Magnificent Years

Chapter 242: bingo



Lu Anru tried hard to adjust his chaotic mood and forced himself to calm down.

I thought carefully about what Duan had said ten days ago when I found him, and wanted to tell Sheng Ming.

"That day I was determined to find a way to go back, so I started investigating from a familiar place, took the taxi you arranged and arrived at Yuexiang. The door was stuck, and I met Ning Guang, who took me in smoothly. I collected various commemorative items I was looking for special traces on it, and later I found it from the photo of my profile. From its characteristics and position, I decided that its existence was very abrupt, so I touched its location in the photo with my hand, and its mental language appeared in my mind. . Let me guess what it is asking. What a stupid question. I decided to complain. It took my complaint as an answer, declared the answer wrong, and asked me to find it and answer it again after ten days. "

The so-called authorities are obsessed with things, but outsiders may be able to see the details of things more clearly. Moreover, scientists have studied the reason why there are more boys than girls in science. Boys are often very rational and organized, while girls are relatively more emotional and meticulous.

Sheng Ming touched his chin with one hand, thought for a moment, and said, "I know what the problem is."

Lu Anru suddenly became interested and asked excitedly: "Where is it?"

"I asked you to find it and answer the question again. It told you a long time ago that it will not stay in its original position and you need to find it." Sheng Ming raised his head and looked around at the photos.


Lu Anru made a fist with his right hand and smashed it into the palm of his left hand, and responded smoothly: "Let's go, hurry up and find it."

"Wait, don't worry, we need to find a solution." Sheng Ming grabbed the petite man who stood up to run away.

Lu Anru turned around and asked in surprise, "What's wrong? Do you have any new clues?"

"We only have two hours left. It's impractical to search everywhere. Even if we have 24 hours a day, it still won't be enough."

Sheng Ming retracted his gaze from the distance, fixed his gaze on Lu Anru's face, and said in a deep voice: "Describe the process again."

"Okay." Lu Anru patiently started from the beginning: "I will be there at noon that day."

After just five words, he was interrupted and Sheng Ming gave a new request: "Start when you enter the memorial hall."


After Lu Anru finished explaining everything in detail after entering, he quietly waited for his precious brother's answer. Unexpectedly, he heard a question that was like a ruthless question.

"You said Ning Guang hugged you?" Sheng Ming's eyes darkened, and there was a slight hint of danger in his tone.

She suddenly remembered that Sheng Ming was disgusted with her physical contact with Ning Guang, but was now the time to dwell on this issue

"Xiao Ming, we need to discuss business quickly." She reminded her as her sister.

"I'm asking a serious question. You have to answer cooperatively so that I can think more clearly."

Sheng Ming was not restrained by her aura, and showed her stubbornness in her nonsense.

Lu Anru held her forehead tiredly, and said blindly: "He pointed out the person in the photo to me, and happened to hook his arm around my neck, so I immediately avoided it."

Based on the experience she has accumulated since childhood, telling the truth honestly will lead to an endless loop of dialogue.

Sheng Ming reluctantly accepted her answer and said the difficult person's request: "Well, you can recount your experience since you came in."

Lu Anru clenched his fists, the anger of wanting to hit someone was rushing in his heart, and asked: "Sheng Xiaoming, are you sure you are not seeking revenge in public?"

Sheng Ming had a steady look on her face, raised her hand to lower her fist, and reminded her sternly: "Don't make trouble, cherish your time."

The anger that had just emerged was extinguished by the words "Cherish time". I weakly recounted the process, but was interrupted halfway through.

"Did you find the reason based on the suddenness?" Sheng Ming asked in a serious tone.

Lu Anru nodded slowly and responded: "Yes, I said it above. First of all, the position is unclear, and secondly, it moves slowly. This does not allow it to appear intact on the battlefield in the photo."

"I see, I understand the meaning of what Duan said before he died."

Sheng Ming muttered to himself, and then asked sternly: "Think about it, have you encountered any particularly obvious surprises recently?"

"What did Duan Lin say before he died?" Lu Anru was more concerned about this.

Sheng Ming straightened her thoughts: "Pay attention to the problems you need to face now, and think quickly."

The man's fierce look disappeared due to his interest, and Lu Anru pondered quietly.

Speaking of the most unexpected thing, it must be the actors deliberately arranged by Sheng Ming. If you exclude them, it seems that there is only a little left.

In the pocket watch in Bai Jie's hand, the steel bullet bugs inside completely matched the steel bullet bugs she put in the bottle. Even the wounds were exactly the same, which was simply outrageous.

Sheng Ming informed Sheng Ming of her thoughts, and Sheng Ming took her hand and ran to the exit of the memorial hall.

After leaving the memorial hall and getting on the hovercar, Sheng Ming drove it himself, reaching the highest speed.

It took 40 minutes to arrive at the private hospital run by Bai Jie. It was already 11:03 in the middle of the night, and the entire hospital building was brightly lit, which inevitably gave them a feeling of waiting.

Sheng Ming rang the electronic doorbell, and the door opened automatically after five or six seconds.

Lu Anru walked into the torture scene again, feeling more at ease than last time. This time she could follow Sheng Ming at a low waist and grab the corner of his clothes.

Having raised her baby brother, he is still very capable at critical moments and can give her a sense of security.

On the way to the treatment room on the second floor, a sarcastic voice suddenly appeared in her mind: "You trust your fake brother very much. You are not afraid that he is the one arranged by me. When you are least prepared, I'll catch you and imprison you."

The voice was more advanced than ordinary mind speech, and the corresponding picture was directly displayed in her mind.

In the picture, Sheng Ming turned around and locked her with a demonic evil gaze. She was frozen and unable to escape, as if she was under a spell.

Sheng Ming tightened his grip on her hand and dragged her towards the instrument that tortured her last time. No matter how she cried and begged for mercy, the other party was unmoved and vaguely excited.

"We have been waiting to catch you for a long time. After a while, we will drain your blood and bone marrow, and then peel your skin out. After it is dry, I will hang it at home, so that I can comfort my thoughts every day."

"Comfort this big-headed ghost, get away you pervert."

Lu Anru let go of Sheng Ming's clothes and pulled out Yincang. He closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to shake the horrific image out of his mind.

"Anru, what's wrong with you?"

Sheng Ming held down her shaking head.

As the anxious voice fell, the picture in her mind disappeared.

Opening her eyes and seeing Sheng Ming's worried face, she grinned awkwardly and explained, "I have nightmares during the day."

"Let's go, it's 11:20, you can stay with me any longer." Sheng Ming's face was more solemn than hers.

Lu Anru said weakly, without sheathing the sword, and followed Sheng Ming.

"Come here, don't be so far away, I won't be able to protect you if something happens."

Sheng Ming stepped back two steps, held her little sword-holding hand, and sighed with emotion: "Hey, idiot, I will never hurt you. I have many protective spells tattooed on my body, and no one else can restore them in the real world." Carve my face."

Qingrun's declaration reminded her of what Sheng Ming had said before entering the nightmare: "An Ru, you must remember that I love you very much."

Warmth surged in his heart, and he silently pinned Yincang to his waist and staggered it away from the scabbard.

Arriving at the treatment room, Sheng Ming kicked open the ajar door.

Bai Jie sat on the office chair, looked at the two of them with a smile, and said leisurely: "The fake brother brought his sister to me to bring bad luck, but are you confident that you can get something from me within half an hour?"

"More than half an hour, ten minutes is enough." Sheng Ming let go of Lu Anru's hand and turned to whisper to her: "Just take what you want and don't participate in the battle."

Lu Anru nodded heavily and said, "You must escape intact."


Sheng Ming quickly formed the magic formula with both hands, and a silver protective shield wrapped around her.

Lu Anru ran to the desk, and Bai Jie grabbed her calmly.

She watched helplessly as the other person's hand reached into the silver aperture, and the advanced wind protection shield was useless in front of Bai Jie.

Seeing this scene, Sheng Ming and her were stunned at the same time.

Sheng Ming was the first to come to his senses and hurriedly summoned many water balls and threw them at Bai Jie.

Bai Jie grabbed her wrist with one hand and held her other hand confidently in front of her face, mocking secretly: "It's a small trick."

The next second, he groaned in pain: "Uh, you actually learned to combine water magic and wood poison magic!"

Bai Jie turned her hand over and let the poisonous water burn a large piece of flesh on her palm.

Lu Anru took advantage of the other party's distraction, broke free from his wrist and pulled the drawer, and was depressed to find that it was locked.

Without thinking much, he grabbed his sword and struck at the drawer.

Yincang, who could break all things, hit a wall here. There seemed to be a transparent protective cover on the drawer. Yincang couldn't cut it at a position two centimeters away from the electronic lock.

No matter how hard Lu Anru exerted his strength, he could only chop down a little further.

It was very difficult for Bai Jie to resist Sheng Ming's water and wood techniques with her hands, but from the corner of her eye she saw her being stumped, and still did not forget to laugh loudly: "Oh, I've blinded Yin Cang's good sword in vain. What's wrong with you?" The useless person has not exerted one-tenth of his power, so why don't you stay and Xiao Sheng and I will teach you better spells."

"It's so noisy."

Lu Anru responded with contempt and kicked the table over. Bai Jie is right, the problem lies with her, not Yin Cang.

Finding the crux, she strode to the door. He took a few deep breaths, then turned around and sprinted to the top of the cabinet to jump up. He held Yin Cang with both hands and inserted it hard into the lock of the cabinet.

Taking advantage of the force of the fall, she successfully stabbed Yin Cang into the transparent protective cover, but still failed to break the lock.

She has no ultimate state, the most she can do is this.

Bai Jie let the poisonous water burn her bones with her hands, but her focus was still on Lu Anru. When she realized that she had failed again, she laughed like a sick man.

"Hahaha, you are so weak. If he were still alive, I don't know how he would feel when he saw his child being raised as a waste."

Lu Anru glanced at the crazy woman with disdain and shouted to Sheng Ming: "Xiao Ming, five seconds later."

"Yeah." Sheng Ming agreed to the code word tacitly.

Lu Anru quickly ran to the door. Yes, she left Yin Cang behind and ran away without looking back.

Bai Jie didn't think Lu Anru was cowardly and ran away. She stayed with Lu Anru for three years as a school nurse. Through observation, she found that although the child liked to use tricks to achieve success, he was still kind and would not leave the relatives and friends he cared about alone.

Her thoughts flashed by, and by the time she realized there was something going on between the two of them, the cabinet had been rolled up by Sheng Ming's wind technique and thrown out of the window.

The cabinet, which weighed more than thirty kilograms, fell heavily into the garden on the ground. Just from the long and heavy sound, you could tell that it was smashed into pieces.

As for the drawer that she had put a protective spell on, it didn't take much thinking. It was also shattered. The gravity fall would cause Yincang to be completely cut into the drawer.

When she looked up, she was the only one left in the room. Sheng Ming threw the cabinet out of the window and left at the same time.

Bai Jie's eyes flashed with pride, she walked towards the treatment device, turned on the anti-virus mode, and whispered softly.

"Xiaozui, let me check for you. Lu Bing did not raise that child crookedly. She is very tough and has her own principles of dealing with things. Don't worry, she is not the kind of bad-hearted or cowardly character. If I just directly Destroy her so that she will not embarrass our family. I will keep a close eye on her until the end and never give Hua Rong's descendants any chance to take advantage of her."

Downstairs, Lu Anru took out the pocket watch from the drawer.

Looking at the time shown on the watch, it was 11:53 pm.

She did not summon Duan immediately, but waited quietly for Sheng Ming to run out of the building and run to her side.

She raised her pocket watch to show off to the man: "Look, sister is very resourceful, right?"

"Yes." Sheng Ming opened his arms and hugged her tightly, and said reluctantly: "Disappear in my arms."


Lu Anru responded, relaxed his mind, touched the watch mirror with his finger, and called the end in a deep voice: "I found you as promised, and please show up as promised."

"Haha, the girl Gou Chen likes, you have indeed lived up to Gou Chen's efforts guaranteed by his soul. Now answer my question, what question do I want to ask?"

The ancient voice emerged in his mind, and Lu Anru responded calmly: "You asked me last time if this world is real, and my answer was, this world is real. And this time you want to ask me, if I Still want to leave, my answer is, I want to leave.”

Lu Anru asked the two questions together because he had to be more rigid and serious when dealing with this ancient creature.

The client didn't ask this time or last time, proving it needed to hear both questions.

In fact, when she thought about the question afterwards, she was very glad that she answered it wrong by mistake last time. If she had been asked to answer directly last time, she would most likely have said it was false. She firmly believed in this answer and decided that Duan was trying to make things difficult for her, so she looked for even more unrealistic ways to leave.

"Correct answer, I will send you back to your normal timeline now, but you only represent yourself. So far, only Blount De, Sheng Ming, and you have escaped from my nightmare, and everyone else is trapped in it. Lose yourself. The three of you have the qualifications to move on. As for the others, I will leave them behind as my spiritual fodder."

Lu Anru was very happy when she heard the recognition, but when she heard the next words, her happiness was replaced by anxiety.

"Don't, don't!" She shouted, not caring whether she had crossed the line or not: "Aren't you very tolerant? You will give them a chance to make mistakes. Please give them another chance. Let me help them!"

"Interesting, you are actually asking for a chance from your enemy?"

Duan's tone was full of a smile that made Lu Anru unpredictable.

Lu Anru simply broke the jar and responded confidently: "Yes, if you don't even give me a chance to try, you are going against your setting! And for you, it is easier to crush us to death than to crush ants. Since you Taking the trouble to cause us so much trouble proves that you want us to struggle more and show you more fun.”

(End of chapter)