Magnificent Years

Chapter 224: Hat, I wish you again!


My forehead was burning, my body felt chilly, and a very comfortable cool breeze enveloped my whole body.

Lu Anru had a long and fast-paced dream. In the dream, she was about five years old. Most normal children cannot remember things before school, but she has been having this dream recently, and it occurs more frequently than being caught.

In the dream, she and Sheng Ming were in a large castle. The castle was covered with rococo-style oil paintings, white roses were blooming by the windows, and the fireplace was blazing with flames. It looked like the classic European architecture of the old era and the Middle Ages, filled with a thick atmosphere. Rich luxury and corruption.

She held the sterling silver candlestick with one hand and led Sheng Xiaoming, who was less than one meter tall, with one hand.

They walked through the spiral staircase of ancient bricks and arrived in front of the castle basement.

Lu Anru kicked the wooden door open with his foot, and a black shadow flashed past.

Three-and-a-half-year-old Sheng Ming held her hand tightly and hid slightly behind her, exposing half of her face and staring at the ground.

"Sister, let's go upstairs. Mom said you are not allowed to go to the basement. There are monsters here."

The sound of milky milk didn't stop Lu Anru's urge to explore. She paused and turned around.

Since she was standing one level lower than Sheng Ming, it seemed that they were about the same height. In fact, there was a period of time when she was young, she was much taller than Sheng Ming, especially her elder sister.

"The elf we saw last time was not a monster. The elf helped us drive away the big rat spirit."

Patting Sheng Ming's shoulders with both hands, he encouraged: "I followed that elf and found it hiding in the basement. I will help you catch it this time and let it serve as a companion robot for you. Other people's robots will just obey orders step by step. , that little elf can do many things."

Sheng Ming shook her head like a rattle and said disapprovingly: "I forgot to see the elf. Mom is making pumpkin stewed pork ribs tonight. Let's go up and eat."

"No." Lu Anru refused coldly, bent down and stared into Sheng Ming's eyes, asking curiously: "Xiao Ming, are you afraid? Don't you claim to be a brave man?"

"I'm not scared, I'm just a little hungry." Sheng Ming explained in a muffled voice.

Lu Anru looked at Sheng Ming's wandering eyes, raised the corners of her mouth like a little fox, and let out a light laugh: "Hey, sister, I believe you are not afraid. Let's go down and find the yellow jelly winged elf and return to the ground immediately. Mom can't find us. Went into the basement."


Sheng Ming mustered up his courage and walked into the old cellar with his head held high.

Just after taking two steps, another black shadow flashed past.

His small body was trembling, but he did not retreat or dodge. Instead, he reminded Lu Anru in a cute voice: "There are bats. Let me get the candlestick. The light will attract the bats."

"No, I'm protected by Xiao Ming, so I'm not afraid of bats." Lu Anru touted vigorously.

It seemed that the flattery had a great effect, Sheng Ming stopped shaking, took her hand and continued walking deeper into the house.

The right side of the room is full of debris, but nothing is placed on the left side. The floor is as clean as a wash.

But Lu Anru looked at the empty deep corner and always felt that it was inconsistent with its original appearance. There should have been something very important placed there.

Sheng Ming looked around, pointed at the grocery shelf, and said, "Is there any place in the house that is exposed to the outside? Let's look in the drawers."

Lu Anru's attention was drawn back, and he looked up and down the utility rack. He saw that all the drawers were tightly closed, except for a large drawer at the bottom that was not tightly closed.

She put the sterling silver candlestick on the table, quietly closed the door, and muttered: "Xiao Ming, I can't seem to find the fat yellow elf."

Sheng Ming was very clever when he was young. He read out the content that needed to be cooperated from Lu Anru's wink, and said depressedly: "Yes, I searched the house and couldn't find it in the drawer. I'm afraid we will return in vain. Next time Come back and eat pumpkin braised pork ribs."

"Hey, that's all..."

Lu Anru let out a long sigh, suddenly opened the drawer, and was delighted to see the yellow elf with its belly turned over, sleeping soundly.

"WOW~" The little mouth was exaggerated and exaggerated. This was Lu Anru's first close look at the elf.

He poked the other person's belly with his finger and exclaimed: "It's so cute."

However, the adjective "cute" only lasted for less than five seconds. The yellow elf turned back, clasped the chubby buttocks with his chubby hands, and then put it in his mouth.

"Your mother will make pumpkin braised pork ribs later. I want to eat it too."

As soon as the raunchy request came out, the two siblings suddenly realized that their mother was right. This was not a cute little elf. He was clearly a greedy little monster. All thoughts of secretly adopting him were completely abandoned.

"No, you heard wrong. My mother doesn't cook, so my aunt at home does all the cooking. Auntie doesn't like making pumpkin braised pork ribs the most."

Lu Anru deliberately emphasized the name of the dish.

The yellow glutton's eyes were full of longing, as if he was recalling a certain good memory in the past. He smacked his mouth a few times and said nostalgically: "Your mother made a few special dishes that are very delicious, especially beer duck and pumpkin braised pork ribs. Every time these two When the dish comes out of the pot, the aroma will make you unable to walk. So, marriage is a woman’s spiritual tomb, and all the advantages will be lost after getting married.”

Lu Anru pulled down Sheng Ming's sleeves to stop him from fighting the gluttonous monster.

A gleam of cunning flashed through his smart eyes, and he returned to the innocence that a child should have in a second. He said in a cooing voice: "You look similar to the djinn in the story "One Thousand and One Nights". The djinn can make it happen." Wishes, can you please?”

As expected, Lu Anru took the initiative to make a promise first after receiving the other party's disinterest and not giving the other party a chance to say no.

"My mother has taught us since childhood that we should not take other people's things for nothing. If you can help us realize our wish, I am willing to help you apply to your mother and let her cook two of your favorite dishes."

"Okay, if you bring the pumpkin braised pork ribs tonight, I will make a wish come true for you. Next time, bring the beer duck, and I will help you make another wish come true."

This was Lu Anru's first time seeing a hat, and he agreed very readily.

After an absence of five or six years, as long as she can remember, the hat has given her a nickname: Lu Xiaohei.

Hat always likes to complain about her with clichés: "I thought I was so wise in my life, but I fell into the hands of a little girl and signed a contract of prostitution. Oh, I really didn't expect the little girl to be very cute and thoughtful."

From the time when she exchanged company with pumpkin stewed pork ribs for playing hide-and-seek, to when they exchanged appreciation cards for helping with homework and became familiar with each other, she and Hat had been together for a full ten years, and she didn't believe that fate would end like this!

"Hat, I still owe you more than two hundred appreciation cards with interest. Don't let anything happen to you! I make a wish to you again. Let me wake up so that I can save myself and you!"

In the dream, her little body looked up to the sky and roared.

Maybe it was an illusion, but the hat in the dream actually answered her.

"Okay, Blackie."

His tone was still rude, with a bit of disdain for her dragging him down, but his voice sounded weak, as if he might die at any time.

Lu Anru's heart tightened, and she lowered her head to look in the drawer. The lazy fat man was no longer there, and Ella and April's anxious calls came to her ears.

"The team leader moved her fingers. I remember Mina said that if she can wake up within fifteen minutes, won't she become a vegetable?"

"An Ruru, can you hear me? Wake up quickly!"

"That's right, team leader, please wake up. The bitch is sure you won't wake up. Nan Yimeng is waiting for us to ask him to save you! You need to be angry!"

"Lu Anru, if you are willing to wake up, I will never quarrel with you again and make breakfast for you every morning."

The warmth of being missed is comparable to the warm sun breaking through the clouds in the cold winter. The emotion surges in Lu Anru's heart, and she concentrates all her strength on her eyes.

I tried hard to overcome the numbness in my nerves, and finally broke through the restrictions of the medication and opened my eyes.

Her anxious face gradually became clearer, and she pursed her lips slightly, wanting to say something to reassure everyone, but she had limited strength and could not open her mouth.

"An Ruru, don't talk, just wake up. From now on, I will be your mouth. Tell me what you want to say in the blink of an eye, and I will help you tell everyone." Ella cried with joy, and a tear hit her cheek.

Gao Ying pushed Ella away and cursed rudely.

"I'll go. Dai Qiyang also said that I don't like to use my brain. I think you don't like to use your brain even more than me. If Lu An has the strength to blink at you repeatedly, it would be easier to just speak directly. Let her rest for a while, and we will continue. Go interrogate the highly evolved life form captured by Sheng Ming. That bastard Nan Yimeng abused his kind, and he actually worked for Nan Yimeng. It is really hateful."

"Please be respectful and call our president President Sheng." Dai Qiyang reminded displeasedly.

Charlie seconded: "Yes, a savage shrew has no manners."

"Ha, when one day he officially shows off with our President Huang, I will consider whether to respect him or not." Gao Ying turned around wildly, folded her arms and left.

Charlie jumped up and ran after him, cursing: "Only villains and women are difficult to raise."

This time it was Dai Qiyang who catered: "Yes, it's harder to raise a female man. Don't wait for the two presidents to fight. Let's compare first."

Gao Ying stopped and laughed disdainfully: "Heh, come on."

"Oh, you are making so much noise that An Ru can't have a good rest. Please be quiet."

Ella glared at everyone, using sharp eyes and words to stop an internal fight, and all three of them shut up obediently.

April covered her mouth with her hands and lowered her voice to urge: "Yes, everyone, let's go."

The red-haired girl carefully held Lu Anru's cold little hand, conveyed her warmth to her best friend, and stubbornly expressed her attitude: "You all go to torture the prisoner, I will stay with An Ruru. Even if you beat me to death this time, I will not be too far away from her." Far."

"I'm sore from bug bites, so I'll stay and rest." Gu Tianzhi used his body as an excuse.

Wu Hao slapped his thighs and sat down next to Lu Anru, holding the detector in both hands. Without him saying anything, people naturally understood the profound meaning he left behind. Last time we deliberately lured the snake out of the hole, everyone left Lu Anru in batches. This time we couldn't let anything happen to the great hero.

Sheng Ming solemnly said "Yes" and said the commission: "Thank you for your hard work. I'll be back in ten minutes."

"It should be."

After Ella responded in a deep voice, she took out a disinfectant wipe from her bag, stuffed it into a cup of hot water, soaked it and wring it out, and used a warm towel to gently test the sweat on Lu Anru's forehead.

There was very little movement at the torture scene not far away, and it was almost impossible to hear the specific content. Maybe people are afraid that the great hero will worry about it, so they have a tacit understanding to lower their voices. Lotus had already cast a spell on the prisoner to keep him at the same volume.

Once many things are done deliberately, they will make people suspicious.

Lu Anru regained his energy a little, and his focus immediately returned to the task. He asked Ella in a weak voice: "Who did you catch?"

"My little ancestor, don't worry about it. You have only one mission right now, to get some rest. I don't know your arrangements with Wu Hao and the seniors. If I knew that you planned to use yourself to attract the enemy's core, I would not Too far away from you."

Ella said, glaring at Wu Hao, as well as for the Yunfengmeng incident.

Wu Hao seemed to hesitate for a moment, maybe because he wanted to explain the price drop, so he turned sideways awkwardly and chose to stay out of sight.

"Don't blame Xiao Ming, I forcefully asked him to cooperate. Our progress is too slow. The key is that I don't like to fall into other people's traps passively. I prefer to take the initiative to catch people. You see, I am safe and everyone is safe. This is the good result of us using the east to attack the west and taking the initiative to attack.”

Lu Anru was anxious to explain to Sheng Ming, and he said it all in one breath. The remaining blood on his lips disappeared, and they were as pale as paper and faintly blue.

Ella felt distressed, silently wiped her tears, and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I admit that you, Brother Gu, and Senior Sheng are all great men. I, a small citizen, cannot reach your level. I just want my family, An Ruru, to get well soon." , can jump around and play with me.”

Wu Hao cleared his throat and took a photo of the storage bag. This seemingly unintentional action had already attracted the attention of several people around him.

Ella suppressed a smile and pretended not to notice, deliberately not praising him to make her best friends at home happy.

"Don't look at Charlie and Meng Meng who are small. As soon as something happens to you, they will run very fast and chase after Senior Sheng. I guess Meng Meng has forgotten that he is a Wenzong person. Charlie and Senior can at least cast spells remotely. Meng Mengchong It’s obvious that you’ll get killed if you go up there.”

The sound of Wu Hao slapping his bag sounded again, this time with a hint of grievance for Wen Zongshe.

Ella continued to pretend not to hear, and whispered in Lu Anru's ear: "I will tell you how to heal Wu Hao's internal injuries. You, rest peacefully and listen to my jokes."

"If you want me to rest quietly, please tell me what happened after I fell into coma. Otherwise, I will only worry more about it." Lu Anru said obediently and offered one for one.

Ella couldn't stand the patient's pretending to be pitiful and agreed: "Okay, actually you didn't coma for long, it was less than five minutes in total. Thanks to Senior Sheng's timely ice spell, which froze the bastard's hand, you didn't. Injecting you with too much euthanasia liquid. The bastard also wants to blackmail us with this, saying that it will definitely be too late to send you out for quick repair. Only Nanke can save you. Let us send you to Nanke's equipment for producing mutant organisms. inside."

"This is not only due to Sheng Ming, but also to the energy underground." Wu Hao suddenly interjected.

Ella rolled her eyes in annoyance, turned to face Wu Hao, and retorted sternly: "Stop talking nonsense, everyone has seen that it was Senior Sheng Ming who used the ultimate ice method of the water system. Where is the other energy to save people?"

Faced with Ella's already unkind attitude, Wu Hao was extremely firm: "My survey instrument showed that the energy stopped the criminal in black at the critical moment, and it appeared again three minutes later. Not long after, Lu Anru woke up."

(End of chapter)