Magnificent Years

Chapter 232: Xiao Ming cannot fall!


Gradually, our offensive weakened, and we had to free up three or four people at each position to deal with the bug problem. The reduction in attack brings about the problem of weakened defense, and the endless number of bugs that can be dealt with makes people despair.

Lu Anru swung his sword with all his strength, trying to prevent the insects from falling on Sheng Ming.

Dai Qiyang was not familiar with advanced wooden techniques. If he was separated from Sheng Ming's command, the protective vine network would immediately collapse. Once a large mutant monster rushes over, the scale of victory will basically tilt toward the enemy.

Even after waving and raising my arms with difficulty, the number of bugs was still only a lot higher. When he was holding the sword in his other hand, he saw Sheng Ming holding the magic formula and preparing to solve it himself.

But his pale complexion proved that he had not yet recovered. If he continued to use advanced or ultimate attack spells, the end could be imagined.

Lu Anru shouted without thinking: "I have a solution, Xiao Ming, just wait!"

Sheng Ming looked sideways at her, moving his gaze from her eyes to her neck and arms.

When she saw the bugs lying on her skin sucking blood, her eyes suddenly turned cold. Before she could finish her words, Sheng Ming formed the final seal with her hands.

A red light rose from his fingertips and condensed into a fire phoenix in the air.

The fire phoenix raised its head to the sky and screamed. The loud and clear sound of the phoenix shook all directions. The large monsters that destroyed the defense network in the distance stopped their attacks one after another, covered their ears and roared in pain.

The man swung his intertwined index fingers forward slightly, and the fire phoenix spread its wings and rushed towards the place where the monsters gathered. The gorgeous golden fire spots scattered in a colorful manner, leaving no flying insects behind wherever it passed, reflecting the aesthetics of death.

The fire phoenix raised its head and rushed through the vine net, using its body as a prison to trap the besieging large mutated monsters and burn them into powder.

After finishing everything, Sheng Ming fell to the side amid thunderous cheers, and the cheers stopped abruptly.

Lu Anru caught her baby brother in time with both hands and hurriedly sat in the gap between the black scales so that the baby brother could lie flat and rest his head on her lap.

Sheng Ming was in great pain. Even if he tried his best not to show it, Lu Anru could still feel it. The baby brother's eyebrows were deeply furrowed, his body was curled up in a ball and he couldn't help but tremble, and there were layers of cold sweat on his back.

Chen Zejin and April ran over first. April tried to climb on Hat's body a few times, but failed. She mustered up the courage and said to Hat, "I'm here with people from the Healing Society. Please lower your body."

Mao Guang was only worried about Sheng Ming, so he didn't notice that many people were surrounding him one after another.

Without thinking, Dalong lay on the ground, turned slightly to create a slope that was convenient for crawling, and said in a deep voice: "You can give it to the Sheng family kid to take a good look."

April was not afraid of getting scratched, so she lay on the back of the hat first, and then stretched out her hand to hold Chen Zejin and help her up.

Chen Zejin stood slightly and agreed timidly: "Okay, please don't worry."

After confirming that the two of them had arrived successfully, Wu Hao stopped the team members who still wanted to watch.

"We must continue to move forward. Monsters further away will catch up sooner or later. Don't waste the precious time that President Sheng has bought. There is a door ahead, and there are four highly evolved life forms inside, as well as many mutated large creatures. They It’s all fixed at one point, and there are no signs of wandering patrols. It should be a prison cell, and it’s a little safer to get there.”

The team members looked up at the figure lying on the dragon's back, and then they all followed the instructions and stopped approaching the hat. However, they did not go back to the middle or front of the line. Instead, they came to the end of the line and acted as a new layer of protection.

Lu Anru hugged Sheng Ming tightly with both hands. Her baby brother's convulsions were less frequent than before, but she was still worried.

Anxious looked at Chen Zejin who was making a diagnosis and asked: "Is it serious?"

"Body spasms caused by excessive mana consumption should be repaired as quickly as possible. I know our conditions do not allow it, so let President Sheng rest for two hours. Do not use ultimate spells anymore. It can easily deplete the body's various functions, leading to Sudden death."

Chen Zejin hesitated and stopped pulling the storage bag.

Lu Anru thanked her solemnly: "Okay, thank you, thank you for your hard work."

Sudden death from exhaustion is not an exaggeration to scare people. Many people always stay up late to work, so their normal life routine is disrupted, and their bodies are exhausted and die suddenly. Sheng Ming just shortened this process to a few hours. If you don't pay attention, the worst situation may happen.

Thinking of this, Lu Anru couldn't bear the heartache. He took out the tiger oil ointment from the powder bag and helped Sheng Ming apply it on the acupuncture points to relieve fatigue. Although I know that tiger oil ointment is useless for over-consumption, I still want to do something within my power.

April was more attentive and noticed Chen Zejin's little moves, so he conducted a side interview.

"Xiao Chen, it is obviously unrealistic to rest quietly for two hours. We are in a battle, and we often cannot help ourselves. Do you have any tricks that can help the senior restore his physical strength and mana?"

As soon as April mentioned it, Lu Anru remembered that he had heard that the Healing Society often researched some elixirs that were not sold to the outside world and were reserved for the people in his own society to save their lives.

Then he raised his eyes and stared at Chen Zejin, and whispered with emotion: "The road below is full of dangers. We can't do without Xiao Ming. I'll use tiger ointment and 豼 in exchange."

He didn't talk about buying, which showed his precious brother's influence. If he talked about a deal, he would extinguish his hope.

April and Ella are smart and help lobby together.

"Yes, look at just now, thanks to Senior Sheng Ming's presence, otherwise we would have been eaten up by monsters."

"Yes, that's right. The road ahead will definitely be more dangerous, and we will have to rely more on seniors."

April dug her hands into the edge of her storage bag and said calmly, "It's not that I'm stingy, it's just that President Mou said we're going to cure the society's death rules. I'm afraid that if I violate the society's rules, I'll be expelled if I go back."

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that there was a way. The three girls looked surprised at the same time, and they targeted the weak points and used both kindness and power.

"We are sitting on the dragon, how can others see what we are doing."

"Even if I see you, I won't report you. Everyone wants to survive. If a senior is here, your chances of survival will be greatly increased."

"I agree. Senior Sheng has three advantages and two disadvantages. This task will become super, super difficult."

"You take it out secretly, and I'll block it for you."

Lu Anru waited for April and Ella to lay the groundwork, and Chen Zejin began to waver, so she added her special skill-the bitter love scene.

"Forget it, don't force Xiao Chen, she has her own difficulties, and I believe Xiao Ming doesn't want Xiao Chen to be embarrassed. It doesn't matter, at worst, we will find a safe room later. I will rest with Xiao Ming for enough time, and then rush over to find everyone."

The heavyweight weapon came out, and Chen Zejin no longer hesitated. Open the storage bag, take out a half-length brown ceramic bottle, and hand it to Lu Anru.

"Senior sister, before leaving, President Mou gave me and Mina each a bottle of quick-acting recharging liquid. It extracts the essence of thousand-year-old ginseng and can quickly replenish the body's energy. If taken in case of serious injury, it can also protect the heart."

Before Chen Zejin finished his introduction, Lu Anru took the porcelain bottle and carefully gave it to Sheng Ming.

After waiting for about ten minutes and watching the color gradually return to Sheng Ming's face, her high-spirited heart finally felt at ease.

He took out three bottles of tiger oil ointment from the powder bag and stuffed it into Chen Zejin's hand, and said forcefully: "You're welcome, otherwise Xiao Ming and I will suffer the consequences and it will only become more uncomfortable."

"Okay, thank you, senior sister."

Chen Zejin put the tiger ointment into his storage bag. Saying thank you had nothing to do with being polite. He would definitely make some money based on the value. Of course, this is without being accused.

"Girl, is Sheng Ming feeling better?"

Ning Guang and Li Mo approached the hat, but stopped talking.

Lu Anru observed from the unspeakable expression on the other side that something was wrong. Otherwise, this place would be filled with the top talents of the future Xia Kingdom. There was no need for the noble Prince Xuanguang to give up the great opportunity to win people's hearts and come to ask about Sheng Ming's situation in person. He could completely delegate it. Liao Langlai.

"I'll come as soon as I go." Lu Anru whispered in Sheng Ming's ear.

After getting a nod, he moved his baby brother to Ella's legs, jumped off the back of the hat, and asked Ning Guang: "What's the matter?"

"Let's talk earlier, Wu Hao is waiting."

Ning Guang raised his hand and wiped away the blood stains left by the bug on Lu Anru's cheek.

Lu Anru slapped Ning Guang's hand away, wiped his face with his dirty sleeves carelessly, and ran towards Wu Hao. The team keeps moving forward, and the only way to catch up with those in front is by running.

As she ran, she felt a little regretful that she should have put it on Sheng Ming's April lap. The little girl in April has a good character and a gentle personality, which is just right for her precious brother.

He secretly decided to help the two of them create more opportunities for their relationship to heat up next time.

Thinking about it, he approached the front of the team and saw Wu Hao sitting majestically on the tiger-winged beast. James and his assistant were walking on both sides of the tiger-winged beast like grooms.

You don't need to ask to know that Jamest found that there was no danger at the front of the team, so he was polite to the manager Wu Hao. Unexpectedly, Wu Hao accepted the kindness naturally.

"Why did you call me over?" Lu Anru asked angrily. The scumbag really knows how to enjoy it. Ning Guang hasn't even sat down yet.

Wu Hao was not hurt by Lu Anru's glare at all. With the detector on his hand as steady as a rock, he said something that shocked everyone: "Go around three more times and we will meet the mutant monsters that are chasing us."

Lu Anru's mind was buzzing, and he shouted loudly: "What, what are you meeting with? Say it again!"

Wu Hao pulled him as hard as he could, and repeated calmly: "Meet the monsters that are chasing me."

Lu Anru clenched his fists and shouted: "Huhu, stop, throw him to the ground."

The tiger-winged beast obeyed the order and shook his body violently. The next second, Wu Hao fell heavily, and his face no longer looked domineering.

Lu Anru squatted next to Wu Hao and asked sternly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Wu Hao closed his eyes and calmed down, and replied slowly: "Based on Sheng Ming's previous situation, can you distract yourself to deal with this matter?"

"Everything has its own priorities, okay. Once Xiao Ming has taken the medicine, I can come over to discuss countermeasures." Lu Anru stabbed Wu Scumbag's chest twice with his finger.

"I think Sheng Ming is your most important business."

Wu Zhanan said angrily and sat up with his arms raised. He did not forget to take the handkerchief from Meng Meng and dust himself off, acting like a leader.

Lu Anru looked at Meng Meng coldly, and Meng Meng quickly retreated behind Zhou Sheng.

"Why are you meddling in other people's business? You've made Miss Lu unhappy." Zhou Sheng stepped forward and blocked Meng Meng's cold gaze.

Meng Meng muttered aggrievedly: "Vice President Wu loves to hold grudges. I'm afraid he will hold grudges against Miss Lu."

"Nonsense, Vice President Wu and Miss Lu are both open-minded people. They won't be separated by such a trivial matter."

After Zhou Sheng said meaningfully, Lu Anru coughed twice and complained: "You must be sure that Wu Hao and I are using the first-class headphones."

Zhou Sheng smiled slightly and led Meng Meng to follow the team and continue moving forward.

Ning Guang stretched out his hand to pull Wu Hao up and reminded him seriously: "Look for the secret door."

Wu Hao put the survey instrument in his pocket and spread his hands: "The secret door I surveyed is near here. The key is that I can't find the way to enter. Why don't Your Highness Xuanguang ask Team Leader Lu if she has any solution? I have Yue’s bag of tricks in my hand.”

The words of retort rushed to his lips, and the words "ingenious tips" were pushed back.

Lu Anru raised his hand and patted his forehead, and said depressedly: "Let the monster forget about chasing you, I will open my bag now."

Take out the light blue embroidered purse from the powder bag, pull off the ribbon, and pour out the purple rune paper roll. The purse seemed to be under a spell. She didn't grab anything during the pouring process, but no matter how hard she tried, she only poured out a piece of paper, which proved that the next hexagram could only be opened at the right time.

Unfold the purple rune paper and see two words: Wuwu.

Passed it to the scumbag, but Wu scumbag refused and pushed it back, shouting: "Zhou Sheng, come here to interpret the hexagram."

Meng Meng likes to listen to corners. He and Zhou Sheng didn't go too far and immediately turned around and ran back when called.

Zhou Sheng supported his glasses, which were thicker than the bottom of a beer bottle, took the rune paper, put it on the glasses and looked at it carefully.

Lu Anru said kindly: "It has the word Wuwang written on it."

"Well, Miss Lu, I know. I'm just checking to see if there are any specific explanations." Zhou Sheng honestly stated what he was thinking.

The layman's words shocked the four people present. Lu Anru asked with chattering teeth: "Brother, stop playing around. Don't you understand what this hexagram means?"

"I understand. I'm afraid that the meaning I understand is different from what Teacher Yue wants to express."

Zhou Sheng turned the talisman paper over and over and pasted it on the lens, looking at it on the left side and then on the right side.

After figuring out the reason, Lu Anru breathed a sigh of relief and encouraged Zhou Sheng: "Be more confident and analyze it according to your understanding. We believe you."

As he spoke, he patted Ning Guang and Wu Hao with both hands, and the two of them encouraged each other with a single "hmm".

Zhou Sheng's thoughts are not as delicate as those of Meng Meng and Yue Yue. He was already very happy when he heard "um" and bravely analyzed it.

"It is recorded in ancient texts that Wuwu, Yuan, Heng, Li, and Zhen are good. There is Yi for good, and there is You for unfavorable things. Xiang said, thunder is moving in the world, and things are in harmony with Wuwu. The former king used mao to match the time and nurture all things."

"Speak in plain language." Lu Anru's head was as big as a bucket, interrupting his elaborate statement.

Zhou Sheng stopped reciting and said leisurely: "There is nothing wrong with thunder in the sky. The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Qian for heaven, and the lower hexagram is shock for thunder. It generally means that you will encounter many small troubles, but it can be dangerous. Miss Lu, do you still remember you? When taking out the hexagram, are the two characters facing up or down?"

Lu Anrurang stopped asking. Who can remember this? He recalled truthfully: "I unfolded the paper. If you ask me about left and right, I can answer accurately. If you ask about up and down, I really can't answer."

Zhou Sheng deduced from Lu Anru's description: "The lower hexagram Zhen and upper Li overlap each other, Li Yin, Zhen Yang, Yin and Yang intersect, chewing hard objects, which means the combination of tolerance and severity, hardness and softness. I suggest that at the front corner, let the tiger-winged beast move toward Jump down hard three times, push up gently six times, remember not to mess up the order. "

"Are you sure?" Wu Hao asked Zhou Sheng again.

After all this trouble, the mutated monsters can accurately find their location, which is tantamount to invalidating the wrong guidance that was painstakingly buried before.

Zhou Sheng asked, his inferiority complex returned, he scratched his head and said, "Then I will take a closer look and think more about it."

(End of chapter)