Magnificent Years

Chapter 166: Great Dean


Lu Anru signaled to Ella, and Ella led Sheng Mina and Gao Ying to swim to Wu Hao's designated location.

The door was destroyed by Ella and the twins using water monsters, and she asked Ella to wait at the entrance.

She wandered back and forth between the two cells, attracting the attention of the water monster.

Sensing that the water was getting stronger, she grabbed the door handle of the original water cell. Wearing goggles, my vision in the water is normal, and I watch the water monster quickly approaching the door.

When there was only an arm's length distance between the two sides, Lu Anru stretched out his hand and attached the detonating yellow talisman to the water monster's head. As nimble as a small fish, he escaped from the water monster's mouth and passed by each other.

The water monster couldn't get rid of the hot yellow paper between its eyes, and chased after the instigator angrily.

Lu Anru swung his limbs, swam back to where the three members of the team were, pushed his hands forward, then moved his hands to the left, and then swam toward the entrance to the fake cage.

Just when the water monster was about to pursue Lu Anru, he saw Ella and probably remembered that he had been taken advantage of by Ella not long ago.

Compared with the yellow paper and the bruise, Ella's hatred was greater.

Change the direction of the march to seek revenge on Ella.

Lu Anru asked her to swim a little further into the tunnel, and the water monster followed and immediately escaped from the tunnel, but Ella did not follow the instructions.

The water monster was close before her eyes, and Ella began to swim inside.

After giving up the opportunity to escape, Lu Anru guessed what Ella wanted, and he was imitating Wu Hao and others to sacrifice their lives for righteousness.

Cursing the silly girl in his heart, he swung his limbs and swam towards Ella, and when he reached out to grab Ella, a strong momentum pushed them into a dead end.

The water monster chased into the tunnel, and its head got stuck, completely sealing the entrance.

Ella's insistence on going her own way resulted in bitter consequences. She felt very guilty and drew an apology code on Lu Anru's palm with her fingers.

Lu Anru had no time to comfort Ella, so he used the old method of tapping the wall with the hilt of his sword to convey the message.

Sheng Mina and Gao Ying didn't understand the secret code of best friend Liang Quan, but they could find out that best friend Liang Quan was sent to the corridor.

Qixin grabbed the water monster's tail and pulled it out. Not to mention successfully pulling it out, the two of them couldn't hold their hands steady for five seconds. The tail was very slippery, and the water monster tried its best to resist. If they were not careful, it would break free and slap them in the face.

Sheng Mina's goggles were broken, and she barely escaped the fatal whipping with Gao Ying's help.

Lu Anru waited for a while, but saw that the tunnel was cleared, guessing the obstacles they might encounter. Give up relying on others for rescue, and take out a new detonating yellow paper from his pocket.

Since I couldn't turn around, I held the yellow paper in my hand and stretched it backwards. Send the yellow paper to the lower body of the water, then use the maggot to move forward, stretch and kick the legs in place, and create thrust backwards.

After struggling to get the talisman to the top of the water monster's head, Lu Anru swam to the end of the dead end, protected Ella with her body, and silently recited the detonation formula that Lotus told her.

There was a loud boom, and in an instant, it was like the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, and countless gravel fell down.

Due to the limited space in the corridor, the gravity of the fall is very low. The gravel did not cause much physical harm to the two best friends, but their situation was also not optimistic and they were buried alive in a pile of stones.

Ella broke free from Lu Anru's shackles and smashed rocks of different sizes with her hands. After pushing around, the last gap was filled.

His mind fell into chaos for a few seconds, and he made a decision to break the pot. He reached into Lu Anru's pocket, pulled out a piece of detonating yellow paper, and stuck it on the wall of the dead end.

Blocking the yellow talisman with his body, he told Lu Anru with his mouth: "Recite the curse." '

Both of them knew that this was the only chance to preserve the overall situation. Lu Anru closed his eyes and recited the spell silently in his heart.

Just after reciting two uncommon words, the surroundings began to sway, and explosions were heard in the distance.

Xingxi opened his eyes and saw that the second group was blowing up the door.

Full of expectations, hoping to shock them away.

After waiting for several seconds, the shaking returned to calm. The falling rocks around him slid slightly toward the water monster's minced meat, but there was still no new breach in the dead end.

Ella patted Lu Anru's arm and gestured 'don't waste time'.

At the same time, there was a messy sound of knocking on the iron door at the door.

There was no code agreement, so Lu Anru couldn't understand the specific meaning, but he got clues from the rhythm of two heavy and one light, and boldly guessed the possibility.

With a flash of thought, he pushed Ella and tried to take away the yellow paper she pressed against the wall.

Ella was fierce and stubborn.

Lu An swiftly drew his sword and chopped up the yellow paper, concentrating on reciting the incantation words silently.

The next second caused a third explosion, this time the detonation point was at the entrance of the corridor. Half of the water monster's body was blown into blood foam, and the blocked escape route was cleared.

Ella was ecstatic, gave Lu Anru a thumbs up, and swam backwards after her.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess the meaning of the two heavy and one light tapping code. Considering the situation that the second group had just finished the explosion, Gao Ying and Sheng Mina must have used new detonating yellow paper and stuffed it into the door blocked by the water monster.

The two of them swam a little distance, and Lu Anru pulled Ella to stop. She found that part of the water flowed into the small hole she broke last time. When she looked close to the hole, she saw cracks in the airtight stone wall.

The opportunity was imminent, Lu Anru used Yincang to strike again, and this time she used Jianfeng instead.

The sharp sword blade penetrated the gap, and she turned the hilt hard, causing bubbles to surge and the stone wall to loosen.

As she moved, the broken wall collapsed by the water, and the water rushed them together into the new space.

Lu Anru pinched his nose and felt his body falling heavily into the deep pool.

When the falling speed slowed down, she relaxed her body, and she slowly floated up to the surface of the water.

First, hold your breath and close your eyes, and test the air quality with your skin.

I felt that there were no weird reactions on my cheeks and limbs, which proved that the air did not contain too many harmful substances. I opened my eyes and let go of the hand pinching my nose.

Turn over, kick your legs to keep yourself floating, and observe the new space. There is a piece of land in the distance directly ahead, and in the middle of the land is something that emits a bright purple light.

Lu Anru found the magic mirror in response to the energy light that reminded her of the witch's spell!

Her joy was beyond words and she called her best friend: "Ella, I'll swim to the shore first to observe the situation. You wait here for Xiaosheng and Gao Ying to land."

The time the second team can buy for them is limited, and they must seize every precious minute and second.

Swing your arms and use butterfly stroke to get closer to the shore.

After swimming a certain distance, there was still no reply from behind. Turning around to look, Ella was nowhere to be seen on the water.

Suddenly remembered a fatal thing, Ella practiced fire magic and was afraid of water. After special training during the winter vacation, I can still move freely in the water as long as I am mentally prepared. Having just been suddenly rushed into the treasure cave here, Ella didn't think she had time to respond.

Lu Anru slapped his forehead in annoyance, turned around and dived into the pool.

After swimming for tens of meters, I saw Ella lying at the bottom of the pool. The body is still there, proving there is hope for salvation.

He speeded up, grabbed one of Ella's arms with both hands, and kicked back hard with his feet.

With all the efforts of nine cows and two tigers, Ella was rescued back to the shore. Drag it to the edge and try to avoid the magic mirror surveillance coverage.

Kneeling on one knee beside Ella, he first helped her clean the water plants blocking her mouth and nose, then pressed her chest and gave her artificial respiration with two compressions.

After repeating the action more than ten times, Ella finally turned her head and spit out a mouthful of dirty water, slowly opened her eyes, and said weakly: "Li Mo, thank you."

"Li Mo, you idiot, see clearly who I am." Lu Anru said pretending to be sulky.

Ella's bloodless cheeks immediately turned red. She forgot to care about Lu Anru's experience of being abandoned, and shyly explained: "Hey, it's An Ruru. I thought Li Mo was giving me artificial respiration. Let's go there during the winter vacation." During swimming lessons, he did everything for me when I drowned.”

Lu Anru asked solemnly: "Are you showing off?"


Ella wanted to explain more, but Lu Anru raised her hand to stop her.

Glancing at the magic mirror that emits a cold and dark light, he asked in a deep voice: "Can you still go into the water?"

Ella raised her spirits and responded: "Okay."

"Swim to the middle and wait for Gao Ying and Xiao Sheng to fall down. Pull them in time to prevent them from having an accident. Then bring them over here, hide them, and pay attention to my next command gestures."

Lu Anru said, his eyes never leaving the magic mirror. There was a lot of movement when the two fell into the water, and the magic mirror must have caught it. However, the witch has not yet been seen coming through the magic mirror, which proves that the second team is very effective.

"Okay." Ella agreed readily and jumped back into the water.

After successfully getting rid of the weak point, Lu Anru held the silver pot in his hand and leaned close to the magic mirror. Blocked by one meter, a protective light shield similar to the outside of a castle appeared in front of the magic mirror.

Try stabbing with Yincang. The Yincang is like piercing into a thick soft silicone. The length of the sword is not enough to penetrate the thickness of the protective cover.

Just as she and Lianhua expected, even if success is close at hand, there are many obstacles and cannot be reached.

Take out the yellow paper from your pocket, dig a hole around the magic mirror protective cover, and bury the yellow paper.

As soon as he raised his head, his neck was pinched by slender fingers.

The witch walked out of the magic mirror at some point, raised her in front of her, and asked expressionlessly: "Huo Yu sent you to repeatedly ruin my good deeds?"

"Want to know? Why don't we exchange answers? Tell us who is your insider in the academy and where did he catch the highly evolved life form?"

Lu Anru had no intention of admiring the beautiful and cold appearance, and silently recited the detonation spell in his heart. With the witch's strength, she wouldn't be able to survive even a few blasts. If it doesn't explode, she will have to say goodbye and return to reality.

Every time she read a word, the sharp nails pierced her neck, causing Lu Anru to be unable to concentrate.

He kicked several times, which were lighter than Xiu's legs, but was kicked hard by the witch.

Her consciousness gradually blurred, and she vaguely heard Ella shouting: "Let An Ruru go."

Lu Anru didn't feel happy, he just sighed that Ella didn't calm down after all.

As soon as the red-haired girl popped her head, the witch waved her sleeves and raised an evil wind. The next second, Ella looked stupid and laughed.

Smiling, she pouted like an idiot and said, "Li Momo, why don't you kiss me again? It's your relatives' mouth."

After easily solving Lu Anru's help, the witch tightened her white fingers and said disdainfully: "A bunch of rubbish, they are vulnerable. I will give you one last chance. Answer me, was it Huo Yu who broke the agreement and sent you here?"


Lu Anru answered obediently, catching the flash of panic in the witch's eyes, and took the opportunity to increase the threat: "You have done many evil things, Dean Huo asked me to eliminate harm for the people."

Suddenly, the panic in the witch's eyes was gone, replaced by domineering contempt, and she sneered: "Ha, do you know where you exposed your secret?"

Lu Anru's throat was sore and itchy from being pinched by the witch, but she couldn't cough. The long fingers cut off her right to speak and the thin air.

"Your great Dean Huo Yu's methods are much dirtier than mine, and he carries countless life debts. Without his acquiescence, how can I absorb students' energy in the college?"

The witch strengthened her hand, put her cheek close to Lu Anru's ear, and exhaled the faint smell of corpse oil, "What a pity, you are obviously very close to the truth, but you missed the only chance to understand the truth because of blind trust. Your energy and the people here I will absorb the memory and continue to help your great dean conceal his black dealings."

"It won't work for me to sow discord."

Lu Anru used all his strength to speak out a sentence, which made the witch's sarcastic look even more intense.

At this moment, violent explosions occurred continuously outside the protective shield, and Lu Anru took advantage of the chaos to break free from the witch's control.

The body was bounced away by the heat wave, and the face of an old man with a stooped body emerged in his mind. He was a little ugly, a little funny, but not sinister and cunning.

Sheng Mina rescued her back to the shore, and she saw a sea of fire where the magic mirror was.

Looking at Ella in confusion, Ella looked a little embarrassed and pointed at Gao Ying and said: "It was her suggestion. She asked me to pretend to be controlled and stupid. When the witch relaxes her vigilance towards us, I will Take action."

"Gao Ying believes you can detonate the bomb, so let's wait until the best opportunity. I acupunctured the acupuncture points of Ella Shenting and Cheng Jian. She can reach the hallucinogenic spell of the witch about two times."

Sheng Mina seized the opportunity and showed off her hard work by complimenting Gao Ying.

"Well, thank you." Lu Anru was polite and grateful.

Sheng Mina waved her hands repeatedly and asked for details: "Did you get the information you wanted?"

"No." Lu Anru shook his head heavily.

Some trust is engraved in the bones, but when there are cracks in this trust, she has no choice but to use self-deception to cover up her doubts.

Hey, I feel some discomfort that I can't explain to others.

The fire diminished, and Lu Anru stood up with his sword in hand, approaching the center of the fire.

She knew that the witch would not die from the intermediate fire spell, but she would inevitably be hit hard again.

He stopped in front of the witch, pointed his sword at her throat, and asked in a cold voice: "Tell me, who gave you the citrine energy stone?"

The witch raised her hand and grasped the edge of Yincang's sword. A bone-chilling chill spread from the blade to Lu An's fingers and whole body.

Painful memories that did not belong to her appeared in her mind, including Sheng Mina, Gao Ying, Yun Fengmeng, etc.

They screamed and screamed in pain with ferocious faces, setting off waves of unstoppable despair.

Lu Anru's thoughts were gradually invaded by despair, and she forgot what she should insist on. She only remembered that she had been plagued by strange diseases since she was a child, and her relatives were worried about her.

I care about the burden and suffering of my relatives because of her. If she is no longer in this world, maybe my relatives can feel relaxed again.

"An Ruru, wake up!" Ella yelled.

Yincang is slowly changing direction and moving towards its owner's chest.

Ella was so anxious that she was sweating profusely, but she couldn't get close at all. A thin protective shield prevented her from getting close. The energy of the protective shield was far less than before, but she couldn't break it. She hated herself for being useless!

"You are honored to be able to enjoy the ultimate spell of my penance, which is riddled with misfortune."

The slender fingers slipped from the edge of the sword and grabbed Lu Anru's ankle, a purple light rising from where they grasped.

The witch raised her chin, revealing her perfect swan neck, and said coldly and proudly: "Believe me, in the future of your life, living will be far less comfortable than dying."

Lu Anru cried silently, with a look of despair on his face, and stabbed forward fiercely with the silver cang in his hand.

(End of chapter)