Magnificent Years

Chapter 207: EK Institute of Biology


EK, Lu Anru corresponds to the killer organization that has become famous in recent years and has the same name.

Midrella hired assassins to assassinate her and Ning Guang. Judging from the killer weapons and meticulous methods, they could only come from two organizations.

The dark faction or the legendary EK, the dark faction is controlled by her father, is naturally excluded, and the possibility of EK changes from 50% to 90%.

The truth-telling spell can be cast on a person for up to 20 minutes. Any more time will cause irreversible psychological damage, and the person being cast will be unable to distinguish the difference between reality and memories.

It was almost 20 minutes, and judging from the seriousness with which Lianhua closed her eyes and concentrated, she had no intention of retracting the spell. Not to mention that Xiao Aya was just a stranger, even if she was a member of the group, Lianhua didn't consider the other person's health at all until she got the information she wanted.

Lu Anru admitted that he hated Xiao Aya very much, but in this environment, making Xiao Aya stupid and crippled would be far more troublesome than resolving the hatred itself.

Xiao Aya has a character that shows off immediately if she has some capital. She must always report information to her parents and Emperor Xuantian's confidants. It is possible that Xiao Aya's parents already know about Xiao Luan.

As for Lu Anru's help, it has long been a tacit secret among everyone, and Xiao Aya must have complained to her parents.

The Marcia royal family was too busy to take care of itself because Midrella paid off the assassins to commit the murders, and was unable to pursue the siege planned by her and Nian, but Emperor Xuantian had every reason to settle accounts with her.

Under such circumstances, nothing could happen to Xiao Aya.

Ella almost died at the hands of Xiao Aya, and everyone knew that revenge should be appropriate for the occasion, so Lu An should find a way to make Xiao Aya change his tune. As Ella said, wait until we find a legal life and death challenge and then have a good meeting with Xiao Aya.

She approached Lotus gently and whispered in a tone as gentle as warm wind: "Lianhua, I feel that she has told you all the information she knows. Please stop the spell. Let's not break this thread at once. The key to breaking it is It’s a small matter, if she goes back and complains, you, me, and the team members will all suffer.”

Lianhua closed her eyes tightly and asked calmly: "What do you want?"

Faced with knowing questions, Lu Da was accustomed to it and calmly came up with bad ideas: "Erase part of her memory. After that, I asked Ning Guang to stay with her for a while to straighten her thinking and let her think that our group and Hai The contact with the monster is just a lie, Meng Meng is a pawn of Ning Guang, and we use the sea monster to defeat the Marcia royal family and support our own people."

After Lu Anru said that, he turned around and looked up at Ning Guang. After getting a nod, he continued to persuade Lianhua with a calm heart: "I know that for you, the safety of my life and that of the team members is not a concern, but I think the price of freedom is very high. Never let down the good intentions of those who paid the price.”

Suddenly, Lian Hua opened her eyes, and her pure black pupils glowed with an arrogant crimson light, revealing the wildness of a beast. Just like Lu Anru said some heinous words, it touched the weakness hidden in Lotus's heart, wiped out Lotus's original kindness, and made him just want to kill people and drink blood.

Lu Anru sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. He innocently explained: "I have no malice, I just care about every member of the team. As the team leader, I promised all the team members before going on the mission that no one would be punished." I will take you back to Xia Kingdom. You are included here, Lotus."

The coldness in Lianhua's eyes slowly dissipated, and she asked with a sneer: "Oh, men all like your eloquent tongue, right?"

Lu Anru was speechless by the harsh question, and a chuckle with the same tone came from behind. If you can't hit the lotus, you can always hit the bad guy who adds insult to injury.

Before Li Mo could stop him, he kicked Ning Guang's calf and said seriously: "I'm telling the truth."

"My level can only erase ten minutes of memory in the past two days. I cannot do what my mother did, completely erasing the other person's certain feelings or a certain past." Lianhua told the truth.

Lu Anru turned on the computer and looked at the time. There was less than one minute left before twenty minutes. He said anxiously: "Let her fall asleep first. I'll think about which ten-minute memory to extract."

"I don't know how to do the sleeping spell. Let your cousin do it." Lianhua's tone revealed the usual impatience.

Lu Anru explained in a concise way, but then he thought it was useless. Lianhua was more familiar with the properties of the tracking charm than Xiao Aya, and the object locked by the charm could not be faked.

Besides, after going up and down the stairs for a while, Xiao Aya would have become a fool by the time she called Xiao Luan over.

He grabbed Xiao Aya's arm with one hand, pulled her down onto him, and struck the back of her neck with a knife with moderate force, knocking her unconscious.

He pushed her to the ground with his hand, got up and walked to Ning Guang, struggling: "You know Xiao Aya, can you give me a suggestion, which ten-minute memory erasure can affect her judgment of old events?"

Ning Guang thought for a few seconds and said, "Erase the memory of Nian taking you away. Nian was afraid of hurting you, so he grabbed your arm. You clearly held Yin Cang but didn't fight back. It's too obvious."

Lu Anru disagreed and said: "That part just proves that I had an affair with a sea monster. There is no need to erase it. How about erasing the part where you insisted on taking me away on the boat?"

As soon as she finished the suggestion, she shook her head in denial: "No, delete that part. Xiao Aya's resentment for finding trouble in my face is missing. She will also notice that something is wrong and her memory has been erased."

"Yes, wipe what I said. Wiping it will shorten the time for your affair and prevent my father from being suspicious. It will help us create the illusion that the sea monster discovered Midrella's reinforcements and was willing to negotiate with the team members. ”

Ning Guang pointed out the reasonable layout, and Lu Anru clapped his hands in agreement: "OK, it's what you said. Remember to deny that my cousin is a highly evolved life form. Xiao Aya doesn't dare to say nonsense without evidence."

After explaining to Ning Guang, Lianhua was responsible for casting a spell to erase the memory, while Lu Anru supported Xiaoqiao and left the stage early.

When I went out, I saw Liao Lang standing against the wall with an air of dignity. Next to him squatted a row of guards in suits and leather shoes, fully displaying the four characters of "gaudy".

He and Liao Lang nodded to each other, supported Xiaoqiao and walked to the elevator.

After taking a few steps, I paused when I thought of something important. Then I felt it was unnecessary and gave up the idea of reminding me.

Li Mo and Liao Lang are both people who live a life of licking the knife's edge. They understand the principle of not leaving any future troubles, and the monitoring and other things should have been dealt with early.

Returning to the room, he placed Xiaoqiao on the sofa and whispered, "Stop acting, we are the only ones in the room."

Xiaoqiao laughed "hey" and jumped up to take credit: "Sister, I performed well this time, didn't I?"

"Well, it's very good." Lu Anru praised him without hesitation, "I'm sorry for you."

"It's okay, it's just licking the shoes. The blood on the bad woman's shoes is my sister's blood, not anyone else's. I don't think my sister's blood is dirty."

Xiaoqiao twisted her body and rubbed herself into Lu Anru's arms, coquettishly humming: "Your Highness Xuanguang helped me remove the illusion. I learned that I had done too many bastard things, but you still kept the secret for me, so I decided to complete the task. Consult carefully. After passing the accelerated course, I learned about the characteristics of the illusion technique from him. I continued to stay with Xiao Aya and found that I needed to find the hidden charm to find the tracking charm. I really couldn't find it with her today. After bullying you, you finally let go of your guard against me, and I stole two talismans while she was taking a shower."

The usually strong monkey's voice gradually became astringent, and Lu Anru guessed that she remembered the perverted abuse Xiao Aya had used on her.

Xiao Aya was angry with Lu Anru, and she would definitely take it out on Xiaoqiao. Xiao Qiao's illusion technique doesn't allow her to know the pain, but she basically relies on perseverance to wake up.

Holding the monkey tightly in his arms, he took the initiative to mention what the other party cared about: "I know how hard you have worked hard. When I go back to school, I will help you apply for an exceptional place to enter the junior level. Don't follow me for the following tasks, it is very dangerous. How many days can you practice? Let's go back to Xia Kingdom with my aunt and others."

"Sister, I want to go. I heard Xiao Aya say that Gou Chenrang was arrested. I remember when I was a child, there was a chubby jelly-like doll that we always played with. When I grew up, you told me that it was lifeless. Doll, and let you lose it.”

"Yes, that toy was too old, so I threw it away." Lu Anru said firmly.

Xiaoqiao despised the '嘷' sound and retorted in disbelief: "I'm not a child anymore, you don't have to hide it from me. In fact, the doll is Gouchen. After getting to know Xiaobai and the ghost doll, I can accept that there are highly evolved life forms in this world. It's harmful. There are a lot of human monsters, and there are a few aliens among them. They have high intelligence and are willing to make friends with humans. I think it is normal. I want to know more about them, and Gou Chen has been with me throughout my childhood. I want to save it. he."

Lu Anru had mixed feelings, and she would have agreed to follow Xiaoqing, so that she could develop Xiaoqiao's temperament.

But on an S-level mission, she couldn't protect herself. She had to rely on the help of team members with eighteen kinds of martial arts, so she couldn't guarantee Xiaoqing's safety.

There is no need for my sister to be secretive. She thought of it and said, "What are you going to do with me to save Gou Chen? Do you have any skills?"

"No." Xiaoqiao admitted honestly that her three-legged cat skills were not worth mentioning in front of Lu Anru.

It's rare for a bully to admit it, so Lu Anru persuaded him to retreat: "I'll arrange a specific task for you. You go help me investigate some things, report to me at any time, and be my external information aid. Well done, next time This is an ordinary real-life mission. The college and I will apply to take you there.”

Xiaoqiao reluctantly agreed: "Okay."

In the evening, Lu Anru took Xiaoluan back to her room and asked her to take a good rest.

I took Xiaoqiao to the hotel where my aunt and grandma were staying. When the two elders saw them, they started crying first and checked their injuries in various ways.

Lu Anru used the injury on her face to repair her whole body for free. Her grandma paid the bill for her and held her hand and refused to let her complete the subsequent tasks.

She finally talked it through to the old man and reluctantly agreed to continue the mission: "Run away if you are in danger. Your family does not need you to make contributions. Your mother's expectations for your life are already reflected in your name."

"Yes, I understand, grandma." Lu Anru agreed obediently.

After dinner, I called Sheng Ming and gave a complete description of what happened here, especially the EK killer organization and the biological research institute twice.

Sheng Ming listened quietly and replied: "An Ru, I'll check it out and contact you later."


Unable to resist the old man's repeated attempts to stay, he sent a message to the group chat, telling him to stay here that night.

After taking a bath, I chatted with my grandma, waiting for news about Sheng Ming.

When it was past eleven o'clock in the night, she squinted her eyes while coaxing the old man to sleep. I had no choice but to worry about something, so I could only use my computer to shoot short dramas to pass the time.

After staying up until 12:10 in the morning, Sheng Ming replied: An Ru, is it convenient to answer the voice call

Turn over and look at the old man for a few seconds to make sure he is asleep, then press six words to send: OK, in three minutes.

Lifting the quilt quietly, he walked to the bathroom very lightly, locked the door and activated the soundproof mode, and sent a video application to Sheng Ming.

The other party answered the call in seconds: "I'll talk about the key points. You can go to bed early after listening."

Lu Anru suppressed his desire to doze off, and expressed his attitude in an excited tone: "It's okay, I just slept, I will feel energetic now."

As if she hadn't heard anything at all, Sheng Ming said simply and horrified: "I checked the biochemical weapon you mentioned. It is a newly researched thing by the EK killer organization, code-named 198Z. The academy system has not collected the original body and cannot research and deal with it. method. But your description proves that it is afraid of high-inflammation damage. If you encounter a large number of 198Z, just activate the explosion-proof suit and blow it up. I will send you more micro-bombs by express delivery, as well as new identification documents at eight o'clock. service."

"New ID card?"

Lu Anru asked the key point. When she heard Sheng Ming's breathing was a little hurried, she shouted arrogantly: "Oh, please explain the matter clearly. If you only know a little about it, I will be more in danger."

Sheng Ming said 'hmm' and added: "The day after tomorrow, the EK Biological Research Institute is holding a symposium on mutated organisms on Chuntaowei Island. You will enter as reporters from the Xia Kingdom. You promise me to disguise yourself throughout the whole process and not to take off your sunglasses and glasses. veil."

Lu Anru then thought of geographical issues and reminded: "Xiao Ming, Chuntaowei Island is in the east of Marsia, and Yardley Bay is in the northwest of Marsia. The two places are thousands of kilometers apart. You found out that the EK Biological Research Institute and the Killer Organization Belonging to the same clan?"

She couldn't understand the meaning of going too far away.

Sheng Ming replied calmly: "On the International Information Network, the EK Biological Research Institute is officially listed as a business."

"So?" Lu Anru waited quietly for the next words.

"But the name of its legal person and its high-profile actions make me very uneasy. The legal person is Nan Yimeng. Since its registration last year, the company has won more than ten biological research breakthrough awards."

Sheng Ming paused, his tone suddenly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "An Ru, if Ning Guang is willing to stay, don't get involved. Emperor Xuantian also arranged a secret mission for Ning Guang. I suspect that the illegal research institute is responsible After gaining power, he lost control and refused to be a puppet of the Xia Kingdom's royal family. Emperor Xuantian gave Ning Guang a death order to eradicate the opponent so that he could destroy some shady things and regain control. "

"If this is true, I have to complete the task even more. The hat cannot fall into the hands of the emperor." Lu Anru insisted.

She believed in Ning Guang, but she was also afraid that Ning Guang would be in a situation where she couldn't help herself. I also don’t want to see people like Ning Guang, Li Mo, and Liao Lang risking their lives to save their hats.

"Nan Yimeng's information has been forged. I can't be sure of his true identity. Before I find out, you'd better not appear in front of him."

The repeated mention of the name in Sheng Ming's strong words made Lu An fall in love with Nan Yimeng.

The dream of being arrested suddenly appeared in her mind, and many strange things that could not be put together emerged.

"Xiao Ming, is Chong still with Brother Mo?"

(End of chapter)