Magnificent Years

Chapter 172: Be careful when the other person dies


Sheng Ming held Lu Anru's hand and tightened her strength slightly. A complicated look flashed in her eyes. After worry and helplessness, there was a long period of sadness.

"For your heroic feat of leading your friends to slay witches, I have discussed with the teachers and decided to reward you with a third-class meritorious service."

Dean Huo announced a good thing, but unfortunately he still failed to mobilize the dull atmosphere at all.

Lu Anru smiled symbolically and said on behalf of the hard-working team members: "Thank you, Dean."

It is unprecedented for Central C to receive a third-class team merit award. According to the college records, only Sheng Ming, Mou Xinyue, and Yin Yi received individual third-class merit awards when they were studying in Central C.

The academy clearly stipulates that the minimum number of people in a group is four. As for why Huang Qite was missing three years ago, the reason is simple. Huang Qite did not like their reckless behavior and did not participate in that challenge.

Merit awards are divided into five levels, increasing from five upwards. No one can currently obtain first-class merit, and they need to complete extremely important achievements.

To put it simply, there are basically very few students who have achieved first-class merit and returned safely. It is most appropriate to describe a first-class meritorious service with the phrase "one person will become famous and ten thousand bones will wither."

Therefore, at the opening ceremony every year, Dean Huo would often mention a sentence: "Death or injury is not the only way to obtain the highest honor."

He also wrote a long diary on his personal homepage, which showed his different views on the value of life and recognized many mediocre ways of living.

In his view, everyone chooses a different path in life, and persistence is the key.

For example, if you choose to become a great scientist, as long as you persevere on the road of scientific research, no matter whether you win an international or interstellar award, you will achieve extraordinary things.

For example, if a boy chooses to be a good househusband, as long as his wife agrees and he can take good care of his children, the elderly, and his family, then his life will be remarkable and sparkling.

Dean Huo believes that achieving outstanding achievements requires too many factors, including luck, while being ordinary is the normal state of human beings. Finding oneself in the ordinary is more worthy of respect.

Perhaps it is precisely because Dean Huo has such an open mind and a spirit of self-sacrifice for the people and the hospital that talents are worthy of surrender and are willing to follow his footsteps.

Lu Anru shook his head slightly to get rid of thoughts that were too high level.

While listening to Dean Huo's explanation of the energy crystal analysis that she didn't understand, she planned the distribution of third-class merit awards.

Third-class merit awards include 100 appreciation cards and 5,000 achievement points. The money Yun Fengmeng gave her was enough to buy 223 appreciation cards. Buy it in advance, wait until Hat pays off the card owed to him, and use it as a gift to congratulate him on his resurrection after the disaster.

Oh, no, it's too unlucky to say that it's after the disaster. Let's congratulate him on finding his brother.

The remaining money and cards were left with Sheng Ming in case he needed it in case of emergencies.

"Classmate Lu, do you remember what I said?"

When Dean Huo asked a question, Lu Anru pointed at the key points in the electronic memo one by one and read: "Remember, energy crystals must be kept away from fire above 3000 degrees. They must be packed separately in special bags and cannot be mixed. Secondly, rescue them. All trapped highly evolved life forms.”

Lu Anru, who was promoted to a good student, figured out a way to catch fish on his own, recording the key points repeatedly emphasized by the teacher, so that he would not worry about being asked questions.

"What else?" Huo Yu asked kindly, smiling and smiling.

Lu Anru blinked blankly, what else is there? She couldn't remember what other words Dean Huo had repeatedly emphasized.

It seems that Dean Huo is more sophisticated than Professor Gao, and he does not repeat some key points as many times as Professor Gao does.

He scratched his head and glanced at Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming mouthed three words with her lips: Land on the ground.

He raised his hand and patted his forehead and replied: "Oh, I remembered, and I have to pay attention to the landing."

Let's deal with this first, and then ask Sheng Ming in detail.

Dean Huo's eyes were clear and bright, and he could clearly see through Lu Anru's temporary premeditation, but he did not expose it. He made a faint "hmm" sound and raised his hand to introduce her.

"Student Lu should be very familiar with the teacher next to me. Teacher Yue specially gave you two hexagrams for this mission."

The fortune teller personally divines for her, which is the best privilege in the world. If there weren't too many big guys present, she would have jumped up and cheered.

He showed a calm and reliable look and responded solemnly: "Okay, Teacher Laoyue is here."

"Come to me."

The cold voice has an irresistible magic power. Lu Anru pushed the chair away and walked to Yue's side obediently.

Yue was dressed in plain clothes, behaved elegantly, and slowly opened the storage bag with ancient spells printed on it.

Yue's fingers are very beautiful, white and slender.

Lu Anru fixedly stared at the other party's gentle movements, and an ancient poem came to mind, "Spring green and jade fingers are like orchids."

Yue took out a light blue embroidered purse and put it in her hand, and said softly: "There are two hexagrams in it. When you first arrive at Yardley Bay and open the hexagram on the purple rune paper, you can refer to the instructions to go deeper into the sea. The second yellow one is The hexagram on the rune paper opens when your life is hanging by a thread, which may give you a glimmer of hope."

"Okay, thank you." Lu Anru took the purse with both hands and bowed at 90°. He likes teachers who are really good to their students.

Walking back to his seat, Zhou, the chief fighting teacher, threw a small plastic bag from across the table.

He threw it into her arms with perfect accuracy, and with a crooked smile on the right corner of his mouth, he said, "There are 30 micro bombs inside. Yin Yi and I used the energy crystals given by the dean to make them. The original body is immune to them." Effect."

Lu Anru picked it up happily. This thing is equivalent to adding a layer of protective cover to highly evolved life forms, and it can also seriously injure bad guys.

She felt the shape of the bomb through the plastic bag and found it was very similar to the miniature bomb her father had given her before.

Putting the powder into the packet, he smiled sweetly at Zhou and said, "Thank you."

"Where's the bow?" Zhou asked jokingly.

Lu Anru was dumbfounded? 'Sound, he reacted slowly, stood up, bowed deeply to Zhou, and solemnly said again: "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I hope you will receive first-class merit in this mission and bring glory to our fighting club." Zhou said with a chuckle.

Lu Anru had no response other than keeping a smile. This person was looking forward to her death in Marcia. She was sure that Zhou was the question-producing teacher in the punishment room. He was a very evil person.

The two teachers finished delivering the things and left one after another with the presidents.

Lu An followed Mou Xinyue like a slut and fled away. She had to tell Ella quickly about the temporary change of tasks.

Going on S-class missions with the current team structure that is seriously biased is just like the problem that Ella once worried about. It is impossible to deal with it and she is just looking for death.

Just after taking two steps, he was stopped: "Classmate Lu and Xiao Mingduo stay here."

Lu Anru paused, waved goodbye to Mou Xinyue, quickly switched the computer back to normal mode, and sent a message to Ella: Don't rush to report.

After receiving a successful receipt report, switch back to silent mode.

Sit back and wait quietly for Dean Huo's instructions.

"You are very similar to your mother, both brave. She once ran to dangerous places alone against everyone's wishes and saved many highly evolved life forms."

The hard instructions to wait did not come, but instead I heard the soft memories.

Lu Anru looked up at the skinny old man, and the perfunctory words on her lips were suppressed by the old man's blazing gaze. She knew that the blazing heat did not belong to her, but to her mother.

Smell the pink secret smell of the past, let go of your guard and ignite your soul of gossip.

Pointing at Sheng Ming, he pursed his lips and said depressedly: "Everyone says that Xiao Ming looks like his mother. Look how similar his eyes are."

"Yes, he inherited his eyes from your mother." Dean Huo only glanced at Sheng Ming, then looked away, with deep sadness in his eyes.

"Yes, I really want to inherit my mother's eyes. If I inherit it, I will definitely look prettier than this face." Lu Anru complained about the dissatisfaction that had been buried in his heart for many years.

"No need, it's fine now." Sheng Ming simply rejected it.

"Hehe, Xiao Ming likes her more than millions of people like her."

Lu Anru's mood cleared up and she felt envious of Mou Xinyue. It was great to have such a younger brother.

The natural interaction between the two amused Dean Huo. His sadness dissipated and he said with a smile: "Classmate Lu's personality is very similar to your mother's. She has the tenacity to not succumb to the majority group and only insists on what she thinks is right."

When it came to her mother, Lu Anru was more relaxed. She stuck out her tongue at Dean Huo and said naughtily: "Your personality is just like my mother's. She is not afraid of power and only cares for the people. My mother used to save highly evolved life forms because of Kindness, I honestly admit that I agreed this time entirely because my friend who grew up with me is trapped in Marcia, most likely in the Yardley Bay you mentioned."

Dean Huo was not surprised and said gently: "Well, I know, your friend is Gou Chen."

Lu Anru always heard Xiao Luan call this name. It might be Hat's real name. He nodded while the other party looked at him indifferently.

After accepting the fact that he fell into the trap again, he said melancholy: "He must be the friend who gave you the energy crystal."

This explanation of the matter makes sense, but it also proves that Dean Huo is right about her concern for hats.

"Yes, but he was not the first person to send energy to the witch, nor was it the Monlouk brothers. The first batch of energy crystals the witch received belonged to other highly evolved life forms."

If there was any information, Lu Anru was interested and asked, "Have you caught the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"There is a suspect who is related to the Xia Kingdom's royal family. It is temporarily impossible to break the window paper and affect the whole body. I arranged for you to lead the students to do this, precisely to stimulate the other party's pride and catch him off guard. At the same time, we will reduce the risk of things getting worse. If I, the teachers, and the president are obviously involved, they will immediately move the institute, and they may also create another bombing attack to threaten us, and it will only be more difficult for us to investigate again. dig."

Lu An bit his lower lip with his teeth, his mind was running rapidly, absorbing too much information, and he always felt that there was something missing.

Thinking of it, he asked: "It sounds like you are acting secretly. I wonder if you have set up an S-level mission and indicated the area. And as soon as our team lands, the other party will be able to notice it immediately."

"Ha, little idiot." Sheng Ming laughed out loud, pinching her round ears lovingly.

Lu Anru swatted away the troublesome hand and stared at Dean Huo seriously, waiting for the other party's answer.

Dean Huo picked up the old-fashioned purple clay teacup, blew the tea leaves, and sipped the warm tea.

Putting down the cup, he said inclusively, "Let me explain the arrangement to Student Lu again."

As soon as the words were spoken, Lu Anru was so ashamed that she understood why Sheng Ming called her a little fool, and she exposed her behavior of not following the arrangements seriously.

Trying to be thick-skinned, he responded seriously: "Okay, you tell me."

Not only did Dean Huo not care about it, he was amused by her pretending to be serious and his mood improved, so he patiently narrated it.

"The Marsia Islands are invaded by sea monsters all year round. You log in to its capital, Xianli Island, and the tasks only show sea monsters. After completing the sea monster tasks, I need you to take a trustworthy person to go to Yade through the underwater secret passage. Liwan. I have said hello to the owner of Marcia Island, and he will give you access privileges."

Lu Anru grasped the details and elaborated: "You mean that some of the people who participated in the S-level mission acted as smoke bombs. They are closely related to the witch incident. Only through them can they pass on false news to the mastermind behind the scenes, so that the other party can be trusted."

"Yes." Dean Huo's gaze showed recognition.

Lu Anru clapped his hands and shouted: "You asked me to join Zhu Miao's group. Do you doubt him?"

The Meng brothers were exposed, and Zhu Miao couldn't run away.

With 100% confidence, he heard the opposite reply: "Zhu Miao was in a similar situation to Emperor Xia, they were all deceived. A few days ago, the owner of the island of Marsia entrusted me with a matter, asking me to treat his lost grandson Pull him back. Due to decades of old friendship, I can't refuse him. You can help the nearly 100-year-old man. If he can pull Zhu Miao back from his own way, the island owner will be grateful. There are abundant reserves, I think the old island owner should have a lot of scarce materials for making spells."

Lu Anru rolled his eyes speechlessly, scolding the old man in his mind for being so good at playing tricks on people's minds. The reward related to Sheng Ming was revealed, and she couldn't refuse it.

"I know." Lu Anru agreed in a muffled voice.

Dean Huo lightly touched the red dot with his finger, and the projection reappeared, including the photos of three Chinese C colleges.

"You should pay attention to the three of them, especially after they die on a mission."

Lu Anru was confused. What should he pay attention to if he died? Watch out for scammers

Yes, the enemy also masters the art of spirit possession.

"Okay, I will destroy their bodies." Insurance said.

"Not only do you need to destroy the corpses, but you also need to pay attention to the other members of the team. I suspect that there is someone with face-changing skills among the students."

Dean Huo clicked the red button and cut to a familiar photo of Lu Anru, the Minister of Police.

The photo switched again the next second, and she saw the body of a familiar person. The date of the photo showed ten days ago.

She exclaimed loudly: "I saw him the day before yesterday." This man led the team to arrest Tina Siqi and bring him to justice.

Suddenly, Pin understood what Dean Huo meant and asked why the college was in such a hurry to file a case.

"We obtained the evidence of his crime last night and sent it to Hades, but I suspect it was not just him who infiltrated."

Dean Huo framed the back of the neck in the photo and warned, "You must remember that the only flaw in the face-changing technique is a square red mole."

Lu Anru put his chin on his hands and said tiredly: "Dean, there are internal and external worries about the task. Do you think we can complete it with a group of mediocre rookies?"

"I believe in the strength of the best captain." Dean Huo took out his hat.

Lu Anru waved his hands repeatedly, rejecting the false reputation that might cost his life, and asked for actual benefits: "In addition to the tools you just gave me, please give me something to save my life."

"There is a quota for guidance from the president or teacher for S-level missions. How about letting Xiao Ming guide you remotely throughout the process?"

(End of chapter)