Magnificent Years

Chapter 283: Old things


Lu Anru quickly calmed down, and after recalling the information he had entrusted Long Yuan to find out, he imitated Bai Jie's contemptuous look and chuckled twice.

"Haha, that's right. If you want to dig deep into something, you won't be able to dig it out if you are too tight on your moral bottom line."

"You said this, but did you find any interesting information?"

Bai Jie's interest increased greatly. She crossed her legs, held the pen between her two fingers, and tapped the end of the pen cap on the table. The frequency was consistent with the flow frequency of the hourglass.

Lu Anru pushed his computer to Bai Jie's eyes and introduced it in a neither condescending nor overbearing manner.

"I entrusted the acting island owner of Marcia to find out that the fake Jamest had registered a hotel in the capital of Marcia under Qian Shou's name. The person who registered with him was a woman named Fan Tao. According to in-depth investigation, the two It's not a family relationship. From a certain perspective, Fan Tao is more like Qian Shou's guardian, but according to the security scan data at the Marcia Airport, Qian Shou is about 57 years old and is not too young or too old to need a guardian. ”

Bai Jie leaned back in the swivel chair, shook her calves leisurely, and said sarcastically: "If you want to use this simple information to exchange with me, it would be a bit fanciful. I might as well tell you that I watched Lu Bing take care of you when you grew up. For the sake of it, I promise to help her keep the secret, but if you have already touched the door to the truth, I am willing to give you a push."

Lu Anru raised her wrist to look at her watch and said slowly, "Don't be anxious. I have class at 9 o'clock and I have to leave in two hours. I'm not in a hurry. Let me tell you slowly."

"Ha, okay, I'll arrange the work. I'll stay with you for two hours this morning and listen to what flowers you can tell me."

Bai Jie pressed the call bell on the table and shouted: "Xiao Ni, come in."

Ni Yusheng knocked on the door and was allowed to enter. He stood upright behind Lu Anru and said respectfully: "Director Bai, what are your instructions?"

"Bai Hong and I are on duty this morning. You can accompany her to the ward rounds for me."

As soon as Bai Jie's arrangement came out, Ni Yusheng was surprised and happy, but he remained at least as steady as he should be and asked carefully: "I am just a trainee nurse, can I do ward rounds for you?"

Bai Jie squinted at Lu Anru and asked sarcastically: "You dare to let her in, are you still afraid of such a trivial matter?"

Ni Yusheng couldn't figure out Bai Jie's true intention, whether he was blaming her or really entrusting her with a heavy responsibility, so he had to take a peek at Lu Anru, who was already on a pirate ship.

After receiving a nod from the petite man, Ni Yusheng restrained his timidity and agreed graciously: "Okay, I'll go find Dr. Bai Hong now."

"Go ahead."

Bai Jie waved her hand and Ni Yusheng left quickly.

After the door closed heavily, Lu Anru half-jokingly said good things for Ni Yusheng: "Sister Dayu is very good at observing people's emotions. This kind of talent is worth cultivating."

"Let's open the sky and speak frankly. Her future and your needs all depend on the information you have. If I grasp the core points, I will complete my mission and I can naturally retire from the position of school doctor. Before resigning, I will take your It’s not a bad idea, and you can get the answer you want.”

Bai Jie interrupted Lu Anru's prepared polite words and made a gesture of invitation, saying: Let's get started, cherish your time.

Lu Anru stopped writing and continued to tell the information he had investigated.

"I have carefully investigated Fan Tao's background. She is the daughter of Mrs. Hua Rong, a famous wealthy businessman in the last era. She is at the head of the healing lineage and co-founded Yuexiang Healing Society with my mother. Following this line, I found three important points Information, 1. I dug deeper into Qian Shou and found that this name is also a fake name, but since he does not need a guardian, Fan Tao still follows him and supervises him all the time, indicating that they are collaborating on something, but Fan Tao does not trust him . Second, I checked Fan Tao and found out about a very old pharmaceutical company. My mother and she jointly held shares ten years ago, and they were studying something. "

Bai Jie's face suddenly turned cold and she mocked, "Since we have already hired the pharmaceutical company, why don't we dig deeper for the members?"

"Don't worry, let me finish."

Lu Anru grunted in grievance and pouted more like he was acting coquettishly with his close elders, as if he was sure that Bai Jie would not be angry or fussy.

Bai Jie put the pen back into the pen holder impatiently and spat out one word: "Say."

"Hehe, okay. Of course I checked the members of the pharmaceutical company. The earliest members who established the company include my parents, Fang Entropy, Dawson Mo, Dean Huo, Fan Tao, and three others. I don't know those three people. After checking their information, I found that it was quite irrelevant, so I put it aside for the time being. I guessed that the original intention of establishing this company was to find the most perfect evolutionary gene sequence, but during the research process, everyone changed their original intention and defected from the company. "

While Lu Anru was talking, she paid close attention to the changes in Bai Jie's expression and caught Bai Jie stunned for a few seconds when she was halfway through the sentence. This proved that her investigation and guessing direction were partly correct.

But when she finished speaking, Bai Jie's face returned to a condescending and mocking look.

"It should be said that the people who founded this company at that time were all greedy. Only Lu Bing was a little kind-hearted. After so many years, Dawson Mo and Fan Tao couldn't stand the condemnation of their consciences and just made up for the mistakes they had made. ”

Lu Anru nodded obediently and agreed smoothly: "Yes, the thought of studying this matter proves that they at least for a moment longed to become new creators, change the era, and rule the era. But it is too whimsical. How can some super-era energy and genes be They can dominate."

"Lu Bing and Sheng Shi are among them. You can still say this in an impartial and notarized manner, which is still reasonable."

Bai Jie rarely uttered a word of appreciation, but Lu Anru didn't dare to be too pretentious and said down to business: "Therefore, I caught the third important piece of information, which is also a doubtful point. The healing technology mastered by my mother and Fan Tao is definitely among the top three in the world. I When something happened to He Shengming, my mother asked Emperor Xuantian to find someone to test our bodies in order to stop the public. It is obviously not feasible to rely on serial confessions and data needs to be presented. "

"Are you wondering how to do this?" Bai Jie asked.

Lu Anru nodded honestly, and as she nodded her head gently, the corners of Bai Jie's lips curved back into a sneer. It can be seen that the little admiration she had for Lu Anru has disappeared. She probably thinks that Lu Anru is too immature in his thinking.

"You see you are anxious again. The reason why I am confused about the operation is all because of the move of Emperor Xuantian two years later. He launched a large-scale attack on the Zhaoji tribe who had not contended with the world. A certain spirit body who had entered the palace told I learned from the soul of the old palace maid that the emperor found out that he had been deceived, so he went to find the magician who was responsible for this and subdued the hidden danger of the Zhaoji tribe, but the emperor could not find anyone in the Zhaoji tribe who had deceived him. , so he suspected the Fox Clan, and sent troops to conquer the Fox Clan again, but he still couldn't find that person. Others might think that the emperor was looking for excuses for cruelty, and used a non-existent person as an excuse to regain the rebels, but I don't think so. "

Lu Anru blinked, looked at Bai Jie's eyes full of kindness, and called out sweetly: "Director Bai, is the emperor looking for you?"

"Little girl, you can eat whatever you want, but don't dare say anything. The live news broadcast about your physical examination when you were children was jointly conducted by Li Tianxing of Xia Ke Academy and Blake Di of M Jian Medical College. I did not participate, and I also did not change Face magic."

Bai Jie tapped her toes on the ground, moved forward, moved the swivel chair close to Lu Anru, took her hand and touched her face.

"I know you were not involved in the inspection."

Lu Anru withdrew his hand and emphasized sternly before Bai Jie completely overturned the argument: "You didn't hear what I said clearly. Emperor Xuantian is looking for someone who uses some kind of power to control the two doctors to show false data. I guess it's you who is here operate."

Bai Jie still looked aloof and cold, but there was more pride in her eyes that Lu Anru couldn't understand. It's not like being proud of something she has done, but more like Lu Anru's inference giving her a great sense of glory.

"Is there any evidence?" Bai Jie's tone revealed a hint of expectation.

The conspicuous pride aroused Lu Anru's pride. She raised her eyebrows and answered confidently.

"All my physical examination reports in recent years have been changed by you. I began to mistakenly believe that you can control the instruments and change the data. Later, I recalled the physical examination process in detail. Every time, in order to prove the fairness, it was not you who was doing the operation. I changed it several times. Where are the batch people? I asked Sister Dayu, you are responsible for the rapid repair of the machine in the school hospital. It can be seen that you are not good at medical skills, but you can successfully change the physical examination data of Xiao Ming and me every time. , prove that you are good at controlling people to do things for you.”

"That's a good point, but it's a pity."

Bai Jie generously expressed her appreciation, spread her right hand, and asked seriously: "Please bring out the substantive evidence and let me see it."

"Every physical examination report I have is substantial evidence. Can you tell me how you hide the real data?"

Lu Anru tilted his head and innocently regained control of his words.

"Oh, I have a bright mind and a eloquent tongue, but..."

Bai Jie chuckled softly, leaned back in her chair, clasped her hands against her chin, and coldly refused: "The vulnerable people who still rely on my protection have no right to ask questions."

Lu Anru was full of hope that the other party would forcefully break him up, and he pursed his lips melancholy, thinking about a new way to win the verbal game.

"I know your purpose for coming to me. With your strength, you and Sheng Ming are all in vain in front of me. I will relax my policy and ask two questions. You have one chance to make a mistake. If you can answer it, I will answer it appropriately. It’s time to help you again.”

Bai Jie readily laid out the new conditions, and Lu Anru's thoughts followed. Besides being tempted, she also felt a great sense of familiarity.

"Duan and Nanke have made similar rules."

They only allowed Lu Anru's team to make one mistake, but their goals were completely different. One wanted to kill them, and the other wanted to save them.

"It would be better to say that they are learning from me. I was the first to set up such rules. The wrong thinking of people in the school team is often most sensitive during the first pass. They cannot grasp why they should continue to waste their own and other people's time."

Bai Jie's tone was so loud that her words had an exaggerated and domineering aura. Rhetoric that is often regarded as bragging sounded very reasonable to Lu Anru. Especially after deducing everything, she felt a sense of respect for Bai Jie.

This is a powerful character who can play around with Emperor Xuan Tian and can freely choose to stay out of things.

"Okay, you can ask."

Lu Anru agreed softly and decided to try his best to follow the route set by the other party.

Then I thought about the rare opportunity and quickly added: "I'm a bit stupid, please give me some tips."

"I have realized that you are stupid. If I ask too complicated questions and you cannot answer them at the level of your investigation, you will say that I am bullying. How about I ask a question that is close to the scope of your investigation?"

After belittling the person pretending to be pitiful, Lu Anru responded with a smile: "Yes, please tell me."

Bear it, she warned herself crazily in her heart, take a step back to calm down, and endure for a while, the sea and the sky will be brighter.

Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from forbearance. Look at how many people Sima Yi has defeated. It all depends on resourcefulness and forbearance. Look at Liu Bang again. Without the word forbearance, the world would have been taken away by Xiang Yu.

"You should know that some of the people studied were cured because they took drugs that contained Pr3y similar to what you have in your body. Let me ask you, who is providing the blood and bone marrow needed for the drugs?"

The question was indeed very close to the scope of Lu Anru's investigation, and she did not find it.

She had suspected Sheng Ming, but judging from Sheng Ming's physique, it didn't look like him.

But what if

When Lu Anru thought of what might happen, he couldn't think about anything else and answered: "Sheng Ming?"

I didn't use a nickname that was close to the two people, because I was afraid that Bai Jie would judge it wrong. Even though she knew there was only one chance of making a mistake, she had to use it to verify what she cared about.

"You're taking advantage of the bad boy from the Sheng family." Bai Jie cursed secretly.

Lu Anru thought that swearing meant admission, so his mind went blank, his eyes became dizzy, and he fell forward.

Bai Jie's body was caught by Bai Jie's hands, and a finger gently tapped her right temple. A comfortable cooling feeling spread from her head throughout her body.

After regaining some energy, he lay on Bai Jie's lap and asked weakly: "Is it really Xiao Ming?"

"It's not him. You have lost an opportunity. Go back and think about it. I advise you to think of the answer quickly. In order to save the people, that fool sacrificed his flesh and blood without telling the people around him. If you don't stop him quickly, he will die soon. ”

Bai Jie helped Lu Anru up and turned the filled hourglass upside down.

"OK, thanks."

Lu Anru left Bai Jie's office with a heavy heart and walked on the way to the teaching building. Her mind kept running, analyzing suitable people.

The other party has been in poor health recently. Secondly, he has a special gene and is providing blood and bone marrow without telling everyone.

The only person she can think of who meets these three points is Dean Huo. It is estimated that Dean Huo's wisdom has already made breakthroughs in evolution, and the gene is likely to carry the mutation Pr3y. She had only one chance to answer, so she couldn't waste it anymore. She might as well ask Dean Huo directly to ask Bai Jie.

Let Sheng Ming take her to the dean's office during lunch break.

Learn from experience, many things cannot be stuck in one train of thought. After careful consideration in various aspects, the scope was narrowed down and it was found that Pantao was also suspicious. Otherwise, there is no need for Fan Tao to keep an eye on the fake James. Fan Tao probably realized that one person's power is limited, so it is better to kill Nan Ke who created the source of infection from the root.

Based on this analysis, Fan Tao is more likely than Dean Huo. Anyway, let's go to Dean Huo at noon to confirm.

Sitting in the large classroom, he sent a message to Sheng Ming, listing Bai Jie's default information points one by one, and then told Sheng Ming that he planned to go to Dean Huo at noon.

Ten minutes later, I received a reply from Sheng Ming: An Ru, Dean Huo is not in the college. He went to France and Europe last week to find old friends. I guess he found a breakthrough point from the carcass we brought back and discussed with his old friends how to deal with the phoenix.