Magnificent Years

Chapter 208: Calculation formula


There was silence on the other end of the phone, and in the silence Lu Anru recalled the past.

Nan is a rare surname, and Lu Anru doesn't know many people with the surname Nan. It should be said that since he can remember, he only knows one person with the surname Nan.

Nanke, who was once in charge of his family's Jupiter business, was very ambitious. Taking advantage of the fact that Jupiter is so high in the sky and far away from the emperor, he opened an illegal mutant life trading place next to his family's mineral research institute and guarded it.

A year ago, Lu Anru took his friends on a trip and accidentally exposed their wolfish ambitions under the disguise of kindness.

Lu Anru tried to save Chong, but was caught by Nanke. Nanke extracted her blood and bone marrow, and cut off small sections of Yincang for research.

In order to ensure her absolute safety, Sheng Ming rescued her and let Nan Ke run away. Nanke relied on his protective umbrella to smuggle back to Earth and arrest endangered animals that had regained their freedom. After animals were injected with special hormones, they were able to mutate in a short time. However, many life forms could not withstand the changes of rapid evolution and died suddenly.

Chong insisted on protecting her former companion and volunteered to be the right-hand man of her parents' godson Mo Ge. They followed closely and captured Nanke half a year later.

When Lu Anru first dreamed that Chong was in trouble, he called Mo Ge to inquire about the current situation of Chong and Nanke.

Brother Mo told her that he had gone on a business trip, and Nanke was still in Hulun Prison in Xia State, which is dedicated to Class A felons.

The reason why Nanke was not taken to Hades was because Emperor Xuantian discussed with her father and decided to keep her in Xia Kingdom's prison, so that she could be tortured at any time.

Lu Anru believes in Brother Mo very much, just like his parents can hand over the mineral sector of the company to Brother Mo. Moreover, if there is any emergency at home, Brother Mo will usually be the first to rush to the scene to handle the emergency.

But the facts are before our eyes, and all the weirdness points to Nanke and Chong. Only Nan Ke can use his advanced knowledge to win multiple major research awards in just one year.

Geniuses are rare in human evolution. Lu Anru couldn't believe that there was a genius named Nan who happened to appear.

"Xiao Ming, please tell me the truth. I know what happened, so I can be mentally prepared."

She urged the silent man on the other side of the phone. She needed to get a definite answer to determine whether to continue approaching Yardley Bay tomorrow or go to the symposium on Chuntao Wai Island.

"Well, I can tell An Ru everything, but An Ru must promise me that you go directly to Yardley Bay to wait for the team members, and they will go to the biological symposium."

Sheng Ming gave an irrefutable single choice.

Lu Anru thought for a few seconds and agreed readily: "Okay, Xiao Ming, please tell me."

The team members must go and prove that the college elders have found a big and fat fish at the Biology Symposium, and then they will issue the death order. She first understood the matter clearly, as the saying goes, the general will not obey the military orders abroad.

Sheng Ming immediately heard her delaying strategy and said seriously: "An Ru, I need to remind you that I am the commander-in-chief of this S mission, and I have the right to order you to return directly to Xia Kingdom. If I prohibit you from participating in the mission, The members will keep all information secret from you and work together to get rid of you.”

The naked threat was revealed, and Lu Anru only felt uncomfortable for a few seconds, and then became more convinced of his suspicion.

There are big problems with Nan Yimeng, and they are closely related to Chong. After thinking deeply, the answer is readily apparent: Nan Yimeng is Nan Ke.

When communicating with Sheng Ming, there was no need for her to use roundabout tactics. She responded with 'I understand' and asked straight to the point: "Nan Yimeng, Nan Ke Yimeng, he is Nan Ke. How did he escape? Could Emperor Xuan Tian let him go?" Run away from him?"

Sheng Ming was unsure and said: "Nan Ke escaped through Chong's brother. It is Chong's brother who is in Hulun Prison at the moment. As for whether the emperor is involved or not, it remains to be investigated."

With the help of the fourth-level transformation elixir made by Mou Xinyue, Brother Chong's soul lives in the body of a mutated wolf. He can live a normal life for three years, and then his soul will be gone.

Lu Anru thought about what Sheng Ming said many times, but still found it incredible.

Unable to figure out the rationale, he asked in confusion: "What do you mean, brother Chong is going to jail for Nanke?"

Even if Brother Chong was obsessed with him and took the initiative to take the blame for Nanke, Emperor Xuantian valued Nanke's skills, which Brother Chong did not possess.

"I'll make a conclusion. Don't think it's ridiculous or scary." Sheng Ming seemed to be looking for more suitable words.

Lu Anru urged: "Don't worry."

"After my investigation, I suspect that Nanke's soul has left his body. He used some method to convert his soul with the soul of Brother Chong, and used Brother Chong's body as a medium to escape from prison. At present, there is no conclusive evidence, only some residual parts have been found. Broken basis for speculation.”

It could be heard that Sheng Ming was afraid of scaring her, so he tried his best to adjust his tone to a somewhat rigid and formal attitude.

Even so, Lu Anru still had goosebumps all over his body. What she was afraid of had nothing to do with the supernatural, but with the direct transfer of souls without the use of drugs.

It is not difficult to tell from Sheng Ming's words that Nan Ke, now Nan Yimeng, is a human being who likes high-profile media attention.

Nanke used the body of a mutated wolf to escape from prison, and he became a human again, which meant that he transferred his soul to a new medium.

Lu Anru had read a horrifying report about a wealthy man who purchased matching organs at a high price to replace his own failing organs in order to achieve immortality.

Just buying at a high price is not enough to be described as horrific. Buying and selling is a matter of your own free will.

The subsequent reports of the incident are shocking. There are not many organs that can perfectly fit the body of a rich man, and as the rich age, the number of organs that need to be replaced is getting longer and longer. It's okay if the other party is willing to sell, but if the other party refuses to sell, there will always be a tragedy of mysterious disappearance or death.

Obviously Nanke's behavior was more dirty than that of a rich man. He directly took away the body he needed without the consent of the person involved.

"Nanke seems like a parasite. Is he so unscrupulous?"

Lu Anru firmly believes that all things follow the law of life and death, and any violation of the law will lead to backlash.

When he asked in confusion, the person on the other end of the phone was silent again. Lu Anru was impatient to wait and asked impatiently like an ant on a hot pot: "Xiao Ming, are you talking?"

Sheng Ming responded with a heavy "Yeah" and said slowly.

"Last June, Brother Mo and Chong followed the scent and found the mutated wolf corpse that was Brother Chong's vector in the capital of France and Western Europe. Only skin and bones were left on the body, and the flesh and blood on the body did not appear to be rotten but seemed to have been sucked dry. In the following months, they successively discovered many Similar to the corpse, someone had a mutated monster, and the corpse was placed in the same place. When Dean Huo ordered me to track the energy fluctuations of highly evolved life forms, I detected huge energy fluctuations in the capital of France and Western Europe. According to the new information given by Mo Ge and Chong. The estimated time of death of the body is consistent with the time I detected.”

The thunderous words exploded, shocking Lu Anru's head.

However, no matter how stupid she was, she understood the deeper meaning and exclaimed: "Nanke's soul always needs to be transferred to a new body, so that it can survive for a short period of time with the help of the new body's healthy organs. Each transfer relies on the energy provided by highly evolved monsters."

"Yes, that's right. A large number of highly evolved criminals died in Hulun Prison a year ago. The prison guards on duty thought that someone was poisoning maliciously and did not think about Nanke's soul transformation. If we connect the timelines of the various clues together, , it can be determined that after the mass death of high evolution, Chong noticed that his brother behaved abnormally." Sheng Ming agreed.

Lu Anru's thoughts were unexpectedly clear, and he immediately related another matter and asked hurriedly: "You said that Chong and Brother Mo always find mummies in the same place?"

The next second she heard 'um', her mind was disturbed by the one-word answer, and she fearfully assumed.

"Xiao Ming, do you think Nanke is sending out a provocative signal? He deliberately placed the corpses in one place, as if he was mocking Chong and Brother Mo for being so slow to discover the abnormality. He also showed a confident arrogance, meaning that even if Brother Mo and the others were I found out, but there is nothing we can do about him. The boss behind the killer organization and research institute is definitely Nan Ke. He deliberately gave the same name to show off his power. "

Lu Anru finished the analysis without interruption, as if the two channels of Ren and Du had been opened up, correspondingly linking the connectivity of their trip.

It is estimated that Emperor Xuantian learned that Nanke had the advanced ability to transform souls, so he provided an environment for him to practice it. In prison, no one will care if a few felons or death row inmates randomly die.

Nanke proved his strength by successfully escaping from prison, and thus reached a cooperative relationship with Emperor Xuantian. They displayed the results that could be disclosed in legitimate research institutes, and kept the results that could not be disclosed in illegal research institutes. They also created a killer organization to deal with disobedient participants.

It's just that Emperor Xuantian didn't expect that after Nanke came out, he became accustomed to smooth sailing, became courageous, couldn't contain his arrogance, and gradually stopped treating the emperor as a dish.

After piecing together all the incomplete clues to piece together the whole picture, Lu Anru felt a bone-chilling chill enveloping his whole body.

Sheng Ming's voice came through the computer and became the only source of heat.

"An Ru, have you ever felt that all his actions are like sending a signal to a specific person. Therefore, I prohibit you from getting close to Nanke."

"Xiao Ming, do you mean Nanke is looking for me?" Lu Anru's heart was high.

She could not forget the fear of being imprisoned by Nanke. Although it was only for a few hours, the greed in his eyes and the pain of the experimental needle inserted into the spine of her back to extract bone marrow. As long as I think of it, I will remember it vividly.

"Yes, Anru, I guess Nanke is looking for a body that can carry excess energy. He tried mutant monsters and close relatives, but they were all scrapped, so he thought of you. It was your genetic sequence that gave him Inspire him with the calculation formula for studying mutated organisms."

Sheng Ming finished speaking solemnly and reiterated the warning: "Don't get close to him. He will anger the emperor and the emperor will take action to deal with him. He won't live long."

Lu Anru recalled her childhood in a daze, forgetting the past time and time again. Her mother would patiently tell her old stories and help her remember.

As she grows older, the girl becomes more worried and wants to get to the bottom of things and think about why an unfair fate has befallen her.

Whenever she questioned that she was a freak and different from ordinary children, her mother always told her: "Anru is not a freak. She is her mother's most beloved daughter and the sister that Xiao Ming cares about most. Anru is only related to highly evolved beings. The body is playing around, both parties are injured, the blood is infected with each other, and Anru has the side effect of rejection. "

Lu Anru has never doubted her mother's words. In her life, her mother and Sheng Ming are beacons in the dark night.

Before she learned the ultimate state, she always lost herself and questioned herself. It was her mother and Sheng Ming who supported her in finding hope to live.

But Nanke was so obsessed with her genes that he even arranged for people to put hat energy crystals into the school for fear that she wouldn't discover them, and also used witches to create a collective curse.

All kinds of painstaking arrangements made it impossible for her to pretend to be deaf with hearing. She couldn't help but wonder if she really just had a blood infection

In trials and missions, it is inevitable to fight with mutated monsters. Why does she react so strongly when others are contaminated with the blood of mutated monsters and are at best poisoned

It's just a layer of window paper away from the truth...

"An Ru, are you still there? An Ru?" Sheng Ming called worriedly again and again.

Lu Anru concentrated on putting away his thoughts and replied softly: "Yes, it's very late. Go to bed early."

The brisk voice tried to cover up Ru Ma's confusion. She just wanted to hang up the phone, hide in bed and have a good sleep. When she got up, she went to find the truth in person.

Some pain is buried deep in the heart, trying to be washed away with the warmth created by others. Perhaps the pain on the surface can be compensated by sincere dedication, but the pain rooted in the heart is unbreakable.

She wanted to be a normal person and not have to worry about waking up and forgetting all the normal things.

So, she was going to pierce the window paper.

"An Ru, you've made your decision, right?" Sheng Ming got to the point.

Both of them knew what the decision meant. Lu Anru answered without any concealment: "Yes, Xiao Ming, I will go to Chuntaowei Island tomorrow. I don't want to rely on the emperor to decide my future. I want to go over and understand some things clearly. The emperor did not order the arrest. I returned to China to prove that Nanke did not disclose the source of the calculation method that stimulates biological variation. I met him first so that I could control the direction of the matter. "

"An Ru!" Sheng Ming shouted out his suppressed temper for a long time: "He has arranged everything for you to come over. There is no need for you to get into trouble. Let me handle the matter. I will communicate with Ning Guang and let him catch him. Nanke was immediately silenced.”

"Ha, if it were really easy to silence Nanke, you and Brother Mo would have done it already, wouldn't you?"

Lu Anru asked with a wry smile, not giving the other party a chance to defend himself, and stated his position: "Some things started because of me, and they are destined to end with my own hands. I always dream about Chong being arrested, and I think Chong is more likely to be ill than good. Hat, Chong, Suzaku, There are still many highly evolved life forms that have all been paid. Sooner or later, he will find me. I don’t want to sit still and wait for death. Xiao Ming, instead of trying to persuade me, why don’t you help me study how to kill Nanke with my backhand when he catches me again. Drop him."

Express all your inner thoughts and wait quietly for the answer without being rushed.

After waiting for about ten minutes, I heard a very helpless voice: "Okay, wait for me at Shenglan Airport on Chuntaowei Island tomorrow, and I will go with you."

"No, the college clearly stipulates that only remote instruction is allowed." Lu Anru stopped him urgently, "If you run here randomly, you will be expelled if you violate the school rules."

Sheng Ming chuckled indifferently and replied: "Ha, An Ru is the most important. Don't worry, this matter has affected many people and has far-reaching negative consequences. I will apply to the dean for special treatment. If he refuses, he will give me A reasonable reason to leave Yuexiang and take over Lao Sheng’s dark faction.”

Remembering his father's expression of always complaining and wanting to retire, Lu Anru's depressed mood cleared up and he responded: "That's fine."

(End of chapter)