Magnificent Years

Chapter 209: Lotus wants 300 appreciation cards


When dealing with Sheng Ming, Lu Anru didn't need to be pretentious and sensible, and refused. Sheng Ming was more powerful than she was, and many decisions were made after careful consideration.

Moreover, she had longed for Sheng Ming. With Sheng Ming by her side, she felt more secure.

Send the list of members who participated in the real S mission to Sheng Ming and walk out of the bathroom calmly.

Good things bring good magnetic fields. Lu Anru slept for six hours and got up to take her grandma and the others to the airport.

Xiaoqiao was still unwilling to give up before leaving, and would not give up until Lu An issued a new task.

Lu Anru immediately thought of the Monlouk brothers who had a good relationship with Zhu Miao. It is said that they are currently in the Changjing Detention Center in the capital of the Xia Kingdom.

He immediately decided to let Xiaoqiao go back, bring some cakes and snacks to see them, and try to cover the bad things Zhu Miao and Midrilla had done.

The Meng brothers thought they had a fateful friendship with Zhu Miao, but in the end, Zhu Miao joined the S task force in a glamorous manner, and they were left in disgrace.

This will bring out the resentment, and many unknown secrets will be revealed.

Meng Meng took away Zhu Miao's throne, and Midrilla was sent to Hades to serve her sentence. Zhu Miao had the most to lose from the entire change in royal power.

Zhu Miao would not be grateful to Lu Anru for not kicking him out of the group, as he would have gained the mission results in vain. He will only regard Lu Anru as the enemy who took away everything from him, so he needs to find a threat to silence him to prevent him from being completely loyal to Emperor Xuantian and causing trouble to the task force behind his back.

When Xiaoqiao learned about the new task, she directly refused to carry it out: "Sister, this job has no technical content. Let the newbie do it."

"You naughty kid, aren't you a newbie?" My aunt patted the back of her small head.

Ever since Lu Anru learned about the sacrifices Xiaoqiao had made for hiding, his whole body was easily dominated by guilt.

"Aunt, you and grandma wait a moment, I'll come and talk to her."

After comforting her aunt, Jianghu put her arms around Xiaoqiao's shoulders and took her away.

Xiaoqiao couldn't help but look back to help her measure the distance. She felt that it was almost done, so she whispered sweetly: "Sister, just here, my mother can't hear it even with headphones."

"Well, the reason why the two people I asked you to visit are under supervision is not simple. It is closely related to this S mission. It should be said that they caused many students to be cursed. You know what happened next."

Lu Anru lowered his voice and his tone was very mysterious.

Xiaoqiao figured out the whole thing by herself and asked excitedly: "So, they are very powerful?"

Lu Anru nodded seriously, concealing the club where the Meng brothers once belonged, and said sternly: "After you met them in the past, they didn't ask about Prince Haining. You must not mention it. They just said that Zhao Qingji entrusted you to come and see them."

Zhao Qingji and several other close team members returned to Xia Kingdom ahead of schedule to recuperate. Before leaving, they angrily cursed Zhu Miao several times and said they felt unworthy of the Meng brothers.

Currently, it is impossible to meet the Meng brothers without the red-headed approval, but Lu Anru can use his family connections to get the approval. Xiaoqiao went in to finish the conversation and left a good name for Zhao Qingji, so she was not afraid that Zhao Qingji and the others would reveal the secret when they visited later. With Zhao Qingji's cleverness, he would accept the reputation of a good person and good deed he picked up for free without her needing to say hello.

Xiaoqiao carefully wrote down the arrangements and asked carefully: "Is there anything else I should pay attention to?"

"If they ask you about Prince Haining's recent situation, tell the truth that he participated in the S mission and has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats." Lu Anru said calmly.

Xiaoqiao was upright and found out the discrepancies with reality and asked: "Sister, has he made any meritorious service? I heard Xiao Aya say that it was you and His Highness Xuanguang who made great achievements, and Xiao Aya was so jealous."

Lu Anru replied without changing his face or heartbeat: "Of course he has done meritorious service. You didn't see how majestic he was when you were not there. It was precisely because of his active performance that he was not dragged down by Midrella." The majestic leader of the killer Come here to turn her and Ning Guang into green water.

Xiaoqiao was intimidated by Lu An's righteous attitude, and she agreed calmly: "Okay, you let me go over to get information. Do you need me to ask him anything?"

"You tell the Meng brothers as I told you, and then you scold whomever they scold, and you praise whomever they praise. Write down everything they say and report to me on time. I may not have a signal when I enter the special mission scene, so don't Sensitive and overthinking.”

Lu Anru informed in the most understandable terms.

Xiaoqiao understood in a second, clenching her fists and waving her hands to show her determination: "I will definitely complete the task, are there any other arrangements?"

"There is another very important task, you have to complete it well." Lu Anru waited for Xiaoqiao to nod solemnly, then said in a deep voice: "You should finish the crash course, and then you will be admitted under special conditions. At least you must have some basic knowledge. For example, in a key university We will not issue admission notices to illiterate warriors. At least he must first complete basic courses such as primary school and junior high school.”

Xiaoqiao raised her hand and scratched her head, and responded with shame: "I know, sister."

"Well, let's go to the security check."

After waving goodbye to his three relatives, Lu Anru returned to the Burj Al Arab Hotel.

Early in the morning, the team members all received the next mission instructions issued by Sheng Ming, as well as the new equipment delivered by express delivery.

Everyone put on their press IDs and ID bracelets and put on formal clothes, just like white-collar workers who go in and out of office buildings every day.

Ella handed her the express delivery belonging to Lu Anru and muttered: "Lianhua is a bit strange. I called her several times after dinner to get her ready to leave, but she closed the door and refused to respond."

Lu Anru's heart trembled. He visited Xiaoqiao yesterday and forgot to ask Lianhua's mother if there was any new progress.

"I'll go find her. Send some food to my room. My cousin is inside." Not only did he ignore Lianhua, he also forgot about Xiaoluan.

Let's deal with it one at a time. After finding Lianhua, we will consider how to accompany Xiaoluan.

"Okay, we'll set off on time at half past ten." Ella agreed readily.

Lu Anru handed the room card to Ella, and the two left the hall one on the left and the other on the right.

Lu Anru came to the door of Lianhua's room, knocked on the door and signed up: "Lianhua, I am Anru."

The door opened automatically, obviously not controlled by electronic devices, but the talisman used by Lotus to lock it approved the passage.

When you walk into the room, the door automatically closes.

Be mentally prepared to see any outrageous scenes, and slowly approach the bed with small steps.

I was a little disappointed when I saw Lianhua, who was meditating with her eyes closed, and sat down on the edge of the bed, and warned: "Lianhua, pack your things and get ready to go to the airport."

Lu Anru deliberately didn't ask about business matters and waited for the other party to speak for himself.

After waiting for a few seconds, Lianhua replied calmly: "Well, I'll take care of it now."

Just like that, she changed from active to passive, watching Lianhua tidy up her things and losing the best time to ask.

After all, she was not in the mood of a lotus flower, so she asked without hesitation: "Did you get the appearance characteristics of a conjurer?"

"Yes, yes."

After giving the simple answer, Lu Anru felt like he was being PUAed. He couldn't bear his curiosity and continued to ask: "Is it your mother?"

"not sure."

When the ambiguous words came again, Lu Anru exploded and made it clear: "What do you mean by not being sure? Is it difficult to judge? Take it out and I will help you judge it."

The words were irritating, but she had never seen Mother Lotus and had no way of judging.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lian's brain circuit was so unique that he repeated Xiao Aya's description sternly: "The opponent's method is very powerful, and it is impossible to tell his gender. His face is always covered with a light mist, hiding his true facial features. He doesn't Loyal to anyone, only interested in high rewards.”

Lu Anru pursed his lips, judging from the characteristics Xiao Aya saw, he really couldn't find the corresponding person.

"Do you have any obvious unique characteristics?"

While Lu Anru was asking, he carefully observed the lotus. The hand tattooed with runes paused, and the next second he stopped folding the white short-sleeved shirt and stuffed it into the suitcase.

One move proved that Lianhua was disturbed.

That's right, no matter how detached a person is, as long as he has not left the mortal world, he will inevitably have concerns in his heart.

"Think about it carefully. It needs to have obvious features to make it easier to find."

First, he met his younger brother in the early morning and hesitated to talk, and then met Lianhua who refused to communicate. Lu Anru couldn't help but raise his hand to touch his face. I suspect she had a fake quick fix yesterday, which caused people to lose their desire to talk when they saw her big painted face.

Touching her tender face with her hands, she said something official to win people's hearts: "I know you are used to being alone, but you have me, my roommates, and the team members around you. As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers. Tell me the distinctive features, maybe we can help you find them.”

"Are you really willing to help me?" Lianhua suddenly raised her eyes and stared deeply at Lu Anru.

Lu Anru was startled and replied awkwardly: "Yes."

In fact, what she just said was like a common greeting between friends, saying, "Let's have dinner together some other time." But the other party actually came to ask, "When is that other day?"

"When the task is completed, give me 300 appreciation cards."

The most amazing thing about the Lotus Lion opening his mouth is that when people grab it, they still get it as expected.

Lu An Rukuang persuaded himself to calm down in his heart, and adjusted himself for several seconds before suppressing the urge to shoot up the case and rush out the door.

He raised his lips with an innocent smile and asked patiently: "What are you trying to do?"

Lianhua seemed to notice her hesitation, and calmly said the advantage that would definitely move her heart: "I will protect you throughout the new mission. Unless I die, no one else can take your life."

Lu Anru clicked his tongue depressedly and scolded: "You are exaggerating when you say this. I currently only have nearly 200 cards, which is not enough for the amount you want. Now that I understand the matter clearly, I can help you get it together."

"Complete the mission, you have enough cards for 300 cards."

Lotus left no escape route for Lu Anru.

Lu Anru originally planned to take the card and return it to the hat as a gift for rebirth after the disaster.

Now facing Lotus in exchange for safety, Lu Anru only hesitated for a moment and agreed: "Okay."

There is no doubt about Lotus' strength. It is conceivable that as long as Lotus is willing to give Ning Guang or the old island owner a little response, 300 cards can be sent at any time.

However, Lianhua chose to make a deal with her. Lu Anru was a little confused, but her roommate was not in vain.

Relying on the special treatment, Lu Anru followed Lotus and launched a bombshell question: "Why are you stuck?"

"Tell me about it, I already promised it to you. Good friends should share secrets."

"I have a habit of listening to half of things, and I won't be able to sleep."

"You know the characteristics of a conjurer, right?"

Lianhua suddenly stopped and turned her head to glance sharply at the noisy person.

Lu Anru stabilized his drumming heartbeat and maintained the mentality of a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

He put his hands behind his back, tilted his head and smiled brightly, coaxing: "They care about you."

"It's so noisy." Lianhua closed the box with a gloomy face and said disgustedly: "You are noisier than Ella and your sister."

Just as Lu Anru was about to grind it out and cry for sympathy, he heard a perfunctory reply in a low voice.

"Xiao Aya told her parents how to contact the magician. She left the black gold card and the required requirements at the Op Bar in Rona City, Xia Kingdom, so that she could have a chance to meet the magician."

"Soga, that's it."

Lu Anru knew about the black gold card and Sheng Ming had one. The basic threshold for getting a black gold card was 300 appreciation cards.

The black gold card has many uses, including unlimited calls for ambulances, exemption from visas around the world, having a robot butler at your disposal, and so on.

The biggest use is undoubtedly that it can appear in various special occasions, such as black markets and ghost markets.

Lotus holds up the suitcase, and the suitcase automatically pops up armrests that fit the owner's height.

After zipping up the suitcase and leaving the room, the two of them were silent all the way.

When she was about to get off the elevator, Lianhua suddenly said: "My mother has been arrogant and disdainful of things all her life. I don't believe that she sold amulets to high-ranking officials."

Lu Anru wanted to say that people will change for the better, especially those who have experienced life and death. For example, she only wanted to be a salty fish before, but now she has been forced to serve as the captain of the S mission.

But when she saw the sparkling light at the end of Lianhua's eyes, she swallowed back her worldly words and agreed in a deep voice: "Well, the great elder of the Zhaoji tribe dares to go to the Ziguang Palace alone to eliminate harm for the people. This kind of righteousness and courage is definitely not ordinary. , comparable to Jing Ke, the best assassin in Xia Kingdom in ancient and modern times."

Lian Hua had already stepped out of the elevator. Hearing this, he took two steps back and said with a tearful smile, "You have such a beautiful mouth."

Lu Anru smiled back, thinking that the other party was praising her for her good brain and sweet mouth.

Following Lianhua to the gathering place in the hall, he saw Xiao Luan standing between Ella and Yun Fengmeng, bowing his head shyly.

When someone strikes up a conversation with her, she just gives a one-word reply, 'Yeah, okay, yes, right'.

Lianhua knew Xiao Luan's true identity. She glanced at Lu Anru's frown and said, "I suggest you don't take her there. She is not an aggressive highly evolved life form. She is useless. I can't guarantee her safety."

"I will keep an eye on her." Lu Anru sighed and walked into the crowd with a grimace.

When Ella saw her, she excitedly waved and said hello: "An Ruru, I brought my cousin down to save you the trouble of going upstairs again. Let's get ready to get in the car."

"Thank you." Lu Anru said through gritted teeth.

After three days of recovery, Xiao Luan was barely able to change her body once. It's so convenient to transform back into a bird to get powder packets, but if Ella's extra warm-heartedness gets mixed up, the trouble will be doubled.

Sitting on the bus to the airport, Lu Anru and Xiao Luan were in the same row.

He reached out and hugged the braided sister's wrist, pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "What did you tell Ella?"

"I said that the elderly at home are worried about you, so they asked me to go with you to the new mission place. When we get there, I will report to them that they are safe, and then I will return to Xia Kingdom."

Xiao Luan finished her statement verbatim and apologized guiltily: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble. Ella swiped her card to enter the room and I couldn't hide. After dinner, she said you were waiting for me downstairs, so I Follow her downstairs."

"It's okay. When Chuntao Wai Island comes, you can change back to a little bird."

Ella and Xiaoluan both have good intentions, and Lu Anru can't say harsh words to blame.

"Okay, is Xiaohong okay? Have you given fresh air to the powder bag in the past few days?" Xiao Luan asked with concern.

Lu Anru laughed dryly, quickly opened the car window, opened the pink bag and tied it to the window.

(End of chapter)