Magnificent Years

Chapter 221: Liver fire is strong


Gao Ying scolded her harshly, but no one thought there was a problem.

It has nothing to do with racial discrimination, it may have just brought out the psychological shadow of the stork. The corrosive biochemical weapon alone is already scary, but the Terror Crane can be fired accurately after eating it. It is almost as powerful as a small-range H weapon.

No one here had the perverted ambition of Nan Ke, who was eager to control humans through brutal means, so he had little interest in such mutated creatures and looked elsewhere, looking for valuable information.

Lu Anru lifted his chin for April, and April turned around and saw a intact culture medium in the right corner.

Knowingly walked over, put on anti-virus gloves, took out the plastic-tipped dropper and test tube from the bag, and sucked up some of the green liquid.

Before it was put into the glass test tube, the green liquid corroded the dropper. April quickly let go of her hand, almost corroding her fingers that were holding the rubber tip.

Helplessly, Lu Anru shook his head and said that he could not take away the sample.

Lu Anru pointed sideways at the ethylene oxide sterilization cabinet. The cabinet fell to the ground during the fight. Most of the experimental equipment was scrapped. If you search carefully, you should be able to find a suitable container.

April approached, walked carefully across the ground covered with glass lock plates, squatted down and rummaged carefully.

Lu Anru walked up to the Scared Crane Chicken with Yincang in hand and raised her sword to chop it. The only humanitarian thing she could do was to give the Scared Crane Chicken a good beating.

"Please don't kill it! I've raised it as a kid, and it's just like my child. You have the taming charm, give it to it, and it will listen to you."

Su Rui saw Lu Anru's intention and shouted to stop him. Seeing Lu Anru stop, she hurriedly tried to intercede for the fearful crane chicken.

"Please let it go and take it away. As long as you are willing to take it away, I am willing to tell you the hiding place of the southern biologists. The original intention of Dr. Fang and I in studying the pheasant was to hope that it would benefit mankind. Give humans a sterile living environment.”

Lu Anru laughed angrily. The sterile environment was too whimsical. In that case, human beings would not be far from collective destruction.

Most people are instinctively afraid of bacteria when they hear them and think they are harmful. In fact, bacteria can also be divided into beneficial and harmful. For example, the beneficial bacteria in the intestines are called probiotics, which can help intestinal peristalsis. Harmful bacteria are called putrefactive bacteria and can make people sick.

The two coexist and maintain a balanced state in the intestines, and both are indispensable. Most of the vaccines we inject on a daily basis inject relatively mild virus shells into the body, allowing the body to produce antibodies. Before vaccination, people also built up their resistance through minor illnesses.

Nan Ke is a madman with formal idealism and drives a group of people who like to dream big crazy.

Lu Anru was too lazy to explain to the other party, and the cancerous thoughts were deeply ingrained in Su Rui's heart.

He turned around and walked towards Su Rui, cut the rope that tied her with his sword, and said calmly: "You can take the Scarab Chicken away."

Su Rui looked at Lu Anru warily, sitting there and refusing to leave.

Lu Anru snorted, scornfully revealing the other person's thoughts: "I'm not interested in following you. Since Nanke didn't transfer his soul to the pheasant, it's easy to guess where he is. There are five pavilions on the second floor. Let's visit Four of them were left, and there was still one left to visit in the primate hall. This type of mutated animal was more in line with the basic conditions for Nanke's soul transformation. He was very weak after the transformation and needed to stay in an absolutely safe place. It’s his only guarantee.”

Su Rui's antennae swayed, and her infected green-purple lips were half-opened. She seemed to want to say a lot, but finally chose to remain silent.

He stood up and walked towards the pheasant, touched the bright red cockscombs, and sang a folk song softly: "Little quilt, hold me, Grandma Moon, look at me, close your eyes, and fall asleep~"

As soon as the gentle song ended, Su Rui broke the neck of the defenseless Scarecrow, and then she lay down on the ground filled with corrosive liquid.

While people were watching in astonishment, he covered the dead eyes of the Horrible Crane with his hands, and the next second he lay down and let the green liquid spread up his body.

Since the biological and chemical weapon codenamed 198Z here has not been fully cultivated and mature, it is weak and slow in corrosiveness.

In this way, the team members witnessed Su Rui slowly turning into green water.

Gao Ying didn't know whether she was overcome by nausea or couldn't bear it, so she ran to the farthest angle and squatted there alone for a long time.

When returning, Lu Anru and a fighting brother were expanding the downward passage to allow the tiger-winged beast to pass smoothly.

"Su Rui is also a poor brainwashed person. She just wanted you to take the Terror Crane Chicken out, but you chose to force them all to death." Gao Ying thought for a long time and decided to speak out for the two wasted lives.

Lu Anru stopped what he was doing, looked up at the female man standing beside him, and asked in confusion: "Are you okay? Did I force them to death? I let them leave on their own."

"You clearly know that they won't live long if they leave here, and you're afraid that the crane chicken won't be able to eat 198Z and will eat Su Rui alive, who is covered in 198Z, so you let them go on purpose." Gao Ying leaned close to Lu Anru and slapped her hard. on the ground.

There were a few clicks, as if something was broken.

The anger didn't attract anyone's attention, only April cheered excitedly after collecting the samples.

"Great, this steel bar is so strong. The team leader was reluctant to use Yincang to cut it. The fighting brother kept using a saw for a long time, and finally Gao Ying broke it with a slap. Everyone, go down, I have tested it, it is five layers It’s relatively safe. Just put some clutter there, and the whole floor looks like their staff dormitory.”

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll call you earlier next time I encounter a stubborn problem." Dai Qiyang patted Gao Ying's shoulder gratefully, raised his head and shouted: "Fly down."

The tiger-winged beast is quite humane. When it heard Lu Anru shouting "Tiger Tiger" at the same time, it flapped its big wings, broke through the three-story iron staircase that restrained it, and flew past everyone's eyes.

"Wow, the big bird landed so firmly and domineeringly." April applauded and praised.

Gao Ying only felt that she was isolated, and when she heard that everyone liked the tiger-winged beast, her conflicts escalated, from blaming Lu Anru for being scheming to blaming Lu Anru for having no conscience.

"They are both lives. The Tiger-Winged Beast can save them, so why can't they save the Horrible Crane Chicken? Lu Anru, you are really capable of killing two creatures in one go."

Lu Anru grabbed Sheng Ming, whose face had turned gloomy, pushed him to the descending stairs, and urged: "Let's go down and don't talk to the man, she was up early."

April caught Gao Ying, who was about to beat her up, and shouted sensibly: "You guys go ahead, I'll persuade her."

Sheng Ming and Lu Anru climbed down the ladder, and behind them came April's earnest advice: "Senior sister, how could Su Rui, the person involved, not know about things that you have already seen clearly?" After cannibalizing her body, she would still live for a short time, rather than being used or dissected and studied before she died, she would rather kill each other with her own hands."

"Don't speak for Lu Anru. If she had told me properly, I would have stopped being angry. I feel sorry for Su Rui and I am angry with Lu Anru because of her attitude."

After Gao Ying finished venting her anger, Yue Yue ignored her, silently responded, and turned around to get off the ladder.

As soon as I landed, I heard Dai Qiyang's low EQ persuasion: "You feed the dog out of kindness. It deserves it. Sometimes you shouldn't meddle in other people's business."

"You're so annoying." April pushed Dai Qiyang away.

Gao Ying scolded Luo: "Who are you calling a dog?"

Dai Qiyang replied without hesitation: "Whoever answered the call just now is a dog."

Gao Ying got halfway down the ladder and jumped directly in front of Dai Qiyang, raising her eyebrows and threatening: "Believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart?"

Dai Qiyang still didn't know how to restrain himself, and retorted with a hesitant voice: "I told you? Why are you so excited? I have seen many people picking up money, but this is the first time I've seen someone scolding you. It's strange."

"Yes, the male dog just bit people randomly."

April grabbed Dai Qiyang's sleeve, looking like he had to give an explanation.

Dai Qiyang opened his sleeves, pointed at Yue Yiyue and Gao Ying, and shouted: "I don't hit women, you can do it for yourself, don't go too far."

Gao Ying held Dai Qiyang's finger and broke it.

Dai Qiyang's facial features were twisted in pain, and he screamed like a slaughtering pig.

Seeing that, April felt soft-hearted, and most of her anger was gone, and she helped to intercede: "Forget it, everyone in the same group, please don't hurt your friendship."

Gao Ying let go of Dai Qiyang's hand, turned around and got angry at April: "You are such a bitch, you can still speak for those who scold you."

April's anger came back to him, and he took advantage of the venomous nature of the literary and comprehensive society and responded with sarcasm.

"I'm not like you. I help my fellow group members speak for themselves. How great you are. After you scold the chicken with your front foot, it's a beast, and then you help it choose the team leader's affairs with your back foot. You must be the hermaphrodite who eats the inside and outside."

Gao Yingrang was so angry that her face turned red, and she said angrily: "Okay, you are all our own people, I am just an outsider, I will go to the head office."

As he said that, he pushed the two people who were blocking the way and walked towards the door angrily.

When passing by Lu Anru, he made loud noises and secretly cursed: "Disaster."

Lu Anru jumped two steps back, blocked Gao Ying's path, took out a water glass from his bag and handed it over, saying: "The ancients have a beautiful saying about the dispersing wine. Drink this glass of dispersing water, and the road will lead back to the road and the bridge will return to the bridge."

Gao Ying's eyes were like blazing flames. She stared at Lu Anru, then stared at the thermos cup, and shouted: "You are driving me away, you are a scourge."

Lu Anru blinked innocently and asked, "Aren't you going to leave?"

Gao Ying bared her teeth at Lu Anru, held the water glass, raised her head and drank up the water.

Throw the cup to the ground and leave.

Lu Anru picked up the cup calmly, walked to the regretful April, took out the Ella water cup from the bag and handed it over.

"The quarrel monster is angry, drink some water."

April took the water glass, stared at Gao Ying's back absently, and asked worriedly: "There are many dangers here, do we really let her go alone?"

"Just drink yours. Drinking water and thinking blindly will make it easy to drink the cold wind." Lu Anru held April's hand holding the water glass and held it in front of Yingying's little mouth.

Seeing that the other party started to drink obediently, he said more words: "Leave half a cup for Dai Qiyang to drink, he also needs to relieve his anger."

As soon as Dai Qiyang's words of rejection came to his lips, Lu Anru squinted his eyes and agreed obediently: "I know."

After finishing her drink in April, Liushen handed the cup to Dai Qiyang carelessly, and said worriedly: "My attitude was so bad just now. Let me go and comfort Gao Ying. She has a straight temper but has no bad intentions. She must have been hurt by my careless words." It’s her turn.”

Dai Qiyang took two sips and then lowered his attitude: "Looking back, I seem to be irritable when talking. I shouldn't quarrel with girls."

"I didn't hear what you said, louder."

Lu Anru put his hands by his ears, his movements were extremely exaggerated, but the two of them had no intention of taking a closer look, and raised their voices to attract the female man who came to the door.

"I said, I just had a problem with my attitude and I shouldn't have quarreled with the people in my group."

"Yes, I have a problem too."

Gao Ying paused, turned around slowly, looked at the two people who were sincerely repenting, and said guiltily: "I got angry first, I don't blame you, I apologize to you."

The worry disappeared from April Yi's eyes, she patted Dai Qiyang, and they both ran to Gao Ying.

April hugged Gao Ying and comforted generously: "Then let's forgive each other."

"Okay." Gao Ying agreed happily.

Dai Qiyang smiled, and when Gao Ying opened her arms to him, he smiled even more shyly.

Gao Ying didn't care about his awkwardness, hugged him, hugged the two of them tightly, and whispered in their ears: "We will be a team forever."

"That's right!" Dai Qiyang and April replied in unison.

After the quarrel, the three people settled their differences. Gao Ying seemed to be infected by Dai Qiyang's awkwardness. She lowered her head and walked back to Lu Anru, whispering: "I'm sorry, I didn't know what happened just now. I was so angry that I just wanted to curse people."

Lu Anru continued to put his hands to his ears and asked loudly: "What did you say? I can't hear you clearly."

Gao Ying's cheeks turned red, she closed her eyes and shouted into Lu Anru's ears: "I'm sorry."

She thought she could damage herself by a thousand and injure the enemy by eight hundred, but Lu An, who had been prepared for it, stretched out the ear with the earphone towards her, and the earphone automatically reduced the nearby noise.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a group of people. In fact, the reason why you often get angry uncontrollably is because of this hidden secret. It's not just the placement of clutter."

Lu Anru pointed to the flower under the purple light on the wall and introduced: "That is the Datura flower. Its pollen can cause hallucinations and control people's extreme emotions. There is a powerful spell on the pot. We should have thought of it earlier. Midrella's The hallucinogenic powder comes from the EK killer organization.”

April was careful and worried about releasing the hallucinogenic powder team, "Doesn't that mean Vice President Wu is in danger?"

Lu Anru Yangyang held the computer in his hand and said: "When I was on the second floor, I contacted him using the intranet to inform him of the location of the downlink room. Five minutes ago, I contacted him again using the intranet and he said that he had already connected with Ella. , come immediately after the round.”

April breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed: "Fortunately, let's wait for Vice President Wu. I have surveyed the sixth floor, and it is full of predatory flying insects. Once we open the sealing cover and put in the ladder, it is very likely that the insects will be killed." If eaten raw, protective gear will not protect against insects.”

"No, let's move on to clear the obstacles and wait for them on the seventh floor."

Lu Anru thought about it carefully, Ella's group is basically composed of the big brother of the fighting club, and Wu Hao's group is more of a supporter, Blunt, and there are two legal clubs in total.

The two legal societies brought more than a dozen combatants and three literary generals forward, and it was no problem to defeat the fixed guardian boss. It was obviously unrealistic to let them charge into the battle, but it would be easy for them to exploit their weaknesses.

The key is that Nanke is weak, and Lu Anru wants to seize this once-in-a-lifetime assassination opportunity.

Estimating the time, after the four teams have cleared the field, Ella and others will almost arrive.

With the consent of the team members, Lu Anru thought for a moment and revealed the new arrangement.

"Lotus made a puppet and threw it down. When the flying insects gathered, Xiao Ming set fire to them and burned them to death."

"What if they are not afraid of fire?" Dai Qiyang reminded worriedly, "You should have discovered that the animals hybridized by Nan Yimeng have all optimized their own weaknesses."

"Shut up!"

"Stop being crow-mouthed!"

"Let's go and try it before we talk!"

The three girls scolded each other.

(End of chapter)