Magnificent Years

Chapter 182: Sad past


In front of the media, she and Sheng Ming have never been exposed as family successors. But since Zhu Li can find out Yun Fengmeng, he will definitely check the key personnel one by one. It was dark in the bar last night, so it's not a big problem. It's just that before boarding the ship, it's better to be like Ning Guang and show less face.

With Yun Fengmeng's two-way business, she would have no problem handling Zhu Li.

Lu Anru could go with Ning Guang to have lunch and handle some private matters alone in the afternoon.

Send a screenshot of the message to Ella and remind her: "Look at the computer."

Ella hummed a happy song to unlock the microcomputer. When she saw the message, her face fell down and she said depressedly: "Grandma, you are ready for nothing. I will go with you to visit the old friends of His Highness Xuan Guang and his mother, instead of going to the Sea Paradise. Hey, I It’s a sea paradise that I’ve been dreaming about for a long time. I really want to ride on the underwater slide, and I also want to experience diving in the bubbles. It seems that I can’t catch up until the mission is over.”

"Go put on a beautiful skirt, one that shows off your big white legs." Lu Anru suggested thoughtfully.


Ella walked to the suitcase in frustration and picked out a gauze skirt covered with floral flowers.

The two had breakfast in the cafeteria and came to the appointed lounge area in the lobby.

I saw that besides Ning Guang and Li Mo, there were two other people waiting, Zhou Sheng and Meng Meng.

Aila thought the two of them were hitching a ride, but then she thought it was wrong. With the courage of Zhou Sheng and Meng Meng, how could they dare to hitch a ride with His Highness Xuanguang.

She looked at the two of them suspiciously. They were so nervous that they didn't notice her searching eyes.

So, someone with good brains and courage asked, "An Ruru, did you call Meng Meng and the others?"

This was the only possibility. Ning Guang wouldn't look for Meng Meng and Zhou Sheng, and probably couldn't even remember who they were.

Lu Anru shook his head and guessed: "Ning Guang's mother's old friend may be Meng Meng's mother."

Debbie Jenny, the former third princess of the Marcian royal family, later married a commoner and was deprived of her royal status.

Meng Meng blinked her big round grape eyes and said with a smile: "My mother asked me to lead His Highness Xuanguang. She got up early and prepared a lot of delicious food. She is waiting to receive everyone at home."

There were so many delicacies, Ella couldn't help but complain. She didn't believe that the crown prince of the Xia Kingdom, who was used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, would become interested in ordinary ingredients.

Restraining the desire to talk, he followed Li Mo in the back row, protecting Ning Guang and Meng Meng and getting into the front car. The Xia Embassy in Marcia sent a special car.

Then he followed the subject into an SUV floating car behind him. There were three men sitting in the car, wearing black suits and black sunglasses. Judging from the outfit, he was a shadow guard arranged by Emperor Xuan Tian.

The two cars passed through the bustling Queens, heading from the cross-sea bridge to the densely populated slums.

Ella was really bored along the way and tried to find topics to talk to the shadow guards to relieve the depressed atmosphere in the car.

The only response she received was a stern and cold face. In contrast, Li Motong seemed to be more humane, and at least he changed his expression to amuse her.

He held it in until he got out of the car, hugged one of Lu Anru's arms, and sadly told him about the indifference he experienced in the car.

Lu Anru raised his tone and said sarcastically: "I asked you to ride in the front car with me, but you have to accompany your little Momo."

Ella heard her best friend's intentions, glanced at the person with the corner of her eye, and saw the person paused for a few seconds.

Feeling aggrieved, the blissful happiness disappeared, and he groaned: "I'm afraid Mo Mo will be bored."

"Hmph," Lu Anru sneered, "You can't blame others for the grievances you brought upon yourself."

"Okay." Ella said in a more distressed tone, and when she took a peek, the distressed expression on the target's face became more serious.

In secret joy, I followed my best friend around the alley and walked into an old iron building.

The outer stairs made a creaking sound due to too many people stepping on them, giving people the illusion that they might break at any time.

Meng Meng and Zhou Sheng walked at the front, came to the second floor, and knocked on the door at the end.

A tall, plump woman opened the door, smiled warmly at the people, made way for the aisle, and said, "Please come in."

The woman's hair was neatly tied up and she behaved gracefully. There was no formality in the face of the royal family, and no airs of elders. Just as Ning Guang said, it was a gathering of old friends.

Lu Anru finished introducing himself and walked into the room.

The restaurant, which is more than 20 square meters, is quite satisfactory. It seems that the second floor of the old building is owned by Meng Meng's family. Each house has different functions, similar to the old factory buildings in Xia Kingdom from the 1970s and 1980s.

It's shabby and shabby. Judging from the small decorations on the walls and the various daily necessities that are easily accessible, the warmth level is five stars.

The smell of sweet milk tea dispersed in my thoughts, and I looked at the round table that could accommodate eight people. I couldn't take my eyes back. The table was full of special snacks, which was extremely rich.

Debbie Jenny waved to the couple guarding the door and shouted: "Come in, the security here is very good, and there is a Great Emperor Shadow guarding downstairs, so nothing will happen."

Li Mo got a nod from Ning Guang and walked in with Ella accompanying him.

As soon as Ella came in, she was attracted by the fragrant smell, and her focus was consistent with Lu Anru's tacit understanding.

Debbie Jenny noticed that the two girls were stopping and was very polite. She immediately led Meng Meng to the table first, pulled out the neatly arranged chairs, and greeted them warmly.

"Don't gather around and stand at the door. Come and sit. I know everyone has just had breakfast and can't eat a main meal. You can try the desserts I made."

Ning Guang walked towards the table, followed closely by his two best friends.

The seven people sat down, and Li Mo was the first to pick up the knife and fork, tasting the petite and cute desserts one by one.

Aila embarrassedly kicked Li Mo with her feet under the table, signaling to His Highness Xuanguang and Meng Meng that they hadn't moved yet, so he shouldn't be impatient.

The range of movement was a bit large, and it touched Lu Anru's leg.

Lu Anru glanced at Li Mo suspiciously and saw a shy expression on Bingcuo's face.

Silently feeling happy for his best friend, Li Mo was not ignorant of the rules, he was helping Ning Guang test the poison. Ella, who was simple-minded, did not realize the deeper meaning of her actions. Li Mo used a false demeanor to protect Ella's simplicity.

"Girl, eat."

Ning Guang rubbed Lu Anru's head that was tied up high.

Lu Anru restrained the habit of hitting the opponent's hand, picked up the fork, forked a piece of leaf-shaped mung bean cake and put it into his mouth.

The sweet but not greasy, melt-in-the-mouth pastries made her give up her reserve due to her strength, and continued to fork into pieces of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to taste. She was still pleasantly surprised. It was much more delicious than Chef Li's.

I accidentally saw the picky Ning Guang also eating several pieces, and being able to capture Ning Guang's stomach proved that Debbie Jenny's craftsmanship was indeed extraordinary.

"Xiaoguang loves to eat walnut cakes and sesame cakes. I made two more boxes for you. Remember to take them before you leave."

Debbie Jenny’s tone was natural, as if she was chatting with her child Meng Meng.

Ning Guang paused, cleared his throat, and responded: "Okay, thank you."

Lu Anru suddenly remembered that the pastries that the late empress loved to eat were walnut cakes and sesame cakes. During the Spring Festival when I was a child, my mother always liked to ask the family chef to prepare the food, and she would bring it to the Xia Kingdom Palace.

Once Lu Anru didn't understand and asked his mother: "Mom, there is everything in the palace, why do you give such common food as a New Year gift?"

The mother would always squat down and patiently tell the little Lu Anru: "Glory and wealth are not as good as warmth. The one in the palace is also a pitiful person. In the future, Anru should take more care of her child, His Highness Xuanguang."

"Yeah, no problem, Mom."

Only at this moment did Lu An understand what his mother meant. Flowers and plants would wither without sunlight, let alone people.

When I thought of the tragic death of Ning Guang's mother, I sighed deeply in my heart, silently put down the delicate flower-shaped fork, and left the last two pieces of walnut cake to Ning Guang.

Ning Guang seemed to see her reluctance, picked up the public fork and transferred the pastry to her small plate.

Lu Anru was disgusted and pushed away, and refused forcefully: "It's too sweet, you can eat it."

Ning Guang stared intently at the cake that was pushed back to his hand, with complicated eyes surging in his eyes.

A smile appeared on Debbie Jenny's lips, and she said happily: "You An Ru is here, Xiao Meng and Xiao Guang are well taken care of."

Meng Meng couldn't help but nodded and agreed: "That's right, An Ru is our captain, a captain who is better than other teams."


Ning Guang finished two pieces of pastries, took the wet wipes Li Mo took out, and wiped the corners of his mouth elegantly.

Folding the wet wipes and throwing them into the ashtray, he raised his eyes and met Debbie Jenny's eyes, and said, "Please tell me if you have any entrustments. This girl is very warm-hearted."

Warm-hearted! Lu Anru looked carefully at the three words associated with trouble, and he was a person who looked at him with squinting eyes.

Ning Guang seemed to have expected that she would be in a mood, and responded with a gentle smile.

Debbie Jenny carefully discovered the small interactions between the two, and thoughtfully paved an escape route for Lu Anru.

"Well, there is indeed a rather difficult matter that requires An Ru's help. If it is convenient for An Ru, I hope it will be convenient during the task. If it is really inconvenient, it is okay. If you do too many bad things, it is normal for you to suffer the consequences."

His somewhat selfish thoughts were easily seen through by outsiders. Lu Anru smiled awkwardly and asked patiently, "Why don't you tell me the specifics?"

She admitted that Debbie Jenny was very interesting, and she had to listen to a few key words.

"Hey, the royal family of Marcia personally created the gods to protect the local area, and then personally turned the gods into heinous monsters." Debbie Jenny sighed sadly.

Lu Anru's guess was confirmed, and the question blurted out: "Are you talking about sea monsters?"

Debbie Jenny replied quietly: "Yes, in fact, the sea monster leader and I and Jelly are old acquaintances. It should be said that it is more than just old acquaintances. We used to be confidants who talked about everything. The sea monster leader is the first group of highly evolved people." The octopus is named Nian. His evolution has nothing to do with the use of artificial medicine or instruments. He and his spouse both made breakthroughs on their own. Once, a neighboring country invaded by sea. Unfortunately, his command ship was exposed and the enemy was defeated. The party concentrated its firepower and caused serious damage, hoping to save Jelly from falling into the water and help him repel his pursuers."

Lu Anru pressed his throbbing temple and rescued one thread from the messy clues.

For fear of forgetting it too late, I interrupted and asked: "Wait a moment, there is a very important point that I need to confirm with you. Do Nian and his partner have a child? His name is Xun, with the word starting with grass?"

Lu Anru really wanted to hear a negative answer. If things were as she guessed, the cruel process would be unbearable to watch.

Unfortunately, the affirmative answer came: "Yes, Nian's wife and child are all missing. The child's name is Xun."

"His child is not missing. He was captured by humans and sent for research." Lu Anru's anger suddenly rose, and she understood the anger of the octopus monster in the comprehensive examination.

Debbie Jenny was surprised: "What?! It's impossible. My father promised me that he would treat Nian's children well!"

"How is it impossible?" Lu Anru sneered coldly, "Why else do you think Nian would rebel?"

He wanted to help mankind wholeheartedly, but in return he was deceived, exploited, and robbed by mankind, and his wife and children were separated.

The Marcia royal family must have deceived Nian with despicable excuses, and probably said something to make Nian hand over the child to them. It is claimed that the human royal family can give Xun a better education and training, but in fact, it sends the child to a research institute.

No matter what kind of creature, mothers love to worry more. They may worry about their children becoming ill, secretly search for them, and discover the conspiracy.

He was seriously injured during the robbery and was rescued by Dean Huo.

Even on New Year's Eve, Nian was still kept in the dark, guarding this land. It should be that the research institute was destroyed by the Hats one after another, and the energy was leaked. Nian felt the children's ability waves, and realized that he was being deceived.

It's no wonder that after he learned the truth, he would take revenge like crazy and strengthen the army of his kind.

Lu Anru believed that sentence. No one who could sit in the position of taking charge of the people was clean.

Looking at Debbie Jenny with indifferent eyes, he asked with no warmth in his tone: "What do you need me to do?"

I wonder how greedy these people can be.

The third princess of Marcia seemed to be in a daze. She didn't hear her question and kept mumbling the words "impossible".

Meng Meng was familiar with Lu Anru, and was especially familiar with her frown before her patience ran out. She quickly reminded her mother softly: "Mom, some things will be investigated slowly. Please tell Miss Lu the commission first, and don't let the mistake become irreversible." ”

"Yes," Debbie Jenny replied absently, taking out a piece of parchment from her pocket and handing it to Lu Anru, "This is a secret order given by Jelly last night."

Lu Anru unfolded the paper and saw two lines of words. Marcia's words were difficult to identify with just his eyes and knowledge.

Tap the headset three times to activate the goggles, and the headset upgrade comes with goggles.

The goggles recognized the contents, and Lu Anru pressed again and again before suppressing the urge to rush out and let go.

Two lines of words read: Tonight at 12 o'clock, the navy assembled, disguised as a fixed fishmonger, and surrounded the tobacco ship passing through the sea. The special forces disguised themselves as tobacconists and boarded the main ship.

The writing was very sloppy, probably an old confidant of Debbie Jenny secretly recorded it.

"I thought they just wanted to capture the mutated sea monsters and the two sides could renegotiate. Now it seems that they have ulterior motives and are preparing to continue on the wrong path."

Debbie Jenny held Lu Anru's hand in panic and begged: "Please save their lives."

"You don't need to tell me. The task I accepted is only to expel the sea monsters, not to eliminate them." Lu Anru withdrew his hand and kept a distant distance from each other.

"You misunderstood," Debbie Jenny explained excitedly: "I hope you save the lives of Jelly and the Marcian Navy. They will not win this time. The person who revealed the news of the troop dispatch to me was a highly evolved life form, representing I hope they were prepared."

Lu Anru's good qualities no longer existed, and he sneered coldly: "Ha, you are so selfish. At this time, you still want to help your royal family complete a dirty deal."

"No, no, this has nothing to do with my selfishness. Saving the Marcian Navy is the only way to resolve this tragedy."

(End of chapter)