Magnificent Years

Chapter 261: Return to Yuexiang


The team members walked into the street izakaya in groups and found that the only edible food was seafood. Everyone couldn't help but look livid. After going around and looking for several restaurants, I finally found Jiaxia Chinese Dishes.

After three drinks, I couldn't help but feel homesick in my words.

Since the homesickness cannot be alleviated through a simple video, everyone tacitly set three goals: cooperate wholeheartedly, be patient, and put the task first.

Under mutual supervision, it took two days to complete the mission of Yingguo, and they got on the plane to go back to the academy or home separately. Everyone was so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming were separated from everyone at the airport, and their father asked Brother Mo to pick them up in person.

After waiting for more than an hour in the terminal, I bid farewell to the team members and met up with Brother Mo.

Brother Mo took them into the official passage and arrived at the parking platform. Looking up, what was waiting for them was not a plane, but a spaceship.

Brother Mo had a careful temperament, and without waiting for Lu Anru to ask, he gestured to get on the boat before talking.

The three of them entered the cabin one after another, and the heavy door closed automatically.

Sitting on the command podium, Brother Mo entered a tedious line of commands with both hands to unlock the control panel and apply for a video conversation with Father Sheng.

Wait five seconds and the connection is successful.

Father Sheng looked at the pair of children and laughed boldly: "Haha, I told your mother a long time ago that your life is very big and nothing will happen to you. She has been unable to contact you recently and is worried every day. She is waiting for me to die. Here is the video, you sent her the video to let her take a good look at it. She can’t sleep normally every day just after receiving your message that she is safe.”

"Okay, Dad."

Just as Lu Anru agreed obediently, the video screen was cut off.

She and Brother Mo looked at the initiator together. Sheng Ming entered the new command calmly and calmly, cut the operation interface out of Shengbai's internal system, connected to his computer to enter the family group, and selected his mother to initiate a video application.

The mother connected quickly. She stared at the two people from across the video for a long time before she asked the first question softly: "Is Nan Ke really dead?"

"Yes, mom, don't worry, the ghost doll has swallowed your soul."

Lu Anru opened the powder bag and released the dead souls and highly evolved life forms with residual blood.

In an instant, the cabin became very noisy. Xing Tian was still resentful of Teng She's betrayal of his companions and argued endlessly with Hat.

Xiao Luan tried to persuade one person and then the other, but it seemed that no one on the two sides was willing to bow down first.

Chongqing had clear grievances and could not forgive Teng She's behavior, so he helped Xing Tian accuse Teng She of his crimes.

Suzaku still has feelings for Soaring Snake that he can't let go of. He can only occasionally stand on Hat's side to help retort a few words, which means that Soaring Snake's original intention is good, and he wants to change the fate of the highly evolved entities and regain their due status. , it's a pity that you meet someone unkind.

The other three highly evolved undead were caught in the middle, in a dilemma. The palms and backs of their hands were full of flesh, and it was not suitable to help anyone.

The protagonist at the center of the topic, Teng She, was seriously injured and could not leave the pink bag for a short time. After learning about this result, Lu Anru felt that it was very reasonable and deserved it.

After several days of requiem, the ghost doll became the calmest player present. It's like watching a child making noise, laughing and watching the fire from the other side.

Lu Anru tried to mediate several times, indicating that they would stop arguing later and help report the situation to her mother. In the end, Xiao Luan was treated the same and no one cooperated.

After waiting for several minutes, my head was so noisy that I felt dizzy and aching. I covered my ears with my hands, closed my eyes tightly, and shouted angrily.

"Stop, be quiet for a while! You can tell my mother about the situation in the dungeon. After that, we can discuss a suitable place for you to go. When it is safe, you can settle old scores slowly."

She had been mentally prepared for the possibility of continuing to compete with noise damage.

Unexpectedly, after shouting and waiting for a few seconds, everything was quiet. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the command cabin was empty except for her, Sheng Ming, and Brother Mo.

Brother Mo raised his chin towards Sheng Ming under her probing gaze, implying that it was all Sheng Ming's fault and had nothing to do with him.

"I used the wind technique to blow them to the adjacent conference room. Let's continue discussing business."

Sheng Ming explained, nodded to her mother, and mentioned what her mother cared about again: "Mom, I'm sure Nanke is dead, but his assistant took away the mutated biological data in advance, and it is very likely that he will be able to spray. Biological and chemical weapons. I will send you and my dad the longitude and latitude of the research institute, and ask you and my dad to investigate the people who have been near this place in the past year."

"Yes, and let dad recall how many people are alive who had grievances with him, and follow these people to investigate whether they have interacted with Nanke."

Lu Anru hurriedly added important information, then looked sideways at Sheng Ming and explained patiently.

"The terminal didn't send me to an ordinary nightmare, it sent me to the future. In the future, I learned a lot of things, including that the person who took away the data in advance was my father's nemesis, and he would bring new data with him a year later. The mutated creatures that were researched found Emperor Xuantian and instigated the emperor to unite the eleven countries to attack Yue Xiang. The countries that helped him were equally ambitious, and they actually wanted to annihilate the Xia Kingdom. A war broke out in March 41, and many people were killed. We are familiar with it. Relatives and friends cannot escape the disaster.”

She heard Ning Guang talk about the ambitions of other countries. After she stated the core points, she explained many details one by one.

As he said this, he thought about the choices made by the monarchs of various countries, and it seemed quite reasonable when he thought about it. It is rare to lead troops into the impregnable Xia Kingdom, so of course they will be tempted to rebel.

I would like to ask the monarchs, who doesn’t want to have the imperial power to truly command the nations

It is estimated that in the chaos, Sheng Ming, Yue Xiang and others decided to completely overthrow the global monarchy after discussion in the future.

After Lu Anru finished explaining everything in detail, his mother in the video and Sheng Ming next to him fell silent, showing expressions of deep thought with unclear intentions.

She didn't know what was going on. Anyway, the two of them were her closest and most trusted people, so there was no need to pretend to be strong and just show her fear.

He grabbed Sheng Ming's arm, shook it, and asked softly: "Mom and Xiao Ming, don't you believe what I said?"

Sheng Ming met her panicked eyes and answered with an extremely sure tone: "I believe I was thinking about Ning Guang's father's state of mind at that time. Under normal circumstances, a monarch will not introduce war into himself The country basically chooses to start a war in another country. Although Emperor Xuantian is cruel and cruel, he is very smart. How could he make such an arbitrary decision? "

Opposite me in the video, my mother gave an insightful answer: "Ning Tian, he is smart all his life, but he is confused for a while. He is too blindly confident and believes that other countries dare not rebel, so he leads the wolf into the house. According to what Xiao Anru said, your father's mortal enemy has the order. He is a mutated monster who is feared by people. He teamed up with Ning Tian and created an unprecedented inflated mentality in Ning Tian. "

"I see, then it is imperative to find dad's nemesis. We must find him before he contacts Emperor Xuan Tian."

Lu Anru said very firmly.

As soon as I established my confidence, my mother's blow came.

"I have heard from Yue that Duan has the ability to predict the future. It can send Xiao Anru to the future, and it may have sent your father's enemy there. It and its companions are controlled by Nanke, and many things cannot be done by themselves. It’s not easy for Xiao Anru to convey a message to us before she dies.”

There was deep sadness in her mother's voice, and Lu Anru felt blocked. My mother feels sad for a friend she has only met a few times. To let her know that she is not going to die soon, I can’t imagine how my mother will bear it. It is very likely that she will be overwhelmed by the bad news first.

He secretly decided to hide this matter, and went back to confront Ning Guang and ask him to keep it a secret.

"Mom, there is still a very difficult problem. Dean Huo is afraid that highly evolved beings will be used again if they survive. He has issued an order for me to kill them. Where should Xiao Ming and I send them? ?”

She received an optional secret mission, but as the saying goes, the crime is already established when suspicion arises. Since Dean Huo has murderous intentions, it means that if there is any trouble related to highly evolved life forms next time, he will kill them immediately.

Even if Dean Huo doesn't kill them, after Emperor Xuantian gets the data and creates an exclusive and obedient mutant monster, he will kill them who might be helping Yuexiang.

"If it is determined to be transferred, not only the hats must be transferred, the lion king and other highly evolved creatures must also be transferred, and traces of their existence must be erased. The whole process will be very time-consuming and labor-intensive, and requires careful and bold arrangements. Please consider this. Come on, give me an answer and I'll go confront your father about the suspect."

My mother gave me comprehensive advice.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming agreed in unison: "Okay, mom."

"Well, Mom, you are busy."

The first one hung up the video call with his mother, and then the second one received his father's video call.

Lu Anru quickly thought about countermeasures, looking for suitable words to help Sheng Ming get out of trouble. Before her hand touched the screen, it was firmly held. Sheng Ming held her hand and clicked on the red reject button.

"Xiao Ming, you will annoy father if you do this."

She was worried about her baby brother, but he was not impatient and said calmly: "No, he doesn't have time to argue with me. As soon as his mother comes to him, all his thoughts will be on her."

Lu Anru thought about it carefully and felt that it made sense, so she said "Yeah", took out her hand and asked Sheng Shi: "What are your next plans?"

She also needs to discuss opinions with Sheng Ming. There are many things involved and she cannot execute them successfully by herself.

"Go back to Yuexiang first and get the freedom of the ghost doll."

Sheng Ming's decision was completely beyond Lu Anru's expectation. He pointed to the closed conference room and asked in shock: "Put on your hats and let's go back to Yuexiang together?"

"Yes, we can't hide it. Many team members saw that we put many highly evolved life forms into your pink bag. The cutscenes that should be completed must be completed. If we want the hats and the others to leave safely, they have to die in Yuexiang. Facing the Uzumaki Emperor Tian and the mastermind who also know the future, we need to win over more allies, first of all we cannot exclude Dean Huo. "

Lu Anru blinked blankly and automatically added double quotation marks to the unlucky word "death" in Sheng Ming's words.

"Okay, then I will convey the arrangement to the hatters and ask them to cooperate in the acting."

After getting Sheng Ming's nod, she trotted to the face recognition door. As soon as the conference room door opened, she felt admiration.

She and Sheng Ming had a video call with their mother for nearly half an hour, and these creatures that had lived for tens of thousands of years were still quarreling.

By witnessing their violent tempers, Lu Anru deeply realized that some of their words were absolute fallacies, such as the longer you live, the more pure your heart will be, and the absence of worldly desires and tempers, etc.

She kicked the door back with her feet, pulled up a chair and sat in. She took out the snacks she bought in Yingguo from her powder bag and ate them leisurely.

The ghost doll floated next to her and sniffed a handful of crab roe and melon seeds in her hand. This small move successfully broke her pretentious behavior.

He suppressed the anger in his eyes, pretended to be calm, and threw the tasteless melon seeds into the trash can.

He took out the bag of potato chips again and opened it. Before his hand could reach in, the big face of the ghost doll went in first.

The little ghost girl took a deep breath to absorb all the fragrance, and her potato chips were scrapped again.

Lu Anru worked up her patience and continued to throw the potato chips into the trash can, and extended an invitation to the little ghost: "Let's go to bed."

"Go to sleep, stop them from quarreling first. Listen to what they say. The big revenge has not yet been avenged. Each of them plans to kill a few of his family members. They are really promising. Will you hand me over to them? Well, I don’t want to live with them in the future. Except for Sister Qingluan, the other uncles and sisters are too negative.”

The ghost doll looked solemn as if an adult could not control the child's irritability.

Lu Anru took the little girl's fat hand and led her to the door, comforting her as she walked: "Put your heart back in your belly. They are just grieving and angry. They must have an outlet. Noise tonight before tomorrow." Can be good."

"Okay, I believe you for now."

The ghost doll followed Lu Anru to her lounge. Lu Anru turned on the small solar heater and faced the bed.

After scrubbing, I lay on the bed and yawned. I felt sleepy and my opinions gradually became blurred.

I vaguely heard the little female ghost asking a certain question several times, but I just couldn't remember the specific content of the question.

As soon as her person fell asleep, a big pale face appeared in front of her eyes.

Lu An subconsciously punched the ghost doll hard, making one of the ghost doll's eye sockets even bluer.

The little female ghost transformed into a one-eyed dragon, rubbed her sore eyes with her fat hands, and used her little adult tone of voice to yell at them all night, complaining angrily.

"You don't distinguish between friends and foes at all. You have to learn from me. You see, I didn't take action against you even when I was in a state of total evil."

Lu Anru was very appreciative of the little female ghost's helping hand in the dungeon, and apologized logically: "I'm sorry, it was an instinctive reaction. I must pay attention to it next time."

"Your physical fitness indicators have increased a lot recently."

The little female ghost muttered, with an uncomfortable look on her face, and asked hesitantly: "Are you sure about the things I asked you in the outside world?"

Lu Anru was confused, suppressed the rhetorical question that almost blurted out, and replied smoothly: "Of course I am sure."

The little female ghost happily turned somersaults in the air, floating around and cheering.

"Hehehe, great~ Then after you help me apply for freedom, I will live in your house. After Sister Peach Tree regains her advanced thinking ability, I will go find her."

"Ah!? You just said you wanted to live in my house?"

Lu Anru regretted it too much. She was a little ghost girl who could at best determine whether she could be free. She had already left a backup plan for her love, so she could choose her future living environment.

(End of chapter)