Magnificent Years

Chapter 190: You are lucky


The white feather of the hat brother falls on the end of the key, shining with brilliant silver light.

Lu Anru rolled his eyes and explained: "Your wife entrusted me to come here to help you find the child."

By describing being forced as a request for a good relationship, I hope it will dispel the other person's wariness and aggression. There is no way, Ella and the others are in unknown condition, and Yin Cang is not around. If you anger the opponent again after such a defeat, it will definitely be considered a low-level choice.

Nian Yang raised his lips and laughed.

Lu Anru couldn't tell whether the other party's laughter was contempt, seeing through her little lies, or gullible and willing to respect his wife's choice.

Shut up, stay quiet, and wait for the other person to say something else. She won't move if the enemy doesn't move her.

Nian let go of his hand, and Lu Anru turned his head timidly. After waiting for a few seconds, the key didn't hit her face. When she turned her head, she saw the key hanging just above her face at a breath's distance.

I'm trying to scare her!

Perhaps because it was too close, she felt that the sharp edges of the key had become rounded and had more curvature, especially close to the end of her nose.

"Huo Yu asked you to come. You and my wife have a normal relationship."

Nian gently exposed her lies and restored the original appearance of the matter.

Lu Anru pursed her lips and admitted frankly: "Yes, I met your wife during the exam. She told me that your child's name is Xun, and he was arrested for research. She hoped,"

After a pause, she changed to a more factual statement: "She threatened me and told me to rescue your children, otherwise she would arrange for your people to hunt down the people I care about."

Mrs. Nian has the ability to read desires. Maybe Nian has the ability to read people's memories. It's better to be honest than to make up and be clever.

Although Huang Qite didn't give her anything to help her before leaving, for some reason, Huang Qite's fierce warning always lingered in her mind - don't be clever, the safety of the team members comes first.

Listening to Lu Anru's slightly aggrieved description, Nian's mood improved and he raised his head and laughed a few times.

"My lady is as majestic as ever, which makes me very happy."

Regarding the other party's behavior of stepping on her pain for fun, Lu Anru could only grin with her, while stepping down a little lower for herself.

"More than just majestic, in the C exam scene of Yuexiang Middle School, she and Guiwa were like local bullies. If the students want to pass the exam, they will have to skin them."

Try your best to get close to her and make the other person happy so that she can inquire about the group members.

Nian picked up the cross key and stopped shaking it, which made her dizzy. His fingers gently stroked the smooth surface of the key, as if he was recalling some happy memories, and his expression became very soft.

"Actually, the original owner of this key is not my wife."

Lu An's heavy breathing turned into a huge boulder and smashed into Ruxin Lake. He let out a slumped 'hmm' and waited for the other party to drink out the verdict of the trial.

Waiting and waiting, waiting for the other party's faint narration of memories.

"One day many years ago, my wife's temperament suddenly changed. She was worried about gains and losses all day long, and insisted that I take Xun away from the Marcia Royal School. She refused to see any human beings, but only met Huo Yu, who gave the key to I gave it to my wife and told her that this key could open the shackles in her heart. From then on, my wife regarded the key as a treasure and wore it on her head every day. Gradually, I noticed that there was more than just the smell of Nettles in the feathers. Hey, I should have been more careful, Huo Yu could have noticed that Nettles was in danger, and used the key to hint to Madam, but I blindly trusted the Marcia royal family."

"Is the hairband too big?" Lu Anru interrupted the other party's sadness at an inappropriate time. He really couldn't imagine how a pair of long keys could be used as a hairband.

Nian glanced at her with a sharp sidelong glance, and Lu An quickly showed a naive expression and changed his words: "Not too big, not too big."

Lying on someone else's iron bed in a prison, you must have the consciousness of being a prisoner.

"The original form of the key is not a cross, it is similar to your ancient hairpin of Xia Kingdom. It turned into a cross before my wife left. It is similar to the material of your sword. It has the ability to change forms every time it stores a certain amount of energy."

Listening to Nian's statement, Lu Anru remembered the scene when Brother Mo and Chong helped her find Yincang.

Brother Mo once told her the reason for Yincang's transformation: "There are two possibilities. One is that it is made of organic metal, and the other is that it may have a soul."

She first rejected the possibility of a soul, guessing that organic metals were similar to highly evolved artificial intelligence.

But Mo Ge disagreed. He said: "Evolved artificial intelligence has autonomous consciousness based on its original foundation and breaks through the set system. The organic metal body means that it has life and can generate its own body structure."

At that time, she was confused. After reading the easy-to-understand explanation, she roughly understood that Yincang is similar to a living storage device with thoughts. When it reaches the energy level, it can change its form according to the determined needs of the owner.

So when she encountered danger in the junior high school entrance examination, Yincang changed from a ballpoint pen to a sword. If you think about it carefully, you will find that her state of mind also changed at that time, and she seemed to have lost the mentality of sitting back and enjoying the results.

"Where's my sword?" Lu Anru asked hoarsely. After understanding the principle, he felt longing for it.

Nian pointed his finger at her waist and said calmly: "When we found you, your sword was softly wrapped around your waist. You were lying flat on the ground, but half of Yincang's sword edge was worn away. We doubt your whereabouts. It is used to insert various fulcrums to reduce your gravitational potential energy and escort you to a safe landing. "

Lu Anru felt a slight chill in her waist, and just as she was about to touch it, the chains that tied her tightened, taking away her right to raise her wrists.

He rolled his eyes sadly and said angrily: "Now that you are sure of yourself, let me go."

"Bring a team here to attack my own people?" Nian asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lu Anru's arrangements in the cabin were revealed, and she was not surprised at all. They had previously traveled near the entrance of the water monster, trying to use the main force of the water monster to outflank the tobacco ship. They entered the water monster's lair and attacked its base camp.

It's just a matter of cleverly exploiting a loophole. It will be a matter of time before he is discovered. It depends on whether the plan with the time difference is fast enough.

Despite all calculations, Queen Zhu Miao's mother was so cruel that they tracked their actions early and bribed two captains.

Especially the vice-captain, I really don’t know what the other party is forcing him to do. He is willing to use his body to carry the corrosive virus.

After complaining irritably in my heart, I suddenly remembered the key thing and asked in a panic: "You are staying in the nest to guard us. Can you arrange someone to encircle and suppress the Marcian Navy as planned?"

"Three teams were arranged to go over, and they won a great victory. They escorted back a ship full of tobacco and nearly fifty-three soldiers from Marsia."

Listening to the calm answer, Lu Anru felt extremely uneasy.

Fifty-three military personnel, a far cry from the information Debbie Jenny received. According to the information description, it is estimated that the number of Marsian Navy participants in the battle is at least 10,000.

"During a head-on battle, a ship from their navy escaped?"

It is only possible for the whole ship to escape, and the individual escape or casualties will not make much difference.

"No, a total of more than 100 of them died in the battle, and we captured 53 of them." Nian's tone turned serious in the middle of his words, as if he had also discovered a problem.

Lu Anru couldn't move, so he slapped the bed board to express his frustration, and reminded sternly: "You are so confused, let me go quickly. I guess they are using us as bait. The large army is probably approaching your entrance at this moment. Send my people Gather your people and we'll figure out how to deal with it."

Nian was stunned for a moment, and at the same time, the door to the room was banged, and a hurried voice shouted: "Commander, it's not good, the Shisou ship has sailed outside the storm wall, and it can pass through the storm wall in half an hour."

"Go and summon the six commanders and have them meet at Xuanhu Hall."

After reciting the sentence, he pressed the side of the bed and tapped it three times. A furry claw stretched out from the hole in the iron chain, unlocked the lock, and then pulled the chain back into the hole.

Lu Anru rubbed his purple wrist, sat up, and asked in confusion, "Aren't you afraid that I'll jump back and forth and be a traitor on both sides?"

"Oh, you almost turned into a traitor in the smelly water?" Nian asked angrily.

Lu Anru made a fierce gesture with his fists and shouted: "Didn't you let them succeed?"

"That's right. You can drive a ship without any protection measures through the storm wall, which can be considered a bit of strength."

Nian snapped his fingers, and two rows of crabs walked out from the pool in the house. They cut off the hemp ropes on Xiao Hong and Xiao Luan, blocked their mouths, and dropped the algae to the ground.

The slimy body of Cystella slowly wriggles towards the pool, leaving light green lumps on the ground.

Xiaohong stared at the lump, recalling the sour smell she inhaled through her nose when she was just gagged, and curiously asked: "Does this thing live on seaweed?"

"Young Master Firefox, I advise you not to understand it in depth. Understanding it too much will only make you more disgusted." Nian said kindly.

Xiaohong's face turned ugly, and she yelled at him angrily: "Can't you find something normal to plug my mouth with?"

"It's better than using your stinky socks."

It was obvious that the cold humor he read could not arouse Xiaohong's good mood. He kept wiping his mouth with his paws and kept cursing.

Nian ignored it and sent an invitation to Lu Anru: "Let's go, follow me to Xuanhu Hall."

Lu Anru grabbed the hilt of Yincang's eagle-headed sword and pulled it out. Yincang, who transformed into a soft sword one second ago, returned to its original hardness the next second after being drawn out.

He touched the damaged sword edge with his fingertips, his eyes as smart as a deer were full of heartache.

The urging shouts outside the door rang again. Lu Anru calmed down and took the powder packet that Nian took out from under the bed.

He knelt down and opened the powder bag, waving to Xiao Luan and Xiao Hong: "Come into the bag."

"I'll go in. Xiao Luan can go in after a while. She's injured. The air in the bag is thin and she can't see the sun, so it's not suitable for recovery." Xiao Hong jumped into the pink bag.

Lu Anru raised his eyes and looked Fan Xiaoluan up and down. From the outside, he could not find any wounds. He asked with concern: "Where is the injury?"

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Please don't worry, it will be healed in a few days."

Xiao Luan walked up to Lu Anru with a heart-warming smile.

Lu Anru put the pink bag on his back and carefully looked around Xiao Luan three times. He didn't find any trace of blood, so he chose to believe him.

Sui Nian left the room and walked in the dark and damp passage. She wanted to ask her team member if Quan Jian was still there.

If you think it’s unlucky, ask another question: “Are my team members okay?”

She looked back at Xiao Luan thoughtfully and said with emotion: "Qingluan has a deep affection for you and knows that you care about the team members, so she used her original form to hold them back. Only four people fell into the water and were choked, and the others did not. A little scratch. On the contrary, you, who was closest to the bomb, and she who was trying to save people were the most seriously injured. You hit your head somewhere, and although I helped remove the swelling, according to human diagnosis, you will have a concussion. As for the sequelae, be careful not to walk too fast in the next few days to avoid dizziness and fainting. Qingluan consumed too much spiritual energy and the arm corresponding to the wing was severely strained. He was unable to change his body in a short time and was unable to sing the soothing song. "

Lu Anru paused and turned to face Xiao Luan.

The braided elder sister was so panicked that she rubbed her hands together as if thinking about how to admit her mistake.

Suppressing his anger with care and sadness, Lu Anru adjusted his breathing and took out the entire bottle of tiger ointment from the powder bag.

Putting it into Xiao Luan's hand, he ordered in a cold voice: "I'll apply it to your arm regularly three times a day."

Xiao Luan was flattered and pushed back, "The fourth-level medicine is very expensive. You should keep it for emergencies."

Lu Anru grabbed Xiao Luan's hand, forced her to hold the medicine bottle tightly, and insisted domineeringly: "I told you to use it, so just use it. The medicine is dead, but you are alive. You are more important than the medicine."

Xiao Luan was extremely stubborn. Instead, she pinched Lu Anru's fingers and tried to break free.

He suppressed the opponent's erratic hand and persuaded him from another angle: "Xiao Ming put three more bottles in my bag, which is enough for my mission. You can choose for yourself, or you can take the medicine obediently and wait for it to be processed here. Follow the original plan I will take you to save your adults. Otherwise, you will only be a drag on me because of your illness."

Xiao Luan lowered her head and thought for a moment, then put away the medicine obediently, but she felt extremely wronged, like an infatuated girl whose heart was broken by a scumbag.

"You are very lucky." Nian patted Xiao Luan on the shoulder, suppressed the heavy sadness in his eyes, and urged Lu Anru: "Go faster, everyone is waiting."

Lu An said "Hmm" and kept up with the pace.

When he first heard the name of Xuanhu Hall, Lu Anru thought it would be similar to Juyi Hall in old martial arts movies.

The boss takes the main seat, and there are several rows of stools for the younger brothers below.

When entering the conference hall where computers and surveillance TVs were displayed, Lu Anru understood the concept a little bit.

The Marcian royal family must have spent a lot of money in the early stage of cooperating with him to help him create a sea monster army equipped with modern technology.

In the face of human beings' "sincere devotion", the defense of mind gradually relaxes, and emotional animals often cannot escape the trap of using emotions as the basis.

After Nian introduced Lu Anru to the six commanders of the Sea Monster Legion, three of them directly showed resistance.

A leader with a seahorse head and a human body asked, "Have you forgotten the treachery of mankind?"

The remaining two commanders with scaly faces responded: "I don't agree with her participation."

"Yes, even if she is someone arranged by Huo Yu, I suggest that she be sent back to Xia Kingdom as a favor to Huo Yu. Our battle does not require human help."

The attitude of the other three commanders was worse than direct opposition. One man with a scallop shell mouth suggested in a sharp voice: "Human beings always take advantage of us. It is rare for a fool to come to our door and give her Wei Pills to make her obey us wholeheartedly."

The somewhat normal-looking green-faced commander turned his chair and faced Nian in cold agreement.

"My elder brother is right, give Wei Pills to the surrendered humans. Their intention to help us is so obvious, they just want to survive. There is a saying among humans, we all take what we need. It is said that Yuexiang students have different ambitions. With their unique skills and resourcefulness, they help us defeat the Marcia royal family. We will then give them the antidote and send them back to Xia Kingdom.”

(End of chapter)