Magnificent Years

Chapter 220: Four-story bacterial culture room


The turning word 'but' usually represents a bad turning point, and the team members can basically predict the following results.

Jameste closed his eyes filled with sadness deeply. When he opened them, the pain was gone and only hatred remained, and he finished describing the whole thing angrily.

"But starting from the third month after the second phase was completed, she became less human, howling every night, biting sofas and other objects. I took her to Nan Yimeng for help, but Nan Yimeng avoided seeing her. He asked the assistant to give me two bottles of medicine and asked me to inject it into my daughter. He also lied to me, saying that she could recover by injecting the medicine. I had no other choice but to continue to listen to him. After the injection, my daughter recovered. Peace at the price of death! Since then, I have followed Nan Yimeng’s line and discovered many things that violate the rules of natural biology!”

Jamest took out his microcomputer. The screen of the microcomputer was shattered by the battle just now, and he could barely see three sections of the screen. There were colorful bright bars in the screen.

He chose to play a video from last year, in which a girl had just undergone surgery and was happily running on the lawn at an amazing speed, faster than his large dog.

In the video, Jamest smiles happier than the girl, with fatherly love overflowing in the corners of his eyes and brows.

After the one-minute video was played, Jamest chose to play the second video. The two videos were shot half a year apart.

In the new video, the girl lies on all fours on the ground, bites her family pet dog to death, and eats the dog meat alive.

April covered her mouth, slightly adjusted her tone of surprise, and said softly: "You are a reporter. You should have exposed this matter earlier. Expose it earlier and let people know the true face of Nan Yimeng."

I believe that it is not just people like Jamest's daughter and Su Rui who have been victimized. It is estimated that many families have been deceived.

Jamest shook his head dejectedly and could only say two words: "It's useless."

"How can it be useless? You shouldn't be merciful to bad guys." April was worried.

"It's just useless. The power behind the other party is too great. Ordinary people like us can't make trouble at all." Jamest rubbed his face with his hands and said firmly as if to encourage himself: "With you here this time, how can I help you?" Collect some substantial evidence. I hope we can get the source of the mutated DNA sample. It would be better to find evidence that he was resurrected by swallowing biological energy. This time we will definitely overthrow Nan Yimeng!"

"Let me take a look at the evidence you collected."

Lu Anru took away James's computer, cut out the video and entered the photo interface. He only saw two related videos, and then there were all the documentaries of him interviewing people undergoing treatment.

The suspicion in his heart was confirmed. Jamest had pinned all his hopes on Nanke. He even retained the residence permit because his daughter had completely mutated. It is conceivable that if he has published such news reports, he will probably be passed by the leadership directly, not to mention causing a stir.

The boss may advise him to be more relaxed and not to lose his job.

Jamest can calm down rationally in time and collect evidence to track down the criminal. He really has a strong heart and endurance.

Lu Anru handed back the computer and said calmly: "The road ahead for us is very difficult. I can't guarantee your life safety, and I can't even guarantee my own. Under such circumstances, are you willing to follow us?"

James replied without thinking: "Yes!"

"Okay." Lu Anru agreed readily and gave a more appropriate suggestion: "When in danger, just hide back and don't think too much."

"Okay, I know. My presence will affect your normal fighting. I will definitely take care of myself and not cause any trouble to you."

After James made his promise, he turned to his assistant and suggested carefully: "Zhu Li, go back. If anything happens to me, please insist on publishing the evidence I collected before. This time, Yuexiang is here, and there are also Many media companies are involved, and things should not continue to be suppressed.”

The black assistant Zhu Li withdrew his admiring glance at Lu Anru and the others, and firmly stated: "James, we are old friends, and old friends don't talk to each other. Let me go with you. I have passed all the evidence to my wife. If I hadn't gone back, she would have fulfilled her last wish for us. Besides, although my son has only received one phase of fusion, I feel that he will undergo malignant mutation sooner or later, and I want to find a way to help him."

"I'm sorry, brother, it's all my fault for recommending it to you,"

James was halfway through his confession when Zhu Li interrupted him. He laughed and said, "I told you earlier that we brothers should stay away from each other and let's go. I'm stronger than you. I've at least got a boxing gold belt certification. I can still Please help me, please don’t hold us back.”

"Yes, good brother!" Jamest agreed solemnly.

Everyone got back on the road, passed through the ecological park to the north of Negative Three, and arrived at a black door.

Dai Qiyang reached out to open the door. Sheng Ming held his hand, took out Zhang Zanglan's deep sea talisman from his pocket, and stuck it on the door.

The traditional Chinese character [quiet] is painted in the talisman, and the lotus flower recognizes the talisman's properties. [Silent Talisman] can reduce the decibels within a hundred square meters and stabilize the mood of the creatures in the room.

Lu Anru looked at Sheng Ming, and after receiving a nod, he turned the handle.

After two attempts, the door failed to open. The door requires the correct electronic key or physical key to open.

Wu Hao was not around, so April stepped forward and used his computer to try to crack the password. After failing once, he gave up: "Team leader, this password lock can test the password twice at most. If I enter the wrong password again, it will activate the punishment mechanism."

"Twice?" Gao Ying asked bluntly. After holding it in for a long time, she finally came up with something to complain about: "Can't other locks be wrong three times? All banks follow this setting!"

April scratched her head in confusion and speculated: "It's possible that all the employees here have gone through devilish training. For them, one mistake is already a huge mistake."

"Stand back."

Lu Anru opened the powder bag, prepared to take out the mini bomb and silencer, and blast it forcefully.

After stroking for a long time, I couldn't find the bomb. I touched a big fluffy tail. Then I touched to the side and touched Xiaohong's pointed face.

Two voices came to mind, Xiaohong: The mouse spirit said before that the key left by the octopus monster is useful and can open the lock here.

Xiao Luan: Miss, the rat spirit is always running around, I used Rafflesia flower potion to stun it.

"Well done." He blurted out his praise.

People all looked at them in surprise. Lu An said "uh" and made an excuse: "I was praising the octopus monster I once met. His wife did a great job. His son was imprisoned in an illegal research institute, and his wife was found Here is the key to the secret door, let’s try it first.”

Lu Anru took the key with white feathers from Xiaohong's hand, took out the bag and pointed it at the key opening.

April hurriedly blocked Lu Anru's penetration with her hands, and said timidly: "Team leader, think clearly, there is only the last chance left."

Lu Anru knocked off April's hand that was in the way and said fearlessly: "The worst is to start the fight early, the plan can't change quickly."

April ran back a few steps and murmured weakly: "Okay, no wonder the team leader asked us to stay away."

Lu Anru inserted the key into the hole, and the fork stopped halfway. When she heard two 'click' sounds, her heartbeat skipped two beats, and she secretly said: "It's over."

Just say that the rat spirit will not be kind enough to help them, and must be deliberately causing harm.

With one hand, he pulled out the key and with the other hand, he held the Yin Cang tightly around his waist, ready to fight.

The key didn't come out after several pulls, as if there was a force sucking it.

Lu Anru remembered that some locks needed to be aligned in the right position to take out the key, so he moved the key slightly.

The next second something magical happened, the key could actually be inserted deep inside.

After hesitation, he turned to Sheng Ming beside him for advice.

Sheng Ming slapped the key into the hole, held her hand and turned it twice, and the door opened.

Lu Anru took out the key and looked at it carefully. The three teeth of the key changed.

The words of Nian Nian recalling the past came to mind: "Huo Yu gave this key to my wife and told her that this key could open the shackles in her heart. From then on, my wife used it as a hairband and wore it every day, and later it became Cross Key."

Yes, this thing is made of the same material as Yincang. It can change shape under special circumstances. The key may be set to unlock the secret door here.

He put the key back into the pink bag very preciously and looked inside.

You can see as far as the eye can see in the dimly lit room, where display racks are placed. Incubation boxes are placed neatly on each display shelf, containing eggs the size of a thumb.

Dai Qiyang was extremely excited when he saw this situation. He ran into the house regardless of the hidden danger, squatted down and looked down, then stood on tiptoes to look up.

After clear observation, I will provide people with popular science: "They are the eggs of the color-changing golden snake and the white brocade python. They have been incubated for fifteen days and will be able to break out of the shell in another seven days."

Dai Qiyang opened the transparent cover of the incubator, took out one, pointed it at the light, and said excitedly: "I got the egg of the color-changing golden snake. You can see the embryo moving inside."

April walked behind Lu Anru and expressed her resistance: "Put it back. This thing is very poisonous."

"The poison is released only when the shell is broken. It doesn't matter if it's in the shell. Look how cute it is. I want to take one home and raise it, and then get one for Blount. He will definitely like it very much."

Dai Qiyang picked up two eggs and put them into the storage bag, and his wrist was pinched by Lu Anru.

Lu Anru pinched an egg with each finger, put it back into the incubator, and said calmly: "We don't know whether this thing has natural enemies outside, and we don't know whether it can circulate in the normal biological chain. If it has no natural enemies, It's like creating a perverted monster. Even if it can integrate into the outside world, we are not sure what its survival rate will be after it leaves the incubator for a few days."

Dai Qiyang put the egg back in frustration, and applied aggrievedly: "Then let me bring a white brocade python egg. The python has a strong vitality. It is a bottom animal in the ecological park built by Nan Ke. It will not cause much harm if it goes out." "

"Pull him down. The big white brocade python is eating things that fell from the big toad in Xia country. You have to take them all, otherwise it will starve to death in two days."

Gao Ying actively attacked people.

Expectation flashed in Dai Qiyang's eyes, and before he opened his mouth to apply, he heard Lu Anru's cold reply: "Don't think about it, go down quickly, a couple is waiting for us."

Dai Qiyang lowered his head in anguish and followed behind the large army, shifting the blame to James: "Stop touching it. It's useless to bring out a dead thing as evidence."

James agreed good-naturedly: "Okay, I understand."

Walking through the incubation area, you can see the ancient iron ladder leading to the lower level.

Everyone was very unaccustomed to such a smooth situation and couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Siyule Ping lay on the ground, stretched the computer down through the gap in the ladder, checked it for half a minute, then looked at the data and said, "The lower floor seems to be a breeding room for parasites and bacteria."

Everyone shuddered and stood on end.

No matter how big the raptor is, it can be hunted, but it is hard to guard against parasites and bacteria, and you may get some strange disease if you get it.

In April, he placed the microcomputer in front of Lu Anru and Sheng Ming and explained the collected data: "The microorganisms are very active. They are concentrated at the four corners, and there is something with strong energy in the middle. The approximate body shape is converted from the heat. It is related to The tiger-winged beast is about the same size.”

"Is there any way to cross this floor and go directly to the fifth floor?" Lu Anru asked speculatively.

April Prisoner said: "No, the elevator system is damaged. Even when it is operating normally, we still have trouble getting through. We need to swipe the faces of core staff. Each door of the emergency staircase also requires face swiping for authentication. There is no keyhole. Forcibly Destruction activates the poison system."

Lu Anru sighed melancholy, took off the rubber band on his wrist, and tied his beautiful half-up hairstyle into a bun.

He tapped the earphones to summon the gas mask, tightened the pink bag strap, and whispered: "Let's go, climb down."

Sheng Ming stood in front of Lu Anru, not giving her any room to react. She climbed down first, and then came the sound of "Ding Ling Juan Lang" fighting.

Lu Anru suppressed his anger and chased after him, only to see Sheng Ming using wind to drag him down, floating in mid-air and yelling at her: "Get up."

Lu Anru obediently crawled back to the room on the third floor and shouted down: "Xiao Ming, guide Su Rui and the Horrible Crane Chicken to the passage, and we will help you fight them."

Nanke was not seen in the room. He was probably adapting to his new body. There were only Su Rui and Terror Crane Chicken. The battle had knocked over all the surrounding bacterial culture media. Not only would she not be able to help, she would also be easily distracted by Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming didn't answer, but a few seconds later, he heard the sound of fighting approaching.

"Dai Qiyang, you blow down the pointed iron rod to stab the stork. Gao Ying, you are responsible for removing the display rack and pulling out the iron rod for Dai Qiyang. Lianhua, you find a way to conduct an offensive talisman sneak attack."

The three of them took the order and took their respective positions.

Lu Anru used Yincang to make the hole bigger, and he and Lianhua climbed on one side, and the three of them performed their duties to help.

Not long after, with perfect cooperation, Su Rui and Terror Crane were beaten to the ground.

"Put on your gas protective gear before coming down."

Sheng Ming shouted.

Everyone responded "OK" and tapped the earphones to activate the entire set of protective gear.

Lu Anru asked the tiger-winged beast to stay on the third floor with Jamest and Zhu Li. When they cleared the way to the fifth floor, the tiger-winged beast would take the two of them to fly down quickly, so that the damage would be less.

The team members climbed up the iron stairs to the negative fourth floor in an orderly manner, and then they saw clearly what the bacteria were. Green corrosive biochemical weapons were cultivated here.

The chicken legs of the Terror Crane were broken, but it still opened its mouth wide and repeatedly sucked in uncultivated green bacteria in the air and on the ground.

Su Rui was tied to the cabinet by Sheng Ming, her exposed skin was slightly corroded, and her flesh and blood were frighteningly bloody.

"Please don't hurt the Scarab Chicken. It is very innocent and will only obey human orders." Su Rui begged.

Gao Ying couldn't bear it and rolled her eyes, cursing: "You idiot, you don't have much time to live, yet you still have to worry about this beast."

(End of chapter)