Magnificent Years

Chapter 253: It’s a headwind situation, but we must win!


Everyone focused their attention on Lu Anru. Everyone seemed to want to ask what grudge she had with Nanke.

Lu Anru raised his head proudly and looked directly at the huge thing in front of him.

"Everyone, I know it's difficult for you. After all, she is your team leader for this mission. But please think about it, do you really have full confidence in defeating me?"

Nanke asked and answered his own questions, and he answered confidently: "I believe that the desire to fight all the way and support our remaining efforts to complete the task is probably less than half of the confidence. I have said many times that I am very humanitarian, I will open the teleporter to the sea. You don’t have to lose your life, you can leave unscathed and take what you need, I will not stop you.”

The deceptive words were spoken again, and everyone withdrew their searching gazes, their hearts shrouded in great exhaustion.

After nearly a month of hard work, until today, the other party has something right. What supports them is nothing more than the belief in completing the task. It's like a sprinter who suddenly takes on a marathon job. He is very motivated in the beginning and hopes to get a good ranking. At the end, he only has one thought: it's good to get a ranking, but the key is to finish the race and save his life.

Everyone hesitated, secretly looking at the people around them with the corner of their eyes, and saw almost the same look on their companions' faces.

Ella was very anxious, fearing that the morale of the soldiers would be unstable, so she kept trying to persuade the team members.

"Everyone, please have the courage. Don't listen to Nan Yimeng's lies. I guess he will attack immediately as soon as we walk over. He turns into a big monster and we are still in his territory. Everyone, please don't get confused. Just let it be.”

"Yes, Senior Ella is right. This is not the first time that Nan Yimeng has played tricks on us. We need to be more vigilant. We have won so many victories and we need to keep fighting with all our strength. We won against Nanke and it was glorious. Just go back to the academy.”

April helped lobby.

The two talked about each other, and only received perfunctory smiles from some of the team members, especially the team members who made an exception and were released from the nightmare realm. Their fighting spirit had long been depleted by torture, and now they were even more decadent.

"I know everyone has concerns about me. Let's do this. I'll tell you the location of the safe passage. Just turn around and leave. Lu Anru will stay with me. It's better not to listen to some nonsense. There are many loyal and courageous people who put their lives at risk. The price is paid for the good reputation. If you think about it carefully, the advice I gave is very good. If Lu An is detained here, of course you will keep the inside story of this battle secret from each other, and you can gain both fame and fortune. "

Human nature is often cold, especially when personal interests are at stake.

Ella and Yiyue worked hard to win over Nanke for a long time, but they couldn't resist Nanke's temptation. Seeing the eyes of a few team members becoming distant and even cold, she knew something was wrong.

He hurriedly touched his bestie with his elbow and signaled that he should think of something. Seeing that my best friend was unmoved, I could only whisper a suggestion.

"An Ruru, let a small number of wavered team members agree first, and then lie out the specific location of the passage. This will not only stabilize their minds, but also get reliable information."

Lu Anru never paid attention to the team members from beginning to end, staring at the wolf's head with cold eyes, looking at the ruby embedded in the wolf's head's eyebrows. Hatred surged crazily in her eyes, and Nanke modified her body!

She didn't know if Chong's soul was still there, and she suddenly understood why Sheng Ming didn't tell her the true form of the monster in the future.

In the photo shown by Sheng Ming in the future, the wolf's head and eyebrows were completely damaged. It seemed that the gems had been taken away.

Two years ago, Lion asked her to give Chong the teardrop-shaped ruby pendant. Chong told her that the pendant was a relic of his mother.

I especially remember that when Chong wanted to give the pendant to her, Sheng Ming used the wind method to send the pendant back, making Chong extremely angry.

In her impression, the young wolf master was unruly and would rather die in battle than become a prisoner. It is estimated that Nanke despicably snatched away the pendant and threatened him with the pendant and the tribesmen to force him to obey.

"An Ruru?"

Ella couldn't wait for her best friend to reply, so she asked her idea again in a low voice: "What about, let some team members find the safe passage first?"

Lu Anru replied indifferently: "No, if people's hearts are broken, many things will appear on the surface, which is equivalent to acting on the occasion. No one can tell whether this drama is for me or for Nanke."

"That's the truth, but why don't we take some countermeasures?"

Ella asked Lu Anru for his opinion again. Seeing her best friend's stern expression, she had already decided to fight to the death.

The red-haired girl knew that talking was useless, and said cruelly: "Anyway, I won't leave first. I will stay and fight An Ruru to the end. Although our mission for this trip does not explicitly require killing Nan Yimeng, you might as well think If we want to save this life-threatening result, there will be many terrifying crane chickens, tiger-winged beasts, or monsters fused with him in our world, and the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Yes, I won't leave either. Immortal Nan Yimeng will be in trouble today. If any of you want to leave, just leave."

April squeezed in from the end of the line to her best friends.

"Actually, Ella was right before. Someone has to find the way."

"Yeah, let's go find it."

On the other hand, eight people whispered beautiful words, passed by April, and exchanged places with each other until they reached the end.

"Bah, you're a coward and you have so many excuses." Gao Ying disdainfully spat at a few people.

Ella looked at the short-haired woman in surprise, and almost blurted out her thanks.

Gao Ying raised her hand to stop her disgusting words, wiped her mouth with her thumb, wiped away the remaining saliva, and let out a sinister laugh.

"Oh, don't overthink the plot. I still hate Lu Anru. It's just that compared to her, I'm more annoyed by people who are both upright and independent."

After scolding the eight people happily, after seeing the shameful expressions of the eight people, he continued to send out sarcasm without mercy: "Everyone is like a fucking pig head. Yuexiang clearly stipulates that you are not allowed to defect to the enemy or friends when you are on a mission. The whole hospital will hunt down whoever finds it." . As long as Lu Anru is alive, you are at risk of being exposed. If I were you, I would kill Lu Anru first and then escape."

The expressions of the eight people all changed, and there was a hint of viciousness hidden in their eyes under the shame.

"I'm very curious as to why Nan Yimeng insists on keeping Lu Anru. I guess no one can answer it, because you all let Lu Anru take advantage of you. He and I have a personal grudge, and Lu Anru used the mission to take revenge on Nan Yimeng. I will only carry out the tasks assigned by the academy. Since there is no order to kill Nan Yimeng, I refuse to carry out it. I advise you to be sensible and come with me, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless and take action on Lu Anru first."

Du Hong, whose soul had been transferred to the monkey by Nan Ke, took the lead in speaking. The four people behind him quietly touched their weapons.

"You idiot, you believe Nan Yimeng's excuse to sow discord. As long as I'm here, let's see who dares to touch An Ruru!"

Ella took a step forward, opened her eyes fiercely, and stared at the eight people without blinking.

Gao Ying patted Ella's stiff shoulder and said mockingly: "Hey, don't get excited, I haven't finished my words yet. They are just talking about it, of course they don't dare to do it. Because if they really fight, they will not only want to To defeat you, I have to defeat Sheng Ming, His Highness Xuanguang and many others."

When the name of His Beloved Highness was mentioned, Gao Ying's voice was slightly astringent. She only said these words to help His Beloved Highness. She knows His Highness's choice, so she must work hard to stabilize the morale of the army and seek safety for His Highness.

In the whole dormitory, Mina, the genus student, knew Gao Ying best, and after hearing her words, she understood the deep meaning of her words, and not to be outdone, she coerced and induced her to help.

"It is said that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Is it better to fight a monster or a group of people? I believe they have already made their choice. There is no need to waste time, let's start the war. Although it is a headwind situation, I believe we will win!"

The pros and cons are clearly stated, and any temporary differences can be reconciled.

Everyone raised their arms and shouted in unison: "Fight! Fight! We will win!"

"Okay, you have a way to heaven, but you have no way to enter hell. Today I will be the living king of hell and take all of your lives. Hahaha!"

Amid Nanke's contemptuous laughter, the team members launched the first round of offensive in the main attack formation.

Sheng Ming kneaded the magic formula with one hand and summoned three layers of ice walls, which landed on the left, right and back of the giant monster.

The people standing in the front row were dumbfounded. Sheng Ming was blocking the way for the giant monster, so that the monster could only hit them in the direction in front of them.

"The formation remains unchanged and we continue to attack."

Sheng Ming reminded the stunned people loudly.

Everyone came to their senses and began to perform their respective duties.

But what the people in the front row saw and heard was not to mention thrilling. They watched the giant monster shoot at the 198Z rampantly.

They closed their eyes one after another, trying to calm themselves down and cast spells properly.

When I closed my eyes, I realized that it is human nature to be afraid of death.

His legs were shaking so much that he could hardly stand still. He could barely cast three spells just because of his admiration and trust in his president.

Just when the fourth move was released, I felt a strong wind blowing. Then I judged based on the direction that it was not my team who was rescuing, but the bullet-shaped 198Z that was shooting in front of me.

My heart felt so cold, and the most regrettable thing came to my mind.

One person couldn't hold back his discomfort and shouted in pain: "If I had known this would happen today, I would have..."

Before he finished shouting the following words, he heard the sound of bullets falling.

Immediately, the team was interrupted and Sheng Mingxin's instructions came: "Remove the wood method and engage in fighting."

The members of the Wooden Law Society, who were wrapped in the wind, opened their eyes and found a silver light mask in front of where they were just now.

It was performed by their most beloved president!

Indescribable excitement and emotion spread in my heart, offsetting fear.

After the Fighting Taijutsu sect arrived in the front row, they rushed in front of the monster through the small opening that Sheng Ming released, and collectively punched hard.

The light was powerful enough to lift a giant cauldron and broke one of the monster's big feet, causing no shocking damage at all.

The strong men were not discouraged and divided into two teams and ran towards the monster, attacking the monster's other big legs with perseverance.

"The water and wood methods target the injured position of Dazu, and the fire method continues to burn the 198Z bullets."

Sheng Ming threw out a new command.

All three lines responded: "Yes, President."

Seeing that the war situation was relatively stable, Lu Anru recalled what Sheng Ming told her privately before the war started.

"After we start, don't rush into the fight. Nanke wants to arrest you, and you are not at your limit yet. If you rush up hastily, you will play into his hands. I have a new task for you. You take the second hexagram that Yue gave you. Go to Zhou Sheng and ask him to solve the hexagram within half an hour."

Lu Anru was surprised at the time and asked Sheng Ming: "Should we go directly to the war to end it?"

She deeply remembers that Yue told her that at the end of the mission, when her life was hanging by a thread, she might be able to get a hint of a chance of survival if she solved the hexagram written on the yellow talisman paper.

But Sheng Ming answered very firmly: "Yes, go to Zhou Sheng immediately after the war starts. Remember not to delay. The whole team's hope is entrusted to you and Zhou Sheng."

Sheng Ming's solemn tone told her to take it seriously and bring Lotus to find Zhou Sheng.

After explaining the purpose of her visit, she thought she would encounter Zhou Sheng's lack of self-confidence and needed to provide him with some psychological counseling first.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Sheng adjusted his glasses and simply agreed: "Okay, Miss Lu. I know time is tight, please leave the hexagram to me."

Lu Anru suspiciously took out the embroidery purse and handed it to Zhou Sheng, and then the second strange thing happened.

Zhou Sheng untied the ribbon in his purse and poured out the yellow rune paper easily.

Looking at the boy who was studying him carefully, she couldn't help but recall the contrasting events she had experienced. When she first entered Yardley Bay to get the first hexagram, she poured out the purse with force but failed to pour out the yellow talisman.

Could it be that Yue, the fortune teller, also figured out that this moment was the most dangerous

Thoughts flashed by, her lips parted slightly and she was about to ask Zhou Sheng for specific hexagrams. Meng Meng made a silent gesture towards her and pointed to the middle of the line for her and Lian Hua.

The three of them returned to Sheng Ming, and Meng Meng slowly explained the reason for leaving: "Let Zhou Sheng think alone. We only need to trust him as we did last time, and he will definitely be able to figure out the correct analysis of the hexagrams."

Lu Anru nodded, poked the lotus flower, which was almost as rigid as Li Mo, and entrusted him: "You go and protect Zhou Sheng. I'm safe with Xiao Ming."

Lotus remained motionless, staring straight ahead, occasionally throwing out a spell to help a certain team member who was in danger.

Lu Anru looked at Ella and immediately resisted the idea of exchanging commissions. Since the members of the fire department of the French Society received the advanced fire skills personally taught by the president, they have held important positions, relying on them to burn 198Z bullets.

The lotus refused to move, and she couldn't stay still, so she raised her voice meaningfully and said: "You heard what Xiao Ming said, Zhou Sheng is very important, we must protect him. He has figured out the hexagram of the moon. We have a better chance of winning.”

Lian Hua still turned a deaf ear. Lu Anru no longer hesitated this time and brought the new guards to Zhou Sheng's side.

Zhou Sheng's state of meditation seems to be better than the lotus flower, which even needs to sit cross-legged. Zhou Sheng held the yellow rune paper with both hands and stood blankly. As if you have entered the sixty-four hexagrams, you are soaring in the magical world to find the answers you want.

Lu Anru guarded for a while and found that it was a waste of time. He really couldn't use it up, and he was afraid that Nanke would arrange for Teng She to come around and attack from behind.

After a round of observation, no one suitable to protect Zhou Sheng was found. The team members with force values were all fighting hard and were very busy.

Chen Zejin noticed her searching gaze, came closer, and volunteered: "Team leader, I will guard Zhou Sheng. If things go wrong, I can at least send a reminder in time."


Lu Anru reluctantly agreed.

The next second, there were shouts of fear from the center of the battle.

Looking back, I saw the strong fighting men running back like they were mourning for their heirs.

Originally, they had already crippled some of the monster's big legs, but suddenly they went on strike, shouting: "Ghosts, there are so many resentful souls demanding lives!"

However, there was nothing chasing them behind them.

(End of chapter)