Magnificent Years

Chapter 211: Admission


On the plane, Lu Anru reassured herself repeatedly that there was no point in thinking about it, so just rest in peace and catch up on your sleep.

A program conducted a survey and randomly selected viewers to ask: "If you only had one minute to live, what would you do?"

Many people gave very emotional answers, such as hugging and kissing their loved ones, making one last phone call to their parents, and so on.

When Lu Anru heard Ella mention this question again, her first reaction was, what can you do in one minute? Basically, you can't do anything. Of course, dying in the arms of a loved one is the most perfect ending. But if you can't, the line may still be busy after dialing, so it's better to wait quietly and leave decently.

Ella heard her answer and angrily accused her of being cold-blooded.

In fact, she felt that leaving like this was the most heartwarming way to leave. At least when she is remembered by her living relatives and friends, she will not feel uncomfortable or regretful about her death. Knowing that she passed away peacefully in the end, her relatives and friends can also live their lives well.

Every time she encountered danger, she imagined that even if she died unjustly or was killed by someone, she would never let anyone avenge her. It's not that he is broad-minded, he just doesn't want to pass on his pain to the people he cares about.

Therefore, she prefers to take the initiative to control the situation. For example, Meimei takes a nap and then faces Nanke who wants to arrest her.

I slept deeply for two hours without dreaming, and was woken up by the fixed alarm.

The tray table and sun visor fold up automatically, and the plane announces that it will reach its destination in 20 minutes.

Lu Anru clapped his hands, woke up the sleeping team members, and said loudly: "When the plane lands smoothly, everyone put all the weapons in my bag. If you carry them with you, they will be inspected and confiscated by the other party."

Most people cater to: "Good team leader."

A few people who liked to use their brains disagreed, led by Liao Lang and refused: "Put them all in, your bags will be checked and confiscated, wouldn't our entire army be wiped out?"

Li Mo wanted to agree, but Ning Guang stopped him.

Lu Anru was not annoyed at all. He held up the powder bag and said calmly: "Vice President Wu's testing equipment has the world's leading technology. When the plane lands, those who are unwilling to hand over their weapons can hide themselves and let Vice President Wu test it." . If you can detect it, please put the weapon in my bag."

Gu Tianzhi hurriedly agreed loudly before Liao Lang continued to refute: "Okay, I agree to hand over the guns. I suggest that Vice President Wu test the team leader's bag while testing people who hide weapons."

Lu Anru readily agreed: "Yes."

After the two sang the double recital, everyone else put aside their opinions temporarily and waited to see the result. There was no need to offend anyone.

The plane happened to encounter a heavy rainstorm during its descent, and the process was very bumpy.

After the accident, the two girls from the literary and comprehensive society opened the garbage bags and vomited wildly.

Lu Anru looked out the window and said thoughtfully: "It seems that there are highly evolved life forms that do not welcome us."

Heavy rainfall prohibits aircraft from taking off and landing. The captain expressed his opinion through the radio and suggested flying to a nearby city where the weather is suitable to descend while the oil reserves are sufficient.

Lu Anru made a judgment through the strange clouds and insisted on the Shenglan Airport on Chuntaowei Island. Arrange two wood-type members to cast spells to protect the aircraft parts and ensure normal operation.

In her opinion, the more you try to hide something, the more terrifying the secrets hidden within it.

The flight attendant opened the cabin door and stood gracefully to send them off. The whole flight was too exciting and I didn’t want to experience it a second time.

The team members were not in a hurry. Sheng Mina brought the Healing Society medical team to give the two people who were airsick acupuncture treatment, and the remaining people with weapons were examined by Wu Hao.

Wu Hao took out a long electronic black stick similar to an airport detector and scanned the first six rows of people who needed to be checked one by one.

The alarm beeped endlessly, including on the powder bag.

Liao Lang took out the heavy artillery from the storage bag and asked Lu Anrula to ally with him: "Let's not let the eldest brother dislike the second brother. Your bag can still be found. I suggest everyone hide it, it is better than being wiped out."

Lu Anru hissed in confusion and muttered to himself: "It shouldn't be."

Opening the powder bag, I saw a pair of round eyes, flashing with cunning red halos.

The owner of the eyes picked up the silver cup with his two front paws and raised it upwards like a dumbbell.

Resisting the urge to yell, he put his hand into the bag, grabbed Xiaohong's neck and squeezed it twice, stuffed Yincang and Xiaohong into the compartment again, and buttoned them up.

He turned to look at Wu Hao and said, "Please check my bag again."

I specifically left a gap for the zipper, hoping that Xiaohong would hear the conversation outside and restrain herself.

Wu Hao used the detector to scan Lu Anrubao back and forth, but there was no alarm response from the detector.

Liao Lang came over and said half-jokingly, "The team leader loves face. I guess she put her weapons elsewhere."

He hasn't contacted Cat Girl for a long time. According to Cat Girl, Lu Anru prohibited contact between the two to prevent him from getting distracted during the mission. It is not a gentleman not to avenge one's hatred.

Lu Anru glanced sideways at Liao Lang and said in a louder voice: "I will take out my sword from my bag now."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he completely opened the zipper of the pink bag with his little hands, and tapped the outer shell lightly before unbuttoning the sandwich buckle.

He raised his heart and pulled the button, and saw Yin Cang lying in it. Fortunately, Xiao Hong realized that he didn't mess around.

Pulling out the sword, everyone's worries were dispelled.

Liao Lang withstood Fa Xiaotou's warning stare and said fearlessly: "Maybe you encounter a bug in the detector, let's try again."

Lu Anru stared at the strong-mouthed king, put Yincang back into the mezzanine, and raised the bag calmly.

"Try more times."

Liao Lang didn't stop doing anything, so he simply took the Wu Hao detector and checked Lu Anru's bag up and down, left and right, but there was no alarm.


Faced with endless stares, Liao Lang still refused to give up and was ready to make a new round of speculation.

The team members surprisingly shared the same hatred and shouted into his ears in unison: "Shut up!"

Liao Lang hid behind Ning Guang aggrievedly, tugged at the corner of his clothes, and complained in a low voice: "Guang Guang, they bully the slave family, your highness must make the decision for the slave family."

Ning Guang slapped the greasy man's hand away, stepped forward, placed his bag next to Lu Anru, and expressed his point of view in a gentle tone: "We really need to be careful about the problem of the entire army being annihilated."

"Yes, me," Ning Guang glanced sternly at Liao Lang's words of apology and was forced to stop.

The ferocious look only belonged to Liao Lang. Ning Guang looked back with a calm expression as elegant as ink, and continued: "My storage bag has the same functional compartment as the girl. Put some of the weapons on my side."

"I'll give you some space too."

Yun Fengmeng placed her bag next to Ning Guang's bag.

Being able to divide it into three parts for safekeeping, Lu Anru would not feel that the limelight was being robbed or that it would harm his face, and he would just nod his head and praise it.

Under the shadow of the unknown dangers we are about to face, face is not worth a penny at all.

While the weapons were being loaded, the team members were divided into three teams, and then the micro cameras from Nian Na Hei were distributed to the team leaders so that they could go in and conduct separate investigations.

After getting everything done, everyone lined up in an orderly manner and left the cabin in front of the dozing stewardess.

Lu Anru did not need to pick up his luggage and went to Exit 4 first. Make an appointment with Sheng Ming to meet there. Sheng Ming's plane arrived half an hour later than hers. Counting the time she allocated to her members, the two of them arrived at the agreed place at almost the same time.

I walked over quickly, but I couldn't find Sheng Ming. I saw an exaggerated large banner: "Welcoming the Xia Kingdom Press Group"

As I got closer, I saw a lot of familiar faces, including Ye Lu and the big brothers from the fighting club who had left due to the personnel limit issue.

The eldest brother opened his arms and wanted to give a hug to the girl he hadn't seen for a few days.

The next second, a stern glance made them lower their arms one after another, and they gradually realized that men and women were different. Some behaviors should not be disrespectful, so they shook hands instead.

Lu Anru shook the hands of his eldest brothers one by one and asked excitedly: "Why are you here?"

Chatty Ye Lu acted as the representative and spoke in a low voice: "Dean Huo approved Senior Sheng Ming's application for special affairs. Considering that the other party may have the world's second killer organization, he ordered more soldiers for you. It just so happened that my group Before going to Yingguo to carry out the mission, I applied for the whole team to come to support, are you impressed? "

"Touched!" Lu Anru gave Ye Lu a big bear hug.

It would have been a happy thing to have a cute girl throw herself into his arms, but he cherished his own life more than being lustful.

He used his hands to straighten Lu Anru's body, and glanced behind him to give Lu Anru a hint.

Lu An felt blessed in his heart and ran happily to the man waiting behind him.

The man didn't open his arms as before, and his indifferent expression revealed his unwillingness to say more.

Lu Anru jumped on the other man without hesitation, his legs wrapped around the man's legs like a sloth, and his arms hooked around the man's neck.

With a crooked face, she rubbed the man's chiseled jaw and called happily: "Xiao Ming, I miss you so much."

The man's tense emotions dissipated instantly, but his hands were still in his pockets, persisting in his last stubbornness.

However, he only lasted for two seconds. As Lu Anru's body slid down, he stretched out his pocket and hugged the petite person in his arms tightly.

"Xiao Ming, you must be very tired. You are too tired to laugh. Let me give you a shoulder squeeze." Lu Anru pretended to be stupid and concerned.

Sheng Ming sighed helplessly, threw away the annoyance of being ignored, and regained her patience and said: "You're not tired, don't wander around, pay attention to the veil."

"I know." Lu Anru lay obediently on Sheng Ming's shoulder.

In the distance, Liao Lang nudged Fa Xiao with his elbow and whispered, "Look, this brother-sister relationship is so enviable."

Ning Guang's eyes gradually dimmed and he said "Hmm" in a deep voice.

Liao Lang added fuel to the fire and exaggerated: "If I meet such a troublesome brother-in-law, I will give up immediately. There is no grass in the world, so why fall in love with a tweed unrequitedly? It would be great to find a woman whose family is willing to support her or whose relatives are dead. Ah. The other party will definitely follow your lead. You are the sky and the earth to her, and you are the only important existence. "

"You're quite right." Ning Guang replied expressionlessly.

Liao Lang made a surprised "Eh" sound and realized that something was wrong with his hair. Did it make him mad

Just as she was about to say something back to Yuanyuan, she heard Ning Guang laugh and mockingly said, "No wonder you like Kitten Girl. She perfectly meets your requirements. She has no parents above her and no brothers and sisters below her."

Liao Langrang choked and turned blue, angrily yelling: "My dear Highness, you don't expose the shortcomings of others when you scold others. Please treat all your subjects equally, and remain diligent and caring for the people, including me."

"Did I scold you?" Ning Guang paused and asked doubtfully, "Don't you think this kind of women are particularly good? I was praising you."

Liao Lang was mute and took Coptis chinensis. He raised his hand and gently slapped his right cheek, scolding himself: "It's all my fault. I'm really unfavorable in everything today. I made a mistake."

Ning Guang's mood improved, his lips raised slightly, and he led Li Mo towards the exit.

After all the members were assembled, Sheng Mina counted the number of people, and the leader boarded the packed automatic bus.

After a 40-minute drive to the hotel near the symposium venue, the group members had a lunch buffet, cleaned up briefly and went back to rest.

When you attend a symposium at night, no one knows what you will encounter later, so you must take advantage of every minute to rest.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, people got up and had dinner one after another. They carried their admission tickets and bracelets and went to the EK Biological Research Institute in batches. It was obviously undesirable to all get together.

Liao Lang, captain of the first team, was among the first to enter the field.

The captain of Yelu's second team entered the field after nine minutes.

The captain of the third team, Yunfengmeng, entered the field seventeen minutes later.

The captain of Sheng Ming's fourth team entered the field twenty-two minutes later.

Each team has 10 to 20 people, keeping the rules irregular.

The fourth team was originally led by Lu Anru, but Sheng Ming removed her because of cheating as the mission commander.

Ella jumped to the first team, unwilling to be separated from her beloved, and even said in a beautiful way: "I am Xia Guo's best friend. Of course, I will be the first to enter the scene with the camera and take on the important task of detecting the enemy's situation."

The second team stood guard across the road, pretending to be looking at the merchandise displayed in the windows of various shops.

The third team and the fourth team were sitting on the sofa area of the hotel, waiting for the first two teams to receive their reports.

Lu Anru turned on the computer connected to each camera, and first enlarged and played the contents of a group of shots.

I saw Ella happily holding Li Mo's arm, like a newlywed couple, walking sweetly through the examination door.

There was a beeping sound, and Lu Anru looked at Sheng Ming in surprise.

Sheng Ming held her trembling hand and said softly: "Let's see first."

Lu Anru returned to the live broadcast shooting, and two police robots approached with electric batons and said politely: "Please take off your backpacks."

Ella said 'ouch' and delicately asked Li Mo beside her: "My dear, what contraband did you bring?"

Li Mo blushed and replied: "No, it's your fault."


Ella took off the stylish cross-body leather bag from her shoulder and handed it to the police robot, emphasizing pretentiously: "Be gentle, this is a brand-name leather bag. You can't afford to pay for it if it's broken."

"You are lying." A police robot stated mechanically, raising an electric baton to block Ella's face. "Please keep your distance and do not cross the door frame."

The attack failed, and Lu Anru's palms broke out in cold sweat.

The big hand covering it gently wrapped her little hand, and the reassuring voice once again surrounded her ears: "Calm down, don't show yourself."

Lu Anru took a few deep breaths and tried to adjust his irregular heartbeat.

Sheng Ming was right, if she just saw that it was already in such a mess, she would only let the other party catch her when she entered the scene later.

Ella was calmer than her, and she could still hide her mouth and smile, and asked the robot: "Ha, may I ask what made me panic?"

"Your leather bag is imitation leather."

The robot announced the identification results, and then took out flint and lotion from it, rigidly emphasizing the rules: "Items containing alcohol, flammable and explosive items are prohibited from entering."

Ella breathed a quick sigh of relief while covering her mouth, and obeyed: "Okay, I got it."

(End of chapter)