Magnificent Years

Chapter 227: You can only choose one of the two


The three of them hung upside down on golden hooks like bats, grabbing the thorns on the monster's belly.

After struggling to attach the bomb, Lu Anru divided the things into three parts and handed them to Gao Ying and Du Hong.

With help, the progress is obviously faster. It only takes about a minute to complete the five positions mentioned in April.

On the way back, Lu Anru shook the bag hard twice, opened a small opening, and shouted in a low voice: "Xiao Hong, if you don't stop the monster from moving, we will be completely wiped out!"

There was no response for one second, and the monster was still stomping on Sakura two for five seconds.

They failed to learn the skills well, and were afraid of being abandoned, so they turned back in a hurry. As a result, the last few bombs were not firmly attached, and the bombs fell when the monster's big claws patted them down.

Ten seconds later, Lu Anru couldn't bear it any longer, and just when she was about to be pulled out by Xiao Hong, she saw Rosa standing at the end of the crowd making strange moves.

The thin girl knelt on the ground, holding her legs with her hands crossed. To others, it looked like he couldn't bear the high-intensity task and collapsed on the ground to rest.

Lu Anru saw something different, the whites of Rosa's eyes disappeared, and he immediately recognized this as an act of performing charm. Silently speeding up the pace, looking back from time to time to make sure Gao Ying and Du Hong were following.

Gao Ying and Du Hong threw away their limbs and ran forward with all their strength.

The monster was not completely immobilized, but its movements became slower. I guess Xiaohong was afraid that being completely immobilized would expose them and result in a half-finished project.

But even if it is only half of the project, as long as the bomb can be fixed and the time for detonation is obtained, it will be enough!

When Lu Anru returned to Sheng Ming, he was sweating profusely and had about 20 seconds left in top speed.

Sheng Ming saw her weakness and looked at Ella.

Ella didn't react at first. Following Sheng Ming's gaze, she saw her best friend hunched over and breathing heavily. She might collapse on the ground like Rosa at any time. She instantly understood the deeper meaning of Sheng Ming's hint.

He hurriedly stopped the fire technique that was acting as a backdrop, held Lu Anru's hands and sat down together, letting his best friend completely lean into his arms.

As soon as Gao Ying and the others came back, Lu Anru pressed the red button firmly.


With a huge explosion, the monster fell to the ground.

The team members did not dare to relax, and frantically increased their output for nearly two minutes. After beating the monster until it was completely motionless, they lowered their sore hands.

Wu Hao sent out a survey instrument to comprehensively inspect the monster and announced: "It's dead."

"Very good!"


People cheered loudly.

Lu Anru's heart dropped as she pressed her face against Ella's chest. The expected coma did not come as expected. However, his limbs felt like they were not his own, they were soft and numb, and his sensory responses were slow. The heart beats very slowly, which indirectly makes breathing difficult.

Sheng Ming held her little hand and used some kind of spell to make her feel slightly better, but the effect was mediocre.

She wanted to hold Sheng Ming's hand and tell him through actions that she was fine, but her fingers didn't obey her commands at all and couldn't even move slightly.

He tried his best to move the corners of his mouth, forming an arc that didn't look like a smile. It probably looked really miserable, and even the simple-minded Ella saw the clues and started to worry.

"An Ruru, are you feeling unwell again?"

Lu Anru struggled to spit out one word from his burning throat: "No."

Sheng Ming squeezed her little hand and ordered in a cold voice: "Stop talking."

Yes, Sheng Ming used a commanding tone to her. It can be heard that if possible, Sheng Mingte wants her to become a transformable and highly evolved life form like Xiao Luan, and put a powder bag in her so that she can rest peacefully.

How can I feel at ease with the problem? Thinking of Xiao Luan also reminded me of the hat. He was still in the laboratory.

Putting aside the emotions of his precious brother for the time being, he glanced wildly into the laboratory with his only movable eye, giving Sheng Ming a hint.

After being beaten twice, Sheng Mingming still turned a blind eye and looked a little ugly.

If Lu Anru is willing to accept Sheng Ming's anger, she deserves it. As long as her precious brother can calm down, even if she is allowed to act as a mute for N days. But after working hard to this point, we can't give up all our efforts.

His heart was cruel, he coughed three times, and two mouthfuls of blood vomited out of his mouth.

Everything in front of her became blurry, like a kaleidoscope, and she could not clearly see the worry on Sheng Ming's handsome face. The words "I'm sorry" came to her lips and she couldn't say it. She originally planned to perform the torture trick, but she didn't expect that her body performed it "excellently".

The people celebrating suddenly realized the seriousness of her health, their smiles disappeared and they gathered around her.

Chen Zejin put his hand on Lu Anru's pulse, his expression becoming more solemn.

Ella asked anxiously: "How is An Ruru?"

"The team leader's pulse condition is very similar to the old man's dying state." Chen Zejin used the most gentle description. She hated to say that three-tone conclusion.

Gao Ying was confused when she heard this, and shouted irritably: "You little girl is not a poor scholar from the Literary and Comprehensive Society. Don't act like a literary scholar. What does it mean to explain clearly that you are about to die?"

April pushed aside the crowd and caught a glimpse of Lu Anru's lifeless eyes. Her eyes became wet and she expressed doubt in a mute voice.

"Ze Jinqian took his pulse carefully. He may have taken the wrong number. The team leader is in his prime. He was so brave in fighting the monster just now. It is impossible to show that the old man is exhausted."

April is also unfinished, which is so unlucky...

"The oil has run out," Gao Ying repeated, speaking out the familiar idiom: "The oil has run out and the lamp has run out! Damn it, do you mean Lu Anru is going to die? No, no, no, it must be Chen Zejin, a quack doctor who made a wrong diagnosis. "

Chen Zejin willingly accepted the scolding, sniffed and said, "I hope my diagnosis is wrong. Mina, please come and diagnose me."

Sheng Mina waved her hands repeatedly. She couldn't participate in this kind of thing, and she had to bear the responsibility for talking nonsense. I will meet up with my beloved Highness later, so it is completely inappropriate to say good or bad.

Lianhua rummaged through the storage bag carefully and patted the bag twice as if she was angry. She remembered that she had brought a fake death charm with her, but she couldn't find it.

He walked up to Sheng Ming in two steps and said respectfully: "President, please give Lu Anru a fake death charm or a hallucinogenic charm to control her body functions to the lowest level in a short period of time. Ella and I will send her out to the hospital. Make a quick fix.”

"It was too late, all the surrounding passages collapsed."

After Sheng Ming finished speaking sadly, she raised her eyes and looked meaningfully at the laboratory behind the monster's body. The electronic door was smashed by the monster's tail, which seemed more like welcoming them at this time.

Wu Hao held the survey instrument with one hand, raised his eyes to look at it together, and suggested excitedly: "I have tested it. There is a machine in Nanke Laboratory that is very similar to the ultra-fast repair instrument. It is probably used by their employees on weekdays. President Yin always mentions you. With our outstanding research results in medical technology, why don’t we work together to change the machine system and temporarily respond to Lu Anru’s emergency.”

"Let's talk after we go in."

Sheng Mingheng picked up the unconscious little person and walked towards the laboratory.

As soon as everyone stepped into the laboratory, the projector started on its own, projecting a face that looked both human and non-human on the opposite wall. The creature in the image has an eagle beak, a flat nose, and a face covered with golden hairs.

"Be careful."

Yue Yue and Meng Meng ran in front of Sheng Ming, using their bodies to reach possible dangers.

When everyone saw that the two literary and comprehensive publishers were so courageous, they were no longer timid. Some of the fighting brothers hurriedly ran in front of Meng Meng and the others, holding up their weapons and ready to fire at all times. The rest of the Fashe stood behind them automatically, holding magic tricks in their hands to stay on guard.

"Please don't be nervous. I am Nan Yimeng, the curator here. I welcome you to my kingdom."

The familiar welcome words came again, Gao Ying did not hold back her temper and cursed: "You bastard, stay away from me, you really think of yourself as the invincible creator."

"This lady has a very bad temper. I've told you before. I have no ill intentions towards you. I know you are encountering very difficult difficulties. Use whatever you want. If you need any help, just ask me. Of course I can't bear to make it happen. The first-generation DNA of the Perfect Kingdom has disappeared. But let me remind Commander Shanda that due to the damage you caused here, the overall power is running low. You must make a choice, whether to use the quantum teleporter or the repair device in front of you. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I am very close to the quantum teleportation machine, and there is a high chance that His Highness Xuan Guang will not be able to catch me."

There were several gunshots, and the projector was knocked off the wall by Gu Tianzhi.

"What are you doing!?"

Gu Tianzhi calmly looked back at Sheng Mina's anger and replied calmly: "How obvious, I am stopping his deceptive nonsense."

Then he stopped talking to Sheng Mina and faced Sheng Ming and said, "On behalf of everyone in the fighting club, we support you in using the repair device for the team leader."

"I express my position on behalf of the Healing Society, and we also support it." Chen Zejin said excitedly, and the next second he swatted away Sheng Mina's hand that was twisting her arm.

Meng Meng glanced at his colleagues and declared loudly: "All remaining members of the Literary and Comprehensive Society support!"

Dai Qiyang is very smart. Pinsheng Mina was entangled in the reason and broke it from the root: "President, you can boldly repair it to Team Leader Lu. We believe that His Highness Xuan Guang and the ability of his team members will definitely be able to stop Nan Yi Dream escape."

After laying a trap full of flattery, Sheng Mina and the other girls didn't react for a moment, and Guang's face was filled with pride.

In fact, there is a deeper meaning. If they are not caught, it proves that Ning Guang and the others are not strong enough, and it has nothing to do with Sheng Ming's choice.

Sheng Ming placed Lu Anru on the bed next to Hat, unplugged all the conductive tubes connected to the bed, and ordered Lianhua to stay by the bed and call him if he noticed any abnormalities.

He used the intranet to send a message to Ning Guang: Clear out all mutant creatures near you and intercept Nanke's transfer.

Ning Guang replied instantly: Try your best.

Sheng Ming and Wu Hao came to the repair machine, turned on the machine and connected it to their dedicated Yuexiang microcomputer, and they quickly entered the new program code.

The program settings were refreshed within three minutes. Sheng Ming picked up Lu Anru and put her into the repair cabin.

His hand hung in front of the start button for three seconds, and he closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the repair device had been started. He looked coldly at the person operating it.

Feeling murderous intent approaching, Wu Hao raised his hands to show his innocence: "If you delay it any longer, you will only lose the best treatment time."

Sheng Ming turned back indifferently and stared at the computer connected to the repair device, running the code all the time.

As he was typing, a new message came from the intranet, Ning Guang: We caught Nanke and cleared all the nearby mutated monsters, but there is no spellcaster in my team who can lock the soul. I'm afraid that Nanke's soul will be transferred to death. Physically, I suggest we meet up as soon as possible.

Transferring souls to dead objects is very harmful to the body, but if a lunatic like Nanke is pushed into a hurry, it is not surprising that he will do anything ridiculous.

Sheng Ming glanced at Wu Hao, who subconsciously stayed away from his computer.

When Sheng Ming looked away, he probably felt that his instinctive behavior of cherishing his life was quite embarrassing, so he paced back and forth next to the repair machine with his hands behind his back.

"Lianhua, do you know the soul-locking spell?"

Sheng Ming's eyes never left the data presented by the computer.

Lianhua responded 'Hmm', probably guessing what was going on, and said truthfully: "It can lock ordinary humans and monsters, but it cannot lock highly evolved life forms with too strong energy."

"Contact Ning Guang and ask him to send you a map. They have captured Nan Yimeng. You go over and lock his soul to prevent him from transferring and escaping."

As soon as Sheng Ming's order came out, before Lianhua could reply, someone got excited first and applied: "Commander Sheng, please let me protect Lianhua."

Several people who were relatively idle looked at the girl who was talking one after another. They didn't hold back on the spot and burst into laughter.

Gao Ying is more upright: "Mina, just follow up and let Lotus protect you. It's not your turn to do this. I'll go ahead."

Sheng Mina dug her fingers deeply into her palms, suppressed the anger rising in her heart, and said with a gentle smile: "Hey, I am a Healing Spirit Sect after all. It is no problem to be a backup. I will go with you."

Sheng Mina pays great attention to quantifiers and uses you instead of you. He took the initiative to include Gao Ying in it, hoping that Gao Ying would stop causing trouble and include her in the same group.

Gao Ying may not be able to see through other people's thoughts, but she has already figured out Sheng Mina, whom she spends day and night with.

She was kinder and didn't expose it, mainly because Sheng Ming's cold driving left her no time to expose it.

"Go away quickly."

Sheng Mina timidly pulled Gao Ying out of the research room and stood at the door waiting for Lotus.

Sheng Mingduo told Lianhua a few points to pay attention to when casting a spell. Lianhua opened the map and took her scheming best friend Hua to the vicinity of the quantum teleporter.

Considering that the mission could not be delayed, Sheng Ming asked most team members to support Ning Guang in batches. In the end, only Aila and him were left waiting in the room.

After twenty minutes of rapid repair, the repair cabin bed slowly slid out. Lu Anru calmed down slightly, couldn't help but sit up, and his pale complexion turned rosy.

She smiled at Sheng Ming and Ella Can, jumped back to the ground, and ran to the bed where Hat lay.

First of all, he saw the hat in its original state. He was still full of tubes. He asked Sheng Ming doubtfully: "Why don't you take it off?"

"You have already cut off all the tubes. The remaining energy in the tube can temporarily support his body's consumption. After the tube is removed, all his energy will be dispersed. You and he should have a final talk. Don't leave any regrets."

Sheng Ming's voice was very soft, carefully protecting Lu Anru's already fragile thoughts.

Lu Anru didn't cry, she knelt in front of the bed, gently touched the pure black wings of her hat, and slowly talked about many things from her childhood.

The temperature on the wings was slowly decreasing, just like the tight concern in her heart. The more she tried to hold on firmly, the more it made her breathless.

She wished she could leave a strong final impression on the hat, but it was so uncomfortable that she couldn't hold on and burst into tears.

A lot of resentment welled up in my heart, why! Why should a hat with no ambition be sacrificed? Is it wrong to value affection and righteousness

The world is so unfair!

He clenched his fists tightly and roared: "I will let your brother be buried with you!"

She stood up angrily, walked to Ella who was guarding the prisoner, and grabbed the rope that bound the soul of her brother Hat with both hands.

At the same time, a voice appeared in her mind.

"I'll teach you how to save Gou Chen. You take out your own blood and bone marrow and inject it into him. I hope your concern for him is not just a superficial show."

(End of chapter)