Magnificent Years

Chapter 189: hello? little girl


Lu Anru took out his computer, pressed his finger on the screen, and entered halfway, forgetting the rest of the content.

"Speak slowly. After I finish typing one word, you can speak a new one."

Captain Zheng slowly repeated a series of numbers: "."

Lu Anru suddenly raised his head, stared at the other party sharply, and asked coldly: "Isn't it ¥ZY?"

The other party was caught off guard by the question, and she muttered to herself: "Did I mean what I just said?"

The petite man pulled out Yincang and held the sword in his backhand. The eagle-headed sword hilt hit Captain Zheng heavily on the head, causing Captain Zheng to fall limply to the ground.

Lu Anru wiped the blood stains on the sword's edge with his sleeve and waved his hand towards Liao Lang: "Take it away and throw it away with Zhu Li's body."

"Shall I carry you?" Liao Lang was surprised. He was not used to doing such heavy work in his capacity.

Lu Anru looked back indifferently, his eyes swept back and forth between the vice-captain and Liao Lang, and gave him a new suggestion: "You don't have to raise it, just use your biochemical underwear to torture him."

Liao Lang gave up: "Forget it, I'll take care of it." The two captains had obviously received professional training, and the possibility of telling the truth was very low.

He grabbed the captain's legs and dragged him to the side of Zhu Li's body. A long trail of blood flowed from the ground.

No team member felt guilty or uncomfortable, including the easily soft-hearted Healing Society. The two captains were ordered to kill the entire crew. If Lu Anru and Wu Hao had not come up with a countermeasure in time, they would have become dead souls on the seabed.

Lu Anru took out the Ella cooler cup from the powder bag, unscrewed the lid, and poured the ice water inside into the deputy captain's face.

Ella felt distressed and wanted to shout, "It's the last glass of ice water," but Lu Anru gave her a sideways look and suppressed her words.

The vice-captain drowsily opened his eyes, his pupils gradually focused, and a soft little hand waved in front of his eyes, pointing into the distance.

"My patience is limited. I'll give you a chance. If you're still wrong, go over and accompany them."

The vice-captain calmed down for a moment, and when his strength returned, he turned sideways and hit Lu Anru.

Ella yelled, "Watch out."

Rosa remained tense at all times, but she was the first one to notice that something was wrong with the vice-captain. She grabbed Lu Anru's arm with both hands and pulled the handle backwards with all her strength.

Lu Anru managed to avoid it, and the vice-captain's head hit the wooden floor hard. Green sewage spit out from his mouth and flowed into the cracks in the ground, making small bubbles.

A big hole was corroded in a few seconds. Fortunately, they were in a rest cabin on the first floor. If they had moved to the bottom floor, the ship would have been scalded.

Lu Anru raised his arms, looked down through the hole, and shouted to the three people inside: "Meng Meng, go back and search for useful things. Find some soil first and bury the sticky liquid that just fell."

"Okay." Meng Meng agreed and stuffed the two frozen steaks into Chen Zejin's bag.

He picked up a drift bottle from the storage shelf sideways, smashed it on the iron railing, poured the sand inside evenly on the surface of the green liquid, and buried it.

Chen Zejin squatted next to Meng Meng, carefully holding the spoon and stirring until the liquid stopped boiling and bubbling.

"The vice-captain helped someone to support him before he died." Zhou Sheng adjusted his glasses and sighed in a deep voice.

Chen Zejin said "Hmm", patted the dust on his hands, threw the corroded spoon away, and said with admiration.

"He set the wrong target. Someone else might have been tricked. The sneak attack on the team leader was simply out of the blue. What a far-sighted team leader. She reminded me last night that there is no need to think too long-term. You should be pragmatic and just think about how to solve the problem at once. Most people can just stay in the illusion state. I came up with the idea of dispersing the medicinal powder through the group leader’s suggestion.”

The heartfelt words of praise floated to the rest cabin. Ella looked at Lu Anru who was sitting in a panic, and she kindly suppressed her smile.

Lu Anru turned around calmly and said gratefully to Rosa: "Thank you, thanks to you."

"It's okay." Rosa responded in a voice that sounded like a mosquito. Lu Anru's gaze was so hot that it made her feel embarrassed.

When he lowered his head, he happened to see Lu Anru holding two things in his hand, which was the captain's and deputy's computer.

"What to do with them?" Rosa asked bravely.

Ella helped with ideas: "The numbers in the password mentioned by Captain Zheng twice are consistent, which proves that the numbers are correct. As for the letters behind it, we need to study it carefully."

"No need," Lu Anru casually slipped the two microcomputers into his pocket and said calmly: "I guess these two things don't have passwords, and any input will be wrong. They exist mainly to punish errors."

"Wrong punishment?" Ella wondered.

Lu Anru, the deputy captain who was kicking his feet to die, responded in a deep voice: "Yes, such as an explosion to kill those who randomly try the password."

She connected to the possibility of the incident through the radical actions of the captain and deputy captain.

Ella was disgusted by the cold, grabbed Lu Anru's pink bag strap, and shouted: "Take it out quickly."

"Keep it, it will be useful later."

Lu Anru kicked the deputy captain's body slightly out of position, and the familiar sound of "Zizzizi" came out.

At the same time, Chen Zejin and Meng Meng shouted from the storage room below: "Something happened!"

"This thing is so powerful that it cannot be completely buried. It corrodes the sand. It seems to turn the corroded things into the same kind of substance, and then corrode new things around it."

Lu Anru pushed Ella and Rosa away and asked them to stand in a safe position. Kick the deputy captain's body forward hard and use him to block the hole.

"You guys come up quickly." After explaining to Meng Meng and the others, he asked loudly: "How long until we can pass through the storm wall?"

The team members responsible for casting spells were almost at the end of their rope and unable to open their mouths to speak.

Du Tao was designated as the representative by everyone's eyes and said with difficulty: "It will take about one minute."

Lu Anru took Ella and Rosa to the door, and looked back to see the deputy captain's body, which was mostly corroded by the green liquid. If it spreads at this speed, within a minute the entire ship, including them, will inevitably turn into green goo. Queen Zhu Miao prepared 'big gifts' one after another, and she would not stop until they were all killed.

"No, it's too slow. It takes 40 seconds to pass the storm wall."

Lu Anru didn't want to put pressure on everyone, but the danger was imminent.

Du Tao was almost exhausted, and was distracted. As soon as he answered, his stomach throbbed violently, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and his hands that cast the spell fell weakly.

Lu Anru quickly came to his side, supported him, and said softly: "Thank you for your hard work. I will handle the following matters."

Du Tao had a splitting headache and dizzy eyes. He used the little strength he had left to slightly nod his head.

Lu Anru handed Du Tao to Rosa, who was coming over, and ran towards the depths of the cabin.

"Go to the door, don't come over," Lu Anru pushed Ella who was chasing him, threw the pink bag to her, and shouted: "After 20 seconds, the French Society withdrew its spell output, and all team members ran to the deck. ”

Everyone asked in surprise: "Are we withdrawing together?"

"The ship will be torn apart by the storm."

"Yeah, at least go through the storm wall and undo it, right?"

"Team leader, please think more about it."

Lu Anru said with absolute certainty: "Yes, stop ink stains, withdraw immediately and run to the deck."

She strode to the place where the corpse was placed, threw the two microcomputers onto the corpse, and entered three numbers at random with both hands.

Taking advantage of the few seconds that the microcomputer was reading, he turned around and ran towards the deck. He heard a "bang" behind him, his body was launched into the air, and his consciousness disappeared.

I forgot how long it took, Lu Anru gradually regained some consciousness.

She knew she was dreaming but couldn't wake up.

She dreamed of the big iron prison again, with a mutated old wolf locked inside. Its snow-white claws touched the top of Chong's head through the gaps in the iron prison.

The old wolf calmly explained something to Chong, but Chong covered his face in pain, his shoulders twitching uncontrollably, as if he had heard the other person's last words, and he seemed to be crying.

Lu Anru walked to Chong, put her arms through Chong, and her body turned into a spirit state.

I stayed with her silently for a while, then floated into the depths. When I went to scare Aunt Cui with the ghost doll, I had learned the skills of moving the spirit body, so it was not difficult to float.

Wandering around the entire institute unimpeded, she saw many highly evolved life forms.

They can obviously take human form, but they all choose to stay in their original form, the form with the most energy. Countless tubes were inserted into their bodies to extract various energy bodies and send them to the cold machine.

Floating to the main control room, Lu Anru understood why they did not change into human forms.

In the control room, five men with black masks were holding syringes and injecting liquid into a highly evolved female in human form.

The highly evolved life form that was tested had long light blue hair like a waterfall, charming eyebrows, red lips and a pretty nose, and a face as beautiful as a fairy. Looking further down, the skin as white as snow has no cover and is covered with traces of insult. People have tainted that otherworldly beauty with their dirty hands.

"Add 100cc more to test her sensitivity." A tall masked man ordered.

The masked male monster approaching him laughed: "Ha, boss, we have been working overtime for seven days in a row. We are tired of this vixen playing with us a long time ago, so you have to reward us."

"Hou Lucong, shut up and concentrate on research. If you make any mistakes, the people above will blame you. Don't blame me for not being able to protect you." After that, the tall masked man focused on the instrument that recorded the data.

"Got it, boss."

Hou Lucong responded in a muffled voice, picked up the ampoule containing the pink liquid, used a syringe to withdraw 100cc and injected it into the fox spirit's lower back.

The vixen twisted unconsciously, and her breathing became hot and rapid.

"Boss, Yao Wu and I are going to the toilet." Hou Lucong touched his companion with his arm.

Yao Wuting responded: "Yes, boss, I'll go and solve it too. I haven't solved it once since I woke up in the morning. I'm so suffocated."

The tall masked man waved his hand impatiently in approval.

The two of them quickly left the room, with Lu Anru floating behind them.

The two of them cautiously walked a long way and stopped. They looked back timidly and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure no one was following them.

Hou Lucong seemed to feel that his behavior was very embarrassing, and complained in a low voice: "We have been asked to focus on research all day long, but he enriched his own pockets and ruined several good-looking fox monsters in the name of research."

"Stop talking, you know our headphones come with monitoring." Yao Wuwei reminded timidly.

Hou Lucong snorted with disdain and said sarcastically: "He didn't dare to tell the truth about what I said. Wu Fengli disappeared mysteriously at the beginning of the month, which attracted the attention of the superiors. More people from the superiors were watching him than us."

"You know what happened to Wu Fengli and you are still talking nonsense. You may become the second person to disappear and die without a complete body." Yao Wuwei walked in front of Hou Lucong in fear and did not want to say more to him.

Hou Lucong looked back, making sure that there was no one behind him again, and showed an attitude of not caring at all.

He put his hands in his pockets like a second-rate man and whistled, "Wu Fengli and I are in a different situation. My uncle holds an important position in the Xia Kingdom royal family. Unless Lin Fei doesn't want this good job, he will touch me."

"Shhhhhh!" Yao Wu pulled Hou Lucong's hand and pointed forward with trembling hands.

Hou Lucong clicked his tongue impatiently and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Someone, please press the alarm! Brother Nan finally helped us catch the escaped monsters, don't let them escape again."

Yao Wuwei lowered his voice, and when he saw Hou Lucong froze in place for some unknown reason, he hurriedly took out the computer from his pocket and sounded the alarm.

All the doors closed automatically at the same time, and hundreds of masked men poured out from all directions, holding tranquilizer guns and approaching the kneeling and crying man.


Lu Anru shouted and woke up from his dream. I adjusted my erratic breathing and couldn't help but reassure myself that the dream was just a dream, because the dream caused by the illusion of iron blocks would not come true.

The last time I dreamed about my hat being in danger didn't come true, and it won't happen this time either.

Slowly, the indisputable facts made Lu Anru unable to continue to make excuses. Hat's life or death is uncertain. If she is in danger like she dreamed, it may be very dangerous.

I wanted to raise my hand to wipe the fine sweat on my forehead, but found that my wrist was so heavy that I couldn't raise it at all.

There were two strings of iron chains binding her hands and feet respectively. The chains were fixed to the iron bed. She could only turn around slightly, but they were not long enough for her to sit up straight.

Caught? Lu Anru's heart sank, and he moved his hand to his side, but couldn't find the powder bag or Yincang.

It’s over, Yincang is not here!

She was able to refuse Long Yuan's help face to face, all because of the confidence given by Yin Cang.

Yincang can cut iron like clay, and can even chop a witch's magic mirror into pieces. He can easily deal with a mere black iron.

With his confidence gone, Lu Anru forced himself to calm down.

The recoil of the explosion sent their ship out of the storm wall, and the loud sound probably attracted the attention of the sea monsters.

I just hope that the team members are safe. Even if they are all caught, there is still hope as long as they are alive.

Twist your neck to observe the environment, looking to the left first. There is an old wooden table displayed against the wall, which looks like a dressing table. There is a bronze mirror on the table, and a jewelry box and a horn comb are placed in front of the mirror.

Next to the wooden table was something similar to a baby crib, which was three times larger than the ordinary model.

The strong atmosphere of life gave Lu Anru the illusion that this place was not a prison cell, but more like a nursery where mothers took care of their children.

Turning her head to the right, her body suddenly trembled, and she clenched her fists in a useless defensive movement.

Sitting beside the bed on the right side is a middle-aged man with short hair, slender eyes, and a bulbous nose. The man held a small object in his hand and was turning it over carefully to check.

Xiao Luan and Xiao Hong stood at the end of the bed, their bodies tied up, and a piece of cystic algae attached to their mouths, acting as tape.

Xiao Luan blinked at her wildly, implying: Pretend to be unconscious.

Before Lu Anru could close his eyes, a deep and deep male voice sounded in his ears: "Hello, little girl."

Lu Anru listened carefully and realized that the sound was not coming from his ears, but coming from his mind.

Heart language skills!

This man is most likely Nian.

A wry smile appeared on Lu Anru's lips. This saves trouble. There is no need for Long Yuan to lead the way and he can see the big boss directly.

"Please explain to me why my wife's jewelry is in your bag?"

Nian lifted the cross key and swayed it above her. From the way the big boss looked at her, she read the danger signal.

(End of chapter)