Magnificent Years

Chapter 168: Evil spirit Linas


Sheng Ming remained silent. If Lu Anru didn't know Linas, he wouldn't have any worries and could help Linas realize her wish elsewhere as a reward.

But if Lu Anru knew Linas, she would definitely not like it if she knew about the handling process.

"Go back." Sheng Ming kneaded the magic formula with one hand and stabilized Lu Anru's condition first, then delayed it for a few days until his body recovered.

After a moment's distraction, the black energy on Lu Anru's calf broke through the shackles of his stabilizing spell and rushed to the top of her knees.

Sheng Ming had no choice but to interrupt the teleportation spell and use both hands to suppress the speed of the black energy devouring.

He concentrated on casting spells, but he could barely contain the black energy within a fixed range. The resentful black energy was very overbearing and much harder to control than before.

Sheng Ming felt annoyed in her heart, and the black energy inadvertently traveled up half a mile, as if the black energy would absorb the bad emotions around her.

It is difficult to eliminate such a small group. It is unimaginable how terrifying the spell will be if it absorbs enough negative energy. No wonder Linas repeatedly emphasizes that it must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Narrowing her apricot eyes, she forced herself to feel empty and tried not to be affected by it.

"Hello, do you think the idol looks a bit like a witch?" Linas rubbed her arms shudderingly.

Sheng Ming suppressed her panic and raised her eyes to look at Lu Anru's sleeping face.

The face he saw had nothing to do with the familiar facial features. Lu Anru's eye slits had lengthened, and his cute pouty lips had become sexy. The growth rate from a cute girl to a beauty embryo was still visible to the naked eye.

Sheng Ming didn't feel the slightest sense of joy, and a bad suspicion arose in his mind. The witch dared to use up her magic power to cast the ultimate spell on Lu Anru before she died. Her original intention was not revenge, but to resurrect her.

Resurrection on Lu Anru!

"It's so strange. I remember that idols don't look like this. Idols are very cute, not like witches. They are beautiful and scary at the same time." Linas murmured softly.

Sheng Ming closed his eyes deeply, and the decision that had just flashed through him became firm. He turned his head to look at Linas and asked in a deep voice: "Is there anything you want to do but haven't done yet?"

"Yes, yes." Linas is a minor and immature after all.

Mentioning the points he was full of expectations for, he counted on his fingers: "My sister likes Zhao Xuan from the east end of the village. I hope she can find a lover and get married. I witnessed her wedding with my own eyes and served as her bridesmaid. I also want to become Amazing, just like an idol, he has the strength to protect the village.”

After Linas said these two points, she read Sheng Ming's intention from his extremely patient expression.

He pursed his lips, patted his chest and said bravely: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether you watch my sister's wedding or not. Please help me realize my subsequent wishes and make me a great hero spread by word of mouth in the village. I know what I have to endure after transferring the evil curse." I'm not afraid of pain or discomfort, but I'm afraid of becoming a bad guy like a witch, so please promise me that you'll kill me with the soul-killing blade after I'm done transferring."


Sheng Ming solemnly agreed.

The hands that cast the stabilizing spell grabbed the source of the black energy and pulled it out forcefully.

At the same time, Linas opened her mouth wide and swallowed the black energy that expanded five times in just two seconds.

The delicate cheek was divided into two parts, half of it was painful and the other half was ferocious.

The ferocious face roared loudly: "Let me out, you are too fanciful, do you think this lowly spiritual body can trap me?"

Linas's remaining consciousness was suffering from heartbreaking pain. She used her last bit of strength to take out the weapon that had just been named a hero from her arms - the soul-killing blade, and tried to pass it forward.

The witch forcefully seized control of her limbs, held the soul-killing blade with both hands, and forced it downwards.

Sheng Ming grabbed the storage bag on the bedside table, took out a light yellow ball, pinched Linas' chin, forced her to open her mouth, and stuffed it into it.

Slapping the handle hard, Linas swallowed the ball.

The soul-killing blade slipped from Linas's hand and fell to the ground with a thud.

The witch held her head and yelled fiercely: "You actually have a thousand-year relic, so you are so willing to waste it on me."

Relics carry the offerings of people's faith, and are considered to be absolutely lethal to evil spirits.

"Ah, it hurts!" With the roar that echoed throughout the world, half of the ferocious face disappeared.

Linas's body collapsed and fell to the ground, her spiritual power dissipated rapidly, and she gradually returned to her original form, a small light green leaf.

She lay on the ground without any energy and said in a whisper: "Kill me. The witch hates us for ruining her resurrection plan and burying the roots of hatred in my body. Even if she is wiped out, she can't change my fate. , it won’t take long for me to turn into an evil spirit.”

A fierce look appeared in Sheng Ming's eyes, and he leaned over to pick up the Soul-Destroying Blade.

While poking downward, a weak call came from behind: "Xiao Ming, no."

The blade pierced hard into the brown wooden floor, only a minute away from Linas.

"Help her calm down first."

Sheng Ming looked at Xiao Luan who had just returned.

Little Luan approached timidly, picked up Linas with both hands, placed her on the wool felt under the floor-to-ceiling window, and sang a beautiful melody softly.

Sheng Ming held down the petite person who was about to get up to see Linas, and said in a deep voice what Lu Anru cared about: "Linas is not dead."

He stood up the pillow, helped her lean on it, and added: "Keep her for one day at most. You can take her back to see her relatives. Send her on her way tomorrow."

"I don't agree." Lu Anru pouted her delicate lips that had returned to their original state, and said delicately: "Think of a way. If anyone sacrifices his life to save me, I will live with guilt for the rest of my life."

"Let's make up for her sister and her father more. You have seen many evil spirits in the Yuexiang trial, and you should know their endings." Sheng Ming said goodbye and picked up the incubator left by her mother.

Unscrew the lid, and the aroma of preserved egg and lean meat porridge wafts out.

Lu Anru sniffed and licked his lower lips greedily.

Resisting the desire to eat, he persisted in expressing his thoughts: "There are exceptions to everything. You see, the ghost doll is also an evil spirit. She can control her evil thoughts and live a good life. She is still scaring people in the examination room. She must be We can find a way to save Linas."

The heavyness in Sheng Ming's eyes dissipated, and he flicked Lu Anru's forehead, smiled lightly, and said helplessly: "As for your cleverness, I will ask Senior Yin Yi and Dean Huo for their opinions. Try to apply and treat Lina the same way as a ghost doll. Silk."

"Okay, Xiao Ming is the best and the greatest. I love Xiao Ming the most."

Lu Anru threw herself into Sheng Ming's arms and rubbed her hard.

Sheng Ming coughed at her uncomfortable throat, straightened the heat-making expert with one hand, straightened her face and said, "Drink the porridge, don't leave any."

"Okay." Lu Anru smiled brightly and agreed.

Refuse to throw away the troublesome spoons and bowls, pick up the thermos box, and start drinking.

After finishing the cup of porridge in three batches, he touched his bulging belly and praised with satisfaction: "It tastes good. People outside can't taste it like my mother."

"Mom is worried about you. She shouldn't be able to sleep. You should go to the next room to tell her that she is safe."

Sheng Ming unlocked the computer and found out Yin Yi’s contact information.

"Okay." Lu An agreed with a wink, and gave Xiao Luan a hand.

Xiao Luan plucked up the courage, carried Lu An's pink bag, hugged the wool felt, ran to her side, and left the bedroom with her. When the presidents discuss things with each other, Lu An is like an 'outsider' and is not suitable to listen too much.

"If Xiao Ming asks you where you were before, just say you were in the pink bag. Ella received the bag for me, and you flew back as soon as I opened it." Lu Anru whispered.

Xiao Luan hugged Linas tightly, who was wrapped in wool felt, and looked embarrassed, "Isn't it bad to lie?"

Lu Anru glanced sideways at the awkward look of the braided sister, and asked seriously: "Don't forget that your adults are still in danger, waiting for us to save them. Do you want principles, or do you want to save your adults?"

Pulling out the microcomputer from the powder bag, he waved the [fish has been hooked] message from Ning Guang in front of Xiao Luan's eyes, and added a threat: "I want Xiao Ming to know that you are not with me again, and I will send you away. I’ll save some wool then.”

Xiao Luan immediately gave up all principles and replied seriously: "I have been staying in the pink bag since last night."

Lu Anru stroked his forehead tiredly and corrected the honest elder sister's wording: "Wrong, from last night to when I left the punishment room, not now."

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Luan kept muttering silently, "I have been in the powder bag since last night until the eldest lady left the punishment room."

"Recite silently in your heart, don't make a sound."

Lu Anru said a warning and knocked on the door of the guest room where Lu's mother was.

As expected, Mother Lu didn't rest. She opened the door and led her in, asking questions with red eyes. Some questions were asked several times, but the worried mother still felt uneasy.

After painstakingly coaxing Lu's mother to smile, Lu Anru left the guest room.

Instead of going back to the house, he stood in the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and answered the video application sent by Ning Guang.

Ning Guang was dressed in a suit and leather shoes. He seemed to have rushed to the academy as soon as he finished an important meeting and arranged for people to keep an eye on the bait.

The noble prince put down his elegant demeanor, frowned his long eyebrows, and blamed displeasure: "I asked you to wait for me, why did you go in by yourself?"

"Brother, I can't bring my storage bag into the punishment room. I just saw your message two minutes ago." Lu Anru showed his innocence and sent a screenshot of the time he checked the message.

Ning Guang didn't buy it and asked, "Why didn't you send it earlier?"

Unable to bear it, Lu Anru clenched his fist and punched the camera, and straightened the building seriously: "Let's talk about these things later. Who did we catch?"

Just by deceiving Dean Huo Yu from the witch, no other useful information was obtained. As for Dean Huo Yu, Lu Anru was a little at a loss as to what to do and had to think carefully about what to do.

Fortunately, she used her brain more and asked Ning Guang to send someone to guard Yun Fengmeng before entering the punishment room.

Yunfengmeng is a VVVVIP customer, so she must have privileges and have met the middleman.

"You'll never guess who it is." Ning Guang gave it a try.

Lu Anru's heart trembled, and she pursed her lips and forced the words 'Dean Huo' back to her lips. I feel like even if it was Dean Huo, he wouldn't be so stupid, would he? Go there in person to kill people and silence them

She buried Ning Guang's clue, never expecting to catch the boss behind the scenes, but she tried her best to catch the commander who arranged the errands. For this type of commander, he will not get a lot of information, but definitely not less, and he should have had contact with the BOSS behind the scenes. Only through him can we dig down layer by layer.

After calming down for a moment, he urged: "Go on, don't waste time."

"Mou Xinyue." Ning Guang paused, accepted Lu Anru's surprised expression with satisfaction, and slowly told the whole story: "Mou Xinyue was an intruder. She bought a card and was hit by a backlash curse. She came to find Lianhua to undo the curse. Unfortunately, Li Mo caught her Stay, let’s check the surveillance to rule out her suspicion. She learned that someone was going to be arrested, and she took the initiative to stay and help.”

Lu Anru gasped so loudly that he almost reached his waist. He crossed his neck with his hand and gestured, "Let's get down to business, be careful I'll knock you off."

Ning Guang said "Hmm" tolerantly and continued talking nonsense: "Wait a minute, Mou Xinyue has something to do with you."

The camera turned to show Mou Xinyue sending a sweet wink to Lu Anru. The next second, her eyebrows were full of sorrow and she asked worriedly: "Baby Anru, Xinyue heard from Gao Ying and others that you were cursed. Is it serious?"

The voice of the clip was filled with concern, and Lu Anru lifted a dumbbell in appreciation, showing that he was back in good health, and softly reassured the other person.

"Xiao Ming and a kind-hearted book spirit helped me eliminate it."

Mou Xinyue blinked her tearful eyes and said with emotion: "I'm so lucky to have a younger brother like my junior fellow student. I'm so envious of Xinyue. Fortunately, I got rid of him. Xinyue's understanding of spells is very limited. When I met I have to worry about Lotus Beauty and my juniors. Xinyue must take some time to study the spells and find various corresponding methods."

"Yeah, come on, senior sister." Facing Mou Xinyue, people can't help but be patient.

Lu Anru chatted with him for a few words, and Mou Xinyue turned the camera back to Ning Guang in a considerate manner.

All the patience was given to Mou Tianxin, Lu Anru impatiently asked Ning Guang about the result: "Who did you catch?"

"Montreal, Montblanc."

Ning Guang named the two brothers.

Lu Anru's mind went into an endless loop. The two brothers were much lower than she expected. It's not that I look down on them, they are so arrogant and domineering among the students, but they are still students and they don't have that much power.

Including Zhu Miao, who wears a pair of pants with Monlouk, is also lacking in level.

Ning Guang saw Lu Anru's confusion and said calmly: "Li Mo completely recorded the process of them controlling the drone to poison Yun Fengmeng. The police department took them away an hour ago. Dean Huo asked me to bring you a If so, you can send Linas to the ghost building tomorrow morning, and the ghost doll will be waiting for you in the dean’s office in the afternoon. You can ask him any questions, including his personal questions.”

Lu Anru's red lips were half-opened, and he was so stunned that he forgot to answer.

An hour ago, Sheng Ming hadn't applied to Dean Huo about Linas, but he figured out the overall direction of the matter.

He turned the microcomputer over to check whether someone had secretly installed a monitor. Then he thought about it and remembered that the microcomputer was still in the pink bag an hour ago, being carried by Xiao Luan.

It was so scary, I had goosebumps all over my body.

"Girl, what are you doing?" Ning Guang called several times.

Lu Anru slowly came back to his senses, responded dully, chatted for a few words, and ended the video call hastily.

She walked back to the bedroom in confusion, listening to Sheng Ming tell her the good news that she already knew, and her fear only increased instead of decreasing.

He raised his head, stared at Sheng Ming, and asked timidly: "Xiao Ming, do you believe Dean Huo?"

She was a little confused and didn't know whether she should continue to trust Dean Huo Yu.

(End of chapter)