Magnificent Years

Chapter 262: choose


The ghost doll heard Lu Anru's displeasure, and the smile on its lips disappeared.

Pulling her face up to her hips, she stared at that pretty little face with eerie eyes.

Looking at the ruthless little ghost girl, the word "death-seeking ghost" came to Lu Anru's mind, and white hairs of sweat broke out all over his body.

"You don't seem to welcome me?"

When the words reached her ears, the big pale face flashed before her eyes again, and the little ghost spit out her purple tongue several meters long.

Warn her with strength, if she dares to refuse to give it a try, her neck will be rolled into a marijuana flower.

Lu Anru felt like a light on his back, and replied knowingly: "Haha, of course you are welcome, my Xiaoqiao misses you."

Witfully shirks responsibility and applauds his own wisdom in his heart. The little female ghost swallowed Nanke's soul and was called an S-level BOSS. She couldn't afford to offend him, but she could hand it over to the equally energetic Monkey.

The ghost doll was not satisfied with her arrangement. He raised his rough eyebrows and expressed his long-decided thoughts: "Please make it clear, I want to live in your home, not your aunt's home. Xiaoqiao is too noisy and I don't like it." she."

Lu Anru secretly complained that he didn't like natural refrigeration machines yet.

She was so pitiful that she didn't even dare to show it, and she promised duplicitously: "Okay, later I will ask the housekeeper to move all my dolls and game consoles to the basement for you. From now on, the basement will be your personal kingdom, and you can do whatever you want. ”

After escaping for a long time, she finally flattered Hong En in the right place. The little female ghost pardoned Hong En and said, "Okay, you can go to sleep. I went to play in other people's dreams."

Lu Anru only sympathized with others for a second, and then happily agreed: "Okay, good night."

Dreams without a natural refrigeration machine would be so sweet, and you could sleep until early in the morning.

According to the speed of the spacecraft, it should have arrived at Yuexiang in forty minutes. In order for them to have a good sleep, Brother Mo parked the spacecraft in the Shengbai Marcia branch.

We set off slowly in the morning, traveling at normal airplane speeds to give them time to communicate.

After washing up and having breakfast, Lu Anru wandered to the conference room happily. When he opened the door, he saw a highly evolved life form sitting in each corner. They turned their dispute into a cold war, and their faces were all ugly.

If uninformed people see this scene, they will think that Sheng Ming is the real big devil, and he has set up a secret scheme to trick them into trapping them in a transparent cage.

Lu Anru knocked on the door in a formal manner, which attracted displeased looks from both eyes. She cleared her throat and analyzed the pros and cons.

"Everyone, let's put aside our personal grudges for now. We will arrive at Yuexiang at 12 noon. Let's put it this way, you are currently high-risk monsters defined by humans. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. Arrive at Yuexiang Later, we will discuss with Dean Huo a more complete plan to help you get out of trouble. "

Lu Anru was interrupted by Xing Tian's sarcastic laughter mid-sentence.

"Ha, you might as well say that you plan to hand us over to Old Man Huo Yu to take over."

Lu Anru looked sideways at the arrogant and rude person, and responded with a sneer: "Oh, stop dreaming, you are a very troublesome existence to Yuexiang. If Dean Huo hadn't betrayed my brother's face, he would never have allowed you to land on Yuexiang. Xiangxi Ferry. And you should thank Hat. It is because of his friendship with us that I spared your life in this mission."

Using sharp words to accurately attack the opponent's distorted self-esteem, looking at Xing Tian's whole body trembling with anger, Lu Anru's mood improved relatively.

His smart eyes were filled with a dazzling smile, he threw a copy of the morning newspaper on the table and continued slowly.

"Just take a look at it. The first batch of reporters reported their experiences after leaving the illegal research institute. James, who followed us deep into Yardley Bay, used solid data to nail down the reports. Bloody Given the fact that most of the senior officials and institutional leaders involved in this matter have been arrested, the people's panic will shift and focus on you, who are also highly evolved life forms. I don't need to calculate the transfer time. You can basically guess that there will be a large-scale outbreak within this month. In this case, Yuexiang is your last trump card."

"Why are you talking about this? Do you want us to bow down and thank you?"

Xing Tian sneered and said directly: "You can kill or chop him up as you please. Stop pretending to play the emotional card." '

Lu Anru suddenly understood the reason why the ghost doll shamelessly clung to her. Xing Tian is so good at messing up people's moods, but Xiao Luan's vision is a bit poor.

He calmed down his mind, looked at the hat and said, "You guys should think about it for half an hour. Decide whether to get off the spacecraft early and continue to live a life of fugitives in the future. Or cooperate with our plan to perfectly realize the golden cicada's escape."

After saying the cruel words, Lu Anru turned and left the conference room. As the saying goes, if you are in a bad mood early in the morning, you are destined to be in a bad mood all day long. She doesn't want Xing Tian to affect her luck throughout the day.

Returning to the main operating room, he sat on the swivel chair next to Sheng Ming and asked the remaining questions again: "Dad, have you thought of who the suspect is?"

Sheng Ming tapped her fingers on the computer she placed on the table and replied: "The list and details have been sent to you. When you return to the academy, you and Ning Guang will meet."


Lu Anru suddenly remembered something, and his hand to unlock the computer suddenly stopped. His thoughts were a little confused, and he forgot whether he mentioned to Sheng Ming that Ning Guang knew the list.

If not, it means that Sheng Ming was turning on the first-level headphones at that time. Not only heard the content of her chat with Ning Guang, but also heard her and Ella's feelings expressed

Her cheeks were red with embarrassment, and she replied calmly: "I'll go back to the house and take a look."

She picked up her computer and ran back to her lounge in despair, turned off the little sun, and sat next to the ghost doll to cool down.

After sitting for several minutes, I still felt unbearably hot all over my body.

The ghost doll looked at Lu Anru's abnormal behavior suspiciously and tentatively moved closer to her.

The petite person who once avoided it like a snake or a scorpion is now sitting firmly on the mountain.

"You have a fever?"

The ghost doll was just about to get into her arms and help her physically cool down when he heard her contact her mother on the computer and asked shyly: "Mom, did I tell you yesterday? Ning Guang said that he returned to the college and gave me the details he recorded. Information?"

"We talked a lot yesterday, and I forgot whether you mentioned it in detail."

After receiving an ambiguous reply from his mother, Lu Anru responded dejectedly: "Okay, Mom, I'll go and get busy first."

Lying was out of necessity, her mind was too messed up.

He wrote the embarrassing situation into a message and sent it to Ella. A few seconds later, he received a bewildered reply from Ella: Wow~ Then it means that you and the senior have only one layer of window paper left unpierced. Go and poke it, I'm really looking forward to how senior will behave when he knows you care.

Lu Anru really wanted to open Ella's brain and see if it was filled with the words "Desire for sweet love story".

My fingers were weakly placed on the keyboard, and I used my inner worries to wake up the other person: Sister, please wake up, don't apply the plot of the novel to me. Xiao Ming's influence is great, which means that the cost of his scandal is even greater. Once the incident is exposed, many people's beliefs will collapse, and the situation will most likely get completely out of control.

Since Sheng Ming entered Yuexiang at the age of 11, adults have long regarded him as the standard for raising their own children.

In the eyes of some parents, idols sing praises when they are good, but when they are not, they become the scapegoat for their educational failure.

It didn't matter to Lu Anru that she was scolded, but she couldn't accept someone saying something bad about Sheng Ming, and she didn't want Sheng Ming to suffer unfair treatment because of her.

After feeling secretly uncomfortable for a moment, the computer vibrated and received a new message from Ella: An Ruru, I feel your feelings very much. For example, I am very afraid of people asking about my father. If someone really asks me about such things, I may not have the courage to answer. And I feel like I have been possessed by a demon recently. In the nightmare realm, I always feel like there is a voice calling me, asking me to wake up early, much like my father's voice in my childhood memory. Anyway, I will always support you, no matter what you decide.

Lu Anru smiled happily, feeling lucky to be understood by others, and said warm words to each other: Well, let's work hard together, try to be brave, face our inner fears, and find a suitable way to deal with it. If we try and the problem is still not solved, then we will hide and be two happy little turtles together.

Two seconds after the message was successfully sent, a girl received Ella’s reply with a nodding expression.

After complaining, the doorbell rang.

Lu Anru stood up and opened the door and saw Xiao Luan standing blankly.

There was no need for the other party to say anything. From their helpless expressions, she roughly guessed the decision of the highly evolved life forms.

"Xing Tian wants to leave, right, and he's trying to win over Dao Chong."

Xiao Luan responded sadly: "Yes, they don't want to hand over their fate to humans again. They plan to meet the Lion King and find an absolutely safe place after that. Master Tian also warned us that if we choose to stay, Basically we can say goodbye to each other."

Lu Anru made a loud noise and defended Xiao Luan: "Stinky Xingtian, I don't have any ability to just threaten you."

After the scolding, Xiao Luan seemed to feel even more uncomfortable. She sniffed and her beautiful big eyes were about to shed tears at any time.

Lu Anru sighed depressedly and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"Sir Gouchen said that if we all leave, it will be very difficult for you and the young master."

Xiao Luan swallowed the sour saliva accumulated in her throat, and honestly said her truest thoughts: "Master Tian always said that I am useless, so I won't cause trouble for him. At least I stay, and you can do business for the college. ”

Lu Anru was angry and moved. She took Xiao Luan's hand and promised in a deep voice: "You believe me, I will protect your safety, so that you can truly escape people's attention and gain freedom."

"Well, I believe you." Xiao Luan Chuchu replied pitifully.

Judging from the desperate tone, Xiao Luan is more like saying: 'Just die, it doesn't matter. '

Lu Anruduo comforted Xiao Luan a few words, took him to find Sheng Ming, and asked Xiao Luan to repeat the decision of Xing Tian and the others.

As for why she didn't say it herself, the reason was simple. Before she knew how much of the chat Sheng Ming had heard, she had no face to face Sheng Ming!

Sheng Ming answered Xiao Luan with practical actions. He pressed the magic formula with his hands to summon vines to tie Xing Tian, and said without any doubt: "No creature is allowed to leave before meeting Dean Huo."

The next second, he took out Zhang Talisman from his pocket and threw it at Xing Tian.

Xing Tian's mouth was covered with a talisman of silence, and his body could not move. It only took him five seconds to turn his body into an eggplant color, and he could explode his energy at any time.

Sheng Ming left Xing Tian alone in the conference room and walked outside the door with Hat and Suzaku.

After a brief and clear-cut conversation, a consensus was reached.

Ten minutes later, the spaceship arrived at Yuexiangxi Ferry, and Dean Huo sent a special car from the college to pick it up.

As they escorted Xingtian and the others into the car, reporters surrounded both sides of the road, and the flashes of their cameras never stopped.

Arrive at Yuexiang and take the elevator to the dean's office.

Dean Huo's female assistant was at the door early, opened the encrypted door for them, and a group of people walked in vigorously.

After the door was closed, Sheng Ming nodded to her. She loosened the pretense rope and let them go free. However, Xingtian's body was always tied with vines, and Sheng Ming did not cancel the spell.

Dean Huo raised his hand and pointed down at the sofa area, gesturing to sit over and say.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming sat obediently opposite Dean Huo. They were like tourists visiting a museum. They looked at the trophies, medals, and certificates displayed in the cabinet with novelty and were full of praise.

"Lao Huo, that's good. I haven't seen you wholesale so much in a few years."

"You have lived a life worth living. You have won many lifetime rewards from others. No wonder Nanke is jealous of you and always wants to exceed your achievements."

Under Hat's exaggerated praise, Lu Anru fully stated the entire process of everyone's victory over Nanke, especially focusing on the contribution of the ghost doll.

After hearing her lively praise, Dean Huo looked at the little ghost meaningfully.

"Baby, do you understand the difference between good and evil?"

As soon as the assessment question came out, Lu Anru turned slightly sideways and gave hints to the ghost doll with his hands.

Dean Huo has long said that when the ghost doll can completely control its evil thoughts, it can leave the ghost building. So before getting off the spacecraft, she gave the ghost doll a quiz in advance and asked it to recite the answers to such moral questions.

She worked hard, but the little ghost girl didn't care and replied casually: "Those who are good to me are good people, and those who are not good to me are evil people."

Lu Anru almost choked with one sentence. He didn't care whether he had enough status to interrupt, and hurriedly smoothed things over for the little ghost girl: "Dean, the meaning of the doll is good or evil in a single thought. People's choices are often greater than any other. To be good or to be evil is all in the choice. No one is destined to be absolutely good or evil.”

I thought that what I said about Manhan Zen was perfect, but it was a pity that I couldn't stand the trouble of the ghost doll.

"I had guessed that the old man wouldn't agree with my answer, so I'll let Lu Anru answer it for me. The answer she gave is very standard. Can the old man let me go?"

Dean Huo glanced at Lu Anru, who was about to cry but had no tears, and asked her to be the judge: "Do you think the doll is suitable for leaving the ghost building?"

Lu Anru pursed her lips, and she had to say that Dean Huo and Shuidong were very clever in quoting this idea. He asked her to put herself in her shoes and think about the dangers, so as to fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers.

But who is she, Lu Anru? She may not have any other advantages, but she is definitely quite thick-skinned.

She smiled brightly at Dean Huo and said confidently: "I think it's appropriate. Of course, I know you are still worried. Please wait a moment while I ask the ghost doll two questions that fit its perspective. She finished answering Finally, if you still feel that it is not suitable to leave the ghost house, I will have no complaints and will not apply for special treatment for it. "

(End of chapter)