Magnificent Years

Chapter 272: The tiger-winged beast has evolved


Amidst Gao Ying's abuse and curses, the three arrived in the lotus room.

The moment they closed the door, they all let out a sigh of relief, including Lianhua, who also looked relieved.

"An Ruru, we can't live in this dormitory for a day. Gao Ying and Sheng Mina quarreled on time around 11 o'clock every night, blaming each other for not being able to contact His Highness Uzumaki. You are so happy that you can go back after being angry with them. We still have to endure their endless torture in the seniors’ lounge.”

Ella's words were filled with deep depression, which was evident from the dark circles hanging on her face.

Lu Anru nodded symbolically. Some people had said something, not asking for right or wrong, but just looking for something to talk about. In fact, she had just taken revenge on the spot and was no longer angry with Gao Ying.

"Lianhua, have you made an appointment with the powerful magician who helps Xiao Aya's parents?"

She turned around and asked Lianhua excitedly. As soon as she heard Ella mention the four words "important date", 300 heart-wrenching appreciation cards automatically appeared in her memory.

Lianhua pointed two fingers at the bed to her best friend, motioning to sit over and say.

For people who are used to meditating, their sitting posture will change over time and they will not be able to sit with their legs upright for a long time.

The three of them came to the bed, and Lianhua didn't notice anything. She naturally took off her shoes and sat cross-legged on the bed. He slowly took out an invitation card from under the pillow and introduced it.

"The other party wants to meet in Box A of the Op Bar tomorrow night."

Lu Anru picked up the invitation card and looked at it carefully. The front of the card introduced the historical background of the Op.

It originated in the 1930s. Regardless of how old it is, several generations of investors are very trend-conscious and always grasp the hot topics of young people. The bar has been popular for nearly 100 years.

The back of the invitation card introduces the rules and usage time of the box.

The Op Bar has a slow-rolling hall and 24 private rooms of different levels, with A being the highest level. After noticing that A's minimum consumption was 30W, she couldn't help but guess that Lotus wanted her to pay the bill when it asked her to go with it.

Glancing at Ella, Ella was laughing and talking like a normal person. She scolded Sheng Mina and then Gao Ying. She was very good at finding ways to make herself happy.

Ella ignored the two hints of inquiry. Lu Anru had no choice but to question from the side: "Lianhua, are the personal rewards you received from this mission enough to cover your future expenses?"

She was mentally prepared in advance. If Lianhua's answer was not enough, she would be happy to continue to pay in advance. Making a deal with Lianhua was more cost-effective than giving Gao Ying a meal or two.

"That's enough. You just need to accompany me. You don't need to help pay or do anything else."

After receiving the answer, Lu Anru was a little disappointed and a little curious. With Lotus' ability, there is no need for Ella and her to protect him. I don’t dare to rely on anything else, but just to escape unscathed, Lianhua can definitely achieve it by herself.

After chatting with curiosity for a few words, he and Ella left the room. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Ella winked at her and signaled to stay away.

"Then let's go to Xiao Ming's lounge. Bring your pajamas and sleep there tonight."

Lu Anru sent out an invitation. She and Ella hadn't seen each other for five days and missed them very much. After the two of them finished talking about Lotus and started talking about other topics, they would probably have to talk all night long.

Ella raised her arms and cheered: "Great, I'm going to pack my things."

The two best friends raised their voices in a tacit understanding, deliberately speaking to Sheng Mina and Gao Ying who had returned to the room.

Ella packed her things and came out to see Lotus and Rosa beside Lu Anru.

Rosa was very sensitive. When she noticed Ella's eyes stopping on her, she hurriedly explained: "I'll go see Xiaohong."

The excuse was too lame, but Ella didn't expose it. We were all suffering and we had to help each other.

The four of them arrived in front of the teacher's building. Rosa paused and asked shyly: "Anru, have you told the senior that we are here to stay?"

"I told you."

Lu Anru blurted out and left a message. Several messages still showed that they were not delivered, so Xiao Ming was probably still busy.

Rosa looked around like a thief, probably looking to see if a familiar teacher was approaching. After looking around, I worriedly made excuses again.

"I didn't have a solid grasp of some theoretical knowledge in class this week. Why don't you give me Xiaohong and I'll take her to the library and work hard there all night."

Lu Anru moved the pink bag in front of her without answering. She used the accessory card Sheng Ming gave her to swipe the access control, straightened her back and walked into the lobby on the first floor of the teacher's building.

Lotus followed, Ella grabbed Rosa, and they followed together.

Arriving at the teacher's lounge of the French Society on the 9th floor, Lu Anru opened the set belonging to Sheng Ming and entered.

The four of them entered the house and looked at the layout of two bedrooms and one living room. No one complained that the room was not enough. As long as they could sleep peacefully and have a good sleep, they would be happy to let them sleep on the floor in the living room.

Lu Anru pulled out Xiaohong from her pink bag. Rosa hugged Xiaohong, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and plucked up the courage to apply to Lu Anru: "Anru, can I borrow the guest room for two hours?"

"Go ahead."

Lu Anru waved his hand in agreement.

Rosa entered the room and closed the door. Lu Anru looked at Mr. Lian and asked with concern: "The master bedroom is quieter, can you use it?"

Lianhua kicked off her embroidered cloth shoes, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and began to turn the rosary beads with her hands. Answer Lu Anru with practical actions, he will sleep in the living room tonight, it is spacious and comfortable.

The master bedroom has a bathroom, but the guest room does not, but with Rosa's level of caution, she will not disturb Lotus when she comes out.

Everyone found a suitable place by themselves. Lu Anru simply ignored the official courtesy and took Ella to the master bedroom.

Lu Anru gave Ella a hand gesture, and she leaned back on the sofa to clear her mind.

Ella put away the toiletries, sat next to her, and reprimanded her: "You are stupid, Gao Ying's dinner is more dangerous than the Hongmen Banquet, why did you agree to go there? Aren't you afraid of diarrhea?"

As soon as the gold medal crow mouth finished speaking, Lu Anru's stomach growled.

"I'll take care of it."

Lu Anru ran to the bathroom, and after five minutes the problem was solved smoothly. To be on the safe side, he took a pill and stopped immediately.

After walking out of the bathroom, Ella looked at her and shook her head, sighing: "Look, a disaster caused by greed. An Ruru, I'm not telling you, you shouldn't take this matter, no matter out of respect for the senior There were many times when I suspected that Gao Ying was scolding you online."

"It's not Gao Ying. She scolded me for being able to play the big trumpet. It's not my fault to play the trumpet."

People's feelings are interconnected. Gao Ying's liking and disliking of her are very unstable, and they jump repeatedly. She is also annoyed by Gao Ying. But there is no need to talk nonsense just to smear someone. Gao Ying is too temperamental to do bad things behind the scenes, and most of them will name them and scold them in person.

Often, dogs that bite don’t bark.

Ella thought about it and agreed: "The only two possibilities left are Mina and Xiao Aya, and An Ruru. This is also your fault, you,"

Lu Anru didn't wait for the new words to come out, and took the initiative to take out the computer and put it in front of Ella's eyes, and said calmly: "You can see for yourself, I will just show it to them this afternoon."

Ella picked up the computer, read through the chat content of Lu Anru's fixed date, and cursed angrily: "This Gao Ying is really crazy, he is throwing all kinds of dirty water on you."

"Stop talking about her. It affects your mood. Let's talk about something serious. When will Lianhua ask you to accompany her?"

Lu Anru changed the topic.

Ella picked up the tangerine in the fruit bowl, peeled it off, ate two pieces and fed Lu Anru two pieces, and answered vaguely.

"The day before yesterday, she handed in the card and got a reply. After class, she told me that she wanted me to accompany her. She also asked me weirdly so that I could call more people for her."

"Call more people?" Lu Anru asked focusing on the key points.

Ella nodded in response: "Yes, in my impression, Lotus and Rosa are people who live in their own world. Do you think it's strange that she suddenly wants to hold a group activity? Could it be that Lotus feels sorry for the minimum consumption of 30W, let us follow Go in and spend all your money in revenge?”

"No, it has nothing to do with money."

Lu Anru understood Lotus's intention and deciphered it under Ella's curious gaze: "We, Mr. Lian, are panicking. She needs everyone to witness that the conjurer who only wants money is not her mother."

"That's it."

Ella sighed sympathetically: "Every family has its own difficulties. Mr. Lian must think that mother's reputation is much more important than money."


Lu Anru turned her head and asked Ella: "Have you and Li Mo been in contact recently?"

"No." Ella replied stupidly, her expression not showing any bad emotions.

"Have you thought about it?"

Lu Anru made a double entendre. Thinking about it could include thinking about it and not caring about it, or it could also include thinking about it and planning to replace him.

Looking forward to the latter answer, I waited for the former answer.

"Well, every time I think about the patience and choices he made to protect my reputation, I feel that I should be more sensible and give him less trouble."

Lu Anru pursed her lips sadly, deeply suspecting that during her absence, Ella read the book "Wives' Virtue" repeatedly and used it to alert herself.

That's all, as long as my bestie is happy.

Changing the subject again, he asked: "Hasn't Feng Meng come to the academy recently?"

"Yes, I have asked her several times, and she always said that Mrs. Kavina had some personal matters and took her back to her mother country. She also said that we should take care of ourselves, eat and buy whatever we want, and swipe her student card. I just If you don’t swipe it, she’s not in the college. It would be shameless for us to swipe her card.”

Listening to Ella's indignant narration. Lu Anru vaguely remembered something, and could connect the things in his mind with a certain piece of news, but he couldn't bear to think about it carefully, and all the clues fell into pieces after careful consideration.

"Come on, let's lie down on the bed and chat after washing up."

Dispel the disturbing and cumbersome thoughts, suggested.


The redhead happily agreed.

The best friends fell asleep after chatting until just after 0 o'clock. One couldn't stay up all night, and the other was really sleepy for several days.

When she got up in the morning, Lu Anru told Lianhua: "I'm going home. Xiao Ming is on a mission. My parents don't have anyone to accompany me on the weekend. I'll go directly to the Op Bar in the evening."

"Okay." Lotus agreed.

Rosa made a promise in a low voice: "We will leave after lunch and I will clean the room in the morning."


Lu Anru walked out of the lounge in response, without mentioning the companion robot. He had to find some work for Rosa, otherwise she would be uneasy staying overnight.

I took a hover car back to the old Chinese villa, opened the door, and shouted: "Mom, Dad, I'm back."

Butler He excitedly came to the door and welcomed: "Miss, you are back. Please list what you want to eat for lunch and I will cook it for you."

He looked up and down at Butler He, who saw a lonely emptiness in his eyes.

Seeing this, Lu Anru's heart dropped, and she asked the answer that was closest to the truth: "My parents are not at home?"

Butler He replied respectfully: "Yes, the master and his wife went out of town on Monday and said they were busy with something."

Butler He said the words "I have something to do" in a glib tone, and Lu Anru understood what it meant. It was rare to send her and Sheng Ming away, and their parents went to live in a world without children to disturb them.

He sighed for worrying about it, handed the powder bag to Butler He, and chose the delicacies that the greedy man wanted: "Let's make Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot for lunch."

"Okay, Miss."

Lu Anru took out his computer from his pocket and came to the hall to sit on the sofa.

I was still bored after watching the game videos of the team I liked, so I sent a message to Ella and the others: Come to my house for dinner at noon, Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot.

The hot pot tastes better when there are more people.

It was unanimously agreed that it was possible that Rosa's reply was answered with help from Ella.

After telling Butler He that Ella and the others would come, Butler He responded loudly: "Okay."

The happiness level is obviously higher than that of Lu Anru, which proves that people still need to have a channel to talk, otherwise they will really get sick.

Lu Anru cut out of the newly created small group of four people, entered Brother Mo's chat box, and asked: Brother, how are the tiger-winged beasts and soaring snakes recovering

After coming back, she handed the tiger-winged beast and the soaring snake to Brother Mo. They could only repair them in the secret hospital of the dark faction. Once they were exposed, they would inevitably be caught and killed.

She had thought about surrendering Teng She in order to make Emperor Xuantian happy. At least it would allow him to use less national reasons to fine Sheng Bai.

When she remembered Hat's last wish and Hat's actions of saving her brother even though he knew there was danger, she did not hesitate. Apart from her and her mother, the one that Hat worries about the most in the world is Soaring Snake.

Brother Mo replied very quickly, but the content was a bit confusing to her: The snake is still unconscious, and the tiger-winged beast cannot be returned to you for the time being. It has a lot of thoughts about itself. I'm afraid it will do bad things if it goes back, so it will be difficult to obey your orders.

Lu Anru understood that the tiger-winged beast helped her because she was kind to it. Facing other humans, the tiger-winged beast still does not have kind thoughts.

Press [OK] and send it, adding: Brother Mo, when Teng She wakes up, tell me. I have something I need to confirm with him.

If Hat's death can awaken Teng She's conscience and Teng She cooperates with their investigation, the effective progress will be greatly improved.

The new message came again, it was a voice message. Click to play and heard a rough voice. He shouted a lot, but Lu Anru could only hear a few words clearly.

"Don't go near a certain country in the East China Sea."

I was confused when I selected the question mark but didn’t click Send Voice Application.

Choosing to agree, Brother Mo said tiredly: "Gou Chen told the tiger-winged beast the evolutionary formula, and he probably wants to leave you a new guard. Just now was the voice passage that the tiger-winged beast sent to you. Its self-awareness has increased sharply recently. , clamoring to find you, and saying that I would stop you from going anywhere. I am afraid that it will act randomly, so I will keep it in the Anpai Hospital for the time being. "

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Lu Anru responded, then thought that the tiger-winged beast might not know as many secrets as Soaring Snake, but it had been by Nanke's side all year round and at least knew some useful information.

Thinking about this, he stopped him repeatedly: "Brother, don't hang up yet, I have something to do."

"What's up?"

"I'll mail the pink packet to you, and you put the tiger-winged beast in the packet. I have something to ask it." Lu Anru came up with the best solution.

The next second, I heard Brother Mo's cold refusal: "No, your parents have told you that Fen Bao and Xiao Luan must stay with you. Your bag is different from Ning Guang's and the others. It is the only bag in the world that can hold multiple It’s too risky to mail a package of living things back and forth.”

(End of chapter)