Magnificent Years

Chapter 218: Eating herbivores is worse than eating meat


Lu Anru followed the sound, and a familiar green vial suddenly appeared on Nanke's right hand.

She suddenly realized that many things she thought were naive. For a pervert, the innocent reporters here were not enough to restrain his madness.

For the sake of his heart's desire, he would choose to destroy the body and eliminate all traces.

He opened the pink bag and unfolded it towards the mouse spirit: "Come in if you don't want to die."

Sheng Ming grabbed the rat spirit by the neck and stuffed the mouse spirit that had returned to its original form into a pink bag.

Lu Anru locked the pink bag and shouted to the people present: "Everyone, run, Nan Yimeng is a liar who deceives the world and steals his reputation. He holds a highly corrosive biochemical weapon in his hand."

It was a kind reminder, but she really couldn't control whether people would listen to it.

He took off the new headphones hanging from his ears, took the group members with him, and ran to the safe passage that the rat spirit said.

While running, tap Yuexiang's earphones twice to wake up the interaction: "Call Ella."

The beep beep sound and the sound of glass being smashed sounded at the same time, and many mutant monsters ran out of the biological park, chasing them closely.

Lu Anru felt a fishy smell permeate the surroundings, and then a huge thing flew over his head. The tiger-winged beast flew to the door of the safe exit where they wanted to escape and landed, blocking the road with its body.

Immediately afterwards, a group of mutated birds flew in, snatched people's packages, and pecked people's limbs.

"Dai Qiyang, use wood to tie the bird's wings or feet."

Sheng Ming ran behind Lu Anru, pinching his fingers to use the wind protection shield to wrap around the people nearby.

It was rare for him to be named by the president. Dai Qiyang was extremely excited. He said "OK" and started to knead the magic formula to control the plants in the five halls.

Use long branches and vines as binding tools to tightly wrap the birds above everyone's heads to stop them from sacrificing flesh and blood to destroy the protective shield.

Lu Anru glanced at the top of his head and almost carried it away in anger. Dai Qiyang controlled the plants to catch the bird and flew the bird like a kite.

"Throw it back and use the mutated bird to hit the pursuers."

Looking back in the direction where the bird fell, I saw Nanke sitting on the Tianshu beast, like a majestic general. He held a big halberd and chopped at the wind protection shield.

And the protective cover actually had cracks under his chops.

Lu Anru's head was straightened by Sheng Ming, and he missed a step and fell forward.

Sheng Ming grabbed her arm with one hand, put it on her shoulder, and continued to cast spells with one hand.

Lu Anru sat on Sheng Ming's shoulders and hugged the man's neck to maintain balance. The viewing angle is nearly two meters higher, and many tragic scenes can be clearly seen.

Most of the reporters who had no time to run were eaten by wild beasts, and a few were corroded by green biological weapons.

The most exaggerated thing is that the phoenix can actually swallow green liquid. With each additional mouthful it swallows, its mouth will gradually turn from yellow to blue. When it turns into a deep blue like sea water, it will shoot out a barrage of biochemical weapons like a machine gun.

A barrage of cannons hit the gap in the protective cover repeatedly, corroding a hole the size of a fist.

Not only is the attack method of the Scarecrow frightening, but it is also very accurate.

The green biochemical weapon was accurately fired through the hole, and Lu Anru could barely parry it with Yincang. Others were much worse off than her, and many of them turned into green water immediately after being hit. Even after death, he still can't stop, and he has to harm his companions around him.

Lu Anru saw anxiously that sooner or later the protective shield they were in would turn into a Shura field where similar species would infect and corrode each other.

"Xiao Ming, the situation is a bit dangerous. I suggest you stay on the defensive instead of attacking, and capture the thief first. Capture the king first. Capture Nanke and let him control the mutated animals to stop their mischief."

"I'll handle it. Don't get close to Nanke. There are many mutated animals near him. He can transfer his soul at any time. This is not a suitable place to catch him. Instead, it is easy to fall into his trap."

Sheng Ming's steps did not slow down at all, and the five fingers of his right hand quickly interlaced and overlapped.

From the complexity of the kneading technique, Lu Anru could see that Sheng Ming might be summoning earth magic or ultimate ice magic. The two spells, which would destroy a lot of vitality every time they were summoned, could indeed relieve her urgent needs, but she didn't want to pay the price with Sheng Ming's health!

"I have a solution. Xiao Ming, don't be in a hurry to change your spells. Use a protective shield to cover me."

Lu Anru tore off the obstructive veil, jumped off Sheng Ming's shoulder without permission, waved to Lianhua, and shouted: "Lianhua, come with me and fill the gap with the talisman of the counterattack curse."

Several players present were worried at first, but when they heard about this arrangement, they just felt that their opponents were pitiful.

Lianhua ran to Lu Anru and whispered: "My counterattack spell can only target a certain item or a certain creature, and cannot affect the whole."

"Didn't you tell me earlier?" Lu Anru asked displeasedly.

Lianhua nervously looked back at Sheng Ming to confirm whether the other party had heard their conversation.

Seeing that there was no abnormal color on Sheng Ming's face, he breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "I can't hold it for long with a charm. I used to draw the charm better than relying on the charm."

Lu Anru clearly understood the reason why Lianhua insisted on saving face and wanted to leave a good impression on Sheng Ming.

However, the current situation is life-threatening, and a good impression is nothing.

Ignoring the opponent's excuse for being competitive, Lu Anru turned around and ran back, planning to take out more counterattack charms from Sheng Ming's storage bag.

Her arm was hooked by the lotus flower, which dragged her forward and said seriously: "I'm not lying to you, the talisman can resist corrosive biochemical weapons twice. Go over and draw the talisman to make it easier. Ask Dai Qiyang to stuff the captured birds until they are broken." At the mouth, I draw the talisman and let Charlie blow it out."

As soon as the detailed layout became clear, Lu Anru's eyes lit up.

Shout out to Charlie and Blount to follow and divide the tasks.

The four people ran to the breach from both sides. Dai Qiyang stuffed a dozen birds into them, bit off lotus flowers and painted runes on them one by one, and then Charlie blew them to where the pursuers gathered.

It started to have a miraculous effect, reducing the number of pursuers by half in just one or two minutes. The fight could be continued slowly, and the strength of the two sides would be judged.

The more green corrosive water there is, the more excited the Terror Crane will be, and the faster it will launch biochemical weapons after eating it. Gradually, there are more than one break in the protective shield, and it may be broken into pieces at any time, making Lu Anru's work more and more difficult.

The buildings in the museum are all anti-corrosion, and they are the only targets.

Dai Qiyang was sweating profusely, tired and scared.

After blocking several breaches with the new wave of birds, he took the time to give Lu Anru some advice: "Team Leader Lu, I remember that bombs are useful against green biological and chemical weapons, and maybe they are also useful against pheasants."

"I know, I tried to put a microcomputer bomb into the body of a dead bird, but the bomb must be detonated in advance, otherwise the bird will turn into green water, and the bomb will have the same result. The key point is that the chicken is not stupid and will not eat the bomb directly. ah."

Lu Anru pointed out the difficulties in practical operation.

Dai Qiyang thought for a few seconds, looked at April, who was approaching, and asked, "Do you have any idea?"

April Shou quickly finished calculations on the computer, and answered using the cover of the wind: "The Terror Crane is following the mutated animal. With the distance that Charlie can use the wind method, it is difficult to accurately blow the bomb over."

Realizing that Charlie was dissatisfied and wanted to refute, April added an explanation.

"Even if President Sheng comes, it's still difficult to do, because the opponent can make the crane chicken retreat and use other animals as human shields. I remember that I found a hidden talisman for Xiao Aya last time. That talisman has Large-scale effect. I suggest that we don’t waste time and run forward. We should calculate the distance after finishing, plant hidden bombs along the way, and stay more at the location where the Terror Crane arrives.”

Lu Anru quickly thought about the feasibility, weighed the consequences and agreed to April's suggestion.

Take out a large pack of micro bombs and give them to Lotus.

"The three of you stay here and continue with your work. You can also plant a hidden bomb. I'll deal with the tiger-winged beast blocking the road ahead. Call me when you can detonate it."

After receiving the agreement, Lu Anru ran towards the end of the wind protection shield.

Passing by Sheng Ming, who acted as the central pivot point of the protective shield, he did not forget to comfort him: "I will go meet the tiger-winged beasts and clear a path for us. Don't worry, herbivores have low lethality."

He ran past Sheng Ming without any delay, and when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he didn't see Sheng Ming coming. Instead, he saw Yue Yue running quickly, following closely behind her.

"Why are you here?" Lu Anru did not hide the disgust in his tone.

This will make April retreat in shame, which is better than letting April have an accident later if she fails to protect her well.

"Team Leader Lu, you have a misunderstanding. Herbivores are also lethal. The tiger-winged beast is huge, can fly and fight, and its claws are as sharp as knives. I will get closer and help you find its weakness."

Of course Lu Anru knew the common sense mentioned in April. Even if herbivores were forced into a hurry, they could still defeat carnivores. I remember that when Xiao Luan was watching Animal World, she watched a few documentaries out of boredom. In one of them, a lone wolf approached a herd of Tibetan antelopes, and several ewes rose up to protect their babies. The wolf was stomped by the strong forelimbs of the ewes and almost died.

What she said just now was just to let Sheng Ming and Lianhua go about their business in peace.

"Thank you, but you should go back. If a fight breaks out, I may not be able to take care of you." Lu Anru declined with appreciation.

April followed stubbornly, but there was no trace of fear on her face. She smiled happily and said: "Hey, the team leader only scares us. In fact, as long as you are here, we are all safe. Anyway, I believe the team leader will keep me safe. I will follow Go ahead and find the loophole so we can reach a new place sooner."

Lu Anru's face darkened and he refused forcefully: "Go back and don't cause trouble."

April Yi refused, but couldn't resist Lu Anru, so he used his brain to think of a double insurance trick: "Team leader, let me help you while standing in the wind protection shield."

After hearing the reliable idea, Lu Anru readily agreed: "Okay, don't run out."


The two reached the edge of the protective shield. Lu Anru drew his sword and rushed out. Standing in front of the tiger-winged beast, he deeply realized how small he was, his body was not as big as his opponent's head.

The eagle's talons snapped downwards, and three terrifying cracks appeared on the floor.

Lu Anru rolled and crawled out of the cracked soil, grabbed the edge of the floor and crawled back to the flat ground, and tried to jump from the tiger-winged beast's claws to it again.

As soon as she stepped on a fingertip that was thicker than her leg, the tiger-winged beast flapped its wings and flew high, and she was thrown back to the ground.

"Team Leader Lu, try to climb on the tiger-winged beast's head. Its weak point is its forehead. If you pierce the 'king' pattern on its forehead with your sword, it will immediately lose its ability to fight back."

April's shout came from behind.

Lu Anru couldn't complain. If she could go up, she would go up in the morning. The key is that the other party didn't give her a chance at all.

She didn't guess at first that the tiger-winged beast's weak point was its forehead, so she planned to blind the opponent's eyes, which would make it easier to fight.

After being distracted for a few seconds, the big claw fell from the air again, aiming at the top of her head.

The tiger-winged beast flapped its pair of large wings and stirred up gravel, which shook Lu Anru's body. He managed to avoid being turned into a meat pie by using all his limbs together.

"Team Leader Lu, please come back first. After Dai Qiyang's bombing is over, let the colleagues of the French Society deal with the tiger-winged beast." Yue Yiyue shouted worriedly.

Flying monsters are indeed more suitable for the French Society to attack, but the team's talents are limited, and they cannot accompany Nanke in a protracted battle.

There are ordinary human reporters in the protective shield, and if they continue to be used up, they will only end up being passively captured.

Lu Anru moved around quickly, eager to find a crack for the tiger-winged beast to get its claws stuck.

As a result, not to mention getting her claws stuck, the opponent just created several large depressions on the ground, which in turn reduced her range of movement by a quarter.

Seeing that he would turn into human flesh at any moment, Lu Anru suddenly saw a glimmer of hope.

But before the time came, she still had to climb over hills and ridges to drag the tiger-winged beast.

After struggling to climb up a slope with broken porcelain pieces, he asked loudly at the top of his voice: "Are you okay yet?"

He didn't hear Lianhua's answer, but just heard April Siyue calling anxiously: "Team Leader Lu, hurry up and get into the protective shield."

Lu Anru shouted a few more times until his voice became hoarse. He suddenly remembered that they were living in the age of science and technology, not the Stone Age.

Tap the earphone four times to enter the intranet conversation mode and ask: "Lotus, are you okay yet?"

Dai Qiyang responded hurriedly: "Wait for another ten seconds, there are too many holes. It's hard for us to fight with four hands with two fists. Come on now."

Lu Anru took out the detonator from the powder bag and squatted in the blind corner to wait for the notification.

Ten seconds passed, and without waiting for a notification, the tiger-winged beast's big claws pushed down the pile of rocks blocking her right side.

A strong wind blew away the pile of stones that almost buried her alive, and Lu Anru's heart sank. Sheng Ming was casting both far and near spells at the same time!

I only felt distressed for a second and hurriedly crawled to a safe new place.

Just as he squatted down, the surroundings began to shake violently. The tiger-winged beast had a very high IQ. It tasted the sweetness of an ambush and used its claws to destroy Lu Anru's hiding spot.

Lu Anru didn't think much and climbed up.

During the climbing process, you must grasp the new point of focus in time. In order to firmly grasp the half of the floor tile above your head, both hands must exert force at the same time. Inadvertently, the detonator slipped from the palm of his right hand.

As luck would have it, misfortune never comes singly, and a rapid succession of calls came from the earphones: "Team leader, team leader, hurry up and detonate it. We are afraid that the mini bombs have reached the area where the mini bombs are concentrated."

"Team leader, detonate it, hurry up! The Terror Crane Chicken will leave the concentration area soon."

Lu Anru only hesitated for a second, then jumped down, picked up the detonator, and pressed the red button to explode.

A black shadow enveloped her, and she was stuck deep in the rubble. She had no way to escape except looking up at the tiger-winged beast's claws falling.

However, just when the big claw almost touched the tip of her nose, the entire ecological zone in the five halls on the second floor collapsed.

In front of the emergency passage, the expensive white marble pillars toppled over and fell into the huge pit.

The tiger-winged beast was forced to flap its wings and fly to take refuge.

A cloud of sand and dust rose in the distance, and the four pavilions were reduced to ruins.

The three people in Lianhua fled in panic from the edge of the ruins and heard April's anxious cry for help.

Disgraced, he ran to the end of the wind shield and asked Lu Anru loudly: "How can I help?"

Lu Anru waved his hands towards them, rejecting the kindness: "Go back quickly, be careful not to let the broken ceiling hit you. I can deal with it myself. Go back and tell Xiao Ming to prepare to lower the wind protection shield."

"What?" Dai Qiyang exclaimed in disbelief: "Descent?"

(End of chapter)