Magnificent Years

Chapter 236: Nightmare Realm (Part 2)


Ella's noisy words surrounded her ears, and Lu Anru didn't pay much attention. Her mind was panicked and confused, all because of one thing.

Unable to activate extreme state!

She was escorted to the hospital by Sheng Ming and Ella in the name of caring, and met Dr. Bai Jie, who always helped her at school.

Looking around, the medicine shelves are filled with glass medicines containing colorful pills.

There is a strong man in the club who is from Yungui, Xia State. The eldest brother said that during the holidays from late spring to early summer, he would go back to his hometown to help his relatives collect mushrooms.

People there are obsessed with the delicious taste of mushrooms. His family has a method passed down from their ancestors to identify whether the mushrooms are poisonous. It is very simple and easy to understand. The brighter the colors, the more poisonous the mushrooms are.

In fact, not only fungi can be identified by their bright colors, but many animals and plants in nature can be identified in the same way. Presumably the same can be said for the medicine in the bottle.

When he saw Bai Jie's finger touching the bottle, a great feeling of despair enveloped Lu Anru's heart.

There are three opponents and she is alone, and the chance of winning is less than 50%. The key is that she has no trusted companion, and the other party can call in a large number of security guards at any time to completely subdue her.

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Lu Anru came up with the only feasible way and pretended to obey.

Just like in the morning, she said she would bring the egg tarts back to the house to eat, and the fake mother didn't ask for more.

Ella described her condition to Bai Jie and described her as a rebellious lunatic. Even if she knows that the other person is fake, her heart will twist as long as she sees that face.

After hearing this, Bai Jie made a conclusion directly without asking her about the whole process: "Her illness is more serious this time."

Ella begged sadly: "Well, Doctor Bai, please think of a way to find more effective medicines. Today was originally a festive day, but it has turned out like this, and Auntie is very sad."

"I'll give her a try and give her mental therapy first."

Bai Jie put on medical latex gloves, spread her fingers and pinched Lu Anru's temples.

Lu Anru deliberately struggled to get out of the way and secretly observed Bai Jie's expression.

Bai Jie's eyes dimmed, she fixed her head with both hands, and asked in a deep voice: "I didn't use any force just now, but you are already in pain?"

"Let go, of course it hurts, ah!" Lu Anru let out a harsh scream.

Withdrawing her hands that were lightly attached to both sides of her forehead, Bai Jie took off her latex gloves and threw them into the automatically opening and closing trash can. She picked up the electronic pen and recorded the diagnosis status in the computer.

After half a minute, he put down his pen, took out a pocket watch from the drawer, raised his head and said to the two people guarding Lu Anru: "You guys wait outside, I will try to hypnotize her."

"Okay." Sheng Ming put his arm around Ella's shoulders and led her out of the treatment room.

Bai Jie reached out and grabbed Lu Anru's arm, dragging her to the console.

Lu Anru tried his best to shake his arms but refused, and loudly refused with a ferocious face: "Stay away from me. My head didn't hurt that much, but after the rogue touched me, my head immediately hurt so much that it almost exploded."

Bai Jie was neither angry nor annoyed. She turned around and said softly: "I just touched an acupuncture point that controls your disease. I know you have many doubts. I can help you answer them. The premise is that you must actively cooperate."

"You know?" Lu Anru looked at the other party suspiciously.

Bai Jie smiled lightly and said proudly: "Yes, I won't force you. You are free to choose whether to accept my hypnotherapy."

There was a hint of sympathy in her confident attitude, which was different from the look in her fake father's eyes when he saw her drawing his sword. To put it more appropriately, Bai Jie has a sense of detachment that is superior to others, and treats her like a guinea pig in a laboratory.

Such gestures often appear on conceited rulers. Lu Anru was secretly happy, maybe he could find a way out of this place from Bai Jie.

She made a decision in her heart, but still reluctantly scolded Bai Jie as a black-hearted quack.

Bai Jie didn't refute anything, with a condescending smile on her lips, and listened quietly to her breath.

Bai Jie's reaction was what she expected. The police also like to use this method to interrogate prisoners, first to create in them a psychological sense of being enslaved and that resistance is useless.

He continued to scold for a while until his mouth was dry. He raised his hands and rubbed his head weakly. He pretended that he couldn't bear the pain and asked resignedly: "I will cooperate with you in hypnotherapy. Can you answer my doubts?" ?”


Bai Jie made a gesture of invitation.

Lu Anru followed Bai Jie to the operating table and lay on the treatment device. The shadowless lamp came on, and the light made her turn her head sideways, avoiding her eyes.

"I feel uncomfortable, so I turn off the lights, open the curtains, and let's use natural light."

Bai Jie tapped the green button on the handle of the treatment device, and the dark curtains automatically retreated to both sides. The sunlight outside the window penetrates through the clouds and shoots out pillars of light, like a ladder connecting to the ground.

It is the Tyndall effect, which is said to represent the coming of happiness.

I hope what you see is as you wish...

"Turn around now." Bai Jie's seductive voice sounded from her ears.

Lu Anru turned her head in response, and a pocket watch dangled above her eyes. What caught her attention was not the frequency of the pocket watch shaking, but the ring of marbles on the edge of the dial.

They shook and collided with the pocket watch, emitting streams of light in the shape of small purple lightning bolts.

Three of the bugs had their steel wings broken. She remembered that every marble bug she put into the glass bottle had three broken wings, no more, no less.

As I watched, fascinated, a distant voice floated slowly.

"Your consciousness will gradually enter a trance state. You are still awake, but there is a sense of tranquility, as if you are gradually in another time and space. You will remember many things you have experienced, including joy and sadness. , there are thrills, there are happiness, now I will accompany you, and we will go through those years together."

Lu Anru slowly closed her eyes and let her thoughts go. Her relaxation had nothing to do with being hypnotized, it simply created an illusion of being controlled for Bai Jie.

Bai Jie's hypnosis skills are very strong, but they are not strong enough to completely control her. The first thing that keeps her brain awake is thanks to Guiwa.

Imagine that every time you fall asleep, a ghost doll suddenly appears as soon as you enter the dream. At the beginning, you couldn't run away, so you could only watch her change into a scary appearance, or create a scene that made you sad. No matter how weak a person is, the experience will harden his heart.

Secondly, I would like to thank the strange amnesia disease for giving her the ability to focus quickly since she was a child.

Relax your body and act like Xiao Luan is singing a soothing song.

As she listened, she fell into a deep sleep, in which she dreamed of Xiao Luan again. However, there was a boy beside Xiao Luan. He was about fifteen years old. His eyes were cinnabar-colored and he should be in the form of a little red human.

They talked a lot, but Lu Anru didn't hear a word. Xiao Hong was very impatient and kept yelling with all his teeth and claws.

Lu Anru's head miraculously screamed, and just as she was about to announce, she woke up.

When she opened her eyes and saw an extremely ugly face, Bai Jie glared at her fiercely, pulled out a wet wipe from the operating table and threw it on her chest.

"Wipe your face and cooperate again."

Lu Anru sat up straight, wiped his face with a wet wipe, threw it on the ground without quality, and praised: "Dr. Bai has superb medical skills. After sleeping, my headache symptoms have weakened."

Bai Jie hummed softly, half-smilingly, and pushed Lu Anru back to the treatment device.

Lu Anru originally wanted to cooperate to the end, but when he saw Bai Jie's face full of annoyance, he couldn't suppress the idea of sarcasm.

With his mouth aggrieved, he said in a studious and inquiring tone: "Why is Dr. Bai looking so sad? The treatment was obviously successful."

"It seems that someone has trained your willpower in advance. Little girl, don't be anxious and don't yell. You will feel my sad mood soon."

Bai Jie lightly touched the red button of the treatment device with her fingers, and five bandages popped out from the edge of the device, tightly binding Lu Anru's limbs and neck.

Especially her neck, which was tied very tightly, leaving only a small space for her to breathe.

Lu Anru tried his best to keep himself calm, but people's instinct is to show fear when faced with sudden danger.

Bai Jie caught her flash of fear, and there was a hint of schadenfreude in her arrogant smile.

The fingertips slid back and forth on the top of the glass medicine, and he muttered: "Point the troops, point the generals, and point who is who."

The familiar game of picking things for children reappears, allowing Bai Jie to play in a spooky way.

As if Bai Jie could read her dislikes and likes, her fingers finally stopped on the brown bottle she hated most.

He pulled out the cork, took out two pills, pinched Lu An's lower jaw, and forced them into her mouth.

Before Lu Anru could hide the pill under his tongue, the bandage around his neck suddenly tightened and loosened. The panic prompted his body to react instinctively by swallowing saliva.

The medicine passed through her throat. She even felt that the medicine had not reached her stomach and was being dissolved by gastric juices. Her mind was already confused.

Bai Jie omitted the hypnotic prelude and stared at her with blurred eyes and got straight to the point.

"You think the world you know is real and this is fiction, right?"

Lu Anru's mouth was not under her control, and she automatically said the answer in her mind: "Yes."

"Ha," Bai Jie chuckled disdainfully and continued to ask, "Where is your basis for judging the truth?"

"I grew up in that world, and all the relatives and friends around me are of flesh and blood. The things I experience and the people I meet every day are all reasonable and legal existences. Don't brainwash me. If that world is not real, can this world be fictionalized through description? Is the world real?”

"Rational compliance is really well said. Let me ask you, what kind of rules are reasonable compliance based on?"

Bai Jie tapped her fingers on the control panel of the treatment device. The bandage was loosening and tightening. Leder Luanru's breathing became rapid and his speech was intermittent. She felt that since she couldn't hide her emotions and words, she just let herself go.

Avoid the shortcomings of theoretical knowledge and ridicule as you like: "You are a character who only exists in fictional plots. Of course you won't understand. My appearance awakened your existence. You should thank me. You people here are so rude." , use the bundle to thank the benefactor.”

"The arrogant girl trained by Huo Yu and Lu Bing, has anyone ever told you that sooner or later you will suffer for your arrogance? Today I will teach you to be a good boy. There is a realistic movie called "The Truman Show" , I wonder if you have seen it?”

As soon as the question came out, Lu Anru, who turned on the truth mode, had no intention of waiting for the other party to elaborate, and blurted out: "No need to ask, I haven't seen it."

Bai Jie's face darkened, and she pinched the top of Lu Anru's head with her fingers.

"I advise you to be smart and don't irritate me. I have a violent personality and irritating me will not do you any good."

She felt that her head was about to be crushed, and she shouted in pain: "Stop, stop, stop, have a look."

Bai Jie was very satisfied with Lu Anru's level of pain, but what she said below was the opposite.

"I know you haven't seen it. Your fake parents in another world have carefully constructed your overall understanding. Naturally, they can't show you the information points that reveal the hidden secrets, even if it is just a movie made by ordinary people."

Bai Jie moved her hand from Lu Anru's forehead to her mouth, pinched her lips, and complained irritably: "This medicine is very good. The only drawback is that no one likes to hear the truth. Just like what you want to scold me, it's also like The facts I stated.”

Lu Anru gave up his struggle and proved with his actions that he would be obedient.

Bai Jie continued: "The Truman Show tells the story of a man who has lived in a structured studio world since he was born. His relatives and friends are all actors. Countless pinhole cameras are hidden in the film and television base. Everyone around the world knows the truth, but he doesn't know it. He is like a born clown, unconsciously entertaining the audience. Every time he detects a flaw, the director and the behind-the-scenes staff will take emergency measures. Dispel his doubts in every aspect.”

Bai Jie tapped the red button twice, and the bandage tightened deeply around Lu Anru's ankle, causing her to cry out in pain.

Bai Jie slapped the blood-congested ankle, and the instigator roared in pain, leisurely saying: "Please be patient and listen, I haven't said so many words to anyone in a long time."

"I know!" Lu Anru gritted his teeth and surrendered.

Bai Jie said "Hmm" with satisfaction, pointed her finger on the side of the instrument, and the bandage loosened a little.

"For example, a chandelier fell from the fake sky and the protagonist noticed something abnormal. The director quickly arranged for the staff behind the scenes to create news about the plane crash, and asked other actors to act as insurance salesmen and recommend accident insurance to the actor. Methodical The plot reduces the male protagonist to a plaything who has lost his instinctive judgment. You are in a similar situation to him, but your parents in the other world have more extreme methods. Whenever you are about to think of the real world, they create amnesia and repeatedly They instill the plot of life into you.”

Lu Anru's memory flashed back to her childhood, when her mother told her her childhood experiences again and again when she lost her memory. The way the mother told the story was very similar to the way the fake parents tell the story today.

In a daze, she couldn't tell whether her memory was true or false. An extremely ridiculous idea came to mind. She looked like the male protagonist in a movie.

Seeing her eyes lose their tenacity and revealing true self-doubt, Bai Jie long pressed the button on the side of the treatment device and retracted all the bandages to the inside of the recliner.

Dr. Bai showed his professionalism again, unscrewed the antiseptic iodine, and applied cotton swabs to her strangled limbs.

After the treatment is completed, remotely open the treatment room door.

Sheng Ming and Ella rushed into the room, eagerly asking if she was okay.

She stared at the ceiling blankly, unable to answer.

When Sheng Ming saw her wound, he raised his hand in anger and overturned the medicine shelf, scolding Bai Jie: "Doctor Bai, I have said many times that you are not allowed to hurt my sister. She is just sick, not a prisoner."

The word "not a prisoner" fell heavily into her hesitant heart. When she raised her eyes, Sheng Ming came to her, hugged her sideways and coaxed softly.

"Don't be afraid, sister, let's go home."

(End of chapter)