Magnificent Years

Chapter 217: Catching mice


Sheng Ming placed her hands under the sensor faucet and performed the scientific six-step hand washing method.

He was extremely serious, as if he brought Lu Anru here just to wash his hands.

Lu Anru stared at it in confusion for a moment, and was about to give up waiting when he heard the other party say in a deep voice: "You should wash up too."

Glancing through the mirror into the distance, Lu Anru followed the other party's sharp eyes and saw Su Rui. She was sitting on a rest bench, holding a bottle full of honey water in her hands.

He took a sip, looking like he was enjoying a sweet drink, but in fact, his tentacles kept waving in the direction of the bathroom where they were. The ears are erect and twitch occasionally, receiving sound waves.

Following Sheng Ming's suggestion, Lu Anru also reached under the faucet and rubbed his hands.

The two of them repeated the same action until someone new came out and stood beside them to join the process of washing hands after solving the urgent problem.

"The rat got into the men's room."

Sheng Ming told Lu Anru in the dialect of his hometown.

Lu Anru guessed that the sound of water flow created by the three people could temporarily disturb the Greater Galleria mellonella's hearing, so he quickly replied in dialect: "Thieves who steal things are the most annoying. Do I need to catch them?"

"He just smelled something fishy and was walking next to us, trying to lure the rat out of the hole."

After Sheng Ming finished washing her hands, she took out a dry paper towel to wipe her hands, threw them into the automatic trash can, and leaned against the arched glass wall of the rotating walkway to wait for Lu Anru.

Lu Anru withdrew his hand from the faucet and inserted it into the inner compartment of the service robot. The little robot first blew out hot air, and then evenly applied hand cream on her hands and palms.

After everything was done, Lu Anru lowered his hands and shouted angrily: "Smelly rat, don't think you can escape from the law by running away quickly. Just wait, I will catch you sooner or later."

She raised her eyes to look at the third person who was washing his hands. He was always looking at her and Sheng Ming in surprise.

Lu Anru pointed to the storage bag he carried behind his back and kindly reminded: "Put the bag where you can see it. Be careful not to let the black iron knife scratch it."

The blond and blue-eyed reporter hurriedly turned the bag in front of him, protecting his privacy with both hands, as if facing a powerful enemy.

Lu Anru nodded with satisfaction, turned around, snickered, and walked towards Sheng Ming. The reporters who can participate in the symposium here are all elites with keen professional sense. They must dispel the other party's curiosity to explore.

The two returned to the team and saw the remaining seven team members each holding a bottle of iced drinks.

Lu An stared at the seven people with hatred, and repeatedly told them before leaving to try not to buy drinks and food in the hotel.

Dai Qiyang recommended April, indicating that the eloquent Wen Zong would explain it.

April raised her hand to tuck the strands of hair behind her ears, inadvertently revealing her bracelet and Yuexiang electronic watch.

Seeing the electronic watch, Lu Anru understood what the other party wanted to express. In April, he used the function of the electronic watch to check the safety of drinking water.

Dai Qiyang unfolded his storage bag and helped prove: "It's so hot here, and the coolant has been confiscated."

Lu Anru looked at the storage bag and saw an empty water bottle lying on the messy upper level.

Pushing the handle of Dai Qiyang's bag, he closed it, looked up at the air vent on the wall, and complained: "The indoor temperature is too high and the humidity is too low."

Su Rui explained good-naturedly: "The living environment of birds and carnivores is a complete reproduction of the Bach Prairie. The temperature in the two museum areas is higher than elsewhere. Please follow me to the Herbivore Animal Museum. The temperature and humidity there are very comfortable."

The group of people came to the Herbivorous Animal House, and Lu Anru and Sheng Ming squeezed into the middle of the crowd in a tacit understanding.

April quickly found the ace evolution body in the prompt area and described it to everyone.

"Its body is like a wall, its limbs are like stone pillars, and its neck is slender, so it can easily eat fresh leaves."

This mutated animal does not need a detailed introduction in April. The team members can see it very clearly, and its general physical characteristics are too obvious.

Just standing in front of everyone and directly announcing the answer, Lu Anru and Sheng Ming looked at each other. Sheng Ming shook his head slightly and moved his fingers back and forth twice.

Lu Anru understood what he was implying and changed the guessing animals, lest they continue to guess wrong and the answers were different from those given by the mouse spirit.

April held Dai Qiyang's arm to stop him from answering.

The seven team members and Su Rui stared at the two eagerly, waiting for them to open their mouths and ask questions that even kindergarten children could answer.

Sheng Ming narrowed the delicate apricot eyes inherited from her mother, looked at the center of the herbivore house, and questioned.

"Based on our experience in visiting the last three museums, I think the animal described by reporter Yue is too obvious and does not look like an ace evolution. Please look at the three o'clock position. There is a jet black monster. It looks like a tiger and has a pair of huge wings. , very similar to the ferocious beast Qiongqi in the Xia Kingdom mythology. I roughly figured out Nan Yimeng’s temperament based on the first two ace mutant animals. I guess he wanted to use two carnivores to create a beast. Grass animals tell us that many things should not be taken at face value.”

Su Rui wiped the sweat from her forehead, let Sheng Ming's aura and meticulous analysis ability keep her calm, and explained calmly: "You are right, the tiger-winged beast was the trump card of the herbivorous hall before last month."

"Last month," Sheng Ming repeated playfully, and followed the other party's direction and asked, "Do you mean the ace animal has changed this month?"

Su Rui raised her hands in front of her mouth in horror, her tentacles shook violently twice, and then hung limply on both sides of her cheeks, perfectly showing her fear of being punished for spilling the beans.

Sheng Ming did the opposite and refused to accept the meat that was put to his mouth.

"You guys go to any lengths to select the right people for a secret operation. I suspect you are deliberately guiding my judgment. I insist that the tiger-winged beast you mentioned is the ace of the herbivore hall. It consists of two carnivores. Animal composition, tiger and Andean condor."

Su Rui was afraid that she would lose her expression, so she asked a little impatiently: "Are you sure?"

Sheng Ming nodded strategically, but Su Rui seemed to have not seen this confirmation action and said with a slight cry: "According to the rules of the museum, please formally answer me whether you are sure you have just given the answer."

Seeing Su Rui kneeling down and begging, Lu Anru was more kind and suggested, "Would you like to stop thinking about it?"

"Yes, I feel that this month it has been changed to a fusion of an elephant and a giraffe, and both of them are herbivores. The fusion of them to create new herbivores is more in line with the theory of biological evolution." The April certification data was given Answer.

"I agree, let's choose the elephant. My intuition tells me this is reliable." Dai Qiyang pretended to agree.

Su Rui could not directly interfere with the outcome, so she had to clasp her hands and close her eyes to pray. It was not difficult to guess her wish at the moment.

Sheng Ming glanced at the people around him and raised his eyebrows proudly, "This is the last chance left. Do you dare to guarantee it?"

Everyone looked at each other and then fell silent. No one dared to challenge the authority of the commander-in-chief.

Lu Anruha smiled and let Sheng Ming make the decision: "You have the final say."

He took a few steps back and disappeared from Sheng Ming's eyes to show his sincerity.

At the critical moment, someone outside the crowd reminded loudly: "Guess all the big wings in the upper team have left the field."

The rules require that others are not allowed to use their names when reminding others. Violations will disqualify the reminder and the team being reminded.

The other party was very clever and picked out the obvious distinguishing features, and the answer was obvious.

In order to reward his wit, Lu Anru strangled his neck with his right hand and brought him to the center of the crowd.

With his left hand, he pulled out the ID card from his collar. When he saw a familiar name, he showed the ID card forward and showed it to everyone.

Showing around, he scolded loudly with a serious face: "Thief, you stole my identity card!"

Sheng Ming pinched the top of the mouse spirit's head with two fingers, and ignited the powerful Samadhi True Fire in his palm, keeping only 3 centimeters away from the mouse spirit's scalp to prevent him from returning to his original form and slipping away.

April cleverly stepped forward, put on gloves and took off the bracelet from Mouse Jing's wrist, put it into a sealed bag together with the ID tag, and stuffed it into Lu Anru's pink bag.

Lu Anru zipped up his zipper, looked directly at Su Rui coldly, and said, "Please come over and have a chat, the manager."

Su Rui was stunned. Muna took off the walkie-talkie hanging on her chest and solemnly stated: "I'll ask the security to come over now."

Lu Anru quickly pressed the [Cancel Conversation] button on the walkie-talkie, took away the other party's walkie-talkie and put it into the pink bag, refusing to compromise.

"Let your manager come over. This man stole my ID card and forged my bracelet. His appearance here proves that he attended the meeting yesterday, and he entered again today and wandered around us. I have reasonable grounds to suspect that you and him are in cahoots. Attempting to endanger our lives. I need you to give me an explanation now, otherwise this matter will make headlines in the major media tomorrow."

At the same time as he said these ruthless words, Lu Anru took out his computer and took photos as evidence.

Su Rui couldn't argue. Although Nan Yimeng told her that Sheng Le might be Lu Anru, there were assumptions and she couldn't bear the consequences of contradictory possibilities.

If Sheng Le is Sheng Le, the Institute of Biology will face unprecedented pressure from public opinion.

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, he gave in and agreed: "Okay, you can follow me to see the manager."

"No, if we go to a place where all your senior officials are, my team members and I will feel even less safe. And if this person is really a spy sent by you, I'm afraid you will kill him and silence him, and we will need time to interrogate him alone."

Lu Anru flatly refused, raised his hand and pointed to the resting sofa area, and said: "Since we want to seek justice, we will not leave. We will wait for you to bring the manager over in the resting area. In full view of the public, I understand that you do not dare to do anything arrogant."

"Don't come close."

Su Rui shouted to stop the security robot that was rushing over, and turned to reassure the extremely defensive woman: "Okay, please believe that our institute has never done anything to harm the participants. Could you please stay in the sofa area?" Wait a minute, I will report the matter to the manager and ask him to come and handle the matter in person with the evidence."


Sheng Ming escorted the mouse to the sofa area, while Lu Anru and April acted as field controllers. While explaining to others, they asked everyone not to leave too far.

"I lost my ID card yesterday. I thought I accidentally forgot it somewhere. I never expected that someone stole it. Moreover, the institute did not detect the imposter."

"Yes, please keep your distance and give our captain space for interrogation."

The two sweet girls successively entrusted the work, which won the protective desire of the nearby visitors, and they all agreed: "Okay, we will stand here and wait for the institute to give a reasonable answer before leaving."

"I agree, this is too dangerous. I lost a new camera I bought yesterday. It must be related to the thief you caught."

"The institute prohibits bringing exaggerated contraband to the conference. They pretend to be very strict when inspecting, but they are actually covering for thieves. This is too much!"

"Yes, I need an explanation. I lost two ancient gold coins today!"

Lu Anru drew closer to April and whispered: "Maintain their relationship."

Nanke said 'Welcome to his kingdom' in his introduction. This sentence proves that he cares about reputation and status. With these protective shields, he hopes to reduce the chance of him going crazy.

After getting a nod from April, Lu Anru walked back to the interrogation site, approached Sheng Ming and asked, "Did you find out any useful information?"

"No, he talks a lot about cheating, and his body is covered with anti-spells tattooed on him, so he can't use the truth-telling charm."

Sheng Ming lifted his rat cap, and as soon as a familiar face appeared, Lu Anru's anger reignited.

The rat spirit stopped dealing with Sheng Ming's nonsense, stared at Lu Anru with interest, and smiled maliciously: "Haha, you let the Sheng family protect you very well. It's a pity that Sheng Laohu is no longer as powerful as he used to be. A year ago, I The boss asked me to deliver the traitor to you, but Sheng Laohu actually left him alive. Alas, Laohu has turned into a sick cat. You shouldn't have given Nanke a chance to recover. It would be terrible for him to discover the secret. Look at his creation like a madman. How many evil things have happened.”

Sheng Ming pressed his hand downwards and shouted: "Shut up if I don't ask you to answer the question. Who arranged for you to come?"

The approaching heat made the mouse jump to his feet, begging for mercy: "I told you earlier, Sheng Laohu, oh no, my boss is a friend of Sheng Laomao."

Even though the danger could not be ignored, Lu Anru's eyes still showed strong interest.

The next second, a shrill voice appeared in Lu Anru's mind: "Do you want to know what the Sheng family has hidden in you? Do you want to know what secrets Nanke got from you? Take me to escape, and I will reveal all the information to you. Including the cause of the strange illness that has troubled you for many years.”

Lu Anru looked deeply at Sheng Ming and touched the pink bag with his hand.

The seductive voice in his mind reappeared: "Yes, pull out Yin Cangxu and slash Sheng Ming's hand. He won't fight back. You take the opportunity to lead me to the seven o'clock position. There is a secret door in the emergency passage there. Direct access to the outside.”

Lu Anru's hesitant hand fell back to his side, he clenched his fist and punched the rat's deceptive mouth, and said sarcastically: "You are about to persuade me, but it's a pity that you missed the move."

The rat spirit shouldn't mention that Sheng Ming won't fight back against her. If outsiders can notice that she cares about feelings, she will naturally not destroy them with her own hands.

Then, the rat spirit's hysterical scolding appeared in her mind: "You idiot, if you miss this opportunity, don't even think about knowing the complete secret!"

Lu Anru snorted, glanced at the elevator entrance, and stuck out the tip of his tongue at the rat spirit, "I'm sorry, I can't trust you either. Looking from a distance, Nan Ke is here in person. Since your boss and him are enemies, then Putting you in his hands, the scene will be wonderful."

"Let me go. If you don't want to live anymore, don't drag me down! Don't be naive, these ordinary reporters can't stop Nan Ke at all. Nan Ke was able to obtain recognition from various institutions in just one year, and his methods are far more dirty than you think. dirty."

The rat spirit yelled in the minds of Sheng Ming and Lu Anru, and struggled to get away frantically, fearing that they could not be moved, so he once again raised the key point: "Pay attention to what he is holding in his hand! If you are alive, you might as well check it out." There are still a few normal people among the heads of the organizations he certified!”

(End of chapter)