Magnificent Years

Chapter 171: Railroad experiment


Lu Anru, with a nervous heart, sat down next to Sheng Ming. Not daring to take a breath, he lowered his eyes and stared at his beautiful fingers, acting as the background for the bosses.

If possible, she would rather stand at the door and be the doorkeeper.

I kept thinking about it, and Dean Huo was holding a monthly meeting for the big bosses.

The fourth president had just finished his meeting at noon and came over to report to the dean in the afternoon. What a normal thing. After thinking about this, Lu Anru began to recite a sentence silently in his heart: You can't see me, you can't see me.

Professional conversations were going on in her ears that she couldn't understand. The reason she couldn't understand was because of the language barrier.

It stands to reason that if she wears Yuexiang earphones, if the voice of any country around her appears, it will be automatically translated into Chinese in Xia Kingdom.

But it would be nice if the problem were that simple. The translated words are also mixed with many professional terms and cannot be translated.

For example, if a scientist breaks through a certain research and achieves extraordinary achievements, the name of the research will be named by him, usually with exclusive national terms.

To put it more generally, it is like someone discovering a new star. The star will be named by the other person.

There were too many professional terms. Unless Lu Anru opened a computer search engine, the information he received would be comparable to what was recorded directly from heaven.

The bosses looked serious and expressed their opinions, and no one noticed that she was distracted.

Only Yin Yi occasionally smiled at her and made some strange gestures, as if explaining a certain term.

Lu Anru wanted to tell her, don't look down on her. She would be even more confused after seeing the gesture.

The increased vigilance relaxed as the boring and leisurely waiting began, and I felt like I was listening to Professor Gao's class for the first time. My mind felt sleepy and my eyelids were heavy.

The heated discussion in his ears gradually faded away, and Lu Anru's thoughts entered a fast rhythm, but it was not through thinking about problems, but because he was dreaming and his mind was spinning on its own.

Realizing this, I hurriedly forced myself to wake up.

Her head hit something that was neither very hard nor soft. When she opened her eyes, she saw a hand placed flat under her forehead to prevent her from hitting the table.

He glanced sideways at the owner of the hand, Sheng Ming, and couldn't see any change in emotion from the other's sharp profile.

Lu Anru let out a long sigh. Perhaps Sheng Ming was the only one paying attention to her predicament. The bosses were too busy chatting about business to pay attention to her, a layman.

But why is it so quiet around me

He raised his head and found that there were only four presidents left at the long table, as well as Yue, the fortune teller, and Zhou, the chief fighting teacher. Most people looked at her jokingly. Mou Xinyue was kind and secretly raised her hand to tap the corner of her mouth, implying that there was something in the corner of Lu Anru's mouth.

She vaguely recalled her dream, as if she dreamed of delicious chicken legs.

Her face was flushed with embarrassment, and just when she didn't know what to do, the hand supporting her head was raised and wiped away the remaining saliva from the corner of her mouth.

Lu Anru remembered the key point. Sheng Ming was here. It didn't matter if she was embarrassed. She was thick-skinned, but she couldn't embarrass Sheng Ming.

She straightens up and sits upright, with an attitude that is neither humble nor arrogant, and explains anything in front of the world's top talents, which will make her look smart, rude and rude.

It's better to show the awareness of the background cloth and accept people's ridicule for a moment.

Waiting and waiting, a long time passed, but people's attention still stayed on her. Huang Qite raised his eyebrows impatiently, as if blaming her for wasting time.

Lu Anru was confused and glanced at the big guys, but his eyes met Dean Huo Yu's unintentionally.

The skinny old man had a smile in his eyes and said kindly: "What do you want? Tell me now."

Lu Anru made an unspeakable 'uh' sound, put away his stern eyebrows, turned sideways to Dean Huo, and said kindly: "I'm not in a hurry. I'll talk about it after you finish the meeting with the presidents."

The implication was that let's talk in private. After the irrelevant people left, she would ask about the witch and the hat.

She must give enough face to the elders that Xiao Ming trusts.

"Thank you, let's take a look at the terrible events below."

Huo Yu stretched out his index finger and clicked on the red button next to his tea cup. The curtains automatically pull up and the light in the room disappears.

Lu Anru's legs were trembling instinctively, and the next second her right hand that was hanging by her side was tightly held by someone. The familiar light lemon smell wafted over, dispelling her newly rising panic.

The red button floated out with little light and flew in front of everyone present.

Then a huge light flashed, and Lu Anru was forced to close his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he was pulled into the sky above Avali, the capital of the West Chi Kingdom. Looking down, he could see the whole core area of Avali.

This kind of holographic projection system is not friendly to those who are afraid of heights, but it seems to be a super interesting game for Lu Anru.

She spread her arms and soared among Avalli's famous buildings. Enjoying the moment is her motto. Knowing that troubles are unavoidable, she should be happy every second before trouble comes.

Xizhi is a post-modern country, founded about a hundred years ago. Unlike Xiaguo and Guxiji, which have many places of interest, its most famous scenery is all man-made and it has the world's largest maritime museum.

Flying into the famous STAR OF INDIA, without taking a closer look at its internal structure, the hull shook wildly.

There were more shackles on his arms, and he looked up to see Sheng Ming.

Without saying a word, Sheng Ming pulled her out of the cabin. Then a big explosion occurred on the bottom of the sea, and several submarines were all turned into black smoke. Then the explosion swallowed up the entire maritime museum and even spread to surrounding residential buildings.

Lu Anru watched the local residents' bodies burn into powder. She could not make any reminder because she was in the replay of the war record.

Sheng Ming took her to the outside of the explosion at high speed, and a big black mushroom cloud rose behind her, announcing the cruelty and horror of war all the time.

"A vicious attack occurred in Avali on the second day after the Spring Festival. After the local executive calmed down the fighting, he claimed that it was a terrorist organization, but the next day he sent us a confidential energy detection wave."

Dean Huo's voice appeared in his mind. This technology has nothing to do with the Heart Language Technique. It is a technology that comes with holographic projection. It is similar to the highest level of speaking rights and cannot be interrupted by others.

Code-like data appeared in front of Lu Anru, but of course she couldn't understand it. Sheng Ming's face beside her became a little gloomy.

Dean Huo continued: "On New Year's Eve, I found similar energy waves on a shocked student who had not completed the punishment room. The punishment room the student entered was a snowy scene."

Before New Year's Day, more than three months ago!

Lu Anru opened his eyes wide, Qianfan's thoughts came to mind as he spoke, he forcibly stopped the messy assumptions that derived infinite possibilities, and listened carefully to Dean Huo's next words.

"I arranged for capable students to enter the punishment room to look for clues, but the other party was very cunning and noticed my arrangement and hid. The clues were interrupted, and I successively arranged for several more students to enter in an attempt to confuse the public. Unfortunately, it ended in vain. I suspected the other party The chips in hand are not big enough to bear the risk of being exposed and eliminated.”

Dean Huo paused for a few seconds and said something unrelated to the matter, as if telling his assistant: "I'm not thirsty. I'll eat after the meeting is over."

I responded with 'hmm' twice more and returned to the topic: "Avali's incident made me determined to lure the snake out of its hole. Through data analysis, I found the source of energy, which belongs to highly evolved life forms. I sought two highly evolved life forms. With the help of my friends, I got a batch of energy crystals and brought them to the black market for trading. After that, everyone here knew what happened. In the prison, we discovered the diversified power of energy crystals based on this line, which is very uncontrollable. "

Lu Anru was very moved when she heard Dean Huo call highly evolved life forms friends, but what happened next made her unable to agree.

The other party's frank admission made her feel knotty in her heart. It was tantamount to indicating that the powerful people here were all aware of the dean's grand plan and were actively using the students to lure the snake out of its hole.

As Bai Xue said, the great dean's methods are not necessarily brighter than hers. In order to avoid future troubles, he ignores the safety of the people he trusts.

Even if everything is under the control of the dean, doesn’t the pain and danger of ordinary students deserve to be taken seriously

Resistance arose, and when I listened to Dean Huo's subsequent words, I felt that he was eloquently talking.

Including the danger signal that Dean Huo mentioned about the Avali explosion, the black hands hiding in the dark used only six energy crystals as big as fingernails to create a power comparable to the [Little Boy] YZD once released in Yingguo.

Horrible data repeatedly blasted in his ears, and a question also echoed repeatedly in Lu Anru's mind: Most people's fortunes are fortune-telling, but are the lives of a few people not

She is more selfish and does not have Dean Huo's philanthropic heart. She cannot understand Dean Huo's righteous move of using students for experiments in order to avoid the suffering of most people.

She would feel pity for strangers she had never met before being harmed, just as she had just witnessed the suffering of Avali residents in the projection, and she felt equally uncomfortable.

However, she cares more about her familiar friends and classmates than strangers.

The tangled thinking continued until the holographic projection ended, and she leaned back into the seat without saying a word.

Sheng Ming pinched his hand and reminded: "The dean is calling you."

Lu Anru showed his patience and looked at Dean Huo in order to save Sheng Ming's face, but his body was no longer as upright as before.

Someone patted the back of the chair, thinking that Sheng Ming was patting him, and threw away his displeased squinting glances. Sheng Ming had never favored outsiders and only favored her, which made her very angry because the smelly old man repeatedly warned her.

She squinted and realized that the person who warned her was not Sheng Ming who was sitting on her right, but Huang Qite who was sitting on her left.

Huang Qite glared at her angrily, his fierce expression only revealing a little bit of information, telling her to put away her distraction and show respect.

Lu Anru was not only frightened, but also deeply admired the charm of the smelly old man.

"It seems that classmate Lu has a big prejudice against me. Xiao Huang, please don't scare her."

Dean Huo pressed his hand towards Huang Qite. Before Huang Qite withdrew his fierce gaze, he uttered four words of scolding: "Don't be boneless."

Lu Anrute wanted to ask, who is the one who has no bones

After careful consideration, she realized that the level of understanding was different from what the other party said, so she straightened her body slightly.

"I know that Mr. Lu is scolding me in his heart, calling me a stinky old man." Dean Huo shook his head at the people who wanted to deny it for her, and said more calmly than her: "Criticize me for being the dean of Yuexiang. If you don't Students should consider paying more attention to the bad things outside.”

Lu Anru suppressed the urge to applaud the other person and praise him for his intelligence, and listened to the "teachings" with an open mind.

Dean Huo sighed sadly and said: "When I first discovered that someone with malicious intentions was using highly evolved energy crystals indiscriminately, I was faced with the problem of a railway test. No matter which side you choose, someone will be injured or even die."

Lu Anru knew about the railway track experiment, which was about a madman who tied five innocent people to the tram track. An out-of-control trolley is heading towards them and will crush them to death in a moment.

You can choose to pull the lever to change the track of the tram. The problem, however, is that the madman also tied up a man on another tram track.

Not pulling the lever will crush five people to death, but pulling the lever will crush one person to death. The choice is not only a test of human nature.

"The incident happened in the academy. I shocked the mastermind and he restrained himself. This does not mean that he gave up his ambition. I must assist Xi Zhiguo in investigating the Avali incident. The students may be able to stay in the academy for a while, but they will be in trouble. Sooner or later, the mastermind will extend his greedy hands to the innocent residents of Xia Kingdom, to the academy, and to the people we care about. "

Lu Anru admitted that Dean Huo was by no means a chivalrous and courageous man. He also had a high level of quotient and he was very good at controlling the conversation.

He didn't tell her anything about feelings, so I guessed that she wouldn't listen. Act in accordance with her mood, start with your immediate interests, and slowly bring in the impact on the people around you, thereby penetrating her thoughts.

Observing the subtle changes in her expression, Dean Huo said solemnly: "In the academy, I have absolute control. I can ensure that the students who have no intention of participating in this matter are safe, and I can follow the clues to find out the clues."

"Well, I can understand you." Lu Anru said from the bottom of his heart.

Some people are destined to be extraordinary in life, just like Dean Huo. And she was destined to be a vulgar mortal, who only wanted to take care of herself and the people around her. No matter how far away you are when you encounter someone who is in trouble, if you have the ability, you can help him easily. If you don’t have the ability, you can’t risk your life to save him.

Dean Huo's pursed lips flattened, revealing a look of relief. He tapped the red button twice with his fingers, and the holographic projection scene switched to the waters of Marsia.

"In mid-January, we discovered similar energy fluctuations in the waters of Marsia. We tracked the energy to Yardley Bay in the past two months. Ten days ago the energy disappeared out of thin air. We suspect that the largest illegal research institute is hidden deep in Yardley Bay. We I hope you accept the S mission and go to investigate."

Dean Huo personally gave him the important task. Many people longed for the honor that could never come, but Lu Anru had no intention of replying.

The broken fragments in the memory are pieced together to piece together the timeline of Hat's departure.

In January, Hat went to look for his younger brother. Around the Spring Festival, Hat found his brother, and then embarked on a journey to rescue other companions. Hat disappeared ten days ago.

She came here just to ask about the source of the hat's energy crystal!

The other party responded to her question in an unpredictable manner and also pointed out what the next step should be.

Looking at Dean Huo's entire arrangement, it was so meticulous that it made her scalp tingle.

But so what? When others are in trouble, she doesn't care. It depends on the situation. When Hat is in trouble, she must take care of it.

"I agree."

The firm response caused Huang Qite and Mou Xinyue to be stunned. Lu Anru's resistance just now was too obvious.

Her sudden change of attitude made people suspect that her agreement was out of anger and not carefully considered.

Mou Xinyue liked this elementary school girl very much. She secretly stretched out her hand across Huang Qite's legs, poked Lu Anru's waist, and signaled: You have to think carefully.

Lu Anru gave Mou Xinyue a grateful smile and reiterated his decision in a deep voice.

"I'm going on an S-class mission."

(End of chapter)