Magnificent Years

Chapter 235: Nightmare Realm (Part 1)


The next second, Lu Anru's vision went dark and she fell unconscious. When she opened her eyes again, she woke up from the bed in the bedroom.

The sweet scent of egg tarts floated into the room, and my stomach growled.

During the entire battle in the afternoon, I didn't eat anything except for a few sips of water.

As soon as she smelled her favorite dessert, she couldn't lie down immediately. Since she was in a dream, she should be fine after having a craving for it.

He jumped out of bed and ran towards the door. Because he was going too fast, he didn't stop the car and hit an unexpected ornament, a coat rack.

That's right, it's the coat rack that people used in the 1960s and 1970s. It looks like a tree branch.

Due to her height disadvantage, a tree branch poked her forehead. She raised her hand to rub it and looked at the coat rack from front to back.

Things made of plastic and iron, even if they are old, are still not worth collecting. In this era, plastic is a highly productive and reusable material.

"Did Lao Sheng's collecting taste change in the dream, from value first to weirdness first?" He muttered to himself and walked out of the room.

Through the real pain, she realized the cruel truth, and her whole body was in a dream.

It means that she has lost the privileges of dreams, such as resurrection, spontaneity, controllability, etc.

It also means that she still needs to be vigilant at all times in her dream to avoid accidentally losing her life. Sheng Ming's reminder made her unable to let go. In addition, she encountered strange things just after waking up. She always felt that there were many dangers hidden around her.

Opening the door, the furnishings in her home couldn't be said to be exactly the same as the environment she was familiar with, it could only be said to have nothing to do with it.

The Chinese-style villa turned into a small bungalow that was shabbier than her grandmother's house. Standing at the door of her house, she could have an unobstructed view of the entire house.

Roughly calculating the area, the usable area in the suite is less than 100 square meters, which is not as big as my parents' master bedroom.

Her mother, wearing an ordinary cotton T-shirt and trousers, walked out of the kitchen, wiped her hands on her apron, and greeted her warmly: "Little Anru is up, come and have breakfast. Mom made your favorite chocolate egg tarts."

Lu Anru paused at the edge of the dining hall, looking at the speaker suspiciously.

Her mother didn't think she was still for a long time, so she quickly came up to her, grabbed her wrist, led her to the dining table, and pushed her onto the hard folding chair.

"Unload Yincang at home. The mutated monsters have been wiped out long ago. You can live a normal life from now on."

Her mother patted her hand that was holding the sword hilt tightly and said happily: "Dean Huo is such a kind person. He developed the antidote for your strange disease from the genetic data of mutated animals. You no longer have to worry about amnesia when you suddenly wake up." ”

Lu Anru's heartbeat skipped a beat, and he tried his best to warn himself in his mind that this was a dream, so don't lose your mind.

Judging from the literal meaning of [Nightmare Realm], it must be enough for people to enjoy themselves happily, but it will completely destroy people's will after it is over.

"You silly girl, hurry up and have breakfast. You have the weekend off today. After dinner, go back and take a nap. At noon, Xiao Ming brings his girlfriend to the house. You dress up nicely and make your brother's face look better."

Lu Anru had a cold face. When he listened to the previous words, he kept repeating in his heart: Act, you act well, I won't talk to you, I will make you mad.

But when she heard that Sheng Ming had a girlfriend, she immediately lost her composure and asked excitedly: "Really? Are you beautiful? Are you good or not?"

"You kid, are you deliberately teasing your mother? You introduced Xiao Ming's girlfriend. The girl's name is Qian Aila. Xiao Ming said she is simple and enthusiastic."

Mother spread her hands, picked up a piece of egg tart, put it in, and warned: "Eat quickly, your dad and I will buy some food later, and make a good meal for noon. Of course, we will follow our little Anru's favorite dishes. ”

Lu An thoughtfully squeezed the egg tart in his hand and made a perfunctory 'hmm' sound. His expression suddenly became tense and he shouted: "Mom, you are making soup. It's so mushy."

"Oh yes, I forgot."

Mother frowned in annoyance and turned around to enter the kitchen.

Lu Anru touched his pocket and found that the computer was not there, the disinfectant wipes were not there, and the powder packet was left in the bedroom.

The egg tart exudes a tempting fragrance, and the hunger increases. My mind is running fast, trying to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

He put the egg tart back in his hand, picked up the plate, and shouted toward the kitchen: "Mom, I'm going back to the house to eat. I'll catch up on my sleep after eating."

"You are about to turn 20, and you are still like a child. You can't change your bad habits." The mother sighed helplessly and agreed indulgently: "Go ahead and don't mess with the bed."

Lu Anru pretended to be stupid and laughed twice, holding the plate with both hands, and walked to his room.

Go into the house and put the egg tarts on the table. When I first woke up, I was so confused that I didn't notice that my room had also changed. The cloakroom and utility room disappeared.

If it disappears, just disappear. The powder bag can overcome all things.

Open the zipper and call softly: "Xiao Luan, come out."

There was no response, so he shouted again: "Xiao Hong, come out, there is something delicious."

Let Xiaohong help test the poison, great.

But after waiting and waiting for a long time, the response to her was still silence.

Feeling bad, he put his hand into the bag and got the answer without calling the thing's name. All the magical functions of the powder bag disappeared and turned into an ordinary decorative bag.

It cannot pop up corresponding items based on their names, it cannot accommodate living creatures like Xiao Luan, and it does not have infinite space for expansion. Lu Anru could touch the bottom of the bag with half his hand.

Reluctantly, he turned the powder bag upside down, and the combat equipment turned into girls' cosmetics, and scattered bits and pieces fell out of it.

Looking at the lipstick, eye shadow, setting powder and other things on the bed, Lu Anru had indescribable mixed emotions.

How many times she had stayed up all night to complete training or exams, then returned to the dormitory and fell asleep. When she woke up the next day and smelled stinky, she would always envy ordinary girls.

Those who don’t know are fearless. They don’t have to be responsible for destroying monsters, they don’t have to train hard, and they can put on beautiful makeup and live a normal life.

Although I heard from my aunt that ordinary office workers are also very tired, but they don't have to face life-and-death situations all the time and hang their lives on the edge of a sword all the time.

Thinking of the sword blade, her hand instinctively touched Yincang, and the cold touch stopped her from wandering away.

He lifted up the quilt and shook all the cosmetics to the ground. He kicked them to the trash can and chopped them into pieces with a silver can.

Sitting in front of the table, staring blankly at the untouched egg tart, letting my stomach make a sound of protest.

I was so hungry that I lay down on the bed and hugged Yin Cang to sleep.

She had a dream within a dream. In the dream, Xiao Luan tried desperately to say something to her, but she could not open her mouth. The mental language technique seemed to have failed.

"Little Anru, get up quickly, your brother and his girlfriend are at the door." Mother's call woke up Lu Anru.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, looked at her mother, and asked sluggishly: "Who is at the door?"

"Your brother Xiao Ming and his girlfriend Qian Ella have arrived at our door."

Her mother patiently repeated her story, held her up with both hands, and warned her, "Change into some decent clothes and go straight out to eat."

Lu Anru shook his head to dispel his sleepiness, and agreed calmly: "I understand."

Whether you go to meet Sheng Ming in the dream or not, maybe everyone will be transported to the unified dreamland.

"I'm going to help your dad serve the food, please hurry up."

The mother turned and left, stopped halfway, fixed her eyes around the trash can, and said worriedly: "Xiao Anru, why did you throw away all these cosmetics? Did you and Guang'er quarrel?"

"Guang'er?" Lu Anru's eyes twitched awkwardly twice, "Ning Guang?"

"Yes, haven't you recovered from your strange illness?" Mother looked back, her eyes more doubtful than hers.

Lu Anru lowered her eyes and thought deeply. It seemed that her strange illness was indeed cured. She was called by her mother. It was not Sheng Ming's voice. She still remembered all the past.

When her mother saw that she didn't respond, she sobbed sadly and said, "Hey, I guess my memory is confused again. An Ru, think about it carefully. Mom believes that you will be able to remember it. You guys came back from the Undersea Research Institute and got important information. Through it, The world's evolutionary rules were back on track. Guang'er's father lost his absolute control, and people everywhere revolted and abolished the monarchy. After graduating from Yuexiang, Guang'er chose to become a lawyer and distanced himself from those who wanted to regain the royal power of the Ning family. Boundary, saying that I have nothing else to ask for, I just want to protect the harvest from droughts and floods, and protect your peace for the rest of your life."

"Remember, we had a quarrel with him yesterday, so don't worry about us."

Lu Anru kept talking about the train, looking at the other party in tears with indifference, without any disturbance in his heart, and kept telling himself that he could not bear to see Sheng Ming and Ella before he revealed the false dream.

"The fact that you can be angry with him proves that you care about him. Mom is always afraid that you are just happy for me and your dad, so you agree to be with him. After dinner, mom will take you to buy a set of the same thing. Don't worry about the gift giver. heart of."

My mother burst into tears and smiled, answering my father's call outside the door: "Here we come."

After his mother left, Lu Anru sat cross-legged, grabbed a few handfuls of hair with both hands, and cursed secretly: "This world is so crazy, or should I say, Duan's imagination is so crazy. It would be unfair not to write romance novels. The prince gives up the royal power for the sake of his beloved." The tricks are out.”

Just pick a dress and put it on, open the door and walk out of the bedroom.

"An Ruru."

Ella flew over to her, hugged her and said excitedly: "Look at how well we understand each other. You came to pick me up wearing a best friend's dress."

Lu Anru hugged Ella's slim waist, put her face against the rough waves, and asked softly: "Ella, you remember that we are performing Nanke's mission, right?"

"Of course I remember what happened three years ago. You were so brave. You killed Nanke with one sword. It is because of you that we live a happy and ordinary life."

Ella's eyes were filled with pride, and she took her hand and led her towards Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming opened his arms and hugged her and Ella tightly, and spoke words in a clear voice that confused her.

"Mom said you were having a tantrum. I don't think it's possible. The most important sister in my life certainly won't be jealous of my girlfriend."

The slightly coquettish words struck her heart, emptied her mind, and blurted out her blessings.

"Sister introduces Ella to you, of course you won't be jealous of her. I hope you are happy."

Yes, she hoped that Ella would not be cursed, that she would not forget her love for Sheng Ming, and that Sheng Ming and Ella would be happy.

Let's be willful for once and accompany everyone to finish this reunion dinner that can only happen in dreams.

At the dinner table, Sheng Ming raised his glass to pay tribute to his parents for their upbringing and his sister's love and care.

After paying tribute to the three relatives, he put his arms around Ella's shoulders and announced with joy: "Dad, Mom, sister, I brought Ella to see you today because I plan to introduce her to you in another identity."

Mother nodded with tears in her eyes and asked knowingly, "What is your identity?"

Sheng Ming placed a deep kiss on Ella's forehead, stared at the red-haired girl with lowered eyes, and said affectionately: "I have chosen her as my lifelong partner, and I will never marry her unless I am her in this life."

The mother covered her mouth with both hands, too excited to speak.

The father's big hand caressed the mother's back, soothing her tears of joy, and spoke in a deep voice the head of the family's teachings: "Boy, marriage is not a child's play. You must know that sharing your first birthday with the same person is not as easy as you think. You need to face her unreasonable temper, and you have to be the backbone of the family. When the passion dissipates, you have to withstand the temptations outside and endure the boring life. "

"Well, I will try my best to be a qualified husband." Sheng Ming solemnly promised Ella.

The father smiled happily, took out a big red envelope from his pocket and handed it to Ella.

"This is my meeting gift with your aunt."

Aila looked at Sheng Ming, received the red envelope after receiving a nod, and said shyly: "Thank you, uncle and aunt."

Then he looked at Lu Anru, winked at her naively, and announced in a low voice: "An Ruru, from now on we are a family."

Lu Anru's nose was twitching and he said in a deep voice, "We will always be a family."

Whether you are my brother or sister...

With a bang, the table was overturned, and the table full of sumptuous dishes spilled onto the floor.

Lu Anru met the stunned gaze of her parents and smashed this false happiness with her own hands. He raised his wrist to wipe his wet eyes, grasped the hilt of the eagle-headed sword and pointed it at his parents.

"Thank you for fulfilling my sweet dream. If I were not on a mission and there were no team members waiting for me to rescue me, I would be willing to stay a little longer. But, I have to wake up!"

The mother couldn't help but shake her head and murmured sadly: "Hey, she's sick again, my poor daughter."

The father held his mother in his arms and said sadly: "As the ancients said, it is a good idea to raise a child with a strong mother. You take care of yourself and I will take her to Bai Jie for treatment."

"Stop acting, let's go straight to the theme and start the battle." Facing the monster with the face of his parents, Lu Anru still couldn't bear to make the first move.

After a slight hesitation, a hand grabbed the sword's edge without fear of danger.

"Dad, please stay with my mother at home and persuade her. I'll take An Ru to the hospital."

Sheng Ming said coldly, Lu An subconsciously avoided the big hand holding the sword, and missed the opportunity, and the sword was taken away by Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming picked up the sword and forced it towards her neck.

Lu Anru prepared his mind well in advance, concentrated his energy, and was always ready to start the extreme state.

But the next second Sheng Ming let go of her hand, and the sword fell directly to the ground from in front of her eyes.

"Don't let me see you pointing a sword at your parents again. I won't show mercy next time."

Sheng Ming said in extreme disappointment, grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the house and towards the car parked at the door.

Ella quickly chased after her and helped open the car door. Sheng Ming pushed her into the car.

Along the way, Ella persuaded her earnestly: "An Ruru, you have to forget the world in your dreams. Your uncle and aunt are so sad that you can't distinguish between reality and dreams."

She seemed to have said a lot of heartfelt words, repeatedly clarifying her inherent knowledge, and finally cursed Nanke with great sadness.

"It's all the fault of the bad guy Nanke. He injected you with a medicine on Jupiter that will disrupt your memory. Don't worry, Dean Huo is already researching the corresponding special medicine. If he can cure your strange amnesia, he will definitely It can cure memory disorders.”

(End of chapter)