Magnificent Years

Chapter 199: Borrow arrows from a straw boat


Confirming that everyone was joking, Meng Meng put aside her worries, smiled gratefully at Ella, and made a shy promise.

"Okay, from now on the team members will come to play for free."

In order to prevent anyone from talking too seriously, Ella took the lead and cheered: "OK, let's discuss how to seek power and usurp the throne!"

"Okay, thank you everyone." Meng Meng bowed deeply.

After a brief hesitation, everyone set their sights in the direction of Lu Anru and Ning Guang. While they were fooling around, the two seemed to be secretly discussing something.

Lu Anru met everyone's blazing gazes and called out: "Wu Hao, do you think how many people will be left after the Marcian Navy launches its attack?"

Wu Hao is not a petty person, but just now the girls crowded around him regardless of the occasion, which made him slightly unhappy.

He put the survey instrument on the table without much interest and said, "You shouldn't ask me about this."

Ella judged from his attitude that when he gave up the job, he immediately boasted: "Of course you have to ask Vice President Wu, you are the only one in the team who can accurately calculate it."

People heard Ella's sincerity and helped to praise her. Even Gao Ying and Sheng Mina also joined in.

Wu Hao was in a better mood. He pointed his finger at the survey instrument and expressed his position: "I am telling the truth, not speaking out of anger. I can survey the distance of the Marcian Navy and the approximate number of people. The specific number of people participating in the battle and how many soldiers are left on the land. , I can’t survey it, it’s better to ask my old enemy in the Navy.”

Everyone had an epiphany and exclaimed in unison: "That's right!"

Lu Anru left the temporary conference hall and walked to the command room.

To explain his purpose to Nian, Nian glanced at Brown, who was always standing on the core computer.

Brown quickly entered a line of letters with his scaly hands, and tadpole-like text scrolled on the screen.

Lu Anru stared at it seriously for a few seconds, until he was dizzy and looked away, waiting for a reply.

Brown pulled the tadpole article to the end and reported: "Currently, there are only 823 marines approaching. They have always stayed in the safe area outside the storm, trying to lure us to follow. There are nearly ten thousand people ambushing on the seaside, and they can be detected through heat. They have heavy weapons. They are probably planning to launch weapons to destroy our base camp as soon as we get close.”

Ella followed Lu Anru here. When she heard this analysis, she didn't have the fear of a dying person. Instead, she became angry and cursed: "They are so confident. Why do they think we will fall into the trap?"

Lu Anru whispered the worst possibility: "They arrested the poor people and used them as blackmail."

Just like before, the fifth princess and Emperor Xuantian reached an agreement to threaten General Wu with the lives of third princess Debbie Jenny and many innocent people, so that he must die.

Nian held his forehead with one hand, closed his eyes heavily, and said, "Nettles are also on the shore."

"That's great, Commander, Gong,"

Before he finished saying the word "happy", Brown's joyful look disappeared, and he realized that Nettle was in the same state as the poor people, they were hostages.

Ella asked anxiously: "What can we do?"

Lu Anru pulled up a swivel chair, jumped up and sat down. Due to her limited height, it was just right for others to sit and her feet could not touch the ground, leaving about 20 centimeters of distance.

But she liked the feeling of swinging her legs in the air very much. She turned around in the chair and swayed her legs, meditating quietly.

"Commander, do we need to follow?" Zong Bucuo asked.

Nian held Lu Anru down with his hand and turned to the uncomfortable chair back, and responded: "Follow me, the worst is to change one by one."

Ella heard Nian's plan to trade Zhu Miao for Xun, and seconded: "Yes, Zhu Miao is here with us. We can discuss anything."

"It's no use."

Lu Anru's body could no longer move, and his mind was also thinking about it, and he revealed Nian's true plan: "He wants to have a negotiation. If the negotiation fails and Xun cannot be saved, he will kill Zhu Miao to avenge Xun."

"Ah, really?" Ella asked in surprise. Seeing that Nian did not deny it, she quickly advised: "Calm down, you are reluctant to lynch Zhu Miao, don't do it seriously, you still rely on him to get it back." What about legitimate rights and lost territory.”

"My son and brothers are all dead, what use do I have for those external possessions?"

Nian let go of his hand and gave the hesitant Brown an execution gesture.

Then he pulled down Lu Anru, who was starting to turn his chair again, and said in a deep voice: "We will pass by a small island on our way. You and your people will take the poor people to swim there. When we finish fighting, you will return to the land. You go Tell the Marcia royal family that you are the one who induced us to catch up. The Marcia royal family will award you with meritorious service, so you can go back to school."

A second-rate sound came before Lu Anru could answer: "Nian Nian, you underestimate our little Lu too much. Now that she has boarded the ship, she has already made plans to live and die with you."

"Why are you talking so much about trains?"

Ella looked back at the speaker and saw Long Yuan unbuttoning his shirt and walking towards him like an international supermodel.

Shan closed his right eye and gave Lu An a flirtatious wink, and asked Ella with a smile: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Team leader Lu is a greedy person who is afraid of death. Is he planning to escape to the island?"

Ella put her hands on her hips, looked up at the man who was a head taller than her, and said proudly with no loss of aura: "Don't provoke us, An Ruru will make your own judgment whether you should stay or escape. I respect her decision and believe in her The point of consideration has nothing to do with fear of death.”

"There's nothing wrong with being afraid of death." After Lu Anru said this, he saw Ella's straight back collapse instantly.

He turned his head and winked at her, hinting: Give her some face and kiss her, don't show it in public.

Lu Anru blinked back, and Ella waited patiently for her best friend to smooth things over.

But I heard Nainuo's small voice saying something very irritating: "It's human nature to be afraid of death. There's nothing wrong with it."

"An Ruru." Ella reminded with a low growl. It is human nature to at least think of a way. She just said she would help Meng Meng ascend to the position of island leader.

Lu Anru pressed his hand towards Ella and said calmly: "Only when a person is alive can he have a chance to fight for what he wants. Death will only cause pain to relatives and happiness to enemies."

After saying that, he raised his eyes and stared at Nian, and pulled his companions: "This is not only true for people, but also for any life. I suggest that we can learn from Zhuge Liang's straw boat and borrow arrows."

"Borrowing arrows from a straw boat?" Nian was confused.

Ella returned confidently and helped explain: "I understand this. It means to build several empty boats and fill them with scarecrows. Choose a foggy night, when the enemy can't see the situation on the boat clearly, sail the boat over and lure the enemy to shoot arrows. Attack. While exhausting the opponent's weapons, they borrowed more than 100,000 arrows to replenish our military strength."

Afraid that the highly mutated sea monsters would misunderstand the essence of the allusion, he emphasized: "It changes with the times. Our borrowing means consumption, and the opponent's cannonballs have been exhausted."

"Okay, okay, but we are in the daytime now and we are easily exposed. Should we wait until late at night to pursue?"

Brown was moved when he heard it, and couldn't help but find out where there was a problem, hoping that Ella could provide additional explanations.

Ella laughed twice, pulled Lu Anru's sleeves, and asked: "What do you think of An Ruru?"

"We can wait, but they can't wait. They can't give up the fighting time that is beneficial to them. Nian can feel the nettle, which proves that they have moved the machine that extracts the nettle energy together, releasing a large amount of energy source, and inducing Nian to trap it. "

According to Xun's situation, Lu Anru thought of hat. They stayed in Marcia for five days. Although the actual processing time of the mission was usually about a month, she could not waste too much time on the fake mission and needed to go to Yardley Bay early.

Brown looked at Nian worriedly and couldn't bear to ask for confirmation.

Nian sighed sadly and said dejectedly: "They want to catch me. I will be the bait. Brown, you take the brothers and flank them from behind. Rescue Xun, go to Yuexiang and tell Huo Yu that I will do what I promised him." Yes, let him set my wife free."

"Commander, don't, there must be a better way." Brown refused.

With a bang, the door was pushed open hard, and Dou'er ran in, shouting: "I'll stay with you as bait."

Brown was confused and annoyed, so he pushed Dou'er up and scolded: "Stop causing trouble, don't imitate human beings to sacrifice their love. Learn from Team Leader Lu's moral character. Look at how greedy she is for life and fear of death. I think she is like this Very good.”

Lu Anruquan was praising himself and nodded in agreement: "Yes, the core of borrowing arrows from a straw boat is to achieve the goal without killing or injuring. We must borrow the wisdom of the ancients of Xia Kingdom to make the other party mistakenly think that we are all on the boat."

"Yes, we have a storm as a barrier. In the storm, the navy can't see our specific situation clearly."

Lu Anru glanced at Zong, who spoke actively, and overturned the opponent's proud thoughts: "Storm cannot be used in this plan. Once the storm passes, the base camp is destined to be gone, and the opponent needs to personally replace them with Zhu Miao and Ning Guang." , the captured navy were exchanged for nettle.”

Zong Si thought of letting the words go around him. He really couldn't think of a solution, so he asked in a nonchalant manner: "Then what do you think we should do?"

"Leave the highly evolved entities that created the storm, and leave a commander who knows how to observe the battle situation. After that, convey your intention to the Marcian Navy, and we agree to exchange hostages. We will first exchange Zhu Miao and Ning Guang for Xun, and wait for us Arrive at a safe area and release them to the navy."

Lu Anru told the arrangement.

After a few seconds, Zong Xipin strongly objected: "No, they will probably chase us, intercept us, and then rescue the navy. I suggest exchanging the navy for Xun, and escorting their feared Highnesses Zhu Miao and Xuan Guang."

Lu Anru raised the corner of his mouth, put on the mysterious smile that he always showed, and spoke happily.

"Don't forget, we are just trying to lure them into pursuit, use up their ammunition, and arrest them. By the way, we can convince the captured poor people to surrender to the new island owners. As long as the poor surrender, we will be able to dominate the direction of the mainstream discourse in Malcia. At that time, we will ignore the Marcia royal family.”

Brown's mind was in a state of confusion after hearing this, so he adopted the simplest method, looked at Nian, and followed his command.

Nian turned around and looked at the screen, fixedly staring at the Marcia warship that always kept a distance, and said in a deep voice: "Send the other party your willingness to exchange hostages."

Dou'er stretched out his hand to block Zong, glared at Lu Anru with unabated vigilance, and said: "I don't believe her, I suspect she is an undercover agent sent by Marcia. It should be said that she was originally a surprise soldier arranged by the Marcia royal family. She gave us The plan is full of loopholes, and it is obviously impossible to rely on the poor to guide public opinion. Even if we are lucky enough to win, if we cannot control public opinion, it means that the prestige of the Marcia royal family will still be there."

Lu Anru spread his hands indifferently and said casually: "Whatever, you can think about it. If you want to believe me, I will stay. If you don't want to believe me, I will listen to your boss and take refuge on the island, which will save you trouble and leisure."

"You!" Dou'er raised his arm, clenched his fist and swung it forward.

Before hitting her pretty little face, her hand was pressed down by Nian, who gave the order again: "Send your wishes to the Marcian Navy."

"Yes." Brown agreed respectfully.

Lu Anru and Nian discussed the number of ships to go out to sea and assigned managers to each ship.

Turning around and leaving the command hall, as he passed by Dou'er, he said lazily: "Don't forget, whether they are gods or human rulers, their authority cannot be separated from the pious belief of the people at the bottom."

Dou'er was stunned in place, all doubts were shattered.

Lu Anru walked back to her temporary conference hall and said a few more words to the team members on the basis that the ships had been assigned.

"Charlie, you must remember that as soon as our ship starts to return, you will lead the wind members to blow the evil wind."

"I will handle it."

After Charlie made his promise, he asked suspiciously: "What does blowing evil wind mean?"

"Nothing, I'm complimenting you." Lu Anru said casually, and told the person who had the same appearance as Charlie but different eye color: "Blunt, as soon as we enter the wind, you immediately lead the light system members to create a thick foggy light."

"It's thick fog. My light team members and I will learn how to use it now."

Blunt took out his microcomputer from his pocket, and a video was played repeatedly inside, showing Sheng Ming's course next semester, thick fog and light and shadow.

Lu Anru hummed deeply and asked, "Whether we can successfully escape without any injuries depends entirely on you."

Blunt put away his troubled expression and solemnly promised: "Okay, we will definitely do it."

Lu Anru playfully jumped in front of Ning Guang, gave him a big smile, and said sweetly: "Look at me, let you and Zhu Miao get safety guarantee in advance."

Ning Guang did not accept the temptation of sugar-coated bullets, and calmly emphasized the principle: "Girl, I have said it countless times this time, last time, and the last time. If there is anything, you and I should discuss it. Don't do it yourself."

Lu Anru nodded obediently and said, "Yes, yes, His Highness Xuan Guang is right. I am discussing with you. Please come over here. I have something very important to report to you."

He leaned close to Ning Guang, took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and put it into his hand, and whispered: "I suspect that Xiaoqiao is also among the hostages. Most likely, she is unconscious and voluntarily became a hostage. You put it I gave her the medicine and told her not to be afraid of being scolded by my aunt and grandma. I never told the old man about her situation."

Ning Guang took the medicine bottle and handed it to Li Mo, declining: "Li Mo can do this, I will go with you."

Li Mo was as anxious as fire and his face was dark and red. Just when he was about to persuade Ning Guang, Lu Anru took the lead to stop him.

"How dare you bother us, His Highness Xuan Guang, with such a trivial matter as feeding medicine. I'm afraid of Xiao Aya. Think about it, if she causes trouble and disrupts my plan, she can also use spells to control people. I may really die in the sea. No one else can control her. Only our wise Lord Wu Xuanguang can exert his power."

After blowing the rainbow fart, Ning Guang remained unmoved and looked at her coldly.

Before the other party could refuse, Lu Anru acted like a rogue: "If you hadn't come here yesterday, I might have been stewed by sea monsters. It's because you came that they took care of it. I don't care, you must continue to protect me today. Safety."

(End of chapter)