Magnificent Years

Chapter 167: An old disease has broken out


Ella and the other three could not get close and slapped the protective seal hard. They could only watch helplessly as Yin Cang stabbed into Lu Anru's heart.

A magical scene happened in the next second. A soft golden light erupted from Lu Anru's body, and Yincang seemed to be pierced into the heart, but in fact the golden light blocked the attack that penetrated the flesh.

"Protection spell, you have a good life. Someone is willing to spend his life to protect you."

The gentleness in the witch's eyes disappeared, and a faint purple light glowed on her fingertips. She held Lu Anru's hand again, and the purple light transferred to her small hand. She said coldly and arrogantly: "I would like to see how many times he can resist for you."

"That's enough, stop it! If you want to torture people, I'll torture you." Ella roared loudly. She knew that Lu Anru cared so much about her precious brother and would rather not harm Sheng Ming in the slightest if she was injured.

Sheng Mina slowed down her flapping movements for a few beats, raised her foot to touch Ella's leg, and said with her mouth: Pay attention to An Ru's raised little finger.

I always see two best friends communicating through lip language, I just hope Ella can understand her hints.

Ella remained silent and focused on staring forward. Lu Anru held the sword tightly with his hanging hand and slowly raised it to his chest.

Ella shouted in pain: "An Ruru, you have always been stronger than us. I believe you can overcome the control of the evil witch."

The sound of crying echoed in the cave, and the red-haired girl summoned countless fireballs, which hit the protective light shield.

Just smashing and smashing, the attack direction of the fireball moved upward.

Just as Yincang stabbed Lu Anru in the chest again, the entire cave was lit up, and Ella threw countless fireballs to the top of the cave above the witch's head.

The witch only glanced lightly, turning a blind eye. The corners of her mouth curved slightly, mocking Ella's childish behavior.

However, the childish fireballs condensed into a wall of fire.

Amidst the loud rumblings, the rocks above everyone's heads collapsed, and a huge thing fell down.

Gao Ying and Sheng Mina raised their hands to protect Tianling Gai and fled away.

Ella quickly rushed into the smashed light shield, grabbed Lu An Ruhao's wrist, and pulled her to escape.

Lu Anru stood there and refused to leave. Ella thought she was still under control, so she shouted anxiously: "An Ruru, I am Ella, and I will not harm you."

"Ok, I know."

The answering voice was very familiar, a clear male voice, Sheng Ming's voice!

Ella was shocked when she saw the body controlled by Sheng Ming stab Yincang backhand.

The sword pierced the witch's heart without retaliation, and blinded the witch's two charming purple eyes.

Sheng Ming used Lu Anru's body to kick the screaming witch over, walked to the magic mirror, and chopped the mirror neatly, making the witch's body become transparent.

A jumping voice shouted depressedly: "Oh my God, I asked Grandpa Shanjing to send me down, but he was a step too late and couldn't help."

Linas jumped off the old mountain elf who was holding up the barrier, ran to the witch, and stamped her feet in annoyance.

"Haha," the old mountain spirit reminded with a loving laugh: "It's not too late, quickly use your soul-killing blade to kill the witch completely to prevent her from resurrecting after escaping from the dead."

"Okay." Linas took out the soul-killing blade made from the spiritual roots of the old villagers from her arms and stabbed the witch hard on the back.

Once, twice, three times, until the witch shattered before her eyes.

Sheng Ming walked back to Ella and said softly: "Hold me."

"Huh?" Ella was confused and subconsciously reached out to catch Lu Anru, whose eyes were closed.

My best friend fell unconscious in his arms for a few seconds, then opened her eyes.

Looking up at Ella, she kept blinking her eyes, and her half-fan-like eyelashes were trembling, which was particularly pitiful.

"Who are you?" Lu Anru asked softly.

Ella Rang asked extremely aggrievedly, pinched Lu Anru's shoulders and shook her, shouting: "I am your best friend, Ella Qian, recite this name to me a hundred times."

"My bestie?" Lu Anru pursed her cute little mouth, and her eyes became more curious, "What is a bestie?"

"Oh, don't act stupid. Of course, your best friend is the person you are closest to besides your husband and parents." Ella was anxious and waved the petite person in her hands more.

A rich voice fell from a high place: "She may not have returned to her own body consciously. She needs to see more familiar people or things to stimulate memory recovery."

Ella didn't notice that the answer to her was a piece of land. Guang secretly felt sad, and murmured resentfully: "Am I not a familiar person?"

"Haha, just wait a little longer, maybe she can return to normal on her own."

The old mountain spirit shook himself off, and many book spirits jumped onto it from the pit, and were then smoothly sent to the ground one by one.

The book spirits all saluted it.

"Thank you for coming all the way to help us."

"thank you."

The old mountain spirit looked at his beloved child and said kindly: "No need to be polite. Since the matter here is over, I will return to the mountain."

"Okay." Shu Ling kept bowing to say goodbye.

Gao Ying, Sheng Mina and their twins approached their best friends and were treated equally by Lu An, who asked them one by one who they were.

However, there was one small gesture that made Ella feel more comfortable. Lu Anru always stood by her side, holding her hand tightly for support.

After people introduced themselves, they turned their attention to the only healing club present.

Sheng Mina scratched her head and frowned, imitating the four diagnosis methods of Xia Guo Traditional Chinese Medicine.

After a complete round of inspection, smelling, questioning, and examination, he said sternly: "She has just been controlled by a witch's spell, and her consciousness has not yet returned to her body."

There were boos, and Ella gave him a look of disdain. This person just copied the old mountain spirit's conclusion, and didn't even bother to change the words.

Sheng Mina knew it was boring and shut up.

Linas happily jumped to their side and thanked the village.

After thanking Lu Anru again and again, he got close to Lu Anru, stuffed the light blue handkerchief into her pocket, smiled and said softly: "Idol, this is my spiritual root. You must treat everyone equally, don't just accept Snow White's spiritual root, give mine too." Please call me if you have something to do."

Lu Anru, who didn't know what was going on, responded with an innocent smile. When Linas accepted Lu Anru happily, she cheered happily and showed her sister in the distance a flower-sprinkling gesture that represented success.

When he looked back, he accidentally glanced at Lu Anru's blackened calves, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Putongsheng knelt in front of her, touched her ankle with his fingers, and asked with concern: "Idol, are you in pain?"

"It doesn't hurt. Don't kneel down." Lu Anru helped Linas up with both hands.

Tears welled up in Linas's eyes and she said harshly: "Idol, wait for me. I'll go talk to my sister about this and I'll help you get rid of this harmful spell when I come back."

Linas ran away, and Gao Ying asked in confusion: "Isn't the spell eliminated when the caster dies?"

Ella shook her head worriedly and said in a deep voice, "I don't know."

The witch cast the ultimate spell [bad luck] on Lu Anru, and it must be difficult to get rid of it.

"Then let's go out quickly. An Ru has a good relationship with Senior Sister Mou, so let her come and help." Sheng Mina gave feasible suggestions.

Ella nodded heavily and agreed: "Okay."

Climbing up from the cave to the ground, I saw the two remaining members of the backup team, Lian Hua and Zhou Sheng.

After questioning, it was learned that the witch saw through Lotus's teleportation spell when she was surrounded by the second group, broke through the siege and reached the backup team. Meng Meng lived up to expectations and detonated the bomb.

Ella suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the witch was in the cave. She was not as terrifying as before. She could release the crowd control technique at will.

It seems that no matter how powerful the monster is, there is a fatal law that cannot escape. It is afraid of wheel fighting.

After informing the book spirits about Lu Anru's curse, the book spirits were particularly helpful and helped the team complete the remaining requirements of the punishment task within half an hour.

Before leaving, Lina Silla pulled Ella and whispered: "My sister strictly forbids me to remove the spell from idols. She insists on it only because she loves me. I don't blame her. But I have my own decision. It's best one day If there is no one in your world who can save you, you can summon me with a handkerchief."

As soon as Linas finished speaking, her sister picked up her ears, kicked her on the butt, and scolded: "Go home, you underage little book spirit knows nothing."

Linas turned back uneasily, pointed at Lu Anru and then at herself.

Ella nodded and said seriously: "Okay, thank you."

Returning to the exit of the punishment room, Ella saw the man waiting anxiously, but his handsome face looked tired and his lips were slightly blue, as if he had been seriously injured.

I remembered what the witch said, that someone was willing to cast a protective spell on Lu Anru at the cost of losing his life. I had read such plots when reading romance novels written by girls from the Literary and Comprehensive Social Media Society. When I encountered a living example, I was really moved for Lu Anru.

He took his best friend, walked to Sheng Ming, and handed her little hand to Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming held Lu Anru's hand and pulled her into his arms. It seemed that only a tight embrace could calm her racing heart.

"Who are you?"

The very light question made Sheng Ming tremble. He quickly suppressed the sadness in his eyes and answered patiently: "An Ru, I am Xiao Ming."

Lu Anru opened his eyes suddenly, remembered everything, buried his head in Sheng Ming's arms, and apologized: "I'm sorry, Xiao Ming, for hurting you."

"It doesn't matter. It's better that you are safe than anything else. Let's go home. Mom is waiting for you at home." Sheng Ming picked up Lu Anru and walked towards the hover car with the academy pass.

Ella bravely chased after her and warned: "The witch cast some ultimate spell on Anru before she died. A book spirit named Linas said it must be removed within 24 hours. If it cannot be removed, you can use it in Lu Anru's pocket. The handkerchief summons Linas and she will help.”

"Okay, thank you." Sheng Ming turned to Ella and thanked her solemnly.

Ella chuckled twice, looked at the nympho in a womanly way, and said shyly: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

"Yes." Sheng Ming responded softly, hugged Lu Anru tightly and left.

Ella looked at the two people's backs and muttered: "Senior is so polite."

"Polite?" Gao Ying asked in surprise: "Which of the four presidents sticks to trivial matters?"

Ella recalled Sheng Ming's state every time he spoke and the distinctive personalities of other presidents. She shook her head in disgust, "It seems like no one cares about trivial matters."

Thinking about it, a sense of superiority arose spontaneously, and he said proudly: "Anyway, senior is very special to me because of An Ruru."

Sheng Mina seconded: "You are right about this. Senior Sheng Ming is polite to you entirely because he likes An Ru."

A familiar tone sounded, and Ella knew that Sheng Mina had started to do orthopedics again.

However, Sheng Mina firmly believed that she was not practicing orthopedics, but pseudo-orthopedics. Lu Anru and Sheng Ming were not siblings.

Unable to explain it to people living in their own world, Ella and Gao Ying walked to the hospital to visit the team members who had 'sacrificed' in advance.

The Sheng family was still brightly lit in the middle of the night.

Because Lu Anru did not recover his memory immediately, he was mentally exhausted and fell into a coma when he got home.

Sensing that Lu An was in danger, Sheng Ming changed the route halfway and returned from the M31 Nebula. The situation there is also urgent. Two gangs of interstellar pirates have gathered on the dwarf star to burn, kill and loot. Father Sheng leads people to take over his mission.

Lu's mother added tranquilizing agent to the humidifier, took off the towel on Lu Anru's forehead, and poured it into the traditional Chinese medicine jar again.

He covered Lu Anru's forehead and asked his son softly: "Is there any way?"

She is good at ancient medical treatments, and her understanding of spells is far inferior to that of her son. Sheng Ming's control of spells is extremely proficient.

Sheng Ming's left hand gently rested on Lu Anru's ankle, and the pale silver light shrouded the black mist, blocking it from encroaching upwards.

"The witch attached all her resentment to the curse before she died."

Sheng Ming raised her right hand, wiped the sweat from her forehead, turned to look at her mother and said comfortingly: "Go and rest, I will take care of it."

"Don't be brave, you are also very weak now." Mother Lu couldn't let go and refused to leave.

Sheng Ming raised the beautiful almond eyes that he inherited from his mother, stared deeply at Lu Anru for a long time, and responded: "Yes, I understand, I will find a way. Mom, please don't stay here, otherwise I will be upset."

"Okay, I'm resting in the next room. If you need any help, call me anytime."

After getting a nod, Mother Lu left.

Sheng Ming maintained the stabilizing spell with one hand and took out the handkerchief from Lu Anru's pocket with one hand.

Unfold it, place the two-finger kneading technique in the center of the handkerchief, lift up a trace of light green soft light with concentration, and throw it towards the right side of the bed, and the halo gathers the figure of Linas.

Linas looked around curiously and sighed: "Wow, the human world is so clean. It can still be as bright as day in the middle of the night. It's amazing."

I looked down and saw that my legs were upright, standing in the real world, not attached to someone or something.

Looking at the man who summoned her, she admired and praised: "You are so powerful. I have only seen a witch who can summon a book spirit out of the medium."

Sheng Ming nodded to accept the praise and said softly: "I need to confirm something with you."

Even if he knew the approximate time, the answer was related to the safety of the people he loved, so he had to ask clearly in person.

Linas straightened her face and pretended to listen carefully, "Well, you can ask."

Sheng Ming cleared her throat, adjusted her weak tone affected by the injury, and asked seriously: "Does the spell cast by An Ru have to be lifted within one day?"

The book spirit girl followed Sheng Ming and looked at the sleeping man. The curiosity in her eyes disappeared and she solemnly replied: "Yes, it must be within one day. Even if it exceeds one minute, the pain, self-blame, and depression in the idol's dream will expand a hundred times, and at any time Eat away her belief in living."

Sheng Ming lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought. If he was not injured, 24 hours would be enough.


Linas took a big step forward and volunteered: "Let me help her. The idol saved our village. Let me do something to express my gratitude."

"Point." Sheng Ming bit the inappropriate quantifier, "Do you know what you need to bear?"

Linas raised her lips, showed a clear and flawless smile, and responded: "I know, after absorbing the resentment and spells, I will become an evil spirit that everyone can kill."

(End of chapter)