Magnificent Years

Chapter 222: Blood-sucking flesh-eating flying insects


Dai Qiyang weakly retreated behind the president and sought his protection. These women were much more ferocious than flesh-eating flying insects.

The four women didn't care what Dai Qiyang thought of them. They did what they should do and gathered in a circle to discuss how to improve things.

Since April got close to Lu Anru, she has become more confident and spoke proactively: "Team leader, I suggest finding someone with a quick response to open the sealing cover, and then let Charlie blow away the flying bugs, and then blow the puppet down."

Gao Ying volunteered: "I will open the sealing cover."

Lu Anru warned thoughtfully: "The switch must be fast, and don't give bugs a chance to fly in."

Gao Ying curled her lips and smiled, confidently promising: "Don't worry, don't talk about bugs, I won't let a speck of dust come in."

"OK, once the lotus is ready, we will start repairing it." Lu Anru announced.

Lotus took out two strands of rushes from her bag and wove a scarecrow.

According to Lotus, rushes are more spiritual than straw.

The stand-in doll belongs to the spell course in the first semester of middle school C. Lotus has already become familiar with it, and he can make a good doll out of three, five, and two.

Bite the freshly scabbed finger, put a drop of blood on the doll's Tianling Cap, lean over and draw a blood-sealing circle on the ground, and put the doll inside.

Make a seal with your hands, close your eyes, concentrate and recite the mantra in a low voice.

Suddenly, the scarecrow caught fire, and a figure slowly appeared in the firelight. When the fire was extinguished, the 1.75-meter-tall girl appeared perfectly.

Gao Ying was unhappy when she saw this and asked, "Why do you do what I do?"

From a metaphysical point of view, straw stand-in dolls are very unlucky.

Lianhua would not answer such meaningless questions, looked at Lu Anru and said, "Let's get started."

Lu Anru took out Yincang, responded "Yes," and directed: "Charlie, Gao Ying is in position."

Gao Ying fixedly stared at the silver can in Lu Anru's hand, the unknown karma rose again, Lu Anru nakedly distrusted her.

Charlie stood behind the girls, clasping his hands, ready to activate the wind magic at any time.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, the person who opened the sealing cover didn't move, so he used Xia Guo's last words to urge: "Stop the big girl's love affair, what's the ink? Let's fight it quickly."

Gao Ying was just about to have a seizure when she saw a flower pot in the distance and persuaded herself in her heart: setting it up like her own was probably because she was responsible for opening the lid, making it easier to confuse the enemy. She needs to be calm, she needs to be rational, and she cannot go back to a mission and become a notorious tomboy. His Highness Uzumaki likes Lu Anru very much for being smart and talkative, and it seems that his attitude towards Sheng Mina has also changed recently. Yes, she wanted to secretly learn the strengths of those two people, and then secretly amaze His Highness Uzumaki.

After thinking about it, he raised a smile that he thought was very gentle, and responded to Charlie in a slow voice: "Okay, I'll open the lid. After opening it, please blow away the bugs with the wind method."

Charlie's round face changed color in shock, he stepped back from his horse and made a defensive move, and shouted: "Hey, you are showing courtesy for nothing, committing adultery or stealing. I did not participate in the quarrel. Don't come to me to settle the score later."

After listening to Charlie's coherent words, Lu Anru couldn't help but praise: "The "Introduction to Xia Guo Idioms" I gave you is very useful. I didn't use a single word wrong in this blunder."

Charlie smiled like a thief at Lu An and said proudly: "Because I am very smart, but thank you for the book."

Gao Ying clenched her fists, stamped her feet, and cursed, "I'll give you as much kindness as a chicken feather!"

Charlie instantly felt a hundred times more relaxed and said comfortably: "You are finally normal~"

Gao Ying cursed a few more times, and April urged her anxiously: "Comrades, let's get down to business!"

Charlie made a big face at Gao Ying and parroted: "Yes, hurry up and get down to business."

Gao Ying angrily walked to the lower entrance and lay down, whispering: "Get ready, we'll open in three seconds."

Everyone counted silently in their hearts, 321. When the lid was opened, a familiar smell filled the air from a distance -

People didn't have time to react. The room was plunged into darkness, and their ears were surrounded by a turbulent buzzing like an engine, which was more mind-numbing than the passage of locusts.

The stinging pain all over his body gradually deepened, and he instinctively waved his hands and tried to drive them away, but the effect was like hitting mosquitoes with an anti-aircraft gun, which was of no use at all.

Lu Anru wanted to open his mouth and call Charlie to ask him to quickly cast a spell to drive away the insects, but he was afraid that the insects would fly into it. These carnivorous flying insects may enter the body and eat away her internal organs before the meager oxygen is exhausted.

Once the horrific thoughts occur, the bitten limbs will feel more painful than before.

His body was pushed twice from the back. Lu Anru stumbled forward and couldn't stand still. He fell to the ground and accidentally touched the entrance of the passage with his hand. She didn't even think about jumping down, but the secret room on the sixth floor was peaceful. There were only a dozen or so insects that she had brought down, lying on her arms and legs sucking blood.

His eyes opened smoothly, he shook his limbs without getting rid of the bugs, stabbed one of them with his sword, and picked it up to observe carefully.

I found that half of this thing's body was broken, half of it was on the edge of Yincang's sword, and the other half was left on the back of the hand to continue sucking blood.

After confirming that there was no danger for his life for the time being, he raised his head and shouted: "Find a way to jump down, there are no bugs down there."

After shouting, I observed the bugs carefully. They looked like a combination of a leech and a mosquito. They had brown and black bodies, long and slippery bodies, and a pair of wings on their backs. Their characteristics were very similar to earthworms.

Suddenly I remembered what the old man said, if you encounter such blood-sucking bugs, you should not grab them by force, but roast them with fire. Pulling hard will cause the bug to penetrate completely into the body, and it will be over.

I understand the intention of the evil Nanke to confiscate alcoholic things. He is laying the groundwork for this evil. With this layer of bugs present, it can perfectly block most intruders with ulterior motives.

Lu Anru took out a windproof lighter from the sandwich of the powder bag, tied a piece of clothing to Yincang, and lit it with the lighter.

I tried holding the flame close to my arm, but the insect didn't move. In response to Dai Qiyang's crow's mouth, this blood-sucking bug is not afraid of fire.

Another method of planting soil is used, and the insects are burned to death with fire and the corpses are picked out.

However, this detailed work needs to be done a little bit, and it has to be done in a free state. No one jumped down for a long time, and she was worried that something happened to the team members.

Looking up, I wonder who has locked the sealing cover.

My whole heart almost lifted to my throat, and I shouted everyone's name loudly: "Xiao Ming, April, Charlie, Lianhua, Gao Ying, Du Ge, Dai Qiyang! You heard the echo!"

There was no human voice in response, just a constant cycle of buzzing, buzzing, which sounded more and more like the roar of a meat grinder.

Lu Anru couldn't wait any longer, so he blew out the temporary torch and pushed a table over.

She stood on the table and reached for the seal. When she stretched her arms straight, she was still about two meters away from the sealing cover. For the first time, she felt angry at the short person.

He jumped off the table and brought two chairs and stacked them on the table. Stepping on the rickety chair, I could barely reach the sealing cover, but found that there was no way to open it, and the lock was locked inside the upper layer.

She was so anxious that she lost her footing, the chair tipped sideways, and she fell to the ground. There was a big gash in her leg, and the insects on her body began to stir, and they all emerged from her subcutaneous tissue and swarmed towards the gash on her leg.

Lu Anru's heart was as deep as Huisheng's, and he pressed the flesh on both sides of the wound to squeeze out more blood. Shake off all the bugs, quickly stand up and pick up the half-burned clothes, light them again to cover the blood and bugs, and step on them with your feet.

All the bugs were trampled to death, so I had no time to appreciate the fruits of victory and re-stacked the chairs without any delay.

The two chairs had to cross each other to get enough distance for her to break the seal.

Stack them up, step on them, and swing your sword to slash at the sealing cover. With her perseverance, one piece of the bra with embedded steel wires was about to break.

The microcomputer vibrated wildly, and when he was distracted, he lost his balance and fell back to the ground.

I moved the chair that hit my calf, and saw that my calf was bruised and painful.

He took out the tiger oil ointment from his bag and applied it evenly. He didn't have time to wait for about ten minutes for it to recover. When the pain subsided slightly to a tolerable level, he immediately stood up and stacked the stools again.

The computer vibrated again. Lu Anru stopped what he was doing and took out the computer to take a look.

Silly in place, there were five unread intranet messages, two from Sheng Ming, two from Gao Ying, and one from April.

Five minutes ago, Sheng Ming: Anru, we came out of the room.

Three minutes ago, Gao Ying: Your big cat is so awesome. It directly destroys the ground with force. We are outside the secret room on the sixth floor.

Two minutes ago, it was Gao Ying: Open the door. The key is in your hand. The big cat cannot destroy the door.

One minute ago, April: Captain, are you going to have an accident? Can you hear us knocking on the door

Just now, Sheng Ming sent a voice message: An Ru, I’m outside.

Lu Anru cried with joy, ran to the door, opened the door with the key hanging with a white feather, and threw herself into Sheng Ming's arms, muttering about her discomfort.

"I was the only one who fell downstairs. I thought something happened to you. It scared me to death."

"It's okay, everyone is down safely." Sheng Ming patted Lu Anru's back.

Gao Ying seemed to want to complain about something, glanced at Sheng Ming, and calmed down her cold and proud expression. He pursed his lips and blushed before holding back his words.

April took out the smelly insect repellent. Ever since Ella used it in the comprehensive exam, everyone said they disliked it, but actually prepared a few bottles each. Of course something so cheap and easy to use must be widely spread. It doesn't matter if it smells bad, your life is important.

I wanted to give it to Lu Anru, but when I saw that Lu Anru's arm had been roughly handled, I put it back in the bag and couldn't bear to disturb the two of them.

Lu Anru clung to Sheng Ming's arms and vented her worries and fears for a while. Knowing that the task is important and time is precious, I consciously brace myself up, stand up straight and look at everyone.

Finding that everyone had fewer wounds than her, she asked in confusion: "How did you get down?"

Yue Yue hooked Dai Qiyang's arm, brought him to the crowd, and introduced him ceremoniously.

"Thanks to Qiyang, he trusted his instincts and decided that fire would be useless, so he took out the insect repellent recommended by Ella early. He and the tiger-winged beast who was familiar with this place hid behind the crowd. Gao Ying opened the lid and ran into the house. Qi Yang noticed something unusual at the same time and hurriedly sprayed himself and the people around him with insect repellent. You were close to the entrance. Seeing that you didn't follow, President Sheng risked going back and pushed you to the sixth floor. He was probably worried that the two of them would fall. It will attract a large wave of bugs to follow you, and the light will push you down. We saw that the insect repellent was somewhat useful, so we sprinkled the whole bottle on ourselves and rushed out of the room. President Sheng used the wind method to blow away the few bugs that came out, and the tiger-winged beast was looking for it in a hurry. You used your magic power to stamp down the doorway with your claws."

As April spoke, tens of thousands of words of orthopedic CP novels were already written in her mind. She decided that from today onwards she would switch from knocking against the almighty team leader

"We ran very fast, which made Ella, Wu Hao and others suffer, and we fell directly into the worm's nest when we came down." Gao Ying finished using the topic and looked away from the selfish siblings.

Lu Anru used a computer to send a message to Wu Hao, asking where they were. Based on my own experience, I copied the sent message several times and stated the situation of blood-sucking carnivorous insects.

April helped send it repeatedly, and the two of them waited for a reply for about two or three minutes.

Wu Hao: We are at the entrance to the third floor, and we are in a dilemma. The fourth floor has basically been completely corroded. We don’t know what the original appearance is, and there is no place to stay. The snakes and pythons in the room on the third floor broke out of their shells. We fought hard for a long time to save our lives. Isn’t it said that there are three to five layers of security

Lu Anru stared at the message for a few seconds, then handed the computer to Sheng Ming to look at.

Sheng Ming only glanced at it and said seriously: "Nine times out of ten, Nanke has regained some consciousness and can control the system. He injected some kind of gas into the secret room to accelerate the color-changing golden snake and the white brocade python to break their shells. Not only did he accelerate the , and also accelerate the formation of 198Z. Let Wu Hao wait at the door of the third floor, use the tiger-winged beast to forcefully destroy the floors from the third to the fifth floor, and go up to pick them up."

"Okay." Lu Anru agreed and walked to the tiger-winged beast.

The tiger-winged beast lowered its head and rubbed its big head against her raised hand.

Lu Anru called out "tiger" and pointed upward. The tiger-winged beast was very smart and understood the meaning.

It flapped its wings and flew up, hanging upside down from the ceiling, digging its sharp claws into it, and violently tore off large pieces of stone slabs.

After a while, the same method was used to open up the two floors, and Wu Hao and others were taken down.

Most of the people in Wu Hao's team had expressions of shock on their faces until they landed, and they were greatly surprised that Lu Anru and Sheng Ming were able to subdue the tiger-winged beast.

Ella was very excited to see her best friends and old friends, and asked questions.

"More details later, have you gotten in touch with Ning Guang and the others?" Lu Anru interrupted Ella's enthusiasm to worry about business.

The red-haired girl shook her head, looked at Wu Hao, and relayed the known information: "Vice President Wu said that he had received information from His Highness Xuanguang. They arrived on the sixth floor before a large-scale collapse. Didn't you meet them?"


Lu Anru helped the tiger-winged beast cut off the chopped fingertips, then bandaged the wound. He stood up and looked up at Wu Hao, hoping that he could give more detailed information.

Wu Hao focused on the most advanced detector in his hand, his face became more and more ugly, and he muttered: "We need to reach the seventh floor quickly. All the living mutated animals are approaching us. The seventh floor is safer, and there are less fluctuations in life energy." ”

"We can't give up on Ning Guang's team, we have to join together." Lu Anru emphasized the principle.

Wu Hao turned his hand and turned the visual detector to Lu Anru and Sheng Ming. He pointed at the small blue dot and said, "His Royal Highness Xuanguang and I are holding the mother-in-one visual detector. This dot represents his position and his team." We’ve reached the seventh floor.”

"Okay, the secret room can't be walked out, let's blow up the floor." Lu Anru couldn't imagine what terrible things were waiting for them on the seventh floor.

"Go to the secret room."

Sheng Ming and Wu Hao made their choice in unison.

Lu Anru looked at the two of them in confusion and asked sadly, "Why?" He couldn't figure out the reason why they were persistently looking for death.

Sheng Ming looked deeply at the visual detector and left Wu Hao with the opportunity to express himself.

"Because Nanke only leaves two roads leading to the most secret underground." Wu Hao replied with a solemn expression.

(End of chapter)