Magnificent Years

Chapter 169: Find the ghost doll


If the light witch mentions Dean Huo, Lu Anru can turn a blind eye or listen but the matter will always point to him.

I even received an unsolicited invitation from him. People who were not afraid of heaven and earth suddenly became afraid.

"Believe it." Sheng Ming replied firmly.

Lu Anru said weakly, worried about how she should tell Sheng Ming about this.

She knows very well how it feels to trust someone completely. For example, if someone slanders Sheng Ming, she will be very, very angry and will be sure that the other person is talking nonsense.

"An Ru is not feeling well?" Sheng Ming noticed Lu Anru's slight trembling, tried her forehead with the back of his hand, and guessed, "Are you still tired?"

"It's okay, let's go to bed early." Lu Anru responded casually, planning to leave it alone and let Ella accompany her to the appointment tomorrow.

Sheng Ming stretched out his hand to stop the petite person who was about to escape, and patiently guided him: "An Ru is hiding a secret from me."

"Uh," Lu Anru hesitated.

Looking back, he saw delicate apricot eyes full of worry, and his heart started to rise. He sighed deeply and told Sheng Ming the details of his experience in the punishment room.

After everything was said, Sheng Ming waited for a few seconds to think about it, and asked cautiously: "Do you believe that the matter has nothing to do with the dean?"

"I can't say whether the dean is involved, but I believe in the dean's character." Sheng Ming answered firmly.

Lu Anru was speechless and didn't know how to answer. Sheng Ming's reply was even more blind than the first time. It was tantamount to saying that no matter what Huo Yu did, he would believe it unconditionally.

"Okay, then I also believe in the dean." Lu Anru expressed his opinion from the bottom of his heart. Sheng Ming was very sure of looking down on others.

Sheng Ming took off the rubber band that tied Lu Anru's ponytail, helped her arrange her hair, and told her what she wanted to hear.

"I will spend a day tomorrow. I will accompany you to see Linas off in the morning, and I will accompany you to meet the dean in the afternoon."

The gloom on Lu Anru's face disappeared, he turned around, jumped up and hooked Sheng Ming's neck, hanging on him like a koala and cheered: "That's great."

Sheng Ming skillfully held Lu An's waist with both hands to prevent her from falling.

The tip of his nose touched her little nose, and he said softly: "Go to bed early, I will be busy all day tomorrow."

"Xiao Ming, please stay tonight." Lu Anru invited with eyes filled with longing.

Sheng Ming's Adam's apple slid twice quickly, and Lu Anru carried her back to the bed, helped her lie down, tucked her in, and kissed her deeply on the forehead.

He raised his head, moved a few strands of her hair to their proper places, and reluctantly said, "Good night."

Lu Anru pursed her lips and coquettishly whispered: "Xiao Ming, I'm afraid of nightmares."

Sheng Ming moved to Xiao Luan, who was lying on the wool felt, and said in a deep voice: "Move to the bedside for Linas, come here and sing a soothing song."

Lu Anru watched Sheng Ming leave eagerly and found that Sheng Ming's resistance to her had increased recently.

No, she had to find a new move, one that Sheng Ming couldn't resist.

In the future, if Sheng Ming finds a girlfriend, she will have to avoid suspicion and act like a sister. Until then, enjoy the privilege of monopolizing your younger brother.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep and dreamed about the scene when she was a child and she led Sheng Ming and Ning Guang to fight.

I forgot the specific point of conflict. Anyway, they always fought at that time and didn't like each other.

Once a person grows up, pure dislike and liking also fade away, and there is more understanding supported by a good reputation.

Now, if Lu Anru and Ning Guang were to fight again, she would first be tired, and secondly, she would be bothered by dealing with the follow-up trouble. Unless Ning Guang goes too far, she won't do anything.

It may also be because Ning Guang took great care of her after she was ten years old, and over time, he left a special place in her heart. Out of gratitude, it is not good to treat others with cold butt and hot face.

At six o'clock in the morning, Xiao Luan played the fixed alarm clock on time.

Lu An woke up from a dream and forgot all his random thoughts. He took the vibrating microcomputer and connected to Ella's voice.

"An Ruru, are you awake?" Ella asked softly, as if she was afraid of disturbing her sleep.

Lu Anru showed all his energy and answered forcefully: "Wake up."

"Hey, are you feeling better?" Ella's voice became excited.

"Much better, don't worry."

Lu Anru sat up, pushed away the mouthwash that Xiao Luan had poured, and walked to the bathroom.

Ella hummed twice and said anxiously: "An Ruru, I heard from Senior Sister Mou yesterday that you have sequelae of being cursed and will have intermittent amnesia."

Mou Xinyue told Ella about the sequelae? There seemed to be a whole row of question marks floating across Lu Anru's face, as if something was strange.

Take a closer look and find the clues.

Mou Xinyue couldn't solve the advanced spells by herself. It seemed that Sheng Ming was looking for Yin Yi in the president group, and Mou Xinyue curiously asked about Sheng Ming's intentions. Later, Sheng Ming seemed to 'accidentally' tell her about the special sequelae.

With Sheng Ming's foreshadowing, it will be much easier for Lu Anru to do things in the future.

If it is convenient, you don’t need to be a fool. He immediately told Ella: "Yes, Xiao Ming worked out the corresponding method yesterday. You can save Xiao Ming’s voice prompts on your computer. If I encounter the situation of amnesia, play the prompts and I will You can remember everything.”

"I don't really want to use my senior's voice. Can I use mine? Can I use mine?" Ella actively fought for it.

Hearing the extremely jealous words, Lu Anru suppressed a smile for a few seconds and replied in a calm tone: "No, Xiao Ming tried it yesterday. Only his voice worked. My parents' voices are also useless."

Ella said unwillingly: "Then you definitely didn't try my voice. Try mine. Multiple voices provide multiple guarantees."

"I tried it, but it didn't work." Lu Anru said it truthfully.

Ella angrily scolded: "Why is it useless? Am I not as important as your senior in your heart?"

Lu Anru was neither sullen nor angry, and asked calmly: "Ms. Ella, please answer first. In the cave where the magic mirror is hidden, I obviously saved you, why did you call Li Mo's name?"

"I told you, I would be delirious at that time." Ella explained anxiously.

Lu Anru snorted and overturned with reason: "The first person a person thinks of when he is delirious represents the person he cares about the most. Facts have proved that Li Mo is the most important in your heart."

"No, An Ruru is as important as him. If we have to make a small difference, you are a little more important than Li Mo."

Ella speaks very fast, so it won’t work if you don’t speak faster. Lu Anru is known as the king of words, so if you speak slowly, you might not be able to keep up.

Lu Anru pretended to be angry and tried: "You are trying to make me happy, be careful I tell Li Mo this."

"I'm not trying to make you happy. I'm telling the truth. Since I told you, I'm not afraid of you telling me." Ella was confident.

Lu Anru was a little touched when he heard this, but he was cruel to achieve his goal and killed the problem: "Anyway, you called Li Mo first."

Ella begged for mercy pitifully: "An Ruru, I was wrong. Tell me, how can this matter be turned around?"

"Let me think about it. Remember to save Xiao Ming's voice in the computer. When I lose my memory, you can play Xiao Ming's voice first, and then talk to me more. Maybe your voice can replace Xiao Ming's voice over time."

Two good things happened, and Ella agreed repeatedly with a simple mind: "Okay, okay, you can send me the senior's voice and I will keep it."

"Well, my mother called me for dinner. Let's go to the college to chat."

Lu Anru ended the call, breathed a sigh of relief, and selected the three voice messages she thought were the most handsome to send to Ella.

After breakfast, she and Sheng Ming went to the college's comprehensive examination entrance. Sheng Ming showed the dean's special pass to the guard.

The guard selected the examination room on the control panel and raised the entrance warning pole.

Lu Anru entered with Sheng Ming and arrived at the corresponding examination room after five seconds of dark teleportation.

The guard thoughtfully helped them clear the first two levels and sent them directly to the ghost building.

Lu Anru opened the powder bag and released Xiao Luan. Xiao Luan was frightened by the depressing atmosphere around her and hugged Linas tightly like a big sister.

Several little evil spirits fell from the roof as usual.

Xiao Luan was so frightened that her legs trembled and her face turned pale. However, she still did not forget her job and took a few steps towards Lu Anru to protect her.

Lu Anru ignored it completely, crossed Xiao Luan, kicked away the evil spirit who was looking for trouble, and shouted: "Baby, I'm coming."

The minions let out ghostly cries and howls in cooperation, and the infiltrating sound echoed in the empty old building over and over again.

"Who is it? Who is it? Are you tired of disturbing my rest in broad daylight?" The ghost doll floated down from the top of the stairs.

The minions held up the mutilated organs and complained: "Boss, all of us are brave enough to dare not disturb your sleep."

"Yes, boss, there was an intruder and we were beaten. You avenge us."

"Oooh, boss, it hurts so much when an intruder fights a ghost."

The ghost doll floated in front of a few minions, casually pushed back its messy hair, and asked: "Looking at how miserable you are, Old Man Huo is here?"

"No, the person coming here is much more vicious than Grandpa Huo."

"Yes, she was actually able to touch our evil spirits, and she was destroyed by us."

"Yes, my butt hurts."

The pitiful complaint was followed by a new wave of beatings, and the ghost doll was beaten and scolded: "You are all useless idiots. You can't hold the door. I want you to be useless. You can make soup at night." ”

Several minions ran around with their heads in their hands, wailing to the sky: "Boss, it's not that we are useless, it's that our opponents are too strong."

"That's right, she defeated the boss in the last comprehensive test."

The ghost doll grabbed two of the minions and fought back, tearing their green mouths apart with two handfuls, and said fiercely: "Nonsense, when did this doll ever have a defeat?"

She stopped in the middle of tearing it apart, and the minions slipped out of her palms. She didn't dare to run or hide.

He floated fearfully at the feet of the ghost doll and asked in a trembling voice: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"Get out of the way and stay out of the way."

The ghost doll kicked the intruder hard and floated towards the door of the building.

Lu Anru nodded towards Xiao Luan, who was worried, and accompanied Sheng Ming to meet the ghost doll.

"What are you doing here?" Guiwa asked fiercely, but his eyes were fixed on Lu Anru's powder bag slung in front of her.

Lu Anru noticed that the other party had a hard mouth and a soft heart, so she closed her eyes in depression. She was negligent and should have brought a gift.

The little female ghost is not good at disguise. Judging from various performances, Dean Huo just opened the green channel for them, and they need to do the rest of the work themselves.

It seemed that it was a bit difficult to convince the little female ghost to accept Linas. Lu Anru waved his hand behind his back towards Xiao Luan, signaling not to rush to take out Linas.

Just as she was doing it, the little female ghost disappeared from her eyes, and the area around her hand became extremely cold.

"You are hinting at evil intentions." The little female ghost said without any emotion.

Lu Anru was deeply frustrated, forgetting that she and the little female ghost had been together day and night for several months and were already familiar with each other's little moves.

"Ah, don't come close."

Xiao Luan's expression changed drastically, she took a few steps back and covered Linas in the wool felt with her arms.

The ghost doll let out a sinister and terrifying laugh: "Hehehe, there is an evil spirit in your arms. Judging from the smell, she just became an evil spirit not long ago. Without the guidance of the old evil spirit, she will soon forget her original intention and be destroyed. Kill humans."

Smiling, he suddenly flashed in front of Xiao Luan's eyes, grinned proudly, exposed his long tongue, and licked Xiao Luan's arm.

Xiao Luan was so frightened that she couldn't even blink, and still hugged Linas dutifully.


Sheng Ming said lightly, the ghost doll rolled its pupilless eyes, floated back to Lu Anru, and asked with great loss of interest: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

The impatience on his face was more like saying, 'You're not here to see me anyway, I'll reject you no matter what you say. '

Lu Anru was amused by her childish expression, chuckled, and took off the crystal headbands on her twin tails.

He handed it to the ghost doll and said softly: "Give it to you."

"Bah!" Guiwa turned his back in disdain and said coldly: "Give me your old things. You think I'm a rotten ghost who picks up garbage. I don't want them. It's embarrassing."

"Hey, you have learned a lot of idioms, and you use them quite correctly. Did you learn them from the books I burned for you?" Lu Anru was curious, why children's books are so effective, and went back to give Charlie a set.

The ghost doll floated half a meter forward, threatening people: "If you're fine, go back to reality. I'll go back to sleep too."

"Oh," Lu Anru responded in a disappointed tone, and said aggrievedly: "It seems that you don't want to see me and don't want my gifts. It's because I'm being sentimental. I tied my hair into a double ponytail this morning for fear that the college would withhold the storage bag and be unable to deliver the gifts. In your hand."

There was no response. Lu Anru took a few steps and lamented: "I'm leaving, so I don't have to stay and be a nuisance to ghosts."

Counting one, two, three silently in your mind as you go.

When the count reached five, an angry shout came from behind: "You ancients have a beautiful saying about looking at the thatched cottage three times. I didn't let you look at the thatched cottage three times. You don't even persist."

Lu Anru turned around and ran back quickly with a smile on his face. Hug the ghost doll and rub it until the negative emotions are gone from the ghost doll's face, then slowly relax the hug.

He put his hands around the little ghost girl, lowered his posture and asked, "Excuse me, doll, can I help you dress up?"

"Okay, that's it."

The ghost doll agreed coaxingly.

Lu Anru took the little ghost doll's hand and led it to the old table and chairs.

The little female ghost glared, and the minions cleaned up neatly. The shiny and new environment made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Anru picked up the little girl ghost and placed it beside the table. She sat on a chair and took out a complete set of travel essentials from the powder bag.

He wiped the little girl's face with a wet wipe and pretended to apply some cream on it. The evil spirit could not directly use human objects, so the cream was basically smeared on Lu Anru's palm.

But the little ghost girl's face was full of enjoyment, and she even swayed her calves slightly.

After finishing her facial arrangement, Lu Anru drew a circle on the ground and wrote her name, put the comb and crystal headband into the circle, and lit it with a lighter.

She can touch evil spirits, and she can also touch the things that evil spirits use.

As the flames burned, two items appeared in the hands of the ghost doll, but they were crystal non-flammable items, only delivered with a black headband.

"It's so ugly." The ghost doll picked up the headband in frustration.

(End of chapter)