Magnificent Years

Chapter 294: Hidden among the enemy


The soldier who knocked on the window had a sullen face, grabbed Lu Anru's ear and pulled it to his mouth.

Lian Hua and the others were trembling with fear. If Lu An Rukuang hadn't gestured behind him to wait a moment, they would have taken action long ago.

The soldier pinched off her ears and cursed in a low voice: "You bastard, how much wine have you secretly drank? Even your grandfather can admit your mistake. I am Mr. Zhang who just spoke to you. I knew that something was wrong with you." , hurry up and get into the cave over there.”

"Yes, grandpa, you are too wise. Your grandson cannot see Taishan. Sorry, I gave you the wine,"

Before he could finish his flattering words, Rang shouted in a low voice: "Shut up and get out of here!"

The other party patted the door with one hand and acted as if he had just finished checking. He pointed to the cave with one hand and ordered: "Go and unload the new supplies there."


Lu Anru Hanhan agreed and gestured to Rosa to close the window.

The window slowly rolled up, and when it was completely closed, everyone in the car let out a long sigh of relief, especially the driver.

Rosa is only a little taller than Meng Meng, almost as tall as Lu Anru.

Just now, in order to avoid exposing their secrets, they carefully covered up their height defects.

Lu Anru stood on tiptoes on the ground with his knees half-bowed. From the top down, it looked like she was kneeling by the window in fear, but in fact she was neither squatting nor squatting, which made her calves extremely painful.

Rosa pulled the waistband of her pants around her buttocks, trying her best to pretend that her legs were very long and her foot was completely on the accelerator.

The car entered the corresponding cave. Six soldiers stood on each side of the giant stone door. They worked together to push up the stone door.

The soldiers took cover, but the people in the car couldn't get out for a long time.

The group leader, He Zi, couldn't wait any longer. He clapped his hands on the car window and said in a teasing tone: "Xiao Bin, I heard you have a bottle of good wine. It's better for you to be happy, stay on the edge and have five days off every month." Go to Aurora Island to replenish supplies. Brothers haven’t eaten meat for a long time since coming from Xuanguang Palace. Come on, take out your stock of wine and meat.”

Still no one responded, and the car door opened slightly.

He Zi curiously poked his head in and scolded with a smile: "You little bastard, stop hiding your personal belongings. This is all your brothers. Take it out generously."

Captain He obviously didn't finish his words. He was missing the modal word 'ba' and stopped abruptly.

Third Aunt Lotus cast a sluggish spell under the command of Lu Anru, and the tall man, who was over 1.8 meters tall, lay motionless at the door of the car, which was very strange.

Other soldiers gathered around and cheered.

"Captain, you are acting again."

"Hahaha, we have seen through this a long time ago. You and Shou Binzi will never be able to live alone."

"Yes, that's right, let's share it with everyone."

Several swish talismans flew out from the windows and doors. Since the soldiers were relatively close, Lianhua and her third aunt missed the mark.

The soldiers seemed to be playing a game, one, two, three wooden figures, collectively staying in place.

Lu Anru happily took off his smelly military hat, pushed down He Zi who was blocking the door, jumped out of the car and looked around the cave.

The reason why she dared to use this trick to attract people over was to thank her, 'Master Zhang'. That person let him go, which meant that the other party had inspected their car.

When other soldiers enter the cave and notice something strange, they will first think of it as a joke and will not easily put their guns on guard.

After looking around and waving to her companions in the car, Rosa and the others jumped out.

On the eve of separation from Sheng Ming, Sheng Ming gave two things to other women. Lu Anru stood aside and watched eagerly, groaning several times in amusement.

The first is to give Sheng Ming's personal computer to Rosa so that she can record the map.

The second is to teach Ella advanced fire techniques in case of emergencies.

Rosa consciously ran to the wall to investigate. Lianhua and her third aunt held talismans in their hands and stood among the groups of soldiers, waiting for Lu Anru's orders at any time.

Rosa's mother stayed on the spaceship. After a few days of training, she felt much calmer and agreed to accompany the other three pure yin women.

One of them was particularly old, and his hands and feet were surprisingly flexible. Every time Ella wanted to help her, she would make a brisk move that shocked Ella.

"Team leader, come and take a look, there are a lot of penguins here."

Rosa's calling voice came from the depths of the cave. Lu Anru and Lianhua nodded, indicating to her and her third aunt to stay where they were.

The group came to Rosa's location and saw the penguins in cages. One of them is tall and big, and he should be the leader of this group of penguins.

Lianhua and her third aunt had just used the truth-telling spell. Such advanced spells consume a lot of energy and energy. They could no longer use them in a short period of time and could only immobilize the soldiers.

Torture may not necessarily bring out the truth, but there is a truth that is very real.

The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Lu Anru glanced back at the three pure yin women and asked: "Which of you can communicate with animals?"

As the nurturing host of the fox clan, the pure yin female's psychic ability is stronger than that of ordinary people.

Once again in the camp belonging to Xuantian Old Dog, she always had an uneasy sense of crisis. Before planning to meet Ning Guang, he first explored the reality with these prisoners.

If Ning Guang and Wu Hao have similar intentions and want to be loyal to his father, then Lu Anru will let Mo Ge fly down in a spaceship to raid this place. Ning Guang was caught off guard, and she got enough evidence to collect the virus.

At that time, let Xiao Hong control Ning Guang and use the puppet crown prince to win over allies. After everything is completed, Ning Guang will wake up.

The last time they had a head-to-head confrontation with Lao Gou, they suffered a disastrous defeat, costing their parents, the entire Shengbai Company, Xiao Ming's health, and their reputations, so they could barely survive.

Lu Anru couldn't afford to lose this time, so he had to be extremely careful, even if the method was extreme, it would be better than losing his freedom or his life.

"I can."

The oldest pure-yin girl emerged from the crowd.

She squatted in front of the iron prison, her hands hanging down by her sides, imitating the clumsy movements of a penguin walking, swaying from side to side.

Ella's somewhat cute behavior aroused worry, and she leaned close to Lu Anru and asked in a low voice: "It looks so unreliable, is this okay?"

"Yes. Look, the biggest penguin is oscillating at the same frequency."

Lu Anru raised his chin.

Ella looked at it attentively, and her mood was aroused. She clapped her hands happily to play the rhythm for one person and one penguin.

"Xiao Lu, tell me if you have any questions, and I'll ask them."

The old pure yin girl kept moving and said.

"Thank you for your hard work. Could you please ask them, what exactly is the Ice Demon?"

The old innocent girl rolled her eyes and let out a series of screams.

Judging from the calls, penguins can express one word or word in each of their 2-3 calls.

After the old innocent woman asked the question in a mellow tone, the penguins were furious and raised their heads in sharp response.

Lu Anru and the others hurriedly covered their ears, and the chirping continued for more than a minute and slowly stopped.

The old pure yin girl did not ask the question again, but turned to look at Lu Anru with pure white eyes, and replied in a deep voice: "It's God. God protects the last living beings here."

The answer is only one sentence, but it represents a supreme and inviolable existence.


Lu Anru suddenly saw clearly the smoke bombs arranged by Xuantian Laogou. The ice demon did exist, but in most cases, it only defended but did not attack, unless the soldiers came close to initiate a provocation in order to shoot videos to scare people.

She immediately figured out the identity of the ice demon. It should be the death of some powerful creature here. The lingering resentment condenses into a resentful spirit, and the resentful spirit itself has the ability to control ice magic.

Lu Anru suppressed his fear of the old pure yin girl's strange demeanor and movements and asked, "Did Ning Guang go to conquer their gods?"

The old pure yin girl stiffened her limbs and slowly turned around, letting out a new wave of screams.

The penguins reacted even more excitedly and slammed into the iron prison.

The iron prison here is different from the one used by the Firefoxes in that it does not have high-voltage electricity and other mechanisms. It is the most primitive prison.

"The penguins won't understand wrong, right?" Ella guessed suspiciously, interpreting "going" as "going".

Lu Anru greatly agreed. Xia Guo's writing was extensive and profound. The meaning of a word changed with different pronunciations and different positions.

But judging from the excitement of the penguins, she got the answer on her own.

Ning Guang captured these creatures and prepared to lure out the ice demon. Catch all the ice demons in one fell swoop so that his father can collect ancient viruses and rare local minerals unhindered.

Lu Anru asked Ella to help the old innocent woman up, and she held her chin with one hand and thought about the next step.

As soon as she learned the name of the important eunuch, she immediately asked her father to arrange for his men to investigate.

In order to avoid being chased by the old dog, the eunuch changed his name five times. Later, the steward of Kawahara District helped him make a death report, and then he was completely freed from the shadow of terror.

The person in charge of the investigation by the secret faction found out the current situation of the other party after many twists and turns. Unfortunately, he really passed away last year.

Fortunately, his son also knew the secret, inherited his father's legacy, and carefully kept the record with the late emperor's seal.

When the other party heard that he wanted to record it, he refused to admit that he had it.

He refused to take it out until his father visited him in person. Lu Anru was relieved that the evidence was kept in his father's hands. She asked her father to take photos of the two key pages and send them to her computer.

She took the things to find Ning Guang. With Ning Guang's temper, he would listen to her describe the whole story, but she couldn't guess Ning Guang's choice. The human heart, like the sun, is always too dazzling to look directly at.

It was best to wait until Ning Guang found out that he had been abandoned before revealing the secret.

After setting the core point, Lu Anru ran quickly to catch up with Ella and Lao Chun Yinnu.

Flattery hugged the old man's other arm and asked sweetly: "Grandma, are you tired?"

"Call Auntie." The old innocent woman emphasized in a deep voice: "I just turned 47 this year."

Lu Anru's lips parted slightly in surprise, and his heart was filled with great lamentation. Being a nurturing host of the Fire Tribe is very harmful to the body.

The thought flashed past, and he kept a sweet smile and shouted obediently: "Auntie, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired. Just tell me what you have to say. Don't ask so many polite questions from my family."

Aunt Chunyin expressed her stance readily.

"Okay." Lu Anru responded, lying in her aunt's ear to express her thoughts.

After hearing this, the aunt gave her an appreciative look and said, "You girl has a lot of bad intentions, but aunt likes bad guys. These days, good people don't get rewarded."

Lu Anru was completely praised, and he supported the "like-smelling" aunt and returned to the penguin cage.

According to Lu Anru's request, the aunt conveyed the plan to the penguins. The little penguin didn't understand the meaning, but the tall and strong big penguin bowed his head and agreed.

For the remaining three hours of the night, everyone took turns on duty, keeping a close eye on the soldiers who were immobilized in the cave, and occasionally responded to patrols outside the cave.

In the tension, each minute became as long as an hour. After five days, we finally got good news: the ice demon came out of the mountain, and Ning Guang set a trap outside the camp.

The Fire Fox Clan can only control people other than the host for two hours a day. After knowing the disadvantages of the charm technique, Lu Anru became extremely depressed. The plan to control Ning Guang as a puppet has not yet been implemented and has failed directly. I just hope that Ning Guang can wake up, stand upright and upright for the people of the world, and kill his father with justice.

Sorry, I said it wrong. I will destroy my brother for justice.

Even if Ning Guang is selfish, it's fine. As long as Ning Guang covets the throne, she can establish cooperation points.

"An Ru, the ice demons have fallen into a trap, shall we rescue them?"

Ella's questioning voice sounded from her ears, bringing Lu Anru back from his thoughts.

Everyone drove chariots and followed the large troops to surround the trap early. In the middle of the screen, three groups of people jumped out from the roof of the vehicles. Holding a spirit blockade gun.

Strips of green light are reinforced on the trap. If the ice demon dares to move, it will be wiped out at any time.

"Wait a moment, brothers of the Fire Fox Clan, control the people around you."

Lu Anru ordered.

The Fire Fox Tribe and the Zhao Ji Tribe have cooperated with her in many battles. Nowadays, no one will question her orders. Everyone knows that she has many bad intentions.

Xiaohong controlled He Zi and used He Zi's voice to answer the command from the general podium.

Lu Anru stared at the situation outside, waiting for the killer to appear.

But he waited and waited. When all the resentment of the ice demons was almost absorbed and the spirits were about to disperse, the killer still hadn't arrived.

If he hadn't searched for He Zi and others in advance and measured their physical indicators with a Shengming computer, Lu Anru would have suspected that the killer had been arrested by him.

My heart was extremely agitated. It was impossible for the ice demon to help the old dog. The killer was destined to be hidden among the soldiers.

She knew that she only had one chance, and if she missed it, they would only end up getting caught. Hiding in the enemy camp in the past few days has been like walking a tightrope. He was almost exposed many times. Ning Guang must be taken down today and can't be delayed any longer.

Glancing at Aunt Chunyin, she let out a long sigh, walked up to the bait penguins, and ordered them to scream louder to attract more ice demons.

Lotus lifted the silencing spell, and the screams spread through the walkie-talkie and doubled in volume from the speaker, echoing in the iceberg.

The walkie-talkie rang one after another with praise from the soldiers in the snow chariot next to them.

"He Zi still has a way to make these beasts act as bait."

Ella couldn't stand the torture of the ice demon, nor could she stand the ugly laughter of humans, so she turned and walked towards the depths of the chariot.

Lu Anru was also in a very anxious mood. From the soldiers' teasing and teasing, she had a bad feeling. Maybe the killer was not among these soldiers

However, if these soldiers are not killers, there is only one possibility left. The killer is buried in the shadow of Lao Gou giving Ning Guang.

Before, Lu Anru was wondering why Lao Gou was willing to give the shadow guardian elite to Ning Guang. It turned out that he had hidden murderous intentions for a long time. As long as Ning Guang is obedient, he may turn into a corpse at any time if he doesn't. And dying in the mission is very reasonable and he sacrifices his life for the country.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming became S-class criminals, and many people in Yuexiang signed a petition to help them clear their grievances.

The old dog is suspicious and cruel, and he will not let himself be in the predicament of long nights and dreams. Like Lu Anru, he was unpredictable in Ning Guang's choice, and he would not take risks to gain loyalty.

Therefore, he will definitely take action this time.

As the number of ice demons increased, Ning Guang personally came outside to supervise the battle. For some reason, Li Mo was missing from Ning Guang.

Suddenly, a gun changed its aiming position!