Magnificent Years

Chapter 229: Pr3y (below)


Lu Anru lowered his eyes and looked at the hat indifferently, crossed his arms with his hands, and showed an expression of "I have seen through your trick".

Adhering to the principle that he has lived longer than Lu Xiaohei, so he is naturally thicker-skinned than her, Hat made his mung bean-sized eyes round and scolded him pretending to be angry.

"Look, you kid has no patience. It's really important to tell you that all the research in Nanke revolves around Pr3y. If you don't understand this knowledge point thoroughly, I can't explain anything else to you. I told you If you don’t understand, it’s a waste of time.”

Lu Anru nodded in agreement and decided to change his words. Give the other party all the excuses, so that the other party has to face the core theme.

"I know it is very important. Xiao Ming told me that it is similar to adrenaline, but it contains more small nucleic acids than adrenaline and can accelerate cell evolution. Enough Pr3y can control cell reorganization and achieve cross-race evolution, but It has drawbacks. The new creatures created through it have a very short lifespan, probably about 3 years.”

In fact, Lu Anru and Sheng Ming had already discovered the cause of the little girl's death when they heard James talking about his daughter.

"Yes, so Nanke firmly believes that the person who untied the bell must also tie the bell. Your body can repeatedly awaken the extreme state and accept the production of new Pr3y, which proves that the Pr3y in your body is also mutating and upgrading." Hat told the truth the information he overheard. .

Lu Anru thought for a while, then his eyes sharpened, and he demanded forcefully: "Let's not consider whether his speculation is correct for now. I need to know what happened in my childhood and have a comprehensive understanding to dig out the root of the problem. Don't dodge and go off topic, be brave. , tell me everything.”

Faced with the constant pressure that could not be avoided, Hat held his cheeks slumped with both hands, feeling tired and compromising.

"I really owed you a debt in my last life. I can tell you, but don't bear grudges against your parents. They had no choice but to do many things. In order to make up for the mistakes they had made, they had been living on thin ice in the past few years, and they tolerated Ning Laogou again and again. Tolerate."

"Is it related to my parents?"

Lu Anru opened his mouth in surprise and stared at the hat-covered face, hoping to find a hint of mystery in his expression.

However, after staring for a long time, Guang saw the helplessness of trying to escape.

Lu Anru was as angry as Sheng Ming when she heard the rat spirit insult her father. She thought her father was forbearing for the sake of the whole family, but she didn't expect it was more for her.

"Just tell me, I won't hold grudges. Even if your brother cheats on you all the time, you can forgive him. In comparison, my parents are so good to me. No one can make mistakes without being a sage."

The sensible words sounded like a knife to Hat's ears, stabbing his heart twice.

He glared at the stinky girl with a sullen face, and said angrily: "I'm in a bad mood, I don't want to talk about it anymore, you can ask your parents."

Lu Anru was very sensible, and apologized to his parents from the bottom of his heart, flattering him aggrievedly: "Hey, my parents don't love me as much as you. Even Ella said that you paid more than my dad, so I should come to save you."

Although there is not much flattery, every sentence slaps the hat on the heart and heals the wound that was just stabbed.

The gloom on the yellow, fat face was wiped away, and he asked happily: "Do you remember the first time we met when you were five years old, right?"

"Remember, you helped Xiao Ming and I drive away the big rat spirit. You were very majestic and handsome." Lu Anru gave a thumbs up.

Hat straightened his plump neck and said proudly: "You must be handsome."

Lu Anru agreed repeatedly: "Yes, yes, what happens after it's over?"

The pride that had just appeared in Hat's eyes slowly dissipated, replaced by heaviness, and he slowly told an old story.

"There was a very bad person in the last era. He discovered the controllable values of multidimensional space and quantum space, and wanted to rule the world through the advanced technology he mastered. Your parents and five warriors were not afraid of power, took the lead in leading people to fight, and thus seized That bad guy. Unwilling to be a prisoner, the other party announced the new evolution formula, and the creature that mastered the formula completed the evolution. Ningtian Laogou believed that there should be a set of rules in the world to manage everything, otherwise everything would be in chaos. Under the guise of assassinating war veterans and evolved beings, I was chased by the dead servants sent by Ning Tian Laogou, and Lao Sheng rescued me. "

Hat paused mid-sentence and looked up at the clear sky in his dream again. It's just that no matter how clean the sky is, it seems that it can't purify the scars left by bloodthirsty and warlike people.

Lu Anru struggled for a moment and reluctantly gave in: "If you don't want to say it, don't say it. It doesn't matter to me. Anyway, I have lived in a muddle for more than ten years. Grandma always told me that being confused is a blessing."

Hat turned his head and saw Lu Anru's pitiful little mouth, pouting high.

My heart suddenly softened, I fanned myself with my fat hands, and asked half-jokingly: "The past memories are indeed quite bad, so I won't talk about them?"

Lu Anru didn't hear the joke, and considering that the hat had just been reborn after the robbery, he agreed: "Yeah."

"Haha, I found that when Xiao Hei came over, his face became thinner and his brain became stupid. I'm not used to it."

The hearty laughter wiped away all that was left of Lu Anru's conscience. He pinched the hat's fat face hard twice and shouted fiercely: "Speak quickly!"

Hat gasped in pain and responded with unclear enunciation: "I know, let go, respect your elders, no matter how big or small."

Lu Anru made a disdainful sound, let go of his hand, and put the hat back on his legs.

"Owing to his fascination with your mother, Ning Tian was not willing to kill her, but he hated your father, so he instigated Fang Entropy, the former secret sect leader, to carry out a cleanup plan against your father. Thanks to you Mom negotiated with Ning Tian and asked him to temporarily change his mind and recall the killer who helped Fang Entropy. Fang Entropy got a winning hand and was hunted down. He jumped over the wall and spread the news that your parents knew the evolutionary formula. The selfish people tried every means to get information from your parents, but when they couldn't pry them out, they set out to kidnap you and Sheng Ming, and threatened your parents to hand over the formula, otherwise they would break up."

Lu Anru roughly guessed what happened next and asked, "Did they hurt me during the kidnapping and found something abnormal in my blood?"

"No, they didn't test at all, and there was no need to test. They already got the situation they wanted. Later, your parents rescued you, and Fang Entropy asked the group to spread the news, saying that your and Sheng Ming's genes had mutated. Many evolved to Half of the creatures came to find out about it. It happened that that day I found the rat spirit approaching you and helped you expel it. About two or three months later, the ambitious creatures gathered together and bribed your servants to let the servants interact with you. Sheng Ming drank the water and drugged it, trying to stimulate you to change into a new form, so as to expose the matter and push your parents into the spotlight. "

Hat said, quietly approaching Lu Anru's belly, and his chubby body pressed against it silently.

Lu Anru didn't answer and waited quietly for the hat to finish the most important part.

"The medicine is the purest pr3y. You drank more and Sheng Ming drank less. You had a big reaction. Your parents had no choice but to find me. I am not a doctor, and there is nothing I can do. I put Qing Ming Qingluan called, she sang a calming song for you every day, and you were calmer during the singing, but after singing, you were like a wild animal. Qingluan could only sing non-stop, but your mother couldn't calm you down every time. With tears streaming down his face, your dad came up with a trick. He hypothesized that if you lose your memory and forget the feeling of being controlled by pr3y, it might be useful, so I found the brain beast and let it absorb all your memories. "

All the secrets were revealed in front of his eyes, and Lu Anru couldn't tell how he felt. I'm not particularly relieved or angry, I just feel tired for my parents.

You can imagine how painful it was for her parents to make the decision, and how happy they were when she exceeded her limits later. But fate always makes vulgar jokes to her. Breaking the limit is contrary to the proper treatment, so a strange disease occurs, and when she wakes up abnormally, she will forget everything.

Hey, this is not the difficult version of her life. It is clearly the purgatory version of life, okay

After being sad alone for a while, I adjusted my mood and asked another unreasonable point: "What does this have to do with my parents bowing their heads to Emperor Xuan Tian?"

"There is no airtight wall in the world, Xiao Hei. Fang Entropy arranged for mutated creatures to sneak into your home and take pictures of evidence of your madness, causing a storm of public opinion. People are calling for your physical examination report to be produced to prove that you are human, otherwise you must be You are sent to the Institute of Biology. The certificate issued by an ordinary hospital is not enough to suppress public opinion. Even if your mother is the founder of the cure, her coming forward to prove it will only have the opposite effect. She told Ning Tian Lao Gou and asked him to find out. The authoritative medical scholar of Xia State has given you a comprehensive physical examination."

Halfway through talking about the hat, Lu Anru burst into tears. My father always said that my mother's pride radiated from her bones. Many people in the older generation respectfully called my mother the goddess of war. Mother not only led the weak women to rise up to participate in the Third World War, but in the early days, she also had the courage to point out the tyranny of Emperor Xuan Tian to his face.

Such a proud and brave mother, yet she repeatedly bowed her head and begged Emperor Xuan Tian for her...

"Xiao Hei, you have to be strong. I thought you would bear grudge against your parents. Instead of bearing grudge, you feel very guilty. This proves that you are a good child. Your parents have protected you and Sheng Ming for most of their lives. They are old. You must protect them from now on.”

The hat said sadly, and his fat hands were as gentle as Lu Anru's legs, soothing her broken mood.

"Ok, I know."

Lu Anru wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, grabbed her hat and wiped her nose, and made a promise while the hat was cursing: "Not only will I protect my parents, but I will also protect you and Xiao Luan."

"You bad girl, just protect me. Why am I disgusting!"

The mixture of screams and laughter made her dream briefly beautiful.

I chatted with Hat about the recent events in the academy, and then I was awakened by Ella's urgent voice: "An Ruru, get up quickly, Teng She has run away!"

Lu Anru's memory was in chaos, and the next moment he returned with Sheng Ming's voice.

"Anru, it's time to get up."

Opening his eyes, he sat up and looked around, but there was no sign of Soaring Snake. He asked depressedly, "How did he run away?"

I can't imagine that with Sheng Ming here, Teng Snake could take advantage of it.

"Your cousin, oh, that's wrong. Qingluan said that injecting your blood and bone marrow with light can stabilize the spirit of the hat, which requires energy input. Obviously the senior and I can't handle this, because the races are not compatible. Teng She said he would come, and we I had no choice but to untie him and watch him transmit energy. Who would have thought that after transmitting the energy, he summoned the Flame Blade. That knife was so powerful that it could reflect the fire attacks of me and the senior. He took advantage of us. He ran away unexpectedly."

Ella saw that Lu Anru was angry, stretched out his arms exaggeratedly, made a big circle, and added: "He cheated, so he can't blame the senior. I believe that if the competition was fair and honest, the senior would have frozen him to death with one ice spell." I want to minor in water method when I go back. Fire method is sometimes useless."

"You should concentrate on repairing one."

After Lu Anru persuaded him, he glanced at his precious brother and scolded him displeasedly: "Sheng Xiaoming, it's too obvious for you to let him go."

"Eh?" Ella whispered in shock, "Did the senior let him go on purpose?"

"it's him."

Lu Anru nuzzled at Sheng Ming angrily and made a face. Sheng Ming is very familiar with the principle of mutual support and restraint of the five elements, so he would know that the Soaring Snake belongs to fire.

Sheng Ming raised the corner of his mouth slightly, acquiescing directly, shook his hat to wake up, and said calmly: "Let's go, Teng She and Nan Ke will lead the way. I believe we can find the hidden exit here soon."

"Yeah, let's go."

Ella and Lu Anru agreed in unison, remembering that electricity was used to activate the repair device.

Sheng Ming's judgment was correct. Nanke would not trap himself in the so-called cunning rabbit's three caves, so he must have a back-up plan.

Dean Huo gave her a hidden mission, which could only be opened by entering Yardley Bay. Suzaku and the others were still imprisoned in the Yardley Bay Undersea Research Institute.

With all the remaining problems, it was imperative to go to Yardley Bay, and Teng She and Nan Ke could 'lead' them to take a shortcut.

Xiao Luan transformed into a little blue bird and got into the pink bag. Ella looked at Xiao Luan's figure, and a great sense of familiarity emerged in her heart.

Lu Anru vaguely remembered the 198Z corrosion brought by Zhu Li's ship to the killer. Lu Anru pushed the ship into the center of the storm's eye through the explosion, and a big blue bird saved them.

Following the memory, we can deduce the whole thing. It is impossible for the big blue bird to appear out of thin air. It was definitely the beautiful and gentle sister Qingluan who used her magical power to protect them from falling to death.

"An Ruru, was it sister Qingluan who saved us last time?" Ella asked close to her best friend.

Lu Anru nodded and warned: "Keep it a secret. You know people's hearts are unpredictable. Some people will not be grateful. Instead, they will report to Emperor Xuantian and ask for reward."

"I know, I will keep it a secret." Ella raised two fingers to make an oath.

People who love to worry are destined to have no leisure time. After walking a few steps, Ella glanced at the original hat furtively and said worriedly: "Let the hat turn back to jelly. The dragon is too arrogant. I met His Highness Xuan Guang in the past. If he told his father, wouldn't the hat be very dangerous?"

"Ning Guang will not betray us." Lu Anru was very trusting.

Ella was still worried: "It's just in case."

"That's right, change back." Sheng Ming agreed casually.

The principal in question stopped flapping his wings, stopped on the roadside, turned around and grinned at Sheng Ming, sighing: "Ouch, the vinegar smell is so strong."

Sheng Ming ignored it, stretched out his hand to hold Lu Anru's arm, and led her around the gravel in front.

Ella didn't understand what the words meant, and she didn't think about it even after thinking about it. Her thoughts returned to the point of worry.

Xiao Suibu caught up with the hat and said: "Uncle, go back to Fenbao, be safe."

"Thank you. I'll stay outside and help you fight Nanke. If that brat dares to trick me, I'll teach him a lesson myself. When the fight is over, I'll leave. Old dog Ning Tian can't catch me."

(End of chapter)