Magnificent Years

Chapter 179: There are traces to follow


Assistant Jelly glared at April. The little girl was talking nonsense. It was easy to talk, but how many people's achievements and jobs would be affected

The conference room fell into deathly silence. After a few seconds, Zhu Miao took the lead and laughed, expressing contempt.

Her attitude shifted towards a unilateral conclusion. April bowed her head and clasped her hands tightly, having lost all the courage to refute.

Ning Guang glanced at Liao Lang. Liao Lang cleared his throat, looked at jelly and said, "It's a discussion stage. Everyone is just expressing their opinions. There's no need to get angry. Do you think so?"

Jelly said "hmm" in a deep voice and gestured to the assistant to get out.

The assistant walked out with a strong emotion, and a few seconds later a female secretary with Marcian appearance entered, with big eyes, thick lips, and high cheekbones. After refilling tea for everyone, leave respectfully.

Liao Lang gave a few suggestive looks to April, but April didn't notice at all and was only focused on looking at her hands.

I had no choice but to call out: "April, please continue to express your opinion."

Liao Lang made it clear that he was under Ning Guang's instructions. If Xiao Aya was unhappy, she would not be able to provoke trouble in public.

"Huh?" April was like a frightened little rabbit, her black eyes constantly darting around.

Thinking of Lu Anru in panic, he was afraid of losing her face, so he took the pressure and said, "I discovered that the water monster is causing large-scale destruction, all surrounding the cargo ship carrying special chemical elements. You can observe it for yourselves."

Jelly used a gentle tone and said patiently: "Little girl, our professional coast guard has observed and analyzed the water monsters. Every time they move, there is no trace. You can see that they moved on a large scale at the beginning of last month. Many different types of cargo ships also suffered from it. , the situation is the same as in the previous months. The only pattern of the sea monsters is that they have been resentful for a long time, and they are just taking revenge for the various actions of human beings who do not cherish the environment. "

After saying the last words in a low voice, there was a hint of self-blame in Jelly's eyes, which was guilt for something in the past.

Yue Rang repeatedly rejected it. She was seriously lacking in confidence. She denied it softly and said: "Oh, maybe I made a mistake. I'm sorry."

Repeat this conclusion five times in your heart and warn yourself not to speak randomly, otherwise you will make mistakes and make a fool of yourself.

"It doesn't matter." Jelly responded tolerantly. "I suggest that the meeting end. Please follow me on board the camouflaged civilian boat. Let's go to the area where sea monsters are active and observe first."

The atmosphere fell into dead silence again. Wu Hao swiped the computer a few times, raised his head and smiled politely at Jelly, and asked, "Can you connect the projection to my computer?"

After receiving a nod from the other party, the projection screen screen was successfully connected, and Wu Hao cut out the sea map.

Entering Word, he raised his head and glanced at everyone present with determination, and insisted: "I agree with April's view. The sea monster's behavior may seem chaotic, but in fact there are traces to follow. The damage caused every month basically revolves around a large-scale plunder." Please look at the projection and I will analyze it one by one for you.”

With all his attention drawn, Wu Hao stated with great enthusiasm as he clicked on the dense temporary statistics.

"You might as well extend the timeline and don't just observe it in a single month. From November to December last year, sea monsters destroyed six cargo ships, three civilian ships, and five cruise ships, including the special cargo ship mentioned in April. , containing tobacco. From January to February this year, sea monsters damaged eight cargo ships, six cruise ships, and two civilian ships. There are still special cargo ships mentioned in April, and they also cause havoc and destruction. , can indeed achieve the effect of confusing the audience.”

People followed Wu Hao's analysis and discovered what he said, but tobacco is very popular, and like other ships, it is not special.

Could it be that the leader of the sea monster is an old smoker and all his actions are in service of him

If this is really the case, it would be called Li Liyuan's extraordinary achievement. It's too outrageous.

Wu Hao captured the doubt in his own eyes and the restraint to save his face. However, he didn't feel grateful. Instead, he felt a little dissatisfied with the slow thinking of the team members.

Suppressing the feeling of disgust in his heart, he said calmly: "I saw data analysis. Since last year, the number of sea monster mutations in your country has increased sharply. Especially in the past six months, it has increased by six times. From this, it is not difficult to infer that sea monsters are Tobacco contains a lot of chemical elements that help them mutate, but it’s just something that men need every day, so it’s easy to ignore its own structure.”

The shocking hypothesis was laid out in an orderly manner, and everyone present fell silent. I feel very strange, but also feel that it makes no sense.

Jelly thought for a few seconds and agreed: "There happens to be a tobacco ship going out to sea the day after tomorrow. Let's go with the ship and try to ambush in it."

"No." Lu Anru refused.

Jelly raised her eyebrows in confusion and asked, "What?"

"Hiding ourselves in the boat with our troops, fully armed, is tantamount to telling the sea monsters that we have discovered what they are planning."

Lu Anru raised his eyes, met Jelly's probing gaze, and added calmly: "Don't forget that sea monsters observe the enemy in a different way than humans do. The island owner asked Yuexiang to deal with this troublesome matter. He secretly received us and placed us there. In the hotel, pretending to be an ordinary tour group is just to catch the opponent off guard. We only have one chance to win, so don't waste it. "

Everyone suddenly realized, yes, not to mention sea monsters, ordinary animals can be hunted through smell, ultrasound, feces, etc.

The heavy worry that had always been weighing in jelly's heart dissipated, and she agreed happily: "You must have your own plans, I won't ask in detail. If you need any help, you can contact me at any time."

"Okay, please leave a message on my computer with the specific time of the cargo ship's departure." Lu Anru clicked on his business card on the computer, remotely sent it to the conference room host, and sent a friend request.

Jelly agreed and then asked, "Do we need to cooperate in sending troops that day?"

Lu Anru curved his smart eyes, a little light flashed under his eyes, and said mischievously: "I don't need it at the moment, I need to contact you at any time."

Jelly was stunned, then laughed heartily: "Hahaha, you plan to let our navy be at your little girl's disposal at any time."

Lu Anru nodded heartlessly and responded: "Yes, I heard that you cherish talents very much and always give a lot of support to those who are capable. As long as the other person's advice is useful, no matter what position the other person is in, you will Accept it. Please treat me as your subordinate next time. I will consume the least amount of losses to ensure the completion of this mission."


Jelly's affection for the girl in front of her increased. On the surface, this girl seemed to like to play tricks, and she used Yuexiang's chicken feathers as arrows. In fact, this was not the case. The statement saved the face of him and the Marcia royal family, so he had to agree.

After agreeing on the next steps, the team members were looking forward to unveiling the mysterious mission from the bottom of their hearts, but only one person was in a bad mood.

Xiao Aya looked at the people and felt isolated. She was not convinced, why could Lu Anyu always steal the spotlight? She was obviously the princess.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved. He moved slightly closer to Ning Guang and said sadly: "Brother Xuan Guang, An Ru seems to hate me. Is she deliberately avoiding me to discuss things? It doesn't matter if she is on guard against me. I'm just afraid that she might take advantage of me to guard against me." The name is actually a bluff. What if she doesn’t think about it at all? It’s a waste of everyone’s time and a golden opportunity.”

As soon as the victim's perspective came out, the senior members of Lu Anru's group frequently cast disgusted looks.

Xiao Aya didn't care about the attitude of the mob at all. She only wanted to do this for two reasons. First, to make Ning Guang feel that Lu Anru was scheming, and secondly, to instigate the Marcia royal family not to trust Lu Anru.

Jelly looked at the named girl, wanting to see how she would handle the intrigue.

The old members also looked at her together, conveying the same message with firm eyes. As long as Lu Anru gave the order, they would tear Xiao Aya's bitch apart at any time.

Lu Anru locked the screen of his computer and placed his hand on the powder bag for a few seconds.

The unintentional move affected Xiao Aya's thoughts, and she called for help in a fussy voice: "Brother Xuanguang, what do you think she is doing when she opens the bag? Are you trying to hit me with a weapon?"

Shouting, she crawled into Ning Guang's arms, "Aya shouldn't tell the truth, please don't hit me."

Lu Anru stood up, carried the pink bag behind his back, and said with a smile: "Crazy, I don't have time to play palace battle with you here, I'm going to find out the news."

After that, he left the scene with dignity.

Most of the team members followed closely behind, giving Lu Anru the aura of a queen, even more attractive than a princess.

Ning Guang pushed Xiao Aya away, nodded to each other with Jelly, took Liao Lang and Li Mo away, and showed his support for Lu Anru with practical actions.

For a moment, it was like millions of needles were piercing Xiao Aya's body, causing her to be unable to speak in pain.

Zhu Miao saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart. She walked behind the person she cared about and placed her hand above Xiao Aya's shoulder.

Fearing that the comforting hug would be rejected, Xiao Aya turned around while hesitating.

She took the initiative to throw herself into his arms and cried sadly: "Brother Zhu Miao, Aya just means well. Lu Anru is jealous of my identity, jealous of Brother Xuanguang and you for favoring me, and trying to squeeze me out in every possible way. Aya is so sad, wuwu~ "

With the soft fragrance in her arms, Zhu Miao was both intoxicated and extremely sympathetic.

As Xiao Aya sobbed, there was a sinister look in his eyes, and he promised: "Don't worry, Uncle Jelly and I understand your good intentions."

He raised his eyes to seek Jelly's cooperation, but saw that there was no one at the corresponding position. He clenched his fists manically and shouted: "I will not let go of those who bully you!"

"Well, thank you, brother Zhu Miao, you are so kind to me."

Xiao Aya responded softly, pressing her soft body tightly against Zhu Miao. She had discovered that Jelly was gone, so she hated Lu Anru even more. Even the uncle she had only met once favored Lu Anru. It was so unfair!

In the elevator.

Lu Anru squinted at Ning Guang, who was walking in from the crowd, and said sarcastically: "Oh, why are you following me here? Be careful of your Princess Xiqing crying."

Ella and Yun Fengmeng couldn't help laughing, and their stomachs hurt from laughing so hard. Sheng Mina and Gao Ying reconciled their hatred. Although they were not qualified to express their dislike for Xiao Aya through words, they could show it through their expressions.

Liao Lang nudged Ning Guang with his elbow, jokingly: "It smells so jealous."

Lu Anru immediately put away his sarcasm, glared at Liao Lang, and counterattacked: "My dear friend, you don't seem to be able to tell the difference between disgust and jealousy. I don't mind finding some examples to help you understand. I'll ask Xiao Ming takes Kitty Girl out for a walk and goes with her to the places she has always wanted to go but you don’t want her to go. Don’t sleep and wait for Kitten Girl to share happy information.”

Liao Lang's smile disappeared instantly, and he raised his hands in surrender: "I was wrong, you guys are talking, I'm a kid, shut up, you think I'm a kid, I don't exist."

Lu Anru snorted, folded his arms, and looked up at the numbers jumping down in the elevator.

Ning Guang sighed three times helplessly, as if he was wondering whether to put down his royal dignity to coax Lu Anru in front of so many people, or whether he should coax Lu Anru.

Ella was secretly enjoying the rare sight when she was photographed by Li Mo on her shoulder. As Xinxi approached, he saw Li Mo's hint of 'help' in his eyes.

Ella clenched her fist and punched Li Mo's chest, venting her dissatisfaction with considerable force. Damn it, grandma, she didn't tell her how much she felt about missing her when we met, and she only focused on doing things for Ning Guang.

Li Mo held her hand and kissed her ring finger.

A light kiss dissipated Ella's anger, and her heart was racing. She didn't know if it was a coincidence, but this damn guy was so good at kissing with his fingers.

Withdrawing his hand, he took the advantage and got down to business, then asked for a topic: "An Ruru, where should we collect information?"

"Bar street." Lu Anru replied emotionlessly.

Ella said 'uh' and lowered her voice and said, "Isn't that true? Are you so angry that you want to get drunk?"

Lu Anru half-opened his lips in surprise. Before he could answer, a compromising voice came from his side: "My father ordered me to take Xiao Aya with me. It was not my intention. I won't let her bother you for too long."

The surprise in his smart eyes only increased. He turned to look at Ning Guang and asked, "Are you explaining? Or making a promise?"

"All of them." Ning Guang raised the corner of his mouth in a slightly relaxed arc, gently stroked the pink diamond hairpin in Lu Anru's black hair with his fingertips, and said softly: "It suits you very well."

"It's annoying, and it's not my thing."

Lu Anru took it off and handed it to Yun Fengmeng.

Yun Fengmeng pushed it back and said with a charming smile: "Xiaoguang thinks it suits you. It proves that you are destined to it, so keep it."

"Thank you, Princess."

Ning Guang's polite address made Yun Fengmeng very uncomfortable, and she waved her hand to indicate that it was okay.

Lu Anru stood between the two of them. The hairpin in his hand seemed to gain some weight. After briefly appraising the value, he said happily: "Thank you, Feng Meng."

After receiving the reply of 'nothing', he held up the card and waved it in front of Ning Guang's eyes, saying, "Please make up for the trouble your Princess Xiqing created for me."

"Silly girl." Ning Guang smiled inclusively.

The group of people got on the tour bus and reported the location to the driver.

The driver started the car and everyone headed to the busiest bar street in Queens, Fair Island.

"An Ruru, you really don't have a plan, do you?" Ella was a little panicked. She had met Lu Anru before and handled the exam according to circumstances.

Lu Anru raised his hand, and Ella quickly held the hand that wanted to awaken the sleep mode, and said coquettishly: "Tell me about it?"

S-level missions are more dangerous than exams, and all the core leaders of Marcia are waiting, so I must urge my best friends to be serious.

Lu Anru looked around the circle, pulled Ella closer, put his mouth to her ear and whispered, "Do you know where the best news is?"

Ella didn't think about it, just shook her head and asked in admiration: "Where is it?"

"The entrances of rural villages, teahouses in Xia's capital, and bars in coastal countries."

The mysterious answer made Ella think about it. She remembered that several famous reports were all made by the aunties who often went to Xia Guo Teahouse.

(End of chapter)