Magnificent Years

Chapter 226: An iron-walled monster


With Ella taking the lead and April helping out, she analyzed many positive aspects and dispelled the gloom that blinded people's hearts.

About half a minute after walking down, a light shines through the gap to illuminate the ground. From the distance, it reaches the ninth floor!

Without saying a word, Lu Anru slashed the cracked wall with his sword, and then kicked the wall with his two kicks.

The strong men in the fighting club wanted to help, but when they saw this situation, they couldn't help but look at each other with shame in their eyes, causing everyone behind them to rush forward.

Wu Hao left Wenzong with only three people, walking at the end of the crowd with the two healing girls.

Looking at the petite figure shuttled among the vanguard, he whispered meaningfully: "Although I don't understand the fortune telling skills of the prediction school, but judging from Lu Anru's personality alone, she is really not the material to be the queen."

Sheng Mina raised her lips in joy, but the next moment she said something duplicitous: "His Royal Highness Xuan Guang likes An Ru. No matter how difficult it is for others to do so, I hope that His Highness can get what he wants and stay with the one he loves. until old."

At the end, there is a bit of true sadness.

Wu Hao glanced deeply at the woman who pretended to be familiar with her, and said strangely: "She has the temperament of a general. She has the ambition of the master of the harem, so she cannot be the mother of the world."

Sheng Mina raised the corners of her mouth and even raised her head a little. When she looked at Lu An Rushi again, there was a look of love for talent in her eyes. As Wu Hao said, she was looking at the future general of her Xia Kingdom.

She had previously thought about helping Lu Anru become the Lord of the Sixth Palace. If she maintained a good relationship with Lu Anru, she would at least get a favored concubine.

Through recent practice, I have discovered that as long as you get close to Lu Anru, you will occasionally receive special care from His Highness Xuan Guang.

But what woman doesn't long for a unique favor? The Wu family's importance in the Xia Kingdom's royal family is extraordinary. In addition, General Wu died for his country. Emperor Xuantian's expectations for Wu Hao are much higher than Liao Lang's.

She has no background. If Wu Hao can get close and win the support of the Wu family, she might be able to compete with Lu Anru.

Zhengmeimei was thinking about it when she heard the disappointing words.

Chen Zejin retorted simply: "Today's Xia Kingdom is not an old feudal society, and there is only one crown prince, His Highness Xuanguang. He has the right to draw up new rules. Since His Highness likes the team leader, break some cumbersome old rules for the team leader Why not?"

Wu Hao responded with a contemptuous chuckle, laughing at the little girl's fantasy of Mary Sue.

Sheng Mina also wanted to express contempt, but her lack of confidence prevented her from speaking confidently, and her heart ached with the word "like".

"There's a war ahead, let's go over and help."

Chen Zejin called out, and Sheng Mina could only gather her thoughts.

He quickly ran forward with the opponent, stood behind the Light Law Society, and helped to add shields to several strong men who were fighting hand-to-hand.

Lu Anru led others to deal with the mutated monster at the gate with several tricks, and he was in the extreme state for less than five minutes when he rushed through the door.

In the huge underground double-story reception room, there was a black monster lying in it. Its body is larger than a basketball court, with length and width of at least fifty meters. It is very similar to the ancient sacred beast Xuanwu, but it does not have a heavy turtle shell and has many long thorns.

More than 20 team members formed an offensive and defensive formation to surround the monster. The huge disparity in size caused huge psychological pressure and gave everyone a first blow.

It's a bit funny to say that they were like little ducklings that were just born, surrounding the two-meter-tall basketball star and trying to peck him to death with their mouths.

The team members have seen many large monsters in the exam, but they are well aware of the difference between the exam and reality. In addition, exhaustion after passing the test is also a powerful weapon that weakens fighting spirit.

but! The desire to survive is far greater than anything else.

Everyone only made a superficial observation and started to take care of things involuntarily, preparing to strike first to control the beast.

Lu Anru's focus was different from everyone else's. She clearly saw the hat lying on one of the beds in the large research room behind the monster.


With an angry shout, the beast-slaying battle officially started, and the sky was full of gorgeous spells falling across the ceiling.

Lu Anru walked nimbly beside the monster and poked at the location of the main artery with his sword.

After just two pokes, his heart went cold. Even Yincang could only barely pierce the monster's skin. The damage caused by other attacks can be imagined. Du Hong's bullet hit the monster's forelimb knee, with the intention of destroying the monster's ability to move. However, the bullet did not penetrate the skin at all and fell to the ground one after another.

The fire spells thrown by Guang Shengming and Aila had some effect, especially the Samadhi True Fire cast by Sheng Ming, which burned the top of the monster's head bald.

But before it had a greater effect, the sound of mechanical operation sounded, and ice water poured down from the ceiling. Repeatedly flushing, extinguishing the true fire of Samadhi.

The two fires made the monster furious, opening its bloody mouth forward.


With a roar, he spit out a large amount of green gas that covered the sky and the ground.

"Activate gas mask strong itch mode."

Wu Hao shouted, operating the microcomputer command detector with one hand to get it close to the monster, trying to collect as much information as possible to find the monster's flaws.

Lu Anru suddenly understood the reason for the thin oxygen on the eighth and ninth floors. The green gas not only muddied the air, but also reduced visibility.

Everyone can only use the goggles to display the data and the approximate movement direction of the monster, and make a preliminary judgment to determine the scope of the monster's next attack.

The biggest drawback of this kind of judgment is that it is wrong by a thousand miles. There are four strong men in the fighting club who are bold and careless. They estimated that the monster's hind limbs could not kick them, so they stood still and fired a few more shots, but to their surprise, they were hit by its thick tail.

With dozens of kilograms of big tail whipped on their bodies quickly, the fate of the four of them could be imagined. They flew far away, hit a stone pillar hard and fell unconscious.

Sheng Ming took some time out of his busy schedule to summon the wind technique to roll them up and send them to a safer location at the back of the crowd.

Charlie and others stood beside Sheng Ming. They felt heartbroken when they saw that the president had to take on the main attack role and also take care of his father. They all took on the task enthusiastically.

"President, if you encounter this kind of underhand job again, please leave it to us."

"Yes, President, please let us help you share some things."


Sheng Ming opened Dai Qiyang who was close to him with one hand, and saw a drop of sweat flying in front of their eyes. It was slightly smaller than a fist, grazing the tip of Dai Qiyang's nose.

Dai Qiyang touched his nose with his hand that did not require sealing. The tip of his nose was broken and there were faint signs of burns. He was secretly thankful with lingering fears, thanks to Sheng Ming who pushed him.

"Thank you, President." He said respectfully.

Sheng Ming didn't respond and scolded sternly: "Prepare for war with all your heart, don't be distracted."

The members of the Dharma Society unanimously responded "Yes" and did not dare to relax any more.

Not only did the French Society encounter the danger of sweat droplets, but all the people in the fighting encountered it. The sweat droplets are equipped with poisonous air, which is comparable to installing a shower head on sulfuric acid.

"Think of a way!" Gao Ying shouted irritably.

Lu Anru was still able to use his explosion-proof suit to scurry in front of and behind the monster, causing some damage. Gao Ying and other fighting clubs couldn't get close at all. In the past, it was like creating the wounded on their own.

In order to avoid causing trouble for our battle, they repeatedly retreated. But if they continue to retreat, they will soon enter the safe area for the unconscious and wounded. This shame and humiliation is unbearable for them.

April used her brain and suggested: "People in the fighting club can imitate the team leader."

Everyone squinted their eyes and looked through the green poisonous gas, and could barely see Lu Anru jumping on the monster. Grabbing the thorns on its ears, aim at the cracks caused by Sheng Ming and stab them hard.

The poke made the monster wail again and again. Although the cry was painful, everyone knew that there was still a long way to kill it completely.

"It works, but first we need to create wounds in the monster's copper-walled and iron-clad shell."

Gao Yingqian was anxious. This required an advanced fire technique - the attack of Samadhi True Fire.

There are currently only two fire-type members in the group, so Ella can only do a little trick, throwing a few more fireballs when the true fire of Shengming Samadhi falls, to do some minor damage.

April raised her hands to clasp her face, lost in thought.

Lu Anru's voice fell from a high place: "Charlie, use the wind protection shield to send Gao Ying and others high into the sky."

When he heard the call, Charlie was extremely excited. He finally had a chance to show off his skills.

But when he heard the specific content of the mission, his newly ignited fighting spirit was instantly shattered by Leng Shui. He shouted in shame: "My wind power is limited. I can only barely cover five or six people, and I can't blow people high into the sky."


Gao Ying seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to express loud contempt for the outstanding students of the Dharma Society.

Charlie ignored the blatant insult, and the president told them to fight with all their heart.

"I'll do it." Sheng Ming said calmly.

"No, you have to save your mana and physical strength." Lu Anru objected.

Casting two or three high-level spells at the same time, after the battle, Sheng Ming is probably in a similar state to her, paralyzed and at the mercy of others.

Everyone agreed with Lu Anru's opinion. They didn't know Lu Anru's situation, but Sheng Mingnai was the MVP of the team and couldn't fail!

Once something goes wrong with Sheng Ming, they can't imagine what the consequences will be.

Lu Anru kept poking his hand, and when the monster shook violently, he thought of a move and shouted: "Huhu took Gao Ying, Du Hong, Charlie, and Lianhua to fly into the sky. You think of a way to block the sprinkler machine, and wait for me to lay the ground for the bomb." Okay, the wound has been blown up on the monster, Lianhua and Du Hong will attack additionally."

As soon as Lu Anru arranged it, Charlie said excitedly: "I can do this."

Gao Ying, who was about to get angry, blurted out her praise: "Reliable!"

Several people immediately flew up in the tiger-winged beast and discussed how to block the sprinkler.

Lu Anru then thought of a better trick. The head is the core organ of most living things. There was a hole in the monster's head. If she stuffed the bomb into it, wouldn't it be easier to blow up the monster's head? This method obviously saved a lot of time compared to the previous method.

Time is precious, Lu Anru thought of it, grabbed a lot of micro bombs from the powder bag, and stuffed them into the deepest wound on the monster's head.

Once done, jump back to the ground and press the detonator.

The explosion was over without even hearing the rumble.

She stood on the ground and looked up. Except for a trace of blood flowing from the top of the monster's head and past its eyes, which slightly proved Lu Anru's hard work, there was no other effect. It was not as bad as the damage caused by her random stabbing with the sword.

"Grandma, what kind of monster is this? It's like an iron wall. It's so powerful."

Lu Anru cursed secretly, ducked past the monster's vengeful forelimbs and stomped wildly, and used his strength to jump on its forelimbs and then onto its body. Avoid the long thorns, and finally continue to grab the thorns under its ears, climb to the top of its head, and stab it with Yincang.

April has always regarded Lu Anru's words as a key question, and after thinking about it, she replied: "Team leader, I guess the important parts and shell of the monster have a protective layer made by the skin grafting machine. I have seen the data analysis of the skin grafting machine and noted down several flaws. You try Try planting bombs in those places, it might not work.”

Lu Anru was like a land that had been dry for a long time, and encountered a timely rain in April. He happily shouted: "Be confident, remove the word "maybe", it will definitely work."

"haha ok."

Yiyue Rang laughed, her tense nerves relaxed slightly, and instead she remembered a few more details and spoke loudly.

"One meter above the joints of the forelimbs, two meters below the back of the neck, near the stomach, in the middle of the connection between the hind buttocks and the hind limbs, and on the claw surface of the right hind limb."

April's narration was very particular about the method. She did not use professional terms, but only used descriptions that Lu Anru could understand.

Lu Anru understood it, but he encountered problems when planting a bomb for the first time. He struggled to hold onto a long thorn on the monster's forelimb, and tried several times to insert the bomb between the two thorns, but failed to do so.

Bombs were scattered all over the floor, which was such a shame.

Sheng Ming noticed the trouble she was in and shouted: "An Ru, avoid it."

With the tacit understanding between the two of them, there was no need to specify what they were avoiding. Lu Anru knew it well. Climb into the gap between the thorns below and bury yourself low.

Sheng Ming pressed Aila's hand that was about to cast a spell, summoned a Samadhi fireball and hit it exactly where Lu Anru was going to bury the bomb, burning through the monster's hard shell, and then thoughtfully used ice to cool it down.

Lu Anru climbed up, and all the long thorns near the target were burned away. She could only barely stretch her hand and push the bomb into the rotten flesh.

After stuffing it twice, new trouble was discovered. The monster was still attacking the members of the French Society who attracted fire. Every violent movement would shake the stuffed bomb.

Lotus used a stopping spell to block the ceiling sprinklers, significantly improving visibility in the lobby.

Seeing Lu Anru's hard work go to waste, Gao Ying became even more angry than the person involved. She raised her voice and urged: "Comrades in Wenzong, hurry up and use your brains."

After discussing with Wu Hao in April, after being reminded by the other party, he remembered what Lu Anru had complained about, and hurriedly shouted: "Team leader, our President Yin gave you a box of chewing gum before leaving. You use it to stick things."

Hearing this, Lu Anru admired Yin Yi so much that he didn't explain the use for it.

Hold the thorn with your legs, take out the chewing gum box from the powder bag, pinch two pieces and press them on the monster's wound. The chewing gum will fall to the ground much faster than the bomb.

There was no time to be surprised. Thinking about the reason for the failure, April couldn't lie. There must be something wrong with the way she used it.

An extremely ridiculous hypothesis came to mind. Could it be that this thing has to be chewed and re-attached

She put the chewing gum into her mouth by mistake. The sweet white peach flavor was quite delicious, but she didn't have time to taste the sweetness. As soon as it became sticky, she pressed the gum on the wound.

It went on smoothly, and even when she pulled it away, the thread came out, proving that the adhesive force is very strong.

He glued a dozen bombs together at once, jumped off the monster's forelimbs, and ran to the next location. As he ran, two more people appeared beside him, Gao Ying and Du Hong.

"Give us the bombs and chewing gum, and we'll stick them together for you." Gao Ying reached out for them.

When Lu Anru turned his head, the arm that once held the black thread began to throb violently, which proved that there were only about two minutes left in the extreme state, and all aspects of physical fitness were gradually weakening.

He gave up the intention of throwing the thing, pointed forward and shouted: "Pick its belly first, and then patch the stomach together."


(End of chapter)