Magnificent Years

Chapter 192: Death plan


Lu Anru's face remained alert, and in the eyes of Zhao Qingji and the other four people from a distance, it looked more like she was wary of Nian.

Nian is more polite and doesn't need to be reminded by her, and behaves more indifferently than her. The two of them behaved in a routine manner, and it was the kind of unpleasant official cooperation.

The communication situation was extremely cold and distant, but in the distance, people on both sides could be seen smiling happily, as if something great had happened to them.

"Which team does your task force plan to follow?" Nian asked about business. He came here just to ask clearly so that he could arrange the battle deployment.

"Before I answer you, I'm a little curious. Please answer it for me."

Lu Anru asked back, blinking his smart eyes, as if he had encountered a doubt that he cared about, and couldn't sleep or eat well until he heard the answer.

The stereotyped expression that didn't match his cute appearance made Nian Xiang laugh.

He pursed his lips and agreed calmly: "Just ask."

"Okay, as far as I know, octopuses are male and female creatures. How do you and your wife distinguish the gender?"

Lu Anru boldly imagined that, apart from the possibility of cheating on her, the most likely possibility would be to read a man 1357 times a week and change his wife 246 times a week.

You can't think any further, the content is too exciting.

Nian suppressed his laughter twice and finally succeeded in the third time.

After Dou'er went to the designated passage, Haha smiled and said, "You are always wary of me. It's just that you didn't see the team members just now, so you are bearing the humiliation."

Lu Anru clasped his fists: "To each other."

Nian was noncommittal and replied softly: "When we complete advanced evolution, we can achieve gender selection by giving up the functions of certain body organs."

Nian's answer seemed to say nothing, but also seemed to say everything.

Lu Anru nodded, indicating that he accepted the explanation. I sighed in my heart that the way the evolved octopus chooses its mate is quite romantic, declaring love in an irreversible way.

"My team can't stay stationed at a certain fortress. Your subordinates will suspect that we want to help humans cover up. Secondly, it would be a waste of our rare troops to stay in one place. We'd better be responsible for roaming and providing support."

Lu Anru sent a text to Sheng Mina's computer, using the nearby intranet Bluetooth. They were in an undersea cave surrounded by seaweed. There was air and land, but there was no network signal. However, every month Xiang student's computer had its own thermal record of the owner.

Transmit it to the college terminal at any time. In special circumstances, members of the same group, teachers, and presidents can apply to view it.

The biggest advantage of seaweed caves is that they move with the storm, but everything has advantages and disadvantages. Once someone invades here, it's all about winning. Losing means losing everything, and the base you've worked so hard to build will be burned down.

I would rather pursue an honest answer than a convoluted riddle and ask directly: "How are you going to respond?"

Lu Anru was too lazy to take into account the other person's preferences and habits, and continued to answer mysteriously: "Dead people."

During the stalemate between the two, Lieutenant General Electric Eel trotted over and solemnly reported: "Commander, all soldiers are in position."

Every time the electric eel uttered a word, uneven bright spots flashed across his face, which looked very similar to the fireworks lanterns Lu Anru had seen when he was a child. It made him want to rua.

The hands restrained each other to suppress the desire to prevent curiosity from killing her and turning her into a stick figure.

"Okay." Nian agreed loudly and nodded with Brown.

Brown sat in front of the core terminal computer identified by Lu Anru and entered two lines of letters. Immediately afterwards, sixteen microcomputers in Xuanhu Hall were turned on at the same time.

A different map is displayed on each microcomputer. There are small dots in three colors of red, white and blue moving in the map.

After staring at one of them and observing carefully, I found that the blue dots represented the sea monster army, and the white dots were densely concentrated near the entrance, probably representing the Marcian Navy. What the red represents is unknown.

Click on each blue dot to view the soldier status and surrounding environment records.

Even though some soldiers were hidden in the belly of the fish, even though they were not illuminated by lights, the recorded battle situation was as clear as if they were intuitive with eyes, and they still have eyes with night vision.

It seems that the sea monsters have added their own breakthrough technology to the original human technology system, which is very powerful. She had thought about it, if she could have a good relationship with Nian, she would definitely use this technology for her team.

With it, Lu Anru can safely divide the group into several teams and go to all directions.

"Commander, please come and take a look."

There is a leader whose upper body is covered with fish scales and whose lower body has evolved legs. He stands in front of the second machine next to the core host. His team is responsible for the entrance to the eye of the storm, and he can be the first to learn about the landing of the Marcian Navy.

Nian walked over, and Lu Anru followed carelessly.

As soon as we arrived, the other party was in a bad mood: "What are you doing here?"

Lu Anru stared at the screen intently and said seriously: "Observe clearly so that I can help you with your plans."

The confident reply made the atmosphere awkward. Even Nian Nian's eyes twitched a few times and glanced back. Except for Zhao Qingji, the rest of Lu Anru's team are all doing nothing. She has not issued any orders so far.

It was clear that the commander and lieutenants looked very unkindly, but the members of Lu Anru's team remained calm and unhurried, perfectly continuing the captain's 'advantages', chatting and hanging around when it was time.

Lu Anru's team, from the team leader to the team members, repeatedly challenged the bottom line of the sea monster's endurance.

"Are you relying on observation and imagination?"

"Kun, please pay attention to the screen." Nian interrupted the cynicism of the fish scale commander.

Lu Anru added jealously: "Yes, look quickly, their boat has landed."

The emergency light suddenly turned on, and then the headlights of Xuanhu Hall went out, indicating that the entrance was captured. The other party immediately used a jammer to cut off the cave's energy supply, leaving only twelve desktop microcomputers powered by electric eels.

Lu Anru quietly counted the twenty-three warships that landed on the screen, glanced at them, and questioned the ability of his survey troops with his eyes.

Finding that Nian was still calm, he looked at the remaining three commanders. Apart from a flash of surprise on their faces, they were all conducting their duties normally.

Kun, the angry young man beside him, seemed to have the ability to predict the unknown. He transferred the shrimp soldiers who were ambushing in the water at the landing point in advance and asked them to stay at the next point.

Various circumstances proved that the Sea Monster Survey Department had tracked accurate data and deliberately lied about the data in front of her.

There is no need to ask for the reason for the fraud. The sea monsters need her help.

More doubts followed, and he asked in a low voice the only possibility: "Did Debbie Jenny send someone to greet you in advance?"

Say 'um' and simply admit it.

"The third princess sent someone to find me privately and told me to find a helper for me to teach the greedy Marcia royal family a lesson. In return, when the royal family completely admits defeat, I will give each other a chance to renegotiate. I was originally not going to agree, but after several large-scale battles in the past six months, both sides suffered heavy losses. If the fighting continues, the oceans we rely on for survival and the land that humans are familiar with will be riddled with holes. Considering the future of future generations, I agree. To give you a test, set the storm in a range where your ship can easily detect it."

The brisk reply was full of appreciation, and I appreciated that she did not ask for data and went straight to the important connection points.

Lu Anru was too lazy to appreciate this kind of thing and looked at Meng Meng coldly. It is estimated that Debbie Jenny had already noticed that the eldest princess was bewitched by the fifth princess, arranged for someone to kill her, and simply used this to push the ship to the entrance agreed with Nian. No wonder the sea monsters didn't torture them when they caught them, but only used psychological pressure.

With a cold look on his face, Meng Meng took two steps back and hid behind Zhou Sheng with a sad face.

Showing half of his face, he complained aggrievedly: "Miss Lu, this matter has nothing to do with me. I have absolutely nothing to do with the team. You can ask Zhou Sheng and other team members. I almost fell into the water and choked to death."

"Yes, I proved for Meng Meng that he was unconscious all the time in prison, with chills all over his body and nightmares. Miss Qian used a warm fire from a distance to help him drive away the cold." Zhou Sheng looked to Ella for help.

The thick lenses could only see a blurry position, and his sight fell between Yun Fengmeng and Ella.

"Yes, they didn't lie about this." Ella helped testify.

A burst of hearty laughter came from the west passage. The man in the floral shirt walked out leisurely, waved to the people who looked at him, and said hello like a leader.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone, I am a good friend of Xia Longyuan and Meng Meng's uncle."

Passing by Meng Meng, he ruffled Meng Meng's short hair with his hands and joked: "Of course little Meng Meng is uncle's insider."

Meng Meng was about to burst into tears and growled depressedly: "Uncle, stop talking nonsense!"

First of all, he was worried about Lu Anru. He and Zhou Sheng had been helped by Lu Anru many times, and he did not want to lose this noble man who was both a teacher and a friend.

Secondly, Yuexiang clearly stipulates that students are prohibited from selling important school secrets. The specific route of the mission ship is very important. If it is confirmed that he leaked it, he can pack up and go home.

Long Yuan brought his second-rate character to the extreme, laughing at his nephew dying without any help in explaining anything.

However, through the conversation between the two, Lu Anru dispelled his worries about Meng Meng's chaos.

Long Yuan whistled angrily, walked up to Lu Anru, and raised his eyebrows: "Little girl, I must be awesome. My sister asked me to rescue you, and I exceeded the task and saved you from prison. , and even convinced Nian for you.”

"Isn't it?" Gao Ying questioned loudly.

Long Yuan turned a deaf ear and showed his unyielding spirit of fighting against repeated defeats. He extended his hand to Lu Anru again and said, "Happy cooperation."

Lu Anru slapped Long Yuan's hand away and glanced at Marcia's other prince grandson, Zhu Miao, who appeared on the monitoring screen.

Imitate the contemptuous look of the other party's squinting eyes, and pour cold water on him: "Don't be happy too early, only after you win will you be happy."

Looking around, the upper right corners of the three computer screens displayed red numbers representing death.

Lu Anru understood the meaning of the red dot and the location of the body.

He sidestepped around the man who looked and behaved the same way as he did, raised his hands in a clasping motion, and said loudly: "Gather, prepare to execute the death plan."

Nian repeated in a low voice: "Death plan?"

Long Yuan explained with a smile, "Ha, it should mean annihilating the enemy."

"Let's work hard to ensure that we are not completely annihilated by the enemy." Lu Anru did not hesitate to pour cold water on him.

"You have personality, I like it." Long Yuan was not frustrated at all and said shamelessly: "If you and I work together, we must win a big victory."

Lu Anru rolled his eyes coldly and turned to face the team members.

The 39 team members stood in an orderly manner. She divided into four teams with her hands and gave serious orders.

"Lianhua, you lead a team and take a shortcut to get ahead of Zhao Qingji and arrive at the material cave in the middle section. After Zhu Miao gets Zhao Qingji's known information, he will definitely lead people to secretly destroy the materials and cut off the sea monster's backup reserves. You should hide the material cave in advance Curse, lead people to get a small amount of supplies, find a dead end passage, cast a copying spell, and copy a lot of supplies to confuse the audience. Finally, when Zhu Miao and others are approaching, your team will all shut down the computers and cut off communication with the Yuexiang central server. "Thermal transmission."

Lotus didn't answer, and turned her head to look at Nian.

The attitude is clear, this matter requires the cooperation of the sea monsters.

Nian Zhoudao made arrangements: "I'll have someone help you find a dead end for storing supplies in advance, and then ask them to move things there. You can just follow the path."

Lian Hua remained unmoved, turned her head and looked at Lu Anru, and said indifferently: "After completing this matter, other things are not my responsibility."

"Okay, okay."

Lu Anru readily agreed, and then added: "But you have to do a small thing as a side note. Zhu Miao did not find the supplies where Zhao Qingji led the way, so he must be suspicious of Zhao Qingji. If supplies and team member death signals are found in a new place, he will only identify Zhao Qingji Otherwise, there is a 90% chance that someone will kill him and silence him. Without showing up, try to give Zhao Qingji a hint. Fortunately for him, Zhao Qingji is willing to turn back and save his life. If he still persists in his obsession, there is nothing he can do. The killing process will prevent Zhu Miao from throwing dirty water on us."

As soon as the words of clear arrangement were spoken, Lianhua refused without hesitation: "It's too troublesome, find someone else to do it."

Lu Anru closed her eyes tiredly and said, "You chant Buddha's name all day long. This is a good deed. You can help create some reminders, right?"

Lianhua might be annoyed by Lu Anru's nagging, so he responded casually: "It depends on the situation."

"Well, I'll take it as your promise."

Lu Anru's eyes moved to Dai Qiyang. Dai Qiyang stood at attention and said proactively: "Team leader, I'm in charge of recording, no problem. Shutting down the key microcomputer completely, and turning it on again means there will be a new signal transmitted. Can I be resurrected after death?"

Dai Qiyang asked the ambiguous question seriously, and several girls with a relaxed attitude couldn't help but cover their mouths in laughter.

"Yeah, I forgot about this." Lu Anru muttered, no wonder Lianhua found it troublesome.

Just as he was feeling worried, Nian took out his spare computer from his pocket and handed it to Lianhua: "Use mine."

The lotus flower didn't pick it up, so I thought she had concerns and sent it forward again, saying generously: "There's no need to pay it back to me."

Lotus remained unmoved, Dai Qiyang cleverly made a rescue, took the computer and put it in his bag, politely responded: "Okay, thank you."

The Lotus group left, and Lu Anru walked in front of Meng Meng in two steps and gave instructions.

"Take your uncle to the third turn at the entrance and shut down the academy's computer before the Marcian Navy arrives."

Meng Meng asked carefully: "Should you turn off the computer?"

"Well," Lu Anru turned his head and asked, "Where are your two strongest teams?"

"The south and east sides are close to the gunpowder magazine."

Nian gave an unreserved answer and became more and more interested in Lu Anru's plan.

Lu Anru quickly walked to the nearest computer, pushed aside the electric eel deputy who was operating, and cut into the overall map. Ignoring the anger of the deputy general, he directly ordered his commander in chief.

"Nian, come and mark the two places."

(End of chapter)