Magnificent Years

Chapter 185: It's easy to hide from an open gun, but hard to defend against a hidden arrow


Standing in the elevator, Lu Anru hesitated and chose to go up one floor and return to his room.

Walking in the monitored aisle, she kept her face calm and her steps smooth.

Go back inside and activate soundproofing mode. Quickly come to the window, open it, and take a big breath of fresh air. Holding your breath for too long causes your chest to feel like a dry well that has been drained dry, and your brain gets temporarily stuck.

Hearing the familiar prompt tone, he took out his computer from his powder bag, unlocked it and saw that Ella and Sheng Ming had replied one after another.

Ella: Okay, Anru, I'm going back now.

Lu Anru thought for a few seconds, deleted too many arrangements, and replied with a single word: Yes.

Then he sent a message to Chen Zejin from the Medical Department of Healing Society, asking her to return it from Sea Paradise in advance.

After receiving the promised reply, Lu Anru cut out the chat box, swiped up, and saw two confusing messages from Sheng Ming in the top chat area.

Five minutes ago, Sheng Ming: What did An Ru say

One minute ago, Sheng Ming: Is there a problem with the network? I didn't receive the picture.

Swipe up to the location of the picture and see the photo showing that the transfer failed. There is a problem with the failure reminder picture, which has nothing to do with the loss of signal packets on the network.

There are three situations when picture problems lead to transmission failure: 1. The picture is too large and exceeds the limited range, 2. The picture pixels are severely distorted, and 3. The picture content is illegal.

When I clicked on the picture, it appeared cracked and black, and no specific reason for the failure was found.

I searched through the photo album, but in all the photos taken today, I couldn't find anything related to the iron block at all. Looking through the time, I found an anomaly a few seconds before sending the message to Sheng Ming. There was a kaleidoscope-like photo.

The spots of various colors are distributed irregularly and cannot be pieced together to complete the pattern. Seeing too many of them makes people dizzy.

I'm confused, is it haunted or my hands are shaking

Thinking about the possibility of the latter, Lotus sent another message at the same time as filming, urging her to hurry up.

Excluding the possibility of metaphysics, Lu Anru still felt it was a bit too coincidental.

He opened the zipper of the pink bag and told Xiao Hong and Xiao Luan in secret that it was not convenient for them to come out.

I called the sealed bag to mark the number. The sealed bag containing the iron block did not pop up automatically. I reached in and looked for the iron block.

Xiao Luan rubbed the back of her hand, and Xiao Hong gently bit her two fingers.

"Don't make trouble."

Lu Anru pulled them apart and groped deeper, feeling Yincang and the bag containing the micro bomb, but still found no iron.

Maybe there are too many small items displayed at the bottom of the bag and I have to dig them out to find them.

Considering the time when Ella and Chen Zejin will come back, give up the plan. If you pour it out and then put it away, you may miss the real thing.

Hang the powder bag on the window handle, where there is good ventilation, so that air can be poured in easily.

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, he sent a message back to Sheng Ming: Let’s talk in the evening.

Within ten minutes, the two men knocked on the door one after another.

Opening the door for the first time, a smiling Ella came in.

Opening the door for the second time, Chen Zejin was blocked at the door. He stretched out his hand and asked, "Where is my cold medicine?"

Chen Zejin was surprised, "Huh?" "Team leader, you have a cold? You didn't tell me just now. I have distributed the spare medicine in my bag to my bedmates. Can I go down and buy some more?"

"I sent you a message." Lu Anru took out the computer from his pocket, entered the chat box between the two, and handed it to the other party.

Chen Zejin looked at it, his doubts getting worse: "No, you can see for yourself."

"Obviously, you have a vision problem, come in and talk about it."

Lu Anru took Chen Zejin into the room, and the door closed automatically.

Chen Zejin followed Lu Anru with heavy thoughts, recalling some descriptions in the books brought by his bedmate Wenzong.

It is written in "Being a Human with High Emotional Quotient" that orders issued by leaders many times mean that the other party attaches great importance to or needs them. It is best not to dwell on right or wrong and implement them first. After it is finished, analyze the content in detail with the leader.

The leader can not only feel that you are working hard, but also have the patience to listen to your analysis and insights.

Not worrying about right or wrong should be equated with not worrying about whether something exists or not. There must be merit in the way of life learned by liberal arts majors.

"Team leader, let me go downstairs and buy you a box. It's me, I didn't see your message." Chen Zejin stopped, lying made her stutter a little.

"No need." Lu Anru refused.

When Chen Zejin thought that Lu Anru was in a bad mood, he insisted: "I originally planned to keep the medicine in the refill bag at night. It's better to choose the right time than to hit the right time. Let's buy it now."

"What you saw is correct. I did not send you any information about buying medicine."

Lu Anru pulled the stunned Chen Zejin back to the bed where Ella was. Pointing to the bedside table, there is a sealed bottle with white flowers sealed inside.

"The scent of Datura flowers can induce hallucinations. On the two floors where our group lives, the vases by the corridor windows are full of them."

"Are you testing whether I'm hallucinating?" Chen Zejin guessed.

Lu Anru nodded: "Yes, there is no problem with the room security system, but there are surveillance cameras in the corridor. I suspect that the person who placed the flowers is monitoring us through the dark network arranged by himself. We had to show abnormal behavior at the door just now."

Chen Zejin understood Lu Anru's intentions and was very upset. He blamed himself: "It's over. I was so stupid that I didn't understand the team leader's intention."

"It's okay, it's normal for us to see different things."

After Lu Anru comforted her, he looked at Ella helplessly and asked for help: "You can relieve her of the hallucination."

Chen Zejin approached the giggling red-haired girl, letting her hug her waist and acting coquettishly towards her.

"Xiao Momo, you miss me so much. We just separated, and you came after me. Hehehe, I miss you so much. Oh, I love you."

Chen Zejin patted Ella's back patiently, imitating the sweet tone between lovers, and said softly: "Yes, I miss you so much and can't bear the pain of separation."

Ella raised her head in joy, stared at Chen Zejin affectionately, and confessed: "Xiao Momo is different from the past today. The words of love you say are so sultry. I like you like this."

"Well, as long as you like it," Chen Zejin opened the storage bag with one hand and took out the labeled brown medicine bottle.

Lu Anru helped unscrew the lid and asked, "How many pills do you want?"

"One pill for mild cases, two pills for severe cases. Considering the beauty's condition, one pill, right?" Chen Zejin answered uncertainly.

Lu Anru poured out two capsules of medicine without thinking, stuffed it into Ella's mouth, and said seriously: "She is suitable for two pills."

Ella retched, trying to spit out the medicine that slipped into her throat, and shouted disobediently: "Even if An Ruru does it for me and gives me the love-forgetting medicine, I will never forget my little Mo Mo. I I will always remember my Mo Mo and love my Mo Mo forever. We will be with you in life and death.”

Chen Zejin's self-doubt disappeared immediately, he changed his tone of voice and agreed with Lu Anru's diagnosis.

He picked up the water cup, brought it to Ella's mouth, and coaxed: "The vitamins I'm giving you will have beauty and beauty effects, so just give it some water."

"It's a beauty treatment." Ella opened her mouth, kissed Chen Zejin a few times in the air, and asked for a kiss: "I want Mo Mo to feed me personally."

Chen Zejin's cheeks turned red and he was caught in a dilemma, thinking whether it was worth sacrificing his first kiss in order to leave a good impression on the team leader.

The key sacrifice is given to women, it seems not worth it...

In the midst of pain, Lu Anru took the water glass and threatened: "If you don't drink, you will spit out the vitamins and I will ask Li Mo to give them to other girls along with the bottle."

Ella grabbed the water glass and took a few big sips.

In less than two minutes, Ella's infatuated look disappeared and she closed her arms tightly hugging Chen Zejin.

Raising her hands to cover her face, Qi Qiran groaned: "Oh, I'm so embarrassed. I'm so embarrassed to live."

Chen Zejin comforted him: "It's okay. What you just did was a normal act of being caught in an illusion."

Seeing that simple comfort had no effect, I used myself as an example: "I first joined the healing club, and the tricks in the illusion class were much worse than yours. I was addicted to drinking grapefruit juice, and drank two large buckets in a row. My mouth was as irritated as a sausage. The swelling took several days to subside.”

With contrasting examples, Ella felt much more balanced and said pitifully: "You have to keep it a secret for me."

"Well, don't worry, you know this, I know the team leader, and no fourth person will know." Chen Zejin promised.

Ella looked at the other witness and sold herself in exchange for a promise: "An Ruru, I have something in your hands again. You have to keep it safe."

Lu Anru said "hmm" absentmindedly and asked Chen Zejin: "Will the illusionist clearly remember everything he has experienced?"

"It depends on the situation and the severity of the move." Chen Zejin used Ella as an example and analyzed: "For example, Beauty Qian, she will most likely only remember what happened after I appeared."

Ella agreed excitedly: "Yes! I only remember walking into the hotel lobby, and I also remember seeing Li Mo appear. There are many memory fragments between the two."

Lu Anru unlocked his phone and rummaged through it, but he didn't see the message.

However, they found her payment record for taking a taxi to No. 47 Dolphin Bay. Could it be that she had already been scammed at the hotel where her grandma was staying

Or rather, she was tricked as early as Debbie Jenny's house. Because she left earlier than Ella, she was at a lighter level and could completely remember the half-truths and half-false things she experienced in the afternoon.

Lu Anru took out a tissue, wiped his sweaty palms, and asked Ella: "When you left, was Ning Guang still there?"

"Yes," Ella looked up and recalled for a few seconds, and said sweetly: "Debbie Jenny made seafood fried rice, and we had a delicious lunch. Li Mo saw that I like to eat fried tempura with side dishes, so he Let me eat."

While listening to Ella's show of affection, Lu Anru sent a message to Ning Guang, asking: What did you eat for lunch

Ning Guang replied quickly: seafood fried rice, fried tempura, and cold raw cuttlefish.

Just as Lu Anru made sure that Debbie Jenny's house was fine, she received another message from Ning Guang: Let's eat together. After that, I'll take you to the Vienna Hotel to see your grandma. Did the girl forget

Lu Anru felt that the gusts of sea breeze blowing in from the window turned into a biting cold wind, making her whole body feel chilly and she couldn't help but shiver.

Picking up Chen Zejin's anti-illusion medicine, he poured two pills into his mouth.

Calculating the time it takes for Ella to take the medicine and take effect, close your eyes and let your mind wander for about two minutes.

He opened his eyes and looked at Ning Guang's message again. The one he sent her disappeared and changed to: The taste is very authentic. I think you should like it, so I asked Ella to pack a portion for you. If you ate at grandma's place at noon, you can save it for dinner.

Lu Anru anxiously asked Ella to confirm: "Ning Guang asked you to pack a paella?"

"Yeah, I forgot about it."

Ella took out the thermos box from the bag, put it on the bedside table and unscrewed it, and then took out the spare chopsticks from the bag.

Passed it to Lu Anru and strongly recommended: "Try it, it's super delicious."

Lu Anru smelled the tempting aroma of rice, and his stomach growled twice in response. I felt very angry at noon and was almost full. When I regained my composure, I was very hungry.

He took the chopsticks and the next second, his hand was hanging above the thermos box and stopped moving.

Ella helped Lu An serve the rice and urged like a mother: "Eat it while it's hot."

Lu Anru stared at the mark on his wrist steadily, and the real memory of his experience in Dolphin Bay flashed into his mind.

She took a taxi there, entered the spa, and was approached by a drunk man. During the tearing, the other party left scratches on her wrists.

The middle-aged taxi driver had a sense of responsibility and brought a group of local urban management officials to rush in and rescue her.

In the car on the way back, Lu An couldn't hold on to the computer as if he was having an epilepsy. After taking photos of Sheng Ming, he received a message from Lotus.

Judging from her condition, the person who used datura flowers to induce hallucinations in her was evil-minded and had a deep hatred for her.

The specific time and scope of the attack are basically locked at the hotel where grandma lives. Judging from this, it was either Xiaoqiao who dug the hole or Xiao Aya who was hiding in the dark to cause trouble.

From an emotional and practical perspective, it is speculated that the latter is more likely. Xiaoqiao and grandma are also under the illusion.

Click on the payment record to find the taxi driver information.

Write a positive review on the driver introduction page and call the driver: "Thank you so much today. When I finish my work, I will give you a few more courageous badges."

The service system of companies such as taxis has a praise and badge encouragement mechanism. Every two hundred badges earned can be exchanged for an appreciation card.

Badges are more troublesome than good reviews, and you need to go to a designated place to register and purchase them.

"Okay, the little girl is interested. Actually, you have to thank someone. She calls herself your aunt and secretly recorded my license plate number when you left. It was she who contacted me and repeatedly asked me to go to the spa to see you."

After the uncle explained the whole story, he gave a few more sincere words of advice: "My mouth and teeth will fight. If you have conflicts with your relatives in the future, communicate well and don't do anything to get angry."

"OK, thanks."

Lu Anru hung up the phone, found her aunt's contact card, entered the chat box, and tried in a subtle way: When will you return to Xia Kingdom

My aunt replied: It has nothing to do with you.

The disgust shown directly is not as superficial as grandma's concern, it is very empty. This proves that my aunt has not been tricked and is still cooperating with her.

Lock the screen of the phone, pick up the chopsticks and quickly finish the meal, and tell Ella and Chen Zejin about the disturbing situation.

Through the narration, her thoughts gradually became clearer and she guessed the mastermind behind the scenes.

If it was Xiao Aya who was causing trouble, it was most likely Zhu Miao's mother and fifth princess, Midrilla, who took the opportunity to arrange it.

"An Ruru, should I take away the flowers in the corridor and destroy them?" Ella asked eagerly. She became extremely anxious when she thought that all the team members might be attacked when they came back.

"No, it's easy to dodge an open attack and hard to defend against a hidden attack. If the flower is destroyed and the other party adopts new methods, it will only be more difficult for us to deal with it."

Lu Anru used his foot to hook Ella, who was pacing blindly in the room, and looked at Chen Zejin and asked: "Is this the only bottle of medicine you have to solve the illusion?"

"Well, I only have one bottle. Zhu Miao should have more. I'll ask him for some." Chen Zejin said truthfully.

Hearing the unlucky name, the best friends shook their heads without thinking and said in unison: "No."

(End of chapter)