Magnificent Years

Chapter 198: I want to be the new island owner


Lu Anru pricked up her ears and listened carefully to the movement outside, and heard the sound of footsteps, five shallow and two deep, which was the code for the inquiry she had made with Ella.

Xiao Luan knew the existence of the code, but didn't know its specific meaning, which meant don't get close. He was using it indiscriminately, which attracted Lu Anru's attention.

After thinking about it, I decided not to take the risk and told Ella: "I'm sorry, I can't be in the same room with you."

Ella was temporarily surprised and asked: "Why?"

"I promised to sleep with others."

Ella was extremely excited and thought of a suitable candidate: "Your Highness Xuan Guang?"

If that were the case, I could justifiably sleep with Li Momo~

Lu Anru straightened his face and said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense. My cousin doesn't trust me and is chasing me. I have to sleep with her."

"Your cousin?" Ella searched her memory and remembered the braided sister, "Sister Luan, the very gentle little sister, is she here with you?"

Before the holiday, Xiao Luan was found in Lu Anru's bedroom. Lu Anru gave an explanation and came to deliver something. After New Year's Day, there were more discoveries, and Lu Anru gave a new explanation. She needed to be reminded that she had been cursed, and her family was worried about it, so she asked her cousin to stay secretly.

"Hey, yes, another relative is here. Think of something that can convince Feng Meng and the others." Lu Anru said the commission.

Ella readily agreed: "OK, I don't think Fengmeng needs to explain, she will trust and understand you unconditionally. As for Sheng Mina and Gao Ying, it can be said that Sister Xiaoluan is worried about you, and entrusted His Highness Xuanguang to take her with her in tears. Get on the boat. His Highness Xuan Guang can’t refuse, so he can only agree.”

"Well, it's as you say." Lu Anru happily agreed, and with Ning Guang as their cover, Gao Ying and the others wouldn't ask any more questions.

He immediately took out his computer and edited a message for Ning Guang to inform him of the matter.

Ning Guang asked Xiao Luan again about his specific origins, but Lu Anru ignored him. Judging from her excuses, Xiao Luan must have secretly boarded the ship with her. After coaxing Lu Anru to call out "Brother Ningguang", he agreed to the commission.

Ella left the room and went to find Yun Fengmeng, who lived alone.

With the humanoid reminder machine Xiao Luan there, Lu Anru slept particularly soundly.

Marcia's first counterattack failed in her sleep, and almost all of the navy's core combat forces were captured. Most of the people who come next are ordinary soldiers or new recruits. Without the leadership of veterans and relying solely on weapons, their superiority is not high.

In addition, the sea monsters were already prepared, relying on hurricane protection to wait to close the net. In the first counterattack, 5,167 Marcian navy soldiers were captured again.

Lu Anru slept until noon and got up. When he heard the great news, his mood improved and he ate two more bowls of rice.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the Marcia royal family launched a second counterattack. This fight lasted longer than last time because the naval commander forgot his position and clearly realized that it was difficult to win at sea. He ordered people to lead the sea monsters by boat to the land near the slums.

Before approaching the land, he was surrounded by sea monsters, intercepted and captured.

"Lu Anru, come here."

I want to find the petite person sitting in the command hall watching the excitement.

Lu Anru turned his chair, his little feet dangling in the air, tilted his head and asked mischievously: "Let's go over and discuss how to celebrate in the evening?"

She checked with Wu Hao to confirm the number of naval forces remaining near the capital of Marsia.

Wu Hao gave the answer based on the information obtained by the Xia State military: "It can fight up to three waves of counterattacks."

If the navy is used up, it will be in vain to use the army or air force to fight in the harsh weather on the sea.

Nian couldn't lie. He had been thinking for a long time before saying anything to make people happy. He said truthfully: "We have caught some special people. Come over and discuss what to do."

Special group of people, Lu Anru panicked, could it be that Xiaoqiao captured them

When she met Ning Guang yesterday, she asked where Xiaoqiao was, and Ning Guang told her that Xiaoqiao stayed with Xiao Aya.

Thinking about it, Xiao Aya must keep a hostage by her side to restrain her.

Her pace quickened a little, and she noticed something strange halfway through. Nian did not take her to the Black Iron Prison, but instead walked to their rest room.

The bad premonition in her heart worsened. If Xiaoqiao was caught and shouted something like a bastard saying that he wanted to settle a score with her, Nian Xin had asked her about Xiaoqiao's identity. It was very likely that she would be temporarily locked up in his wife's room.

It's not that she abandoned Xiaoqiao, she was afraid that the unconscious Xiaoqiao would come with bad intentions, such as spying on their actions, poisoning, etc.

In order to ensure that the ulterior purpose is accomplished, Xiao Aya will definitely cast a vicious promise-keeping spell on Xiaoqiao. It would be better for the two sisters not to see each other at this moment.

Watching Nian push away his wife's room with anxiety, her heart was high, fearing that Xiaoqiao would run towards her and splash her and Nian with a green biochemical weapon.

Every time I blinked, I deliberately slowed down my pace of opening until I saw the simple faces.

The room was full of people, and people were looking at her with even more panicked looks than hers.

"What's going on?" Lu Anru stopped thinking and asked in a low voice.

These people don't have any force value, and most of them are elderly people. They don't look like the Marcian Navy.

Nian leaned close to her ear and whispered the problem at hand: "We pursued the second wave of navy and approached the shore. The hurricane swept these people from the slums into the sea water. They lived by the sea and had no time to leave."

"Is this why you came to me?" Lu Anru gave Nian a strange and reproachful look, not believing the second half of what he said.

"You decide what to do with these people."

He coughed awkwardly, pushed her lower back with his right hand, and pushed her into the house.

Lu Anru turned around frequently, and she could tell from the awkward look on her face that something was wrong. She probably had nothing to complain about to the team members about her indecisiveness and soft-heartedness, so that the real owner could hear it.

She forgot that the hearing of sea creatures is a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary humans, thinking that such highly evolved life forms will only become more powerful.

Putting away the contagious awkward look, he showed a rare confused attitude, walked to the crowd, waved his hands: "Hello everyone."

Careful observation revealed that the people who were arrested were wrong. The people who were rescued were afraid of her, not Nian.

Their eyes looked at Nian with gratitude, thinking that they had been helped by Nian.

Lu Anru was completely speechless. She was a little human girl, but she was feared by her own kind.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I can't let you go back this time. I need to follow her arrangements."

The servility cultivated by the Marcia royal family's PUA was engraved in his heart. Seeing that Lu Anru's tactics had miraculous results every time, he was willing to continue to be convinced.

After reading it, people looked at her with even more fear, mistaking her for a lackey of the Marcia royal family.

Already being regarded as the big bad guy, Lu Anru didn't bother to smile, and asked doubtfully: "You should have a storm detector at home, right? Why don't you run away when you see a storm approaching?"

A storm detector is a must-have for fishermen.

People thought she would issue vicious orders, but they didn't expect that when questions came, the two middle-aged people standing in the front row looked at each other and chose a representative to answer.

"We were rescued by Mr. Nian. At least we had a way to survive. If we escaped from the shore and went back, we would probably encounter the angry sailors. By killing us, they would show their hard work and the intensity of the battle, and at the same time push our death away. To Mr. Nian.”

"Uh, no?" Lu Anru was half-convinced and half-questioned, thinking that it was normal for someone in a monster's territory to say something the monster would like to hear.

"Really, I am willing to swear to Poseidon that everything I say is true! If I tell a lie, I will not be allowed to be buried in the sea, and my body will not be intact."

The rescued representative raised two fingers and burst into tears, "My eldest brother was killed by the Navy's gun, and they forced me to give false testimony to Mr. Nian. I was still young at the time, and in order to survive, I said things that destroyed my conscience."

Nian gently patted the representative's twitching shoulder, tolerantly and comforted: "It doesn't matter, even if you don't commit perjury, they will do all kinds of bad things to blame us."

The man in his forties threw himself into Nian's arms, burst into tears, and mumbled three words in his mouth: I'm sorry.

Lu Anru clenched his fist angrily and smashed the table next to him, cursing: "That's too much. These people are more shameless than me."

The rescued people were all silent, not knowing how to answer the question.

Lu Anru continued to curse indifferently: "Why do you keep such rotten managers? They can be overthrown!"

Seemingly realizing that Lu Anru had nothing to do with the Marcia royal family, an aunt who was closer to her hurriedly advised: "Don't talk nonsense, or you will be arrested and sent to the guillotine."

In order to consolidate the unshakable status of the royal family, Marcia still retains hangings, and the entire process of each execution is broadcast on television.

"Hey, the good days of the old island master are gone. If the fifth princess hears your rebellious words, you are dead."

"That's right, you don't look like a local. Since you are Mr. Nian's friend, I would like to advise you to go back to your country as soon as possible. Marcia is very chaotic and very unsafe right now."

"Go back early."

Listening to the stranger's heartfelt words of kindness, Lu Anru secretly made up his mind. The words that just slipped out of his mouth were just a moment of overwhelming sense of justice, but at this moment the decision became firm.

"Don't send them back yet, I have other arrangements."

Putting aside the warning, Lu Anru left the house.

Use the intranet to gather everyone together and glance at people. They are all eagerly looking forward to new task arrangements. The sea monsters had good intentions and prohibited them from helping, but the team members were bored to death.

"Meng Meng." Lu Anru called out.

Meng Meng stepped out of the queue, stood up straight, and responded: "I'm here, team leader, please give me your instructions."

"Do you want to be the owner of Marcia Island?"

The ambitious question was posed, and people took a breath one after another.

Meng Mengxiao looked at Lu Anru with a straight face and asked calmly: "Do you think I'm qualified, team leader?"

"That's enough." Lu Anru replied blurtly, "You can be a conscientious bastard like your fifth aunt, why can't you?"

"But I'm only 14 years old." Meng Meng pointed out the disadvantage of age.

Lu Anru waved his hand casually and said proudly: "Of all the emperors of the Xia Kingdom, Kangxi succeeded to the throne at the age of eight. He killed Ao Bai at the age of fourteen and took over the throne at the age of twenty-three. The Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng succeeded to the throne at the age of thirteen and twenty-one. Eliminate dissidents at the age of 30 and unite the six countries at the age of 36. You are already fourteen years old, you don’t have less noses and eyes than them, so be more confident.”

"Okay, team leader. I want to be the owner of the island. I want to turn Marcia back to its former prosperity. I don't close my house at night and don't pick up things on the road."

Meng Mengru stared at Lu Anru unblinkingly, her grape-like round and black eyes seemed to be lit with small flames, which could start a prairie fire at any time as long as the strong east wind blew.

"Okay, but you haven't finished your studies yet, so you can let your mother handle the government affairs for the time being. It's just that you have been away from the Red Sea Palace for many years, and your foundation is not stable."

Lu Anru said halfway, he raised his eyes and saw Ning Guang sitting leisurely in the distance, and suggested: "There is great turmoil in Marcia. If you and your mother return to the Red Sea Palace, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the radicals and take the opportunity to rebel. You need a reliable alliance. "

After that, Meng Meng raised his chin towards the distance.

Meng Meng turned to look at Ning Guang and quickly looked away, fearing that she might inadvertently cause disrespect.

After waiting for a few seconds, Meng Meng didn't express his loyalty to Ning Guang, so Lu Anru sent a few more hints.

Even the simple-minded Ella could see Lu Anru's intentions, but Meng Meng remained unmoved. She lowered her eyes and looked at the tips of her shoes, pretending to be afraid.

Lu Anru carefully tried to understand what Xiao Mengmeng was worried about, then took three steps forward, and said close to Meng Meng's ear: "It is more reliable to discuss an alliance with Ning Guang than with Emperor Xuantian. You need the protection of the Xia Kingdom to gain wings for yourself. Full time.”

Meng Meng said "hmm" loudly, walked to Ning Guang, knelt down on the ground, saluted and begged: "Your Highness Xuan Guang, please ask Xia Kingdom to re-alliance with Marcia."

Ning Guang supported Meng Meng with both hands and promised in a deep voice: "I will mention this matter to my father when I return to China, and we will discuss it formally."

Having Ning Guang as a guarantee was equivalent to recognizing Meng Meng's identity as a descendant of the royal family in advance. Meng Meng happily thanked him again and again.

Ella came closer to Lu Anru and muttered: "Meng Mengming is so good, he went on a mission to pick up the island owner."

"Watch your words, he is not yet." Wu Hao reminded him in disappointment.

There was no need for her best friend to quarrel twice, Gao Ying and Sheng Mina rushed over and yelled in a low voice: "What His Highness Uzumaki promised will definitely come true."

"That's right, get out of here you stinky loser who doesn't understand how to cherish things."

Several last-ditch strikes struck Wu Hao in the heart, leaving him with no energy to refute.

Lu Anru clapped his hands, drew everyone's attention, and asked loudly: "Will everyone help Meng Meng fight for the island owner?"

People gave different answers, but the core ideas were surprisingly unified.

"Yes, how can such a thing happen without our three Hakka brothers?"

"Yes, we only follow the leader's orders."

"Since they called us, it proves that we are not treated as outsiders, so naturally we have to help."

"Yes, my brother is wise and powerful."

"Charlie, you can only praise your brother. I'm here to bring some benefits to everyone. If we overthrow the old rule, can we get an official position in Marcia?"

"Hahaha, so we are still the founding fathers of New Marcia."

Meng Meng was overjoyed when she first heard it, but as she continued to listen, she became sensitive in her heart, and her face was filled with sadness like a New Year painting doll.

Ella is kind-hearted and interrupts people's random jokes.

"Everyone, please stop your arrogance. If a country can appoint core officials at will, it is not far from destruction. An Ruru dares to recommend Meng Meng to the position of island owner because Meng Meng himself is the grandson of the old island owner. Secondly, Meng Meng is very smart. , and has great love. Don’t forget, after Senior Sheng Ming, he is the second student to enter Middle C before the age of 15. "

People responded one after another: "That's right."

"Well, it's useless to be an official, and we don't come here often. As long as Meng Meng pays for our one-stop service every time we come to play, it's enough."

"Yes, Zhu Lan is still real."

(End of chapter)