Magnificent Years

Chapter 193: Completely destroy the other party's confidence


Nian nodded towards the angry Lieutenant Eel and pointed to Kun's location in the distance, intending to go over and help.

Then he picked up the mouse, drew two circles on the map, pointed the pointer at the center of the circle and said: "The gunpowder magazine is here, and the elite teams are distributed on both sides."

"Is the door strong and does it not leak?" Lu Anru asked about the focus.

Nian gave an affirmative answer: "Strong."

"Okay, Meng Meng shut down the computer and led the team to arrive here immediately. Lin Chunxu put a water shield on the powder magazine door to prevent the Marcian Navy from blowing it up. The remaining people took out throwable weapons from the powder magazine and hid. A sneak attack in the dark.”

After Lu Anru said it, there was no need for Meng Meng to seek Nian's consent, Nian took the initiative to express his position.

"Okay, if you need anything, go with my soldiers and get it in advance."

Meng Meng took the group and left. Long Yuan turned back three times with words full of love: "Xiao Ruru, please wait for me to come back safely. If you are in danger, shout for help. I will give up everything to save you. Nothing in this world is more important than you." , including these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.”

People who don't know think that he has been secretly in love with Lu Anru for a long time. In fact, they have only known each other for three days and met twice.

Lu Anru accepted the surprised stares of the sea monsters indifferently, took off the two badges from Nian's clothes, and walked to the front of the third team.

He handed the badge to Gu Tianzhi and warned: "Brother Gu, in half an hour you take seven people to the entrance. After arriving, you put the two badges in front of their warship and find a conspicuous place. Then let your teammates Hide in four directions and wait ten minutes to turn off the computer.”

Gu Tianzhi took the badge and confirmed the process with Lu Anru: "Go to the entrance in half an hour. When you arrive, put the badge on the ground in front of the warship and wait ten minutes to turn off the computer. There is no need to attack anyone, right?"

Lu Anru praised: "Yes, Brother Gu has a good memory."

"That's ridiculous."

Gu Tianzhi knew that most of his praise was encouragement. His team was full of strong men from the fighting club, the most vulnerable group of people to be exposed. Lu Anru entrusted this task with a level of difficulty comparable to that of a courier. After delivering the items, all he had to do was hide himself.

Take the strong men to the corner and reiterate the core points to the excited people.

After hearing the emphasis, the strong men patted their chests and assured: "Don't worry, it's a piece of cake."

He turned around and boasted to his companions: "If I want to meet that brat Zhu Miao or his confidant, I must make him look good. Grandma is so stupid, how dare you cheat on me."

"Yes, we beat him until he can't recognize his mother."

Gu Tianzhi had an unusually big head, and he figured it out. This task was mainly to test him to see if he could restrain these hot-blooded men.

Realizing Lu Anru's hard work, he felt full of accomplishment and secretly determined to complete the task according to regulations.

She transformed into Mrs. Xianglin and reiterated the task requirements over and over again: "The team leader issued this task to test our patience. You must not get impatient and act recklessly."

The nagging made the strong men's ears hurt, and they agreed irritably.

Ella looked at the team of people who were buying and selling by force, feeling more worried than ever before, and asked Lu Anru: "Can they do it?"

I always feel that the burly older brother makes me rebellious and prone to extreme behavior. When I think of the scene where Zhu Miao lets eight strong men take turns beating him, I can't help but laugh.

"It can be done." Lu Anru was determined.

Cong Nian took the mouse from his hand, marked two more circles on the map, and wrote down the time.

"Commander-in-Chief, please ask your soldiers to be responsible for confusion and outflanking."

Wanting to keep an eye on the time marked by Lu Anru, the two teams she arranged had a clear purpose. They went to the entrance and went to the location of the sea monster army to provide support. The last team simply went directly to the entrance and pretended to be dead.

The difference between the last team and the first two teams was half an hour. If you think about it carefully, you can guess what Lu Anru was thinking. She was going to gather the scattered troops of the Marcian Navy to engage in a firefight in front of the material cave. When only half of the navy's people were able to resist, they discovered that Yuexiang's survival signal appeared at the entrance. Presumably most of them would retreat towards the entrance, just falling into the ambush arranged by the sea monsters.

Once the plan is well planned, the execution is very detail-oriented. If you miss the smallest detail, you will miss a thousand miles.

"The quality of the individual soldiers of the Marcian Navy is very high, and each of them is armed with advanced weapons."

The roundabout reminder is that with Lu Anru's intelligence, he will be able to understand the profound meaning of the conversation.

Lu An said with a 'hmm' and responded easily: "I know, so I have to trouble your sea monster army to do one more thing. We need to completely destroy the opponent's confidence, not just defeat the opponent."

"What's the matter?" Nian asked with interest.

"If you want to destroy the confidence of a well-trained army, you not only need an overwhelming victory, but you also need to make the other side think that our soldiers can be copied infinitely and we will never be able to kill them all."

"Infinite copying." Nian read out the key words in a low voice, and then contacted Lu Anru's task assigned to her team, "Death Plan".

Suddenly realizing the essence, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he agreed: "Okay, I will separate a small team to be responsible for carrying the corpses, and ensure that the Marcian Navy cannot distinguish the real from the fake."

Lu Anru clapped his hands and praised: "I haven't thought of the corpse trick yet. You are so smart."

Nian smiled slightly: "Both each other."

I want to mobilize a new corpse team, but there are only three sea monster commanders left in Xuanhu Hall, who direct the battle through surveillance.

The old members of Lu Anru's group couldn't sit still. Ella took the lead and asked: "An Ruru, what are we doing?"

Blunt geared up, picked out the most interesting task and was eager to try it: "Shall we go help Lotus take care of Zhu Miao?"

Charlie seconded: "My brother is wise."

Gao Ying glared at the flattering blond boy and yelled irritably: "Go away, you're just flattering."

Charlie raised his head and retorted proudly: "Ugly people make trouble."

After cursing, Zizi slipped down behind Lu Anru and Ella and made a face at Gao Ying.

Ella stretched out her hand to stop Gao Ying, who was chasing after her, and advised her: "Business matters first, and any personal grudges will be settled later."

Gao Ying vented some words of sarcasm to Ella and stayed away from the crowd angrily.

"Turn around."

Lu Anru twisted Ella's body, opened her storage bag with the password, took out the green fluorescent powder, divided it into small bottles and handed them to the old members.

Then he handed the last ten pills that Chen Zejin kept privately to people and said, "Take it. Zhu Miao and his mother discovered that Datura flowers are useful for hallucinations. This time they will increase their distribution range. We must stay awake and follow the time." Rush to the three battlefields and knock off the gas masks of the Marcian Navy."

Everyone trusted Lu Anru very much and drank the medicine with water.

Ella shook the fluorescent bottle in her hand and asked curiously: "What is it used for?"

Gao Ying was blowing the cold wind from the side: "Instead of asking about this thing, why not ask us what to do if we take all the medicine and have already gone on a mission to fall under the illusion."

Ella is a patient person, but she is always criticized by Gao Ying, and she feels a little disgusted.

Pretending not to hear, he continued to ask Lu Anru: "Do you want to sprinkle them on yourself?"

"Your two questions belong to the same issue, let's talk while we're walking."

Lu Anru led the team out of Xuanhu Hall and headed to the Material Cave, explaining in detail on the way.

"There are a lot of antidotes in Zhu Miao's bag. The Marcian Navy wears gas masks, so Zhu Miao kept the medicine to control us. We snatched his bag at the right time and distributed the antidotes to other team members. The team members who have been recruited need to be told before that green represents hope.”

She found that when she was under illusion, she was particularly attracted to weird things.

Use fluorescent sticks to illuminate the path under your feet along the way, and walk close to the wall. Approaching the material cave, I saw light coming from not far away, and several people talking in the same direction.

Lu Anru gave the old members a wink, and everyone put away their light sticks.

Zhu Miao: "How far is it?"

Zhao Qingji: "Prince Haining, please be careful that there is a big stone blocking the road ahead. I have investigated it. Let's go around the stone and walk another 200 meters to reach the cave where the sea monster stores food."

Zhu Miao: "Well, Xiao Zhao, you did a great job. I will say a few more kind words for you in front of my mother."

Zhao Qingji: "Thank you, Prince Haining, this is what I should do."

Ella patted Lu Anru's arm, used the dim light reflected by Zhu Miao and others' flashlights to make gestures to her best friend, and asked: How good are you in action

Lu Anru pressed his hand downwards and said: Don't be impatient, observe clearly before moving.

The old members stood in a horizontal line, clinging to the stone wall.

Wu Hao stood at the front and concentrated on counting the number of opponents. He stood back at the end of the team and whispered to Lu Anru: "One hundred and thirty four people."

Lu Anru pushed Blount and said, "I asked Nian, he said that the fake material cave is on the right side of the road. After entering, go straight forward, turn left at the third intersection, turn twice in a row, and wear short clothes." Arrive through the corridor. Lotus will not be attacked. You tell her to lead people to the place where there are small green dots. "


Blount took the order, and Charlie stuck to his brother and wanted to follow him, but Lu Anru stopped him: "You have more important things to do. It's up to you to blow away their gas masks."

Charlie forgot about his brother now that he was busy, and happily agreed: "OK."

Ella looked at the survey instrument wrapped by Wu Hao's clothes while listening to the movements of Zhu Miao's team.

When the red light inside the clothes flashed faster, he quietly poked his head out to look at the material cave and saw that there were people there.

He hurriedly bumped Lu Anru with his elbow and reminded: "We are at the door. Hey, they seem to have a survey device and have noticed our presence. There are more than 20 people approaching."

"Turn off the computer." Lu Anru gave the order.

Ella took the lead in closing, and people responded.

Zhou Sheng hesitated for a long time and couldn't find the computer after searching for a long time. He was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

Meng Meng touched the coat he wore and took out Zhou Sheng's computer. He didn't care to convey the good news to Zhou Sheng and turned off the computer first. It turned out that in prison, Zhou Sheng was afraid that he would be cold, so he gave him his coat to wear.

Lu Anru ran some distance away, pinched his nose and shouted harshly: "Uh, it hurts."

Ella yelled loudly and painfully in cooperation: "You! It was you who betrayed us!"

Wu Hao responded to the situation and played the sounds of falling to the ground and dragging, as well as the roars of marine animals that humans could not understand.

"Let's stand back." Zhu Miao looked at the number of people in the group recorded on the computer and nervously shouted the order.

Zhu Miao and others retreated to a safe position, while Lu Anru led others back to the wall where they could easily peek.

Both sides held their breath, and there was deathly silence around them.

After about five or six minutes, Zhu Miao's team returned to the material cave. He gestured to the following soldiers to open the door.

The soldiers took out their engineering shovels, inserted them into the soil in front of the door, and worked hard to pry the door open from below.

After working hard for a long time, several large rocks were dug loose, but the door did not move at all.

The two people attached the survey instrument to the door, held the computer to observe the displayed data for a few seconds, wiped their sweat and reported in a low voice: "Prince Haining, there seems to be no supplies inside, there are huge rocks here. If you pry it down again, it may cause a collapse. Instead, they were buried by us.”

"Impossible! I saw with my own eyes the sea monsters bringing supplies into this place." Zhao Qingji shouted excitedly.

Zhu Miao warned coldly: "Keep your voice down."

Zhao Qingji kept his mouth shut and kept patting the stone door in his memory with both hands.

His three best friends could not persuade or hold him back, so they had to bite the bullet and plead for him in a low voice: "Prince Haining, please let someone try again. This is really a material hole."

"Yes, we saw with our own eyes the sea monsters delivering supplies inside."

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

Zhu Miao discussed it with the people around him and raised his hand to indicate that if he hit again, destroying the enemy's supplies would be more valuable than destroying an entire enemy regiment.

More than a dozen strong men raised their silencer hammers and smashed them hard against the stone surface that Zhao Qingji was beating.

Lu Anru was pulled to Gao Ying's side, close to her ear, arranged a call, and asked, "Can it be done?"

Gao Ying despised the sound of "cutting", lowered her body and walked around to the distance.

He quickly collected the entire bag of gravel and brought it back, placed it at Charlie's feet, and then walked to the back of Zhu Miao's team.

Lu Anru said secretly, "Let's do it", and Wu Hao played the roar of the monster.

Gao Ying took the opportunity to kick the wall violently. Just as Zhu Miao's team was looking around in panic, Charlie made a magic trick and blew the gravel upwards, blowing it over the heads of the Marcian navy and falling down.

The navy members hid with their heads in their hands and hid in a safe place, raising their guns and shooting. No one 'cooperated' with Lu Anru's actions.

Lu Anru cursed secretly and moved closer to where Gao Ying was hiding.

As soon as he hid, he shouted in a rough voice: "It's over, this place is going to collapse."

The smart people reacted immediately, stopped shooting, and scrambled to run in the direction Blount left.

You may want to refer to animal obstacle avoidance options to find the only way to escape.

Lu Anru coughed twice, and Charlie raised the strong wind with understanding, blowing away the weapons, protective gear, and many other things of the Marcian Navy.

The navy ran in front, and Lu Anru led others to pick up the leaks behind.

She stuffed all the things she picked up into her powder bag. Yesterday she wiped out Ella's lunch box, freeing up a lot of storage space in the powder bag.

With the roar played by Wu Hao, the old members successfully 'escorted' Zhu Miao and others to the fake material cave.

Ella and Charlie had a great time and wanted to chase the lost dogs again.

Lu Anru used the way of coaxing a child to persuade him to return: "There will be many opportunities to play later, so don't disturb the whole plan. If we encounter a large Marcian naval force, we will lose more than we gain."

"All right."

"O grandma, K."

Ella and Charlie reluctantly agreed, and everyone found Blunt and returned to Xuanhu Hall.

When a dazzling array of things were placed in front of the sea monster leader, the voice of doubt completely disappeared. Even Zong, who likes to take medicine, changed his attitude and his eyes became friendly, as if he were looking at the silly daughter of a landowner who only cares about face and wastes the family, but doesn't know how to plan for himself.

Ella was reluctant to part with them. If she had known that Lu Anru had given them all away, she would have kept a few of them secretly. There is a military electronic flying claw, she said fondly.

Lu Anru didn't stay long, left his things behind, and took the old members to the main battle point and the gunpowder magazine that had been decided.

(End of chapter)