Magnificent Years

Chapter 296: Father as a mountain


Ella's father! Haven't you basically never seen it since you were a child

Li Mo can kill relatives whom his daughter has never seen. The smell of conspiracy is a bit pungent.

Lu Anru's mind was in a state of confusion, and he suppressed his curiosity to ask what was going on. He gave Lianhua and Rosa a wink and asked them to help pull away the lovers who had turned into enemies.

Rosa and Lu Anru carried Ella to the rest area together. Rosa took out tissues from her bag and acted as a service robot. She folded the tissues into a square shape and helped Ella wipe away her tears.

Lu Anru sat against the wall without saying a word. The other companions remained silent upon seeing this, and the only sound in the entire carriage was Ella's intermittent sobs.

Lianhua and her third aunt looked at Li Mo, both of them put their hands in their pockets, hoping that if the other party made a slight move, they would immediately draw out the talisman to exert control.

However, Li Moguang stood firmly in place, as if a pair of handcuffs were restraining his free soul. All that was left of him was an empty body, and every time Ella sniffed in pain, the guilt in his eyes deepened.

"To report to Your Highness, we have captured all the killer accomplices, but they refused to give any information. How should they be executed, Your Highness?"

The intercom came over the intercom from the general podium.

Lu Anru collected her thoughts, stood up and came to Li Mo, applying pressure with her eyes.

Li Mo still turned a blind eye and remained silent in his own world, like an orphan abandoned by the whole world.

Lu Anru reminded calmly: "You should have known about Xuan Tian earlier,"

Resist the call of old dog and be a little more respectful in your tone.

"You should have known that Xuan Tian arranged for killers to attack Ning Guang, otherwise you would have no need to pretend to be him. Ning Guang is not Xuan Tian's son, but the son of the late emperor. You can ask Ning Guang for confirmation. You and I have the same purpose. , to protect Ning Guang. Xuan Tian will not keep him for long. If he escapes this time, Ning Guang will probably die directly after returning to the palace. The poisonous wine of the late emperor and the suicide of the empress are all precedents. "If you are still willing to be loyal to Xuan Tian, it will be like sending Ning Guang to the execution ground with your own hands."

Lu Anru pretended to wait calmly, and urgent questions came from the intercom placed on the operating panel behind him.

"Your Highness, please reply so that we can ensure your personal safety."

After urging three times, a voice calling himself Mr. Lu Anru Zhang came through the private line and roared: "Hezi, what are you little bastards doing? Is His Highness in your car?"

"Hurry up and say something to the command podium, don't make the matter a big deal."

Seeing that Li Mo was unmoved, Lu Anru clenched the fist hanging by his side.

She couldn't guess Ning Guang's thoughts, let alone see through Li Mo. She had only one choice left in front of her, take a gamble.

He raised his finger and pointed at Ella, speaking from the perspective of understanding Ella: "Look at that poor woman, she knows the truth of the matter, but she can't bear to kill you and make you pay for it with blood. She is waiting for you to fully explain the matter. There is also Ning Guang. Although I don’t know where Ning Guang is, I believe in your loyalty to him. He is in a very safe place. But whether Aila or Ning Guang, their safety must be "temporary". 'Two words."

The general podium urged the frequency to be increased, and the operator's voice gradually changed from inquiry to questioning.

The soldiers did not return to their tanks, but moved closer to their tanks. The nearby tanks drove behind them and formed an encirclement formation to block their retreat.

Lu Anru bit his lower lip with his teeth, and said with a strong heart: "Think about it. If you are willing to work hard to achieve real safety for them, tell the commander-in-chief that you will take the killers back to Xia Kingdom for execution. After that, you will The killer escorts us to the spaceship, and you take us to find Ning Guang. Just ask Ning Guang about my credibility."

"No need to ask, His Highness always believes in you, but I hate you, and all the bad consequences are caused by you."

Li Mo looked deeply at Ella and walked towards the car door that was smashed.

Lu Anru's heart sank. Judging from Li Mo's attitude, this man basically wanted to confess himself and them.

"Relationships are the most unforced thing in this world. You also have someone you love. Just imagine, if Ella doesn't love you, but deceives you to protect others and stays with you, what should you do after you know the truth? How painful. I promise Ning Guangcai will hurt him and push us into the abyss of endless torture."

Lu Anru shouted out the words deep in his heart, and as soon as he finished the last word, Li Mo opened the chariot door.

She pulled out Yincang, and Lianhua and the others made a tacit understanding to prepare for battle, preparing to force a breakout.

Everyone watched helplessly as the soldier at the door pressed his hand on the holster of his gun, and the hearts of everyone in the car became more and more tense.

However, the soldiers' actions in the next second left everyone stunned.

More than ten people bowed at the same time and called with great respect: "Your Highness."

"You go and escort the killers and captured criminals to my spaceship. Yu Hezi will escort me back to Xia Kingdom. I will hand these people over to my father for execution."

Li Mo had already changed into Ning Guang's voice, so no need to think too much, his face must have changed accordingly.

Lu Anru closed his eyes and let out a breath, and quietly adjusted the movement of holding the sword in his hand, changing from preparing to hold Li Mo hostage to drawing the sword to protect him.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Everyone responded in unison, and they breathed a sigh of relief. If Ning Guang takes the criminals back to Xia Kingdom, it is very likely that they will not be held responsible for the failure of protection.

Li Mo asked someone to drive the spaceship he came on to the second cave to cover Lu Anru and the others.

Third Aunt Lianhua stepped into the cabin and cast a quiet spell first. Lianhua and Rosa vigilantly checked every room before notifying Lu Anru to board the cabin.

After the spacecraft took off successfully, Lu Anru sent a message to Brother Mo, agreeing to complete the personnel exchange over Aurora Island.

Rosa set up the autopilot to fly to Xia Kingdom, but the fuel of the spacecraft was destined to fail to reach Xia Kingdom and crash somewhere along the way.

They returned to their own spaceship, leaving He Zi and others in the military spacecraft.

Lotus used blood to draw an enhanced version of the Stasis Talisman based on how long the fuel was available, deliberately leaving ten minutes to spare.

Hezi and the others were able to escape from the sluggish state ten minutes before the fuel ran out. It was obvious how they would react by then.

The current general of the Xia Kingdom, Wu Hao, was informed of the enemy's situation, but everyone failed to fully explain the situation, and the spacecraft crashed. When this situation is combined with the fact that Ning Guang was being hunted, not to mention that Lao Gou would suspect that there was internal strife in He Zi's team, Wu Hao would directly conclude that they had different intentions and deliberately covered up the evidence, and would only send people to look for Ning Guang as soon as possible. .

The group returned to their spaceship and finally had a good sleep.

It is no exaggeration to say that during the days when she was lurking in the enemy camp, Lu Anru could not close her eyes for more than 2 hours a day. Even though she did not have to be on duty in shifts, she had to stay awake at all times for herself and everyone else.

"We'll talk about anything tomorrow. Let's rest today."

Lu Anru made an arrangement and everyone agreed.

She entered Sheng Ming's room, smelled the light lemon fragrance that belonged to Sheng Ming, and slept very soundly.

From sleeping at 3pm to getting up at 6am the next morning, my waist and neck felt a little sore due to the long sleep time.

She pressed her neck with one hand and beat her waist with the other hand and walked towards the restaurant to look for food.

Halfway through the cold storage, I heard pitiful voices pouring out from inside.

"Little penguins, you miss your parents so much. I miss them too, but my dad is dead and I didn't even have time to talk to him properly."

"Oh~ I'm in so much pain. I took a picture of my father's handwriting and showed it to my mother. My mother said it was definitely my father's handwriting. She hoped that I would comply with my father's last wish, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't face taking it away. A man with great abilities and life, I hate myself even more for not being able to control my love for him.”

Lu Anru coughed lightly and trembled as he walked into the cold storage and approached Ella.

The red-haired girl practices fire magic and her body can withstand low temperatures, but she is different. She just opened her mouth to try to persuade the sad person, but her teeth chattered with the cold.

Ella turned around and saw that her best friend was more pitiful than herself. She couldn't hold back and cried loudly: "An Ruru, please leave me alone. You go to warm the room. It's good for me to talk to the little penguins. "

"Where are you talking to them? It's obvious that you're pouring them out."

Lu Anru was so cold that he wrapped his hands tightly around his upper body and couldn't speak a word.

Seeing that her best friend refused to leave, Ella used the magic formula to summon a warming fire to wrap around her best friend.

Lu Anru calmed down a little, moved a stool and sat next to Ella, reaching out for it.

"Show me your father's handwritten letter. Auntie may miss you so much, and she doesn't want you to live in hatred, so she advises you to be kind. Let me help you identify the authenticity."

It would be too cruel to ask Ella to retell what happened. The letter should be able to explain many mysteries clearly.

Ella carefully took out the autographed letter from the inner pocket of her clothes and handed it to Lu Anru.

Lu Anru unfolded the kraft paper letter and read it carefully from the first line.

After reading the full text, she was full of admiration for Ella's father. I deeply realize that my father's love is like a mountain, thick, profound and great.

Ella's father was a member of the first generation of the Dark Faction and held an important position.

There was a period of history that was sealed because it was too dark and its existence was short.

The last war of the last era ended and a new era entered. It is said that heroes emerge from troubled times, and the word hero often refers to successful innovators. Those careerists who have not yet succeeded will basically receive infamy that will last forever.

At the beginning of the era of re-establishing rules, many careerists were born who wanted to seize supreme power through God-given opportunities.

They wantonly captured highly evolved life forms, brutally extracted highly evolved genes, and offered benefits to recruit many people who volunteered to be experimented, and injected them into those people.

For a time, monsters mutated from humans became kings and lords in various places. Some ambitious people extracted relatively successful samples and injected them into themselves, thereby mastering superpowers.

Wars continued in various places. Xuantian Laogou sent troops to quell the internal fighting and also helped other countries eliminate mutant species. It was this feat that consolidated his own and the country's supreme status.

Ella's father was one of the first experimental subjects. At that time, the dark sect was divided between Fang Entropy and the Sheng family. Fang Entropy has already conducted research on tens of thousands of people, and only Ella's father survived and successfully fused, gaining the superpower of changing shapes.

Ella's father escaped the pursuit of the old dog by freely changing his form.

At that time, Lu Anru's parents, Ella's father, Dean Huo and others established a pharmaceutical company. They were competing with the old dog for time and life.

The old dog annihilation plan seems to be decisive and has won praise from many people, but the people who are unintentionally infected are so innocent and numerous.

The parents rushed to develop a special drug before the old dog's killing knife fell, and rescued more than 500,000 mild mutants.

As soon as the catastrophe ended, Fang Entropy had evil intentions and discussed with Lu Anru's father to use more mature genes to create an undead army, and they would take the old dog's place.

Lu Anru's father disagreed, so Fang Entropy became murderous towards him and turned to look for Xuan Tian Lao Gou. Lu's mother dragged Lao Gou, who was about to be bewitched by Fang Entropy, and pulled him into her own camp, and with great difficulty pulled Fang Entropy out of the dark sect.

Ella's father was tired of facing people who were fighting for power and power all day long, so he chose to retire. When Ella was a child, he sold snacks that his daughter liked to eat at the entrance of Ella’s kindergarten. When Ella grew up, he took over Yuexiang Ximen’s barbecue stall and cooked Ella’s favorite barbecue.

The year before last, Nanke discovered that Lu Anru's genes were abnormal, and they were far superior to those studied during the catastrophe more than ten years ago.

Nan Ke and Fang Entropy worked together, and the new version of the mutated gene spread to various places.

Fan Tao and Lu Mu contacted their old friends, hoping to prevent the disaster from happening again before things got serious.

Ella's father considered that his daughter would choose to study at Yuexiang. He understood Dean Huo's great love and righteousness, and understood that if he and his old friends did not take action, his daughter would receive such a task sooner or later.

So, he became like James and got involved.

He finished what he agreed to do and distributed the special medicine to the people being studied, but the old special medicine could only cure those who had just been injected with the gene.

He suggested that Lu's mother hand over the No. 0 sample from the last drug research and develop a new specific drug first, and then kill Nanke.

But Dean Huo didn't give him a chance to choose, and directly arranged for Lu Anru and Ella to go to Marcia to destroy the illegal research institute.

Fan Tao told him the news, and he had no choice but to chase Marcia. Since he had betrayed the organization many times, Fan Tao did not trust his level of loyalty and followed him.

He took James's assistant with him and created a false encounter to sneak into the team to protect his daughter. Every time his daughter missed, he secretly used a hidden weapon to give the monster a fatal blow.

From Nanke's attitude towards Lu Anru, he guessed that Lu Anru was sample No. 0 and secretly collected Lu Anru's blood.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to Xia Kingdom, Xuantian Laogou found out his identity based on the confession of Jamesite's neighbor and arrested him.

He asked his assistant to destroy Lu Anru's genetic samples, not wanting his daughter to resent his derelict father after knowing the truth.

Lao Gou's medical scientists almost drained his blood, and they gathered thousands of people to conduct experiments.

More than half of the thousands of people produced antibodies that were unable to fuse, far from reaching the fixed time limit of the Old Dog Faceless Legion, and died suddenly within a week.

Only he himself knows the reason. His heart's blood is the key to the fusion. His heart must be completely dug out and drained, and pure genes must be extracted from there.

The old dog couldn't bear to let him die, so he didn't take it into consideration.

Until one day, he heard the old dog calling a familiar name, Li Mo.

The appearance of Li Mo, his daughter's beloved, changed his decision. He wants to test Li Mo. If Li Mo passes the test, he will transfer this super power to Li Mo and let Li Mo continue to protect his daughter for him.

He told Li Mo that he had actually arranged for his assistants to assassinate Ella and Lu Anru. He chose a day when Li Mo had important matters, but Li Mo disobeyed the emperor's order for his daughter and left the palace to find the place he said.

Li Mo, who was sentenced that night, came to him angrily and asked why. He asked Li Mo to send his men away, tell him all the reasons, and write this letter.

The next day, he died, and his superpowers continued, becoming his daughter's new shield.