Magnificent Years

Chapter 233: Is it possible?


After hearing this, Wu Hao regretted not only having listened to Lu Anru's arrangement, but also letting the other prediction sects return to Xia Kingdom first, leaving Zhou Sheng alone.

Zhou Sheng's strength and courage are all ranked last in the club. I really don't understand what Lu Anru values in him.

Wu Hao threw his unhappy blame at the guarantor through his eyes. He did not throw it at Lu Anru's face, but was blocked by Ning Guang, who had noticed his emotions early.

In fact, not only did Ning Guang discover it, Wu Hao didn't cover it up deliberately, so Lu Anru naturally noticed it.

Without giving the men time to struggle, she patted the tiger-winged beast's big wings and gave the order: "Go ahead, Tiger Tiger. Jump down hard three times at the corner in front, and then push it up six times."

The tiger-winged beast received the mission and spread its wings excitedly. It probably felt that the fire phoenix summoned by Sheng Ming just now was very majestic and won everyone's love, so it deliberately imitated it.

He raised his head to the sky, opened his big mouth, and his wings were patted by Lu Anru again, and a new command was given: "Go over and show off your power again."

The tiger-winged beast blinked its big eyes in grievance and groaned in disobedience.

Lu Anru took a vanilla biscuit from the bag, stuffed it into its mouth, and said seductively: "Be obedient, this is done, I'll give you the whole bag to eat."

After devouring the delicious food he had never tasted before, the tiger-winged beast obediently obeyed Lu Anru's instructions, flew over in a low-key manner, and landed heavily at the designated location.

Wu Hao asked the team members to adopt the old formation and join hands to form a circle around the tiger-winged beast to prevent everyone from getting separated in an unexpected situation.

The tiger-winged beast finished jumping around happily, and everyone's head was covered with hair again, and they sneezed continuously.

Due to uncertainty about the location of the door opening, everyone could only stand there blankly. After waiting for nearly five minutes, nothing unusual was seen.

Wu Hao's eyes rolled with annoyance, and he snorted coldly at Lu Anru, "You can take care of your own affairs."

Lu Anru ignored the other party's anger, walked to Zhou Sheng's side, and asked softly: "What did you miss?"

"Let me look for it."

Zhou Sheng turned the talisman over and over to check it carefully. After reading it, he asked Meng Meng to help him determine whether there were any hidden small words.

Lu Anru grabbed the two men's hands, used a little force to stop them from moving, and shouted: "Calm down, don't look for tips, judge based on the knowledge you have learned."

Zhou Sheng responded continuously, focused and muttered something.

"The thunder in the sky is unreasonable, and it is caused by the rise of Yang Qi and the decline of Yin Qi. The heaven and earth are not connected, and all things are blocked. If the situation is perfect, it will not be the best, and if it is not the best, it will be peaceful. They are the cause and effect of each other."

Most of the people left behind were old members of Lu Anru's task force and usually supported her unconditionally. But when people looked at Zhou Sheng's heavy complexion and nagging state, their confidence dropped to a negative level.

Liao Lang carried the heavy cannon on his shoulder, got in between Lu Anru and Ning Guang, and lowered his voice and said, "Waiting is like waiting to die. It's uncomfortable."

Lu Anru kept silent with a stern look, using gestures to suppress Liao Lang's thoughts of asking questions, but not suppress Gao Ying's fiery temper.

Gao Ying put on her fists and complained: "We are just waiting to die. I judged by listening to the noise. The mutated monster has bypassed the deception we set up. It will arrive at our location in about five or six minutes. I suggest everyone prepare to fight, don't be stupid I just rely on unreliable people."

Although everyone did not respond to the emotional words, they all took defensive postures, and the strong men of the fighting club took two steps back to the outside of the crowd.

Dai Qiyang looked up at the dragon and vaguely saw his respected president lying on it.

The advanced wood technique that the president just taught him came to mind. It was the dream of many people in the club to be taught one-on-one by the president.

Then I remembered what April and Lu Anru always said, 'With great ability comes great responsibility'.

In fact, he has never told anyone the reason why he chose wood spells. When he was a child, his parents wanted to make money and left him in the countryside. He and his grandmother depended on each other. One day, three mutated rat spirits broke into my grandmother's house, looted all the food in the house, and even bit her.

As a result, my grandmother contracted the mutated plague and died not long after.

From that moment on, he decided to practice magic that could protect him. So he worked hard to get admitted to Yuexiang and chose a wood spell that focused on defense and assistance.

He never thought that one day he would be able to stand alone, but now he wants to be everyone's protective shield!

He made his decision in a deep voice: "You continue to move forward, I will use the vine interlacing to intercept the monsters as much as possible."

Blunt's face was full of envy, and he put his hand on Dai Qiyang's shoulder and sighed: "Brother, you are a talented player. If the president teaches you, you will learn the advanced wood spells."

"Wow, that's awesome. It was you who was using the interweaving vines just now, blocking many large monsters."

"Thank you, that's awesome."

"You're welcome," Dai Qiyang smiled shyly.

It turns out that being worshiped by others really makes your vanity explode. You form magic seals on your hands and urge everyone: "Let's go quickly."

April jumped back to the ground from the hat's back, and Lala insisted on waiting for Zhou Sheng's Lu Anru's clothes, and advised: "Leader, let's go, first avoid the chasing monster."

"Wait a minute." Lu Anru turned to Wu Hao and asked, "Is the entrance to the cell you surveyed here?"

Wu Hao wanted to answer no, but he couldn't lose his character for a moment of anger. He said "hmm" truthfully, and said impatiently the next second: "Let's go first."

The first wave of insects approaching us were blood-sucking flying insects, which could pass through the vines freely.

As soon as the team members heard the scalp-numbing buzzing sound, their expressions changed drastically and they helped to persuade Lu Anru.

"Yes, I agree with April's opinion. Go around and bury the chaotic lights and indicators, then come back and continue looking."

"One or two bugs really can't kill you. The scary thing is that there are many of them. We don't want to stay here and become delicious meat pies."

"Anyway, I don't want to fight blood-sucking flying insects again. I have already run out of insect repellent in my bag. The blood-sucking flying insects can make President Sheng Ming fall to the ground, and we have no way to deal with them."

Hearing the name of his precious brother, Lu Anru was shaken and looked sideways at Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng had stopped thinking long ago and looked back at her. Through the thick lenses, Lu Anru vaguely saw the desolate inferiority complex in Zhou Sheng's eyes.

She knew that she was Zhou Sheng's last belief. Once she followed everyone's advice and left, Zhou Sheng's obsession with studying Xia Guo's ancient divination techniques would collapse.

According to statistics in April of last semester, among the entire prediction sect, Guang Zhousheng was studying the ancient divination techniques of the Xia Dynasty, and all the club members who ranked first in the exam were studying the new Western divination. In order to cater to the crowd, Zhou Sheng also explored prediction methods such as Tarot.

She asked Zhou Sheng why he was obsessed with the ancient divination skills of the Xia Kingdom. Zhou Sheng's answer was particularly straightforward: "Because I like it. Western astrology is very useful for looking at the short-term fortune, but to look at the long-term, we have to rely on the essence left by our ancestors.”

When Zhou Sheng of Lu Anruji answered these words, his eyes shone brightly, and the corners of his mouth raised with happiness, revealing a clear smile.

After thinking for two seconds, he made arrangements: "You guys go first, I'll stay with Zhou Sheng to try opening the door again, and protect him and Dai Qiyang from retreating."

Meng Meng's lips parted slightly, but she was pulled away by April before she could say what she had left behind.

"Let's go. We can't hit with our hands or kick with our feet. There's no point in staying. We'll just cause trouble to the team leader."

April's honest words influenced many people's decisions. The team members stopped being pretentious and followed the team.

"Go study the hexagrams and don't get distracted."

Lu Anru explained to Zhou Sheng, then came to Dai Qiyang's side in two steps, moved his wrist, and took out the silver can to meet the new wave of blood-sucking flying insects.

Before the bugs arrived, the laughter came first, and a huge shadow enveloped the petite girl.

Lu Anru didn't need to turn around to look and listened to the defender.

"Hat, you take Ella and Xiao Ming to follow the team. The tiger-winged beast stays here. If there is an emergency, we will leave with it."

The red-haired girl jumped to Lu Anru's side and insisted nonchalantly: "I, Qian Aila, am officially certified as Xia Guo's best friend. Of course, I can't leave An Ruru to face danger alone. Don't drive me away, or I'll cry for you." ”


Lu Anru reluctantly agreed. Counting heads, the tiger-winged beast could carry the weight of four people.

Hat gently put his paws on his best friend's back and said domineeringly: "Then let me and the brat be the flower protectors."


Lu Anru blurted out her refusal, but when she raised her eyes and saw Sheng Ming sitting up, her eyes met the other's hot eyes that could not be ignored, and all her toughness softened.

She knew that she could not persuade Sheng Ming to leave alone, just as Sheng Ming was in danger, and she would not be timid and hide.

"Count me in as the flower protector."

Before Werewolf Liao arrived, a heavy cannon had already fired forward, killing the first wave of medium-sized mutant monsters that had crawled through the vines.

"And me Blount!"

"And me, Charlie."

"And our Dai brothers."

A voice came from behind. Lu Anru turned around and saw Zhang Zhizhen's smile, and his nose felt sore.

"What are you doing back here?"

Ella asked bluntly, it was easier to run away when there were fewer people, but when there were more people, she was afraid that the entire army would be annihilated.

Sheng Mina looked at Lu Anru and said duplicitously: "The team leader and His Highness Xuan Guang are all staying. We have no guide, so there is no point in escaping on our own."

Lu Anru didn't notice that Sheng Mina's name for her had changed. He grabbed Ella who was about to mock Wu Hao, scolded Ning Guang and announced loudly.

"Before, we were more passive while running and fighting. Now that everyone is back, I firmly believe that we can survive until the entrance door of the cell appears. We are divided into five teams, three French and five fighting with one person without force value. . The Legal Club is responsible for attacking, and the Fighting Club is responsible for dealing with the bugs that fall on the team members. Those with no force value are responsible for protecting themselves."

Everyone agreed in unison: "Okay."

Only one person felt aggrieved and booed: "Okay, provided Zhou Sheng can be found."

Everyone has a tacit understanding, learning from Lu Anru, turning a deaf ear to Wu Hao, and standing in the new formation.

The day-to-day battle started again. The mutated monsters were slaughtered by Sheng Ming, and Nanke's backup reserves were significantly reduced. In a head-on confrontation with a slight advantage, our side was able to suppress the enemy in terms of firepower.

But no one is complacent about this. Monsters are Nanke's expendable weapons, used to wear down their ammunition and mana. The price for them to achieve an overwhelming victory is very high.

In a life-and-death struggle, it is impossible for everyone to save resources.

Lu Anru swung his sword until his wrists swelled, and chopped the last discolored golden snake around him to death. He supported his body with his sword and looked ahead while panting heavily.

There was only one elephant and deer left fighting desperately, so she gathered her energy and ran over to help eliminate it.

Everyone didn't even have the energy to cheer, and they all collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

April, James and others shuttled around, helping each combat member take out a water bottle, holding their hands and helping them drink it slowly.

"It's time to take a break after the beating. Let's wait until everyone's strength has recovered before entering the cells." April Wen said to reassure everyone.

"The premise is that Zhou Sheng can find the entrance."

When the frustrating words came again, Aila made a gesture of wiping her neck towards Wu Hao.

Du Hong's soul was transferred to the mutated monkey by Nan Ke, and he rushed back to the academy for treatment. He yelled angrily: "If you can't find it, don't look for it. Let's check whether the cell is upstairs or downstairs. Let's just blow it up."

"It cannot be blown up." Lu Anru categorically denied, "The research institute is built on the seabed and has its own special structure. Once the balance point is blown up, we will wait to bury Nanke with him."

Seeing that even the Bomb Queen disagreed, people's newly raised joy dissipated.

When no one was paying attention, Gao Ying walked up to Zhou Sheng and asked for the result: "You have tried it more than a dozen times, do you have a clue?"

Zhou Shengrang was startled by the sudden sound. He stepped back two meters away from the sound of 'ah' and replied weakly: "Yes, it will be fine soon."

Even though he was afraid of being questioned by others, he cherished the opportunity that Lu Anru had secured for him, and he couldn't give up even if he didn't want to.

Gao Ying strode forward to catch up, slapped Zhou Sheng on the head, and yelled in displeasure: "Hurry up, I'll give you the last ten minutes. If I can't figure it out anymore, I'll use you to feed the monsters behind!"


Zhou Sheng agreed in a low voice, found Lu Anru with the compass in hand, and admitted his mistake honestly: "I'm sorry, Miss Lu, I got the order wrong for the first time. We are in the sea, and the water element Yin is out of position. We should push up three times and jump down gently. six times.”

Lu Anru was so tired that he casually said "hmm" and pointed at the tiger-winged beast: "Go and talk to it yourself."

"I asked the tiger-winged beast to try it, but the door didn't open." Zhou Sheng finished his words before Lu Anru got angry: "I suspect that we activated the protection system when we made a mistake in the first input, and subsequent tests were not counted."

"I've discovered it a long time ago." Wu Shi's cold wind blew.

Lu Anru held the hilt of the sword, wanting to chop it with both of them.

Holding on to his patience, he turned sideways and asked Wu Hao: "What should we do now?"


As soon as Wu Hao finished speaking, Lu Anru stood up with his sword in hand.

Looking at the frightening anger bursting out of the petite girl's eyes, Wu Hao added wisely: "Rest on the spot for ten minutes, and the recognition system will restart. But you know Nanke's error mechanism. You can only try again next time. If we make another mistake, we will Trapped here forever."

The team members had long lost confidence in Zhou Sheng, but Lu Anru didn't say anything because of his face.

Now that the word eternity was involved, everyone panicked, and their opinions were surprisingly unanimous: "Someone who knows ancient divination can help us figure it out."

"Come on, four cobblers are equal to Zhuge Liang."

"Haha, those who know better asked Team Leader Lu to arrange a return to Xia Country." Wu Hao laughed strangely and looked away.

Everyone couldn't blame Lu Anru openly, so they had to say to Zhou Sheng: "Come on, believe in yourself."

“You can do it and we believe in you.”

Realizing that the situation was developing in the opposite direction, Wu Hao realized later that he was being used by Lu Anru.

The words come from him. People cannot express their opinions directly. Hikari will grasp the last straw and show trust.

(End of chapter)