Magnificent Years

Chapter 219: Nanke is dead?


"Well, we'll see you later."

Lu Anru rushed towards the opposite direction of everyone, and there was a big crack right in front of her.

She kept jumping towards the crack step by step. She might have misjudged the distance and fell into the crack. The buttocks, which are the thickest parts of the human body, are stuck in it and cannot go up or down.

April exclaimed loudly: "Team leader!"

Without thinking, he ran out of the protective shield to rescue him. His arm was grabbed by the lotus flower, and he pointed at Lu Anru's two hands that were pulling up frantically.

"Pay attention to her fingers." Lianhua reminded in a low voice.

April took a closer look and saw that Lu Anru looked like he was pulling dirt to save himself, but in reality it was more like poking something down.

Combined with what Lu Anru said before falling into the trap, Yue Yue was so blessed that he roared loudly: "Lotus, let me go, I will save the team leader."

Lianhua judged from the strength of April's struggle that her mentality had changed and she was leaning towards acting.

"You are a cold-blooded person. The team leader usually treats her well, but you cruelly abandoned her at a critical moment. Dai Qiyang, use your own methods to help the team leader get out of trouble."

April shouted excitedly.

Dai Qiyang was kept in the dark, so he hurriedly said "Okay" and kneaded the magic formula with his hands.

At the same time, doubts disappeared in the eyes of the tiger-winged beast flying high in the sky. He aimed at the time and slapped Lu Anru's head with his big claws.

It used a lot of energy in this attack and would definitely kill the woman in the trap!

In an instant, there was a rumbling sound all around, and all the load-bearing walls and columns supporting Minus Two collapsed, hitting Minus Three heavily.

Dai Qiyang was late after all. Panic appeared on Lianhua and April's faces at the same time, and they shouted from the bottom of their hearts: "Team leader!"

"Lu Anru!"

The wind protection shield dropped rapidly and placed them steadily on the ruins. Ignoring the potential danger of the tiger-winged beast not yet dying, several team members rushed out of the safe area and ran to the place where Lu Anru was buried.

Lotus and April knelt on the ground, digging into the gravel with their hands.

Tears welled up from April's eyes uncontrollably, and she regretted listening to Lotus's suggestion. There is no such thing as complete certainty in a real mission. She should have asked Dai Qiyang to cast a spell to save the team leader earlier.

Thinking about it, all the discomfort was blocked in my throat, and I couldn't resist it, so I cried loudly.

With her taking the lead, Lianhua couldn't hold herself any longer and secretly wiped away her tears with her sleeves.

"Hey, I'm here."

Laughter came from above.

The two of them looked up and saw Lu Anru sitting on the back of the tiger-winged beast, grabbing the long hair around its neck and directing it to land slowly in front of everyone.

The beast that had insisted on taking Lu Anru's life just now changed its temperament and obeyed her commands obediently. It even lowered its head with the pattern of the king of beasts so that Lu Anru could jump off its shoulders.

Lianhua glanced at the taming charm on the tiger-winged beast's forehead, and she felt annoyed at being tricked. She glared at Lu Anru and asked, "Have you tamed it long ago?"

"No," Lu Anru patiently explained, patting the big cat's head.

"Just now I got stuck in the chosen gap and made a survival move. You guys cooperated to perform a checkmate scene to dispel the suspicion of the tiger-winged beast. It flew down to attack, which means that the falling position is fixed. Xiao Ming threw out the taming charm to help me. I originally planned to use it to send us down to minus three, but when Xiao Ming gave me a good opportunity, I simply used Yincang to insert it into the gap between the cement and tiles, and use the force to avoid its attack range. When it rushed down, I jumped on it to attack me. Blood activates the Taming Talisman and uses its power to completely destroy Negative Two.”

Lianhua looked at Sheng Ming meaningfully, especially remembering that two years ago, Sheng Ming had just reached the level of discussing problems with her, but now they are far apart from each other. Talent plus hard work is really scary.

He stood up and patted the dirt on his hands, took the disinfectant wipes that April took out, wiped the scratched knee, and walked back to Lu Anru to fulfill his promise.

April was more emotional than Lianhua. She wiped her tears with a tissue and sighed: "I was scared to death. Fortunately, the team leader is okay, otherwise I would feel guilty for the rest of my life."

"Don't worry, I'm lucky, let's get down to business. The external network signal is blocked here, and my call to contact Ella is cut off. From this point, I guess Ella is still trying to get in. Let's find a way to go down."

The internal network has a limited distance and can only be used if you are close.

April nodded with her, held the computer with one hand, and surveyed the weak points of nearby buildings.

Negative Three is also an ecological park for mutant animals, but the ruins of the second floor were smashed down, and the mutant animals were basically trapped under the rubble, which saved them the trouble of dealing with it.

Lu Anru walked back to Sheng Ming, and when she saw her baby brother's pale face, her heart surged with love.

Open the powder packet and take out the tiger oil ointment, and apply it on Sheng Ming's Baihui point, Shenmen point, and Laogong point, trying to help him relieve the damage that consumes his energy and spirit.

"Anru, it doesn't matter to me. You stay here and I'll go see the explosion point." Sheng Ming pressed Lu Anru's worried little hand.

Lu Anru held Sheng Minghao's wrist with his backhand and insisted, "I'll go with you."

Afraid of Sheng Ming's rejection, he shouted loudly: "Huhu, come here."

Like a sparrow, the tiger-winged beast jumped up in front of Lu Anru with its legs, and pressed the sweat glands on its head against Lu Anru's body, eager to leave its own scent.

Lu Anru made the big furry head giggle: "Okay, okay, stop acting like a baby, I know you are the cutest."

After being praised, the tiger-winged beast rubbed Lu Anru's back hard.

Others nearby had dark faces, and the big raptor was jumping around and shaking up the gravel. They couldn't bear it, how cute they were!

"Huhu, let's accompany Xiaoming to survey the dangerous area."

The tiger-winged beast raised its head and shouted "Ouch!" in agreement. It lowered its front body and allowed Lu Anru to jump onto the exclusive seat.

Lu Anru grabbed the two tufts of hair on the back of the tiger-winged beast's neck and showed off to Sheng Ming: "Let's go, I have a bodyguard."

Sheng Ming shook his head helplessly, raised a slight smile on his lips, and followed Lu Anru to sit on the back of the tiger-winged beast.

With the convenience of flying, the two quickly arrived at the center of the explosion.

"Tiger, fall down."

The tiger-winged beast followed the order and landed on half a boulder.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming jumped back to the ruins. Sheng Ming pinched the magic formula with two fingers, and a strong wind blew by. All the small gravel was blown into the three-story ecological park, which was relatively intact, surrounding the mutated animals trying to escape from oppression.

The large rubble was left in place to prevent any mutated animals from the second floor that were not dead from resisting.

After cleaning up the scene, the outcome of the battle was clear at a glance.

The amphibious and reptile mutant animals were basically wiped out. The large carnivorous mutant animals had the same result. Some small herbivorous animals got stuck in the gaps and escaped.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming walked on the big stone slab, checking the animals and research institute employees one by one, hoping to find Nanke as soon as possible.

April chased after her, and her feet happened to step on the stone slab where a little mink rabbit was hiding from disaster. When she heard the scream, she hurriedly moved the stone slab.

Seeing the palm-sized gray-purple little guy, his principle was immediately broken by the cuteness. He held the little guy in his hands and gently comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

The little guy is more principled than April, and he can tell the difference between friend and foe. He bites April's finger with his mouth and lets out a low roar.

Since it has no teeth, the bite of the mink rabbit does not hurt, but its fierce look makes April like it even more.

Default figured out the reason why the mink rabbit was so powerful, and patiently coaxed: "Little mink rabbit, be good, I know your mother and father were beaten to death, I will take care of you from now on."

April believed that if Lu An could tame the giant tiger-winged beast, she could also tame the cute and deadly mink rabbit. I found that talking therapy was useless, so I simply left my finger in the mink rabbit's mouth and let it bite it casually. Anyway, it didn't hurt or itch or break the skin.

Seeing Lu Anru and Sheng Ming returning, he asked with concern: "Did you find Nanke's body?"

Lu Anru responded solemnly: "Well, the beast that damaged the sky is also dead. I'm afraid the crane and chicken have escaped."

From the tone of his voice, Lu Anru didn't seem to be in a high mood.

April tried to arouse the other party's emotions and announced excitedly: "It's a good thing to find it. I also found a way to the seventh floor underground."

"Let's go then." Lu Anru raised his hand to summon the team members: "Gather and prepare to go downstairs!"

When the nine team members gathered together, Lu Anru announced new precautions in a loud voice: "Everyone go down together. If you hear any noise, don't go alone to check. At least three groups must coordinate attack, defense, and calculation before taking action. If you are with a team or Ai Let’s meet up, let’s check the other party’s identity first.”

"Okay." Everyone agreed in unison.

April held the microcomputer in front and led the way towards the location where the black blind spot was once marked.

They passed by a stepping stone where rubble gathered, and Lu Anru asked everyone to take a detour. People looked over out of curiosity and saw a black charred corpse. It's just that there are only bones left in the body. It doesn't look like it was burned to death, but it looks like it has been sucked dry.

Many human reporters came over to express their gratitude along the way. After Lu An accepted the praise, he would always chase them away.

"Don't follow up and cause trouble. You have also seen how dangerous this place is. Just find a way out. After you get out, contact Interpol first where there is a signal and ask them to investigate the heads of the organizations that certified EK. Don't Forgot to issue a press release to expose Nan Yimeng’s evil deeds and attract global attention, so that you can gain personal safety.”

Those who cherished their lives basically listened to the advice and left. Lu Anru believed that they could do things well when they went out. These people were each smarter than others. They knew very well the weight of her last words, and they couldn't silence everyone, especially Team Lu Anru. Since the situation here will be made public sooner or later, it is better for them to expose it themselves.

Those who cherish their lives leave, but there are always a few people who are like stubborn donkeys who will keep following them despite being driven N times, and will not give up until they see the Yellow River.

When Dai Qiyang saw that Lu Anru and Yue Yue both had pets, he felt itchy, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find any mutated animals that fit his eyes. The good-looking ones seem to be highly poisonous, but the ugly and large ones are difficult to carry. He has no taming charm, and if he is rescued by a big monster, he will probably become the big monster's dinner.

Out of boredom, I noticed two reporters following me secretly.

He deliberately slowed down and waited for the reporters to approach, scolding him like a child: "You don't have ears, and you are following me to your death. If you are told to go out, go out quickly. You small bodies are not big enough to mutate and become big monsters one at a time."

The leading black reporter was of high quality. He took off his dirty hat, saluted Dai Qiyang, and made a polite request.

"Please let us follow. The evidence left by reporters at most proves that the mutated animals here are dangerous, but cannot prove Nan Yimeng's heinous crimes. This matter will be brought to the international court. At best, the research institute here will be destroyed, but the problem cannot be eradicated from the root."

"Nan Yimeng is dead." Dai Qiyang told the known facts.

The black man wondered, 'Huh? ' He blurted out a denial: "You must be mistaken. He cannot die easily."

"It's really dead. Our team leader saw it with his own eyes." Dai Qiyang insisted.

The black reporter opened his eyes wide, shook his head and muttered: "Impossible, impossible."

Dai Qiyang originally wanted to persuade the reporters to leave and vent his frustrations, but unexpectedly he encountered a psychopath.

Seeing that the persuasion was useless, he quickly followed the team. Lu Anru said that he couldn't leave the team too far. He didn't want to be the first to be punished.

Walking beside April, he accidentally saw two more people behind him.

The black reporter and his men also chased after him quickly. Dai Qiyang turned around angrily and yelled: "Do you have to risk your life to do this?"

Adhering to the principle of not hitting the smiling person, the black reporter said with an honest smile: "You must be the masters of Yuexiang. We want to track and record the entire line. Please let us continue to follow you."

"No, get out of here quickly, don't hang around."

Dai Qiyang pushed the black reporter and pushed him to the ground without much effort.

Looking at the other party's behavior, which was very similar to porcelain, Dai Qiyang bit his lower lip dumbfounded and explained to the people who stopped to watch: "It's not my fault. I am a French society and I'm very gentle."

The black reporter patted his dazed head, continued to raise his lips with a silly smile, and explained to Dai Qiyang: "The matter has nothing to do with the young man. I just fell down and injured my right leg."

Lu Anru swept his eyes back and forth between the two of them and asked, "What's going on?"

Seeing that the other party was relatively innocent, Dai Qiyang tried to persuade her: "Don't come here with your physique. Well, this is our team leader for this mission. She saw Nan Yimeng die with her own eyes, and with her Authoritative credibility won’t lie to you.”

Before Lu Anru could speak, the black reporter adjusted his body shape, took off his hat again, and took the initiative to introduce himself to her.

"Hello, my name is James, I am a reporter from GBO media. I have been following Nan Yimeng for a year and a half. I know the pattern of his resurrection very well. Please believe me, we must have sufficient evidence this time and bring the evidence to the police. Send him out, completely overthrow his entrenched power, and leave no chance for him to resurrect."

The word resurrection shocked everyone present, including Lu Anru and Sheng Ming, who looked at each other. Being able to know this secret means that the other party is really not simple. Only the core members of the group know it.

Sheng Ming stepped forward in two steps and tapped his index finger on the black reporter's forehead. Light blue light lit up from his fingertips.

The man closed his eyes tightly and concentrated on the experience for a moment. He opened his eyes and walked back to the team, saying softly to Lu Anru: "There is no counter-spell, no energy field."

After passing the verification, Lu Anru squatted down, put his hands on his chin, and said in an innocent voice: "Uncle, in addition to the journalist's duty and the fact that he must shine for the truth, is there any reason for you to work hard for your life?"

Nanke's public relations team and protective umbrella are very powerful. If Lu Anru doesn't believe that James can track down the truth through obsession, he must have come into contact with something personally.

Jamest took out a wallet from his pocket, unfolded it and showed one of the photos to everyone.

The suit on his body was covered with dust and had a few scratches from sharp objects, but the wallet was not damaged at all. It could be seen that he attached great importance to this item.

"The child in the photo is my daughter. She has congenital heart disease. A year ago, I attended the Nanyimeng Biology Symposium. I believed his lies and agreed to perform cell fusion repair on my daughter. My daughter began to recover very well. ,But!"

(End of chapter)