Magnificent Years

Chapter 215: Sponge bomb monster


Ella looked aggrieved like a puppy, blinking her watery eyes, glancing at this person and that person, repeatedly sending messages that she was pitiful.

But only Li Mo saw it and felt pain in his heart.

Lu Anru simply stopped looking and glanced at what Sheng Ming was typing.

Ning Guang, who was given two levels of high hopes, couldn't bear it and said accommodatingly: "Come in, and we will discuss if you can help after listening to her. Xiaoqian won't be able to sleep if she is asked to go back alone now."

In two simple sentences, catch Lu Anru's attention and do her ideological work well.

Lu Anru let go of his stubborn hand and let Ella enter.

Ella closed the door and bowed to Ning Guang. She felt that His Highness in her country was so kind and considerate of the people.

The five of them took their seats, and Lu Anru dimmed the lights. Sheng Ming took out a light blue talisman from his pocket, closed his eyes and recited a mantra, raised his hand and threw it out. The talisman flew towards the window and stuck to the glass. You can see with the naked eye a light blue mesh halo on the inner layer of the glass, which prevents surveillance by drones.

Lu Anru unlocked the computer, entered Wu Hao's chat box, and chose projection playback.

The projector projected the picture on the white wall directly in front of the five people. Lu Anru controlled the angle with his fingers and spoke slowly.

"Wu Hao used instruments to survey the floor plan of the institute. We can see that the institute has twelve floors, three on the ground and nine underground. Seven of the nine floors are full of oxygen and are the fixed range of biological activities. Wu Hao guessed that minus one To negative seven is south,”

Naonuo's voice paused, and she changed her habitual name: "The place where Nan Yimeng studies hybrid creatures, and further down to the eighth and ninth floors, the air is thin, and there is a huge monster standing guard. It is impossible to determine the specific species. No passage was found to reach these two floors.”

Lu Anru drew a large circle with the mouse pointer on the right side of the eighth floor, and said in a serious tone: "Wu Hao found very strong energy here, and he suspected that it was connected to the energy transmission tube of the illegal research institute."

Ella listened very carefully, like a poor student who had the opportunity to attend a good university and wanted to memorize all the knowledge points.

"Tomorrow it is possible to visit the Minus 1 and Minus 2 floors that are open to the public. There is no useful information on these two floors. We need to find the passage to the bottom. The locations of the hidden stairs and elevators marked on the map need to be intensively investigated. Secondly, we need to find out the rows. Air duct direction.”

After Lu Anru finished his three-part statement, he received nods from Ning Guang and Sheng Ming. Li Moguang sat upright, displaying his wooden personality and did not respond at all.

"Are you planning to sneak in through the exhaust duct?" Ella asked proactively to prevent her best friend from being left in the cold.

Lu Anru moved the mouse to the dark edge of the map and said: "Through the exhaust duct, you can thoroughly understand the structure of the research institute and find a suitable entry point. It is best to arrive at the seventh underground floor in advance without alerting the opponent, and then find a way to get there. The eighth and ninth floors of Tonglian. Even if there is a head-on confrontation, we have to be careful of the opponent coming from the blind area to make a sneak attack. It is not good for us to engage in firefights too early on their territory. "

"The dark areas are blind spots. I thought the whole building was as big as the display."

Aila said in surprise and made a feasible suggestion: "Let Wu Hao come up. He is familiar with his map. If he analyzes the data, he will be able to calculate more information."

"Let him take it easy." Lu Anru thoughtfully helped Wu Hao refuse.

People whose beliefs have just been overthrown cannot be stimulated.

"Wu Hao isn't that fragile, isn't he? Besides, I know that the mission comes first, doesn't he know?" Aila's casual words caused new trouble for Wu Hao.

Ning Guang looked at Li Mo. The tacit understanding between the two did not require too much arrangement.

Li Mo stood up and said respectfully: "I'll bring him over."

Please note that the action of getting up and the word "bring" prove that Wu Hao can come if he wants to, or if he doesn't come, he has no choice.

Twelve minutes later, Wu Hao, wearing pajamas and holding a copy of "War and Peace" under his right arm, followed Li Mo to Sheng Ming's room with a slumped face.

According to the rumors revealed by Li Mo through messages on the way, Wu Hao was just leaning on the bedside and preparing to read a book when Rang grabbed him.

Ella asked the waiter to bring a new chair. Wu Hao sat down and turned his head and said to Lu Anru: "Switch to my computer to connect to the screen."

"Okay." Lu Anru cut off the signal transmission.

Wu Hao connected to his personal computer, and then everyone saw two completely different versions of the map, and instantly lost their heart to comfort Wu Hao.

The map is displayed through Wu Hao's professional computer software, which can even analyze the energy data of each area.

Wu Hao repeated what Lu Anru had said in a nutshell, focusing on the eighth and ninth floors underground, but not in the exhaust ducts, but in the energy gathering area.

"The three energy waves I checked in the afternoon, evening, and late at night showed that I suspect there is a quantum teleporter here, through which we can reach the illegal research institute hidden in the deep sea of Yardley Bay."

Wu Hao's words were shocking, and Lu Anru asked excitedly: "Are you sure?"

If she could teleport directly, she could see Hat and the others tomorrow.

Wu Hao raised two fingers to make a gesture similar to a gun, which also represented an Arabic numeral: "80%."

"Okay, then tomorrow you and Ye Lu will go to the first team. The remaining members of the second and third teams will be responsible for pretending, creating chaos and distracting the opponent's firepower when we are exposed. The first team and my team will look for opportunities to enter the eighth and ninth floors. , to the Yardley Bay Illegal Research Institute.”

Lu Anru announced excitedly that the second and third teams had too many members in the literary and comprehensive societies, so it was okay to cause trouble, but going to the illegal research institute would only cost people their lives.

Wu Hao raised his hand and poured cold water on it: "Don't panic, the monster guarding the eighth and ninth floors is very difficult to deal with, not just because of its size. Although I don't know what it is, judging from the energy fluctuations it reveals, its attributes are very It's special, like an exploding sponge. When it encounters an intruder, it will first alert the guards. The most difficult part is that if you break through before the guards arrive, it will absorb all the energy and stop the teleportation machine. It basically ends with dying together.”

Lu Anru bit his lower lip lightly, thought for a moment, and said, "Let's study the exhaust duct."

Ella was speechless and asked in confusion: "Why did you turn back again?"

Lu Anru responded rudely: "Don't you want to participate? How can you get in without going through the exhaust duct?"

"Yes, I love An Ruru."

Ella hugged her best friend movedly and deliberately kissed each side of her delicate little face, envying the crown prince of the most powerful country.

"I suggest finding a way to spread Midrella's hallucinogenic powder through the exhaust ducts before the fight begins."

Midrella's hallucinogenic powder is so awesome that it exists like a bug. The team members have personally verified that it can't be detected with instruments. Just then, Meng Meng sent someone to search Midrila's safe and found three bottles, and he took them with him.

Ella lowered her arms, looked sideways at her best friend, and asked angrily: "I didn't knock out others, but knocked out the team members who crawled in first. An Ruru, do you have bad intentions?"

"You've taken the medicine in advance and you won't be infected." Lu Anru reminded patiently.

Ella is as pure as a blank sheet of paper and won’t hide any emotions. When she heard this, she smiled brighter than flowers.

"I agree with the hallucinogenic powder."

Wu Hao clicked on the right corner of the second underground floor, enlarged the map, and analyzed: "This is the air circulation point of the entire underground area of the institute. Oxygen is sent to the seven floors below through here. Tomorrow I will bring Blunt and Gu Tianzhi The way to get here is to put in the hallucinogenic powder. Please ask President Sheng to refine the powerful charm and I will stick it on the inner wall of the pipe mouth."

"Okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow morning." Sheng Ming agreed.

Ella heard a loophole in the words and asked doubtfully: "You mean, it can only be placed on the lower seven floors?"

"Yes, the fresh air systems on the ground and underground floors do not go here." Wu Hao looked at Lu Anru.

Lu Anru nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's put the light on the lower seven floors. You can put it after you receive my instructions."

"Okay, as for the black blind spot you asked about, I judge that there are ferocious mutant animals guarding it, so I activate the signal shielding. I suggest you not get close. There are no other problems. I will go back to the house to rest."

Wu Hao folded the computer into the size of a palm and put it in his pajamas pocket.

Lu Anru glanced at the other four people present. Their attention was no longer on Wu Hao, and then he responded: "No, good night."

Wu Hao left, Ella signaled to Lu Anru and asked: Will she go back to the house together

Lu Anru used his fingerprint to unlock Sheng Ming's storage bag and took out the thermos cup and green tea bag.

After making hot tea, she placed it on Sheng Ming's bedside table and warned: "Stay up late and drink green tea to protect your eyes, and go to bed early."

"Yeah, sweet dreams."

Sheng Ming raised her eyes and watched the petite man leave the room before continuing with the school team's lesson preparation tomorrow. He left, and Li Ke, the vice president of the French Society, took the basic French Society class for freshmen Yuexiang C.

The four of them walked out of the room. Ning Guangrua put Lu Anru's head on his head and said with a soft smile: "Girl, see you tomorrow."

One sentence shattered Ella's beautiful vision, and she couldn't have sex with her partner again tonight. Li Mo is extremely rigid and adheres to the older generation's ideas of getting a certificate first and then having sex. But this does not prevent Ella from being coquettish and enjoying the sleep-inducing service.

Lu Anru and Ning Guang waved their hands, and Ning Guang and his servant walked towards the elevator.

She took Ella back to the room, took out the card, and her hand was held down by the red-haired girl.

Ella approached her ear mysteriously and whispered: "I remember Wu Hao's room is on the third floor. Why is he hanging around on our seventh floor?"

Lu Anru slapped the red-haired girl's hand away, swiped the card to enter, and dragged Ella into the room.

Lock the doors and activate the soundproofing system.

Ella stared at the video surveillance for a long time, but unfortunately the surveillance could only capture the situation near their room.

"An Ruru, the position where Wu Hao is pacing corresponds to Feng Meng's room."

Thinking of this, Ella couldn't resist the desire to open the door and take a peek.

"Go to sleep. Climbing the pipe tomorrow will be strenuous work."

Lu Anru took a casual shower, walked out of the bathroom, wiped his head, and lay on the bed on the right side of the wall.

Ella couldn't make any sound, so she walked back into the room and lay down on the bed on the left side. Staring at the ceiling, boredom made the soul of gossip burn more and more intensely.

"An Ruru, do you think Feng Meng and Wu Hao can rekindle their old relationship tonight?"

Even though all the roommates despise Wu Hao, they can't bear the fact that the person involved likes him. Love is not something you can talk about for others to see. Only you know whether it's good or bad.

Lu Anru turned over and said indifferently: "Fengmeng is not like you and me. You and I are still reserved when we are in love. She is so free and easy. If she was willing to open the door, Wu Hao would have gone in long ago."

"Uuuuuuuuh, there's no gossip to read, it's boring."

Ella also turned over and faced the window. She couldn't stop the picture in her mind and cursed: "Wu Hao deserves to be rejected. If you don't cherish the time you have, just chase your wife slowly in the crematorium."

"Maybe he didn't want to go in." Lu Anru yawned and put on a blindfold.

Ella said in disbelief: Huh? ' He said in denial: "He doesn't look like an infatuated man standing outside the door to see what he can be satisfied with."

"Tomorrow Feng Meng will complete the task of dispersing firepower and will fly back to Xia Kingdom. I guess Wu Hao wanted to go over and say goodbye to Feng Meng in person, but was rejected and deliberately walked around to make Feng Meng feel uncomfortable. He wanted to try Feng Meng on him. How much you care depends on whether Fengmeng will endure."

After Lu Anru finished his analysis, he cursed with Ella: "What a scumbag, he has more eyes than his hair."

"Yes, you scumbag, my Mo Mo is better. How innocent." Ella swayed happily.

"Well, he is just like you. He has a simple circle and an upright temperament. He just needs to revolve around Ning Guang and you."

Lu Anru covered herself with a quilt and announced: "Sleep!"

In the morning, I woke up from my dream when I heard the alarm clock played by Xiao Luan.

Counting last night, this was the fifth time she dreamed of being caught. She hoped that she could arrive at Yardley Bay smoothly today.

Carefully check the headphones, goggles, replaceable bulletproof suits, explosion-proof shields and other items. After confirming that there are no problems, enter the bathroom, activate the sound insulation, and release Xiaohong and Xiaoluan from the powder bags.

"Xiaohong, in a crowded place, I don't need you and Rosa to use charm. When the eighth or ninth floor underground, you and Rosa must take action to control the gatekeeper monster. Of course, the choice is yours, but I will help you Imagine that you stand by and watch until the end. My team members and I are arrested, including Rosa. Nanke's control of the consciousness of highly evolved life forms is far beyond my knowledge. Then you want to use charm. There is no chance of escape.”

Lu Anru analyzed it calmly and silently observed the changes in Xiaohong's expression.

It can be seen that the color of the eyes with a faint red light has changed several times, from disdain to solemnity.

He didn't force Xiaohong to make a promise, and let Xiaohong jump into it with a lot of worries.

Lu Anru zipped and buttoned the pink bag, stared at Xiao Luan, and said sternly: "You are not allowed to take action here."

"Miss, I know you want to protect me, but you are all trying your best. I don't want to just hide in my bag and be a coward." Xiao Luan's eyes were slightly wet.

Lu Anru shook his head, coldly breaking the other party's emotional filter.

"My prohibition of your action has nothing to do with partiality. There is no need for you to take action here. When the illegal research institute is reached, it is up to you to find the specific location of Guan Hao and others. Secondly, they may be unconscious. Your Requiem will be of great use. ”

Lu Anru walked through the prison of the illegal research institute three times in her dream, but she still couldn't remember the way, and it was like a maze of twists and turns. Electronic concealed weapons were scattered everywhere, and if you didn't step on the right foot, they would be shot into a sieve. A peacock that tried to escape was shot into a pool of blood.

Xiao Luan clenched her hands into fists and nodded heavily in agreement: "Okay, Miss."

Open the powder bag and put Xiao Luan into the bag.

After washing up, I followed Ella to the hall, and the team members headed to the Biological Research Institute.

When Lu Anru's team arrived, Su Rui warmly greeted them and led the way.

(End of chapter)