the boulder from rolling down in time. By the time she regained her footing and tried to save herself, the boulder, which weighed several kilograms, had a downward inertia. She could only barely keep the boulder from rolling down.

Her situation is more dangerous than the boulder. If she loosens her grip a little, she will get a result, let the boulder crush her to death and return to reality.

Being teleported out without entering the castle or killing the witch was a trivial matter. The main reason was that Mina was a big mouth on the Ningguang issue and liked to step on others to show off herself.

He doesn't dare to use Lu Anru as a piece of meat, but always likes to use her as a scapegoat. Her scandal may be spread to Ning Guang's ears at any time.

Thinking about this, the almost exhausted female man felt like he was full of energy. He roared to the sky and pushed upwards with all his strength.

"Eh? We finally pushed it downhill. Don't push it up. Just push it into the cliff."

Bai Xue's soft voice turned into sharp scissors, cutting off Gao Ying's newly established fighting spirit.

His hands then released their strength, and the huge boulder rolled towards them. He closed his eyes in despair, but he didn't wait for the pain that felt like mincing meat.

Someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from the rolling boulder.

The two of them slid down together with their center of gravity unsteady, their buttocks and backs feeling hot and painful from the gravel.

"It would be better to be crushed to death by a boulder." Gao Ying felt deeply depressed, and she would feel cramping all over her body for a few seconds at most.

If you slip into a cliff and fall to your death, you have to experience at least three fatal painful processes. The fear of adrenaline surge amplified, the tearing pain of air entering the ears, nose and throat, and the suffocation of tight breathing.

The calculation was wrong. One second before the teleportation, I could still clearly experience the explosion that caused my brain to fall out for the first time.

I closed my eyes and prepared myself to endure everything, but I felt that the sliding stopped and an annoying sound came from above my body.

"You are so beautiful that you still want to choose a happy way to die."

Opening her eyes and seeing the bewitching face of her beloved prince, Lu Anru inserted the silver cang into the gap between the stones and held the hilt of the sword with one hand.

The hilt of the eagle-headed sword became the only support, supporting them from falling.

Gao Ying felt an indescribable strange feeling in her heart, and she was surprised and unwilling to admit that she was moved.

She has a clear sense of grudges and does not like to owe favors. She said awkwardly and solemnly: "Thank you."

"Look to your lower right. There is an old tree growing on the cliff. Jump over and catch me." Lu Anru didn't give Gao Ying any time to think about the feasibility. When she just looked over, Lu Anru Shake up.

With the extra weight of one person, the shaking amplitude is greatly reduced by half.

Still about two meters away from the old tree, Lu Anru let go of his hand.

"Your mother's legs!"

Gao Ying cursed loudly and grabbed the cliff several times in panic. The sharp gravel surface cut his fingers, but he couldn't find anything that could be used as a point of strength.

It is reasonable to suspect that Lu Anru saved her just to let her experience more pain. His body fell rapidly, and the pain he had imagined in his mind was repeated over and over again.

Only the last step was missing. She fell into a pile of thorny things and was punctured multiple times.

Quickly looking around, she seemed to have fallen into some kind of big bird's nest, with dry branches and ground pricking her.

Just as she was about to take a closer look, Lu Anru fell from the sky and landed firmly on her.

Gao Ying cried out in pain, regained her breath, clenched her fist without thinking, and punched hard.

As expected, Lu An easily turned over and dodged, protecting the oval-shaped object in his arms, and whispered: "It's dangerous here, don't engage in internal strife."

"You're dangerous, you are the biggest danger around me." Gao Ying scolded her, her voice lowered a lot, "You have noticed that I can't reach the old tree, right? Are you deliberately trying to trick me?"

"What a dark thought you have. I thought you could at least grab something. If you use your strength again, you will definitely be able to reach it. Who would have thought that you are so incompetent and you made a mistake." Lu Anru sniffed and revealed the victim. His expression was aggrieved and depressed.

Gao Ying was full of anger, raised her ten fingers, turned the side that was scratched by the sharp stone to Bai Lianhua, surnamed Lu, and shouted: "You have the nerve to say it, I owe all my fingers to you for being like this."

"Be careful." Lu Anru reminded again.

As soon as the voice fell, Gao Ying's head was pecked by some bird and she looked angrily.

A mutated ostrich stood behind her at some point. It had two heads above her and pecked at her face with its short and wide beak.

At the critical moment, a hand lowered her head and helped her escape.

Lu Anru pushed her aside as if he thought she was in the way, and drew his sword to stab the mutated ostrich.

The ostrich did not dodge, kicked out its strong hind legs, and clamped Yincang between its two hard toes.

Lu Anru raised his foot and kicked the ostrich's sternum hard. The only underdeveloped part of its body was hit hard, and the ostrich let go of Yin Cang in pain.

He kicked wildly to retaliate, and Lu Anru rolled to dodge, looking for an opportunity to sneak attack.

Unfortunately, the nest space is small and tight, and the ostrich's body is huge, so there are very few places for her to hide.

The knee was kicked twice, and he screamed in pain: "It's numb, it hurts~"

Gao Ying sat leisurely in the corner, admiring the rare spectacle, while the little witch fled in panic.

"Sister Gao, please make me happy. I'll help you, sister." You must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to 'bully' the little witch.

Lu Anru slipped under the ostrich's body and said ambitiously: "You must not help me. If you help me, you will only ruin my business."

"You will suffer a lot if you talk too hard." Gao Ying thought Lu Anru was trying to be brave and said confidently: "You can try another way. I bought the photo of His Highness Xuanguang from you and I still owe ten appreciation cards. Give me the money no."

"No need, let's go!"

Lu Anru grabbed her wrist again, and in a flash, Gao Ying flew up into the air and landed on soft feathers next to Lu Anru.

"hold me."

Lu Anru's loud shout seemed to be swallowed up by the whooshing wind. Gao Ying had no choice but to tightly hug Lu Anru's waist with both hands.

They were sitting on an ostrich. Ostrich can't fly and can only jump on the trees that emerge from the cliff.

The entire descent process can be described in three words: it's as thrilling as driving a sports car over a washboard road.

Before landing, Gao Ying vomited three times in a row. When she landed, there was nothing to vomit.

After being shaken off by the ostrich, he sat weakly in the thick grass, watching Lu Anru jump down gracefully and patting the dust off his body.

He took off the white oval-shaped object hanging on Yincang, stretched his arms twice, and still threw it into the distance like a lead ball.

The ostrich's hind legs used strength to catch up.

Lu Anru sheathed her sword, walked to Gao Ying, stretched out her hand, "Can you stand up?"

"Yes." Gao Ying swatted away her little hands in front of her, stretched her arms hard, and sat down on the ground when her legs became weak halfway through her standing.

Lu Anru was not particular at all and laughed heartily.

The laughter echoed at the bottom of the valley, especially harsh.

"Why are you laughing? I'll be able to walk on my own after ten minutes without your help. You'd better find a way up the mountain, otherwise you'll have to spend the night here today."

Gao Ying massaged her legs with her hands, her eyes dazzled as she pressed them. The trees far away seemed to be getting shorter.

Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, she found that she was not dazzled. The trees were indeed getting shorter because the ground she was sitting on was rising.

"Lu Anru." He shouted, but when he turned around and saw the petite person, he felt something bad.

The monster beneath him was as big as five basketball courts, and it was impossible to see its entirety. In shock, she realized the truth. It would be easier for the other party to kill her than to crush an ant.

"Lu Anru!" shouted again.

In the past, when she saw His beloved Highness taking special care of Lu Anru, she had some evil thoughts. It would be great if Lu Anru died.

But at this moment, facing the possibility of getting what she wanted, she was not so happy. Maybe you know that this is just a punishment room and people can't really die.

Using the moonlight, he frantically groped the ground and found a thicker broken branch. He stood up and walked slowly in the direction Lu Anru left.

Walking on the monster covered with green grass, Gao Ying guessed the possibility of the monster's true identity. The fighting club is different from the liberal arts club. The liberal arts club has advanced courses on popular science of all things. The fighting club requires you to choose a minor.

Gao Ying hated reading the most in her life, so of course she wouldn't choose it.

Touch the Bluetooth headset three times to activate the goggles. A good warrior must have a flexible mind. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough knowledge, you can use advanced tools to make up for it.

Scanning up, down, left, and right, the harvest goggles showed a unified answer: Unknown creature, please find its head and scan again.

Gao Ying secretly cursed: "If I can find the head, do I need your teaching?"

Tap the Bluetooth headset twice to try to connect to the team channel. Under normal circumstances, entering the punishment room will block the team channel, making it impossible to establish remote contact unless within available range.

The academy set up this point purely to cause trouble for them, but it was a well-intentioned cause of trouble. It trained them to deal with various special environments in advance and prepare them for real tasks.

Calling April's name a few times will help you contact the literary and comprehensive society, which is easier than contacting her plastic best friend.

There was no response, so I called Lu Anru a few more times.

"I'm here." came the response, not from the earphones.

Looking for the voice, I found Lu Anru himself, and my heart dropped.

Lu Anru squatted on the ground, digging for something with his hands.

Gao Ying repeatedly told herself that although Lu Anru liked to play pranks, he would not mess around with important matters. Establishing a mental cue, ignoring the little witch's movements that looked like digging potatoes, limped to her side.

He took a closer look and was almost furious. I was worried to death because Lu Anru was really digging potatoes here.

His movements were quite skillful. He first cut off the whole handful of green grass with his Yincang, then used dead branches to loosen the soil. Then he held the remaining half of the green grass with his dirty little hands and uprooted it. Finally, he chopped the muddy potatoes into large pieces. Throw away.

Lu Anru extended an invitation enthusiastically: "Don't just stand there, help."

"Help me." Gao Ying lost her temper, grabbed Lu Anru's arm and pulled her up, shouting, "I asked you to find the mountain road, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a mountain path here."

The logical answer made Gao Ying angry. She stomped on the unexcavated potato ground with her feet and mocked, "Are you going to build stairs with potatoes?"

"They are not potatoes. The leaves are completely different, and the fruits are slightly similar. They are called zhumu, and they are similar to the barnacles on turtles." Lu Anru picked up the grass at hand and held it up for Gao Ying to learn: "Potato leaves are rhombus-shaped. There are fine hairs.”

Gao Ying brushed away the thin green grass in front of her eyes, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Have you forgotten the purpose of our coming in?"

"I haven't forgotten, kill the witch." Lu Anru replied confidently.

Gao Ying's face was ashen and she was about to have a seizure when she heard loud laughter from underground.

"Haha, the little hero recommended by Bai Xue is indeed extraordinary. Congratulations on passing my test. The witch has done many evil things and planted a tree on my back. The root system of the tree produced venom that paralyzed my nerves and restricted my movements. Thank you for digging for me. Except, let me take you to the castle.”

"You're welcome, Old Mountain Spirit, there's still a little left, I'll help you dig it out."

Lu Anru glanced sideways at Gao Ying, squatted down and continued his skillful digging movements.

Gao Ying put her airs aside for a moment and squatted beside Lu Anru to humbly ask for advice: "Can I just pull it out?"

The old mountain spirit walks very steadily. The word "steady" is a bit inappropriate. It may be similar to the legendary earth god, whose soul is the entire ground.

Flowers, plants and trees grow on it, and they all move with it.

Without the teacher's guidance, Gao Ying groped on her own. She grabbed a handful of grass with both hands and pulled it up. The grass broke along the soil.

"Light adds chaos."

Lu Anru was extremely disgusted and stared at the slightly bulging ground.

He threw himself forward with all four limbs on the ground, holding his sword and stabbing it into the soil. He drew his sword and brought out the yellow hemp skin, threw it on the ground, chopped it into pieces, and threw it back to Gao Ying's feet.

Gao Ying, who had done something wrong, could only break her teeth and swallow it in her mouth. She had nothing to say, "I didn't expect this parasite to escape. When we fell into the mutated ostrich nest, you also used me. Let's treat it as equal." ”

"Am I using you?" Lu Anru asked with a dry smile.

She rolled up her sleeves to expose her forearm, revealing three long wounds. The wounds were lightly covered with styptic grass.

He stretched his arms forward so that Gao Ying could see clearly, and said in a low voice: "I will let you fall into the little bird's nest in the old tree. We stole the ostrich eggs to control the big ostrich, and sat on it to return to the edge of the cliff. It's better for you, it will save you trouble. Falling into the big ostrich's nest makes me have to pick up the eggs and protect you."

The facts are understandable, Gao Ying said coyly: "I'm sorry."

Lu Anru used Yincang to chop up the newly excavated building stone, and complained angrily: "Why don't I use you? We are all used by Baixue!"

(End of chapter)