Magnificent Years

Chapter 196: Sacrifice yourself for justice


Wu Hao pulled off the larger white stuff and tore it into smaller pieces. He put the pieces intact back into his pocket. It was obviously a weird and unnecessary behavior, but he seemed to be completing a very important task.

Ignoring the surprised looks from Lu Anru and Meng Meng, he explained solemnly: "The third princess asked me to bring a letter to you. The letter was so soaked that I couldn't read it. Let me dictate it to you."

Lu Anru was speechless. This man had important things in his pocket. Because of Yun Fengmeng, she was always dissatisfied with Wu Hao.

Then, when he thought about it, he said, "Vice President Wu, that's okay. I'm so busy that I forgot to have such a thing as a storage bag."

Some of the things you say are unpleasant and are purely intended to disgust the other person.

"I do not,"

Dong Dong Dong—

There was a knock on the door, and Lu Anru interrupted Wu Hao rudely and asked loudly: "What's the matter?"

A lame voice outside the door replied: "Hello, Team Leader Lu. Commander-in-Chief Nian asked me to tell you something. Is it convenient for you?"

The level of lameness is like the lowest level of artificial intelligence. It can only read from the text. It may be a mutated sea monster that has just learned human writing.

"Just tell me." She didn't ask Nian to do anything confidential, and she wasn't afraid that Wu Hao would hear it.

"Okay, thank you, Team Leader Lu, you are indeed as the commander-in-chief said, you are beautiful, kind and caring,"

Lu Anru glanced at Wu Hao, who pursed his lips to hold back a smile, and emphasized calmly: "Let go of the compliments first and get down to business."

"Okay, thank you, Team Leader Lu. I believe in Team Leader Lu's broadmindedness,"

"Let's get down to business!"

"Okay, according to your request, we dug three feet and didn't find what you wanted. I believe that Team Leader Yilu will be able to understand our hard work."

"I know, you can go and do your own business."

Lu Anru raised his eyebrows, and it turned out that rainbow farts had a purpose in this matter. It's difficult to move forward without evidence, but if you look at it in disguise, there is a point where you can enjoy the pain. At least it proves that the perverted biochemical weapon is afraid of explosives, or it should be said that it is burned with a high ignition point.

Gathering his thoughts, he faced Wu Hao and made a gesture of invitation: "Vice President Wu, continue."

Wu Hao looked tolerant like a mature big brother. He didn't care how many times Lu Anru tripped him up, and said patiently: "Our ship is in danger, and there is an 80% chance that the sea monster will search the bag. The bag is not safe, so I choose to let it go." In the pocket compartment.”

Lu Anru always felt that Wu Hao was connoting her, alluding to the problem of being a fan of her and directly exposing it.

"Determine the letter." Boss Lu An ordered his younger brother, holding down his hand.

Wu Hao's heart was indeed of a good quality, and he still did not get angry or annoyed and did not care about it, and described the contents of the letter in a straight and clear manner.

"Third Princess Debbie Jenny asked me to tell you that after the incident is exposed, the eldest princess will become the scapegoat of the fifth princess. The eldest princess is innocent. Please find out the truth and don't let the bad guys go unpunished."

It was another feud between the royal family. Lu Anru waved his hands distractedly and said, "I will not get involved in this. Let the third princess find another expert."

Seeing Wu Hao's lips slightly parted, he hesitated to speak, so he added: "Vice President Wu, let me remind you that you should understand your nationality and position."

As he spoke, he pointed to the top of his head, as if to persuade him and himself, and said with no deep meaning: "I help the sea monsters, which is equivalent to disturbing the internal affairs of Marcia. The noble overlord of the Xia Kingdom knows this, and may understand me. It's a shame. You are helping the third princess of Marcia to pass on top-secret information. Be careful that the noble person becomes suspicious and I can't protect you if he blames you."

Lu Anru thought about it, if he couldn't find any evidence, he would have to give in to Emperor Xuantian for the time being. Although she was very reluctant to contact the uncertain emperor, she at least wanted to protect the people in the group and their interests.

The threatening reminder was displayed, but Wu Hao remained calm and calm as before, saying calmly: "The third princess asked me to convey a message. If you want to achieve further things, you must keep the eldest princess. The eldest princess has passed away, and Marcia has all All affairs, big and small, are under the control of Fifth Princess Mildela, and it will be difficult for you to do anything you want to do."

Lu Anru stared at Wu Hao suspiciously and asked coldly: "Have you told the third princess about our S-class real mission?"

"Do S-level missions still have real missions?" Meng Meng blurted out curiously. Knowing she had made a mistake, she hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Wu Hao shook his head and said seriously: "I didn't say it, but the third princess was as smart as a orchid. She had already guessed that the purpose of our trip was not just to deal with simple sea monsters. She should have guessed the specific direction of the S-level mission, but she didn't tell her clearly. , to protect Meng Meng and me.”

Hearing this, Meng Meng realized her mother's good intentions and silently retreated to the door to stand side by side with Zhou Sheng, acting as a doorman.

Lu Anru remained silent. The third princess was smarter if she didn't challenge her guess than if she did. If she breaks it, at best it proves that she is smart, but often such smart people tend to have the characteristic of showing off. The lack of provocation proves that she is not only smart, but also able to strategize and take the overall situation into consideration.

After thinking for a few seconds, he raised his eyes again and saw the cute son of the other party standing in the distance, standing straighter than a telephone pole.

"Meng Meng, come here." shouted.

Meng Meng ran over like a victim and asked weakly: "Miss Lu, what's wrong?"

Lu Anru originally planned to solve many things quickly, and if he could find evidence, he would go over to frighten the Marcia royal family, and help the sea monsters fight for some rights. The real S-class mission would depend on the help of the sea monsters. No evidence can be found, and after helping the sea monsters fight for their rights, they have to rush to Yardley Bay. The real mission was accomplished better, so let's make up for it. We still need to consider how to deal with Emperor Xuan Tian. It's a big headache.

But it's easy to imagine something, but extremely difficult to operate. It's like a big hand hidden in the dark, linking every step of the matter, pushing her back so that she must complete it as required and not take any chances.

He supported his head with one hand and asked feebly: "Tell me, what grudges do your mother have with the eldest princess?"

"No, my mother is very good to my eldest aunt." Meng Meng answered honestly and courteously.

Lu Anru said without thinking, "Impossible. If your eldest aunt had no grudge against your mother, why would she have listened to the fifth princess's instigation, supported the fifth princess, and then stupidly taken herself as the culprit?"

"Uh, Miss Lu, please be careful with your words. You are in Marcia after all." Meng Meng reminded timidly.

Lu Anru asked indifferently: "Am I wrong? Or will you betray me?"

How much confidence you have in the first sentence of the question is completely eliminated in the second sentence.

"No, I have never told my mother anything about the group, including what you said." Meng Meng hurriedly proved her innocence.

"That's it, I'm just scared." Lu Anru returned with confidence and urged the two people who showed embarrassed expressions one after another, "There is no such thing as hatred without reason. Think about the modern history of Marcia and find the reason."

"It's really not true. In my memory, my eldest aunt loved my mother and me very much. After my mother married my father, she was one of the few relatives besides my uncle who was willing to recognize us."

Meng Meng answered affirmatively, but as soon as he finished speaking, an old thing came to mind.

His face darkened, and he changed his words: "No, there seems to be something. My eldest aunt has always disapproved of my mother marrying my father. Every time my mother and I go to see my eldest aunt, we can't take my father with us."

"I also remembered one thing," Wu Hao paused and said unspeakably: "Back then, the third princess insisted on guaranteeing my father. She was falsely accused of colluding with other countries, using other countries' power to seize power, and trying to give the third princess He was charged with treason. He also pointed out that she liked to help refugees and always worked for the welfare of the poor, saying that she had a bad heart and had been secretly burying the pawn because she was the only one who could win the votes of the refugees and the poor. He sincerely gave to the poor, yet he was caught and tried to incriminate him.”

Lu Anru sat in a different position to avoid the numbness in his legs again, and lamented: "Hey, the first bird is shot. In the world of crows, swans are always guilty."

"Yes," Wu Hao responded thoughtfully. He turned to look at Meng Meng and expressed his guilt in a deep voice: "I'm sorry, Meng Meng. Many of the unfair treatments your mother suffered were all caused by my father."

There was too much ambiguity in this statement. If Wu Hao's expression hadn't been serious, Lu Anru would have thought wrong if he knew the whole story.

Meng Meng shook his head repeatedly and showed a sincere smile to Wu Hao, "Vice President Wu, don't think too much about it. Before this happened, my mother had known and fell in love with my father, but it was this incident that gave her courage. , let her give up her identity and shackles as a princess. She is now living happily with my father, and can freely help those she wants to help. "

For some reason, Lu Anru always felt that Meng Meng was deliberately emphasizing my mother and father.

He stopped his weird thoughts and called out to the two people who were sympathetic to each other: "Meng Meng, is your eldest aunt a shady person?"

"No, my eldest aunt is very good to me, and she is also very good to my mother. She is always secretly subsidizing our family."

Meng Meng spoke extremely seriously. Lu Anru stared at him for more than a minute, not catching any dodge, but all his passionate love for his aunt.

Things got a little clearer, so I asked further: "Does your eldest aunt have a strong desire for power?"

"It's not serious. When I was a child, she always praised my mother. Later, she suffered from a strange disease, and my grandfather called famous doctors but they were unable to do anything. She even encouraged my mother to take over my grandfather's position."

Meng Meng spoke sadly, feeling sorry for her aunt's illness from the bottom of her heart.

"I understand."

Lu Anru clapped his hands and shouted, thinking that the eldest princess had heard the rumors about the fifth princess and believed that it was Meng Meng's father who ruined the third princess's bright future, so she agreed to cooperate.

After careful consideration, I discovered a loophole in the reasoning. From Meng Meng's statement, it sounded like the eldest princess, although she didn't like Meng Meng's father, loved Meng Meng very much.

She should target Meng Meng's father. Trapping the task force is tantamount to assassinating Meng Meng and Wu Hao. It is unlikely that the eldest princess would make such a choice.

His thoughts were in chaos when he heard a voice full of ridicule: "You must have guessed that the eldest princess listened to the bewitchment of the fifth princess out of her affection for the third princess."

Lu Anru rolled his eyes at Wu Hao and said to Meng Meng, "He said that the eldest princess is mentally retarded. Remember, I will go back to your grandfather to report Xiao Hei."

Meng Meng said 'uh', and the team leader didn't know what to say when faced with double standards.

After Lu Anru finished exposing, he denied Wu Hao's words like a normal person: "How could I think about such a simple inference? It is obvious that the eldest princess is ready to sacrifice her life for justice. She seems to believe that the fifth princess is instigated and willingly takes advantage of her. In fact, she is secretly collecting money from the fifth princess. Evidence of murdering her sister and nephew. However, she was unable to defeat the fifth princess and did not collect any favorable evidence. Instead, she got herself into trouble, so the third princess became anxious and asked us to help the eldest princess. "

Wu Hao didn't mock her. She was still doubting the possibility of sacrificing her life for justice. After being mocked, she was 100% sure that this would be the case.

"That's right," Wu Hao's tone suddenly changed, with a hint of approval, "You can see through the essence of the matter, and it's not in vain for the third princess to put all the bets on you. The eldest princess is a very loyal person, she can Regardless of the fact that the Fifth Princess poisoned her all year round and turned her into a cripple, she was not allowed to kill her siblings. "

Lu Anru said in surprise in his heart, and pretended to be calm as usual, as if he had guessed that the poison was caused by the fifth princess.

She thought that the fifth princess only caused one persecution and paralyzed the eldest sister, but she didn't expect that she was poisoning her all the time.

That's right, if there is a persecution, it can be cured with extremely rapid repair through today's high-tech medical treatment.

"Okay, you heard what the sea monster just reported, and the evidence can't be found. How about you entrust the third princess to find something similar? I believe that thing is there, and there will be another bad incident like Ning Guangtong's assassination. It’s a deterrent, so the fifth princess doesn’t have to run away.”

Lu Anru suggested from a practical point of view, and then she saw Wu Hao's approval disappearing, and said indifferently: "And things cannot withstand verification. Once verified, it will make us passive. Even if we scare the other party to prevent the verification, it will only completely destroy the Grand Duke. The Lord pushed toward the guillotine.”

Ignoring the side glances that disdained her naive thinking, Lu Anru thought for a few seconds and asked, "How many children does the fifth princess have?"

"One, so Zhu Miao is favored." Meng Meng replied.

Lu Anru made a fist with his right hand and smashed it into the palm of his left hand, and said in surprise: "OK, let's take the last move and seize its vitals!"

Wu Hao's mind was spinning very fast and he asked, "Do you want to start with Zhu Miao?"

"Yes, let's not pursue the assassination in the past. Let's just say that Zhu Miao was infected by the killer's biological weapon. We can only barely suppress the corrosion rate and need an antidote. The fifth princess loves her son so much that she will definitely contact the killer organization and expose her flaws."

After Lu Anru's speech ended, Wu Hao's fluctuating appreciation returned again, but this time there was a little more worry.

"I'm afraid that she will give up her son for power. After all, the son can be born again. It's hard to find another golden opportunity to seize power."

Lu Anru said two words carelessly: "It's okay."

"Why?" Wu Hao was confused.

Lu Anru blinked mysteriously and analyzed softly.

"The old island owner is in a very contradictory mood now. On the one hand, he longs for the fifth princess to use ruthless means to complete his unfinished business, but on the other hand, he is also thinking about whether the choice is right. He still hopes to protect this land, but the situation But it became more and more contrary. People only feared and disrespected the fifth princess. He didn't want to see his children killing each other, so he was also trying to catch the fifth princess, and hoped to save Zhu Miao's character. Abandoning her son will allow the old island owner to see her clearly. Overall, I hope the fifth princess will not save Zhu Miao."

(End of chapter)