Magnificent Years

Chapter 305: life experience


After waiting for less than five seconds, Lu Anru forgot to breathe during the entire process until she heard Sheng Ming's response.

"Fortunately, thanks to your investigation of the pharmaceutical company, I followed the clues and found out that my mother was secretly providing blood and bone marrow for the research of new special drugs. I informed Lao Sheng of the matter in time, and he teamed up with Dean Huo to find my mother and stopped her , I’m afraid my mother’s body will be difficult to support if it’s a few days later.”

Lu Anru closed his eyes deeply and followed Ella's example in thanking all the gods for their protection. Then he thought of something fishy and stared at Sheng Ming to raise his doubts.

"Xiao Ming, don't comfort me. If you really stopped mom, where did the special medicine you gave Old Cucumber come from? Couldn't you have only produced one?"

Sheng Ming gently scraped Lu Anru's nose and turned her body towards his arms, so that she didn't have to look up at him.

"More than one, we have found the purest source of pr3y. Every 100cc of blood extracted from the other party can mass-produce tens of thousands of new drugs. Do you know the person at the source, or you should guide Lao Sheng and me to find her. Originally, my mother planned to use that person Keep your identity hidden.”

As soon as the tempting words came out, Lu Anru immediately got the answer: "Are you talking about Bai Jie?"

Sheng Ming said 'hmm' and said shockingly: "Yes, she technically belongs to your aunt."


Lu Anru was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses, pointed to himself happily, and asked eagerly: "What about my parents?"

"It's not for me to answer this question. I can only tell you that your aunt has always been by your side. When Lao Sheng and I found her, she originally didn't want to get more involved in cleaning up the endless mess, but we raised the issue that it was your fault. She agreed to cooperate in providing blood."

Sheng Ming answered seriously, then took out his personal computer, clicked on his recent frequent contacts and dialed them.

He handed the computer to Lu Anru. After the beep, he heard a very cold question: "Are you bothered? What's the matter?"

Lu Anru was so nervous that he couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Bai Jie was extremely impatient and took the lead in scolding: "I'm dead."


There was a hurried shouting, the breathing on the other side of the phone became obviously heavier, and no one answered for a long time.

After the first shout, courage came back. Lu Anru introduced himself a little unfamiliarly: "Aunt, I am Anru. I know something. Don't hang up the phone."

There was still no answer, but the increasing number of seconds on the call interface showed that the other party was listening.

She gave Sheng Ming a "I'm going to another room" gesture to answer the phone. When she got a nod, she took Sheng Ming's computer and left their bedroom, heading towards the vacant room next to her.

Close the door, sit in the nearest chair, and first ask the most concerning thing: "Auntie, who are my parents?"


Bai Jie's words of anger made Lu Anru speechless. After adjusting his uncomfortable mood, he continued to ask: "Then who were they?"

"You only have a father and no mother. Our clan can produce new bodies through energy sources."

Bai Jie casually stated conclusions that were too sci-fi, and Lu Anru felt that this aunt was always challenging her ability to bear.

She suddenly remembered the tomb that Lu's mother took her to worship every year, and she roughly guessed that the empty tomb should be that of her father. No wonder Lu's mother said that it was her and her benefactor. With the help of her benefactor, Lu's mother and she could survive.

"What kind of clan are we?" Lu Anru tried hard to find a topic, just to chat with her aunt for a while longer.

Bai Jie hissed and replied impatiently: "Some people define us as the immortal race, and some people define us as the vampire race, but we do not live by sucking blood. Originally, we lived without fighting against the world, until one day my mother saved a Humans, that person discovered our secret and used Yincang to kill my mother and your grandmother, taking away part of her energy. Anyway, this history is too long, and I don’t have the patience to explain it to you in detail.”

Lu Anru was fascinated by what she heard. Just as she was about to enter the critical moment, Bai Jie suddenly stopped. She felt extremely itchy.


He groaned and acted miserably to win sympathy: "I have been in a daze for almost eighteen years. I thought I was an orphan that no one wanted. I felt low self-esteem for a long time. Today I learned that I have relatives. I am really happy. Aunt, I want to hear more stories about you and my dad."

Lu Anru was filled with mixed feelings, his voice became hoarse as he spoke, and he was almost crying.

Unexpectedly, Bai Jie chuckled twice and said disdainfully: "Stop acting in front of me. I don't feel your inferiority at all. You have long been confused by the brat of the Sheng family and the fake parents." , not caring about his true origins.”

It's not hard to tell that Bai Jie is angry that she forgot her roots, but she didn't know where she was before. You can blame her, she is so innocent and pitiful.

But with Bai Jie's temper, her excessive explanations will only arouse the other party's resentment, so it is better to be honest.

"Auntie, I love Xiao Ming. I had a strange disease before, and I would lose my memory when I woke up abnormally. Xiao Ming has always been by my side. He supported me through the helpless days."

She confessed honestly, but Bai Jie scolded her angrily: "Your strange disease is not caused by their messy research. Lu Bing said it nicely, hiding you and letting you live a happy life like an ordinary girl. As a result, your The gene was discovered by Fang Entropy, and he created a bunch of sick people. Lu Bing immediately panicked and used your body, your own body, and Sheng Ming's body to do research to find an antidote. If you hadn't looked so pitiful, I wouldn't have bothered to save her. It's better that her body was drained. She deserves it. She deserves it."

"Auntie, don't talk about my mother like that. She raised me after all. She is very good to me. People should at least be grateful."

Facing Bai Jie's anger, Lu Anru was in a dilemma, but out of emotion he couldn't help but complain for Lu's mother.

However, after saying a few words from the bottom of my heart, Bai Jie was offended, a beep sounded, and Bai Jie picked up the phone.

When you call again, you get a cold system prompt: the number you dialed is busy.


What a grumpy aunt. Lu Anru stared at Sheng Ming's computer in depression, thinking about ways to calm his aunt's anger.

After thinking hard for more than ten minutes, I came up with a stupid solution. Copy the phone number to my computer and edit a lengthy message to apologize.

After pouring her heart and soul into writing thousands of words and sending them, she only had one chance. If she could successfully coax her aunt, she could continue to ask the questions that had troubled her for a long time. The key is that she also longs to have relatives of the same blood, and doesn't want to get a reply from the system every time she calls her aunt.

In other words, if she couldn't coax her, she would have no choice but to find a new computer and continue sending messages.

After sending the message, she didn't call back immediately. She stayed up until noon with a lot of worries. After dinner, she boarded the hovercar heading to the ecological park and made tentative calls on the way.

Waiting with bated breath anxiously, Lu Anru let out a long sigh after hearing a beep two seconds later.

After suffering for more than 40 seconds, when he was about to despair, he finally heard Bai Jie's irritable one-word response: "Say."

"Hey, aunt, I will be obedient. Don't answer my questions. As long as you don't block me, I can do anything."

Lu Anru behaved first.

Bai Jie laughed disdainfully and said, "Oh, I have learned to use retreat as an opportunity to advance."

The core skill of retreating into advancement lies in sincerity and persistence. Lu Anru immediately insisted on his belief: "No, your existence is more important than the issues I want to know. Just do your business. Thank you for recognizing me."

Holding back the words "Thank you for helping me", she found that Bai Jie was very hostile to the Lu family and the Sheng family. This sentence easily made Bai Jie think that she was thanking Lu's mother.

"There are so many evil minds."

Bai Jie snorted, and just when Lu Anru thought the other party was going to hang up the phone, the other party suddenly changed his tone.

"It's not impossible to tell you about the past. I only have one request. After listening, you should learn to be smarter. Don't be as stupid as your father and sacrifice yourself for greedy humans."

"Well, I swear, I will keep my aunt's advice in mind. If I break my oath, I will be punished if I bite my tongue every time I eat, go to the toilet without toilet paper, and forget to bring an umbrella when it rains,"

"That's enough, let me tell you slowly." Bai Jie interrupted Lu Anru impatiently and slowly told an old story.

"A long time ago, your father, your grandmother, and I lived in central Romania, probably in the 17th century. Your grandmother saved a human being. Her name was Hua Rong. She peeped into your grandmother's secret of immortality. She was very She wanted to have an ageless appearance and life like us, but your grandmother saw through her true nature and refused to let her join the clan. So she let greed and hatred take over and hired a killer to try many times, but she later found out that we were the only ones in the clan. The weapon Yincang can cause fatal damage to us. She pretended that she was poisoned and injured, took away Yincang and killed your grandmother. She controlled the little me and your father. Your father succumbed to her for me, and killed for me. Lost her. But she has already taken away part of your grandmother's energy, transferred her soul and ran away for a while. She found a body that can carry her again and tested whether our clan's energy can be passed on to children by giving birth to children. "

When Lu Anru heard this, she couldn't hold it back and asked, "Mrs. Hua Rong is Fan Tao's mother. Fan Tao is one of the members who founded the pharmaceutical company. Did she participate in the murder of grandma?"

Bai Jie clicked her tongue in displeasure and shouted, "Don't interrupt."

"Okay, aunt, please tell me." Lu Anru shut up obediently.

"Although I hate Hua Rong deeply, even if she has been dead for many years, I can't calm down just thinking about her, but I have to admit that Fan Tao is very pitiful. She had a sister who was eaten by Hua Rong to protect her."

Lu Anru made a surprised sound, and quickly pursed his lips, keeping quiet and listening to the next words.

"Your father inherited your grandmother's beauty. He was otherworldly and stunning. Hua Rong couldn't bear to do anything to him. After giving birth to two children, Hua Rong found that the children did not inherit the physique of self-generated energy, but instead absorbed her. A lot of energy, so she ate Fan Tao's sister. While she was slowly eating up Fan Tao's sister, she met Fang Entropy. Fang Entropy was not called this name before, but later discovered that our energy belongs to the law of entropy that cannot be erased in the universe. , he longed for this energy, so he changed his name to Fang Entropy. A scientist concluded through research that all things will die in their lifetime, and only entropy is increasing. Later, a scientist named Yu Feixiang found your father. Dean Yuexiang Huo's teacher, he has developed a new virtual world in which ordinary people can experience an alternative life, and the souls of dying people can be transmitted to the terminal and gain eternal life in that world. Provide your grandma's uncorrupted body to support the energy of the new world. Your father reluctantly agreed, thinking that at least he could miss your grandma everywhere in the new world, and thus fell into the new world. "Love disaster."

Bai Jie paused for a moment, cursed in secret, and waited for more than a minute. Seeing that Lu Anru didn't help Lu's mother to speak, her mood improved slightly, and she slowly continued to narrate.

"Lu Bing is very ignorant. He didn't choose your father, but he chose Shengsheng. Hua Rong and Fang Entropy teamed up to cause very dirty destruction in that world. In order to save Lu Bing and innocent people, your father used the energy of the world to save Lu Bing and innocent people. The secret was told to Lu Bing. Lu Bing joined hands with your father to destroy Hua Rong's soul, but let Fang Entropy run away. Fang Entropy used our family's entropic energy and quantum mechanics to merge the real world and the virtual world to create a new era. Your father was there that time. He died in the war. Ning Tian Laogou relied on his understanding of the rules of the new world to recruit talents to dominate. Lu Bing's heart was too soft and kind. She and Sheng Shi should not have given away the throne, because she clearly held your father in her hand. The energy source left behind. But after reorganizing it, I somewhat understood her choice. She told me that the energy source suddenly disappeared not long after the war ended, and she wanted to protect you. "

As Bai Jie told her story, Lu Anru's memories gradually became clearer, including memories from a very young age.

She didn't cry or even feel sad. She only felt a clear sense of clarity. She suddenly understood the master's intention in letting her copy the scriptures.

The master was suggesting to her that she should face her heart and face all causes and conditions.

When she was very young, she always heard Lu's mother tell her to be an ordinary child. Ordinary children are happy, but her energy can bring about catastrophe.

In this way, she subconsciously controlled her appearance, choosing a cuter baby face and abandoning the beautiful appearance inherited from her father. Also control the explosion of your own energy, only activate it in times of danger, and let yourself believe in the rationality of this state.

After lying to myself for so many years, I finally woke up from the dream.

"Thank you, aunt. I understand, aunt, please don't block me."

Lu Anru asked for a promise obediently.

Bai Jie said softly, "Hmm," and warned: "Let's get over it as soon as it's good for 41 years."


Lu Anru promised deeply and told Bai Jie the good news of her pregnancy.

"Well, I feel it. Your child's soul energy is also very strong. For her sake, we must remember the four words "don't accept it when you see it."

Bai Jie solemnly reiterated.

Lu Anru promised again and again, and the aunt and nephew talked until dinner time, then reluctantly ended the call.

She stretched out her limbs, stepped out of the hovercar, and entered the ecological park that was moved deep into the rainforest.

"Master, why don't you listen to my advice!?"

The blunt question fell from high altitude. Lu Anru raised his head and saw the tiger flying with mecha wings.

Lu Anru jumped lightly, jumped onto Huhu's back with tacit understanding, hugged its thick neck with both arms, and rubbed its cheek comfortably.


The question rang out again, and Lu Anru said in confusion, "Huh?" 'Sound, asked: "What advice?"

"I asked Manager Mo to tell you, stay away from Houhai next to the mountain. If you don't listen to me, you will fall into the trap of the bad guys."

(End of chapter)