Magnificent Years

Chapter 306: Yoon Yi was arrested


Lu Anru ran around with familiar keywords, mountain and Houhai. After many days of thinking about it again, he still didn't understand it.

Huhu was so anxious that he rushed up to the sky and shouted with a limited vocabulary: "Xuantian, Xuantian's mountain, Houhai!"

Lu Anru understood it instantly. When they went to rescue the Zhaoji tribe and Huohu, they passed through the rockery group and arrived in front of the Ziguang Palace. They could not enter the Purple Light Palace directly and sneaked in from the fish pond.

That fish pond seems to be called Houhai...

Alas, some sufferings seem to be unavoidable.

"Thank you Huhu, we misunderstood at the time, fell into the trap by mistake, and let down your good intentions."

Lu Anru hugged the big cat's neck tightly and followed the cat flying up and down on the roller coaster. But thinking about it this way, it is estimated that the waterway was built with the help of Fang Entropy, and the two of them had already connected it, leaving it as a trap to lure Rosa and Lianhua.

Lu Anru and the others accidentally collided and fell in.

"Master, I will protect you from now on."

Huhu declared domineeringly and took Lu Anru to fly towards his favorite waterfall in the rainforest. It crossed the spring water that flowed down three thousand feet.

Without warning in advance, Lu Anru took a quick shower, and the cool water wet her body, making her shiver with cold.

Fortunately, Sheng Ming and Ella did not follow, otherwise Sheng Ming would have immediately stopped her adventure, while Ella would have been as worried as a godmother-to-be, chattering about being careful.

Putting his hand on his stomach, he didn't feel any discomfort, so he adopted the mentality of taking things as they come.

Looking up, I saw a beautiful and spectacular scenery. There was a cave hidden behind the waterfall, and the walls of the cave were covered with sparkling pupae.

When she visited the Nanke Institute of Open Biology, she heard Su Rui introduce this new creature, which combines the genes of fireflies and blue morpho butterflies.

Nanke may want to create some beautiful creatures to confuse people and make people believe that he has good intentions.

The arrival of Lu Anru and Huhu alarmed the fluorescent blue butterfly that had broken out of its cocoon.

They fluttered their wings and flew towards another exit deep in the cave, just like the movement of the Milky Way, magnificent and beautiful.

"Master, life is magical and wonderful."

Huhu sighed deeply, Lu Anru nodded and responded: "Yes, life itself is a great existence."

"Thank you, Master, for creating the conditions for us to survive."

Huhu landed in the mud filled with water and walked extremely slowly step by step, slowly showing Lu Anru the scenery he liked in his heart.

"No, Huhu, you guys are also saving yourself."

Lu Anru sighed sincerely, her hand could only reach half of Huhu's raised head.

Realizing that she wanted to touch the top of his head, Huhu took the initiative to lower his head and touch it for her.

Helping Huhu smooth the long brown hair that blocks his view, Lu Anru gave an example: "It's like some wild flowers and weeds, they pop up from tiny cracks. Maybe no one has ever paid attention to them from taking root to withering, but they are Work hard for yourself and live a wonderful life, and strive for the rare sunshine in the process of growing up. You must lead your companions to live strong in the future.”

She didn't know if Huhu could understand so many words, but the big cat gently cupped her face with his head and said 'thank you' again.

Leaving Huhu's secret base through another cave entrance, Huhu also planned to take Lu Anru to see other beautiful scenery, but unfortunately there were constant calls from the microcomputer, so they had no choice but to return to the ecological park.

It was quite hot at night in midsummer, but Lu Anru's clothes were still wet when he jumped off Huhu's back.

"The transpiration of the rainforest is so powerful that going out for a walk is like taking a sauna." Lu Anru had a good excuse.

Ella and Sheng Ming used fire spells at the same time to help her dry her clothes.

She jumped up to Sheng Ming, raised her hand to relax Sheng Ming's frown, took the man's hand and shook it, asking for it coquettishly.

"Xiao Ming, I'm hungry and want to eat pudding."

"Well, I'll have someone go get it from the spaceship."

Sheng Ming waved his hand to arrange for a nearby staff member.

The young man quickly fetched Lu Anru's snack box. She sat in the mosquito-proof room and ate while discussing plans with important people.

Brother Mo pointed out the mutated creatures that could leave with him, and assigned Huhu to be the leader of the biological team.

Since the conversation lasted a long time and Sun Zhu lived a very regular life, they stayed in the ecological park for the night.

Lying on the big bed in the tree house, looking at the sky from the insulated and moisture-proof ceiling.

The moon hangs on the treetops, so big and round that it feels like you can reach it at your fingertips. The cicadas chirped in my ears, and the quiet and comfortable environment made me feel happy. I haven't experienced this feeling of being completely empty for a long time.

Lu Anru and the red-haired girl were particularly energetic, admiring the pristine scenery with their eyes open.

At around one o'clock in the middle of the night, Lu Anru's computer vibrated continuously. She unlocked it and saw three new messages from Sheng Ming.

1. Go to bed early.

2. Don’t stay up late.

3. Good night and sweet dreams.

Ella quickly covered herself with quilt, looked around cautiously, and muttered to herself: "Oh my god, is there surveillance here?"

"No, the design concept of the Institute of Biology is mainly environmentally friendly and cannot damage the nearby ecology. There are no automatic toilets, no power transmission equipment, and no radiation equipment. The garbage generated by everyone will be sent to the outside world regularly."

Lu Anru raised his finger to point to various places in the wooden house and patiently introduced them.

Ella heard the compliments repeatedly: "That's great. Uncle Sheng and Aunt Lu still care about the environment."

“The original intention of the construction is indeed to fully integrate into nature and love it while using it. Secondly, we want to shield the ecological park through natural barriers.”

Lu Anru sighed slightly and murmured bitterly: "I hope the old dog has no chance to destroy this place."

"No, don't worry, I heard what Brother Mo said. Many escaped creatures voluntarily sprinkled hiding powder to cover up people's breath and heat to protect this place."

Ella comforted softly. She glanced at the computer in Lu Anru's hand with her peripheral vision and said unnaturally, "Tonight will prevent you from getting close to your senior. Mainly because I'm afraid of snakes. I promise I won't pester you when I return to the city tomorrow." It’s you.”

Lu Anru glanced at the pretentious red-haired girl in disgust and sneered: "It doesn't matter, I am very tolerant, especially for people who like to escape reality."

"Who is escaping from reality? I just don't want to deal with Li Mo. Besides, he pretends to be a senior. I always have the illusion that I am a mistress for you and the senior."

Ella retorted harshly.

Lu Anru smiled lightly without revealing it, and just whispered softly: "Let's talk about some things as soon as possible and get rid of them as soon as possible."


Ella responded sullenly, and found that while the two were chatting, her best friend and her husband were kissing each other and the whole screen was full of text.

After reading about two sentences, I took a breath of disgust and asked something that I had been curious about for a long time: "Since you were a child, all your favorites have been given to your seniors. Don't you find it boring to face the same men every day?"

"No, life without him is boring. He brings me so much joy. We grow up, study, explore, and accompany each other together. We are never absent from each other every day. I like this feeling so much."

The announcement of happiness turned into a sharp bayonet, stabbing Ella's heart until it bled.

She turned over and took out her computer from her pocket, thinking about taking advantage of tonight's intense stimulation and talking to Li Mo about it.

Tossing and turning until midnight and giving up her plan, just like Lu Anru accidentally revealed the sweet details, Sheng Ming took the initiative to bring a lot of happiness to her best friend.

Since her father was killed, Li Mo only apologized when she saw her, which seriously affected her mood. Whenever she saw Li Mo's balsam pear expression, she was reminded of her father's tragic experience.

She'll talk about it later when the elm knots get better.

In the early morning, everyone woke up to the sound of birds chirping.

The oxygen content in the rainforest is extremely high. Even if you only sleep for five or six hours, you will still be energetic.

Lu Anru checked Sheng Ming's new information and learned that Lao Cucumber was very efficient. Within a day, he successfully roped in five neighboring countries to sign an anti-aggression alliance. The agreement has entrusted encrypted fast logistics delivery, and it will be delivered to Sun Zhu's house at about nine o'clock.

Encountering a happy event early in the morning, Lu An quickly put on his sportswear and took the windproof jacket from Ella.

Suddenly, her brain began to throb violently. The pain lasted for about 3 minutes, and then I heard Brother Mo knocking on the door, which relieved me a little.

Ella opened the door, and Mo Ge kept his composure and turned his back to tell: "The meal is ready."


The hunger made Lu Anru ignore the strange pain, ran to the outdoor wooden table, and grabbed the freshly spread egg pancake with his hands.

She ate happily and gave the baby some prenatal education: "It's delicious. When mom has a chance to go back to Grandma Lu's house, she will make pancakes and fruit that are even more delicious."

Since the last time I told my baby not to respond too fiercely, Lu Anru's morning sickness has significantly reduced.

Ella bit into the cake with mixed emotions. While she was envious of her best friend, she was unwilling to untie her knot, so she could only read the news to relieve her depression.

"An Ruru, there are two big things, one good and one bad. Which one do you listen to first?"

Ella was so excited that she forgot to swallow the residue in her mouth and asked loudly, which shocked all the birds eating crumbs nearby and flew away.

"Okay." If Lu An makes a choice, there will be good things to prepare for it, and the psychological construction of accepting bad things will be much stronger.

"In the past five days, Emperor Xuantian approved the appeals of Yuexiang students and re-examined our case. Based on the great merits we have made, he announced that our crimes would be reduced."

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming raised their eyes at the same time, with expressions of indescribable astonishment on their faces.

Regardless of Ella's weird behavior of using the honorific title again, it seems that the grievances between everyone and the old dog cannot be offset by a sentence of reduction.

"It's ridiculous. The old dog thinks he is the overlord in charge of the world. He once wanted to kill us for every serious crime, but he was acquitted as soon as he said it would be reduced?"

Lu Anru sneered coldly.

Ella hurriedly came close to her ear and lowered her voice to remind: "Forget it, the arm can't twist the thigh. The emperor is just angry that we rescued the Zhaoji tribe and the Firefox tribe. He can let go of his hatred, so why should we put ourselves in the position of a heinous villain? Location. With a sinless body, I can at least go back to Xia Kingdom to see my relatives. I miss my mother so much."

"He has clearly convicted us of multiple felonies, okay! There's more than just one. There are also charges of illegal human research, illegal leaking of state secrets, etc. Just wait, he will send someone immediately as soon as we arrive in Xia Kingdom Capture us."

Lu Anru reminded indignantly.

Ella opened her mouth in confusion, recalled carefully for a moment, and retorted with evidence: "An Ruru is wrong. Look at the latest international wanted order last week. We only have one felony."

Lu Anru took Ella's computer, enlarged the content of the report, read it twice carefully, and found that the content was the same as what Ella said. But she clearly remembered that the old dog had put many serious crimes on them. If her father had not had a personal relationship with Commander Hades Li, they would have been caught long ago.

He handed the microcomputer to Sheng Ming, turned his face to Ella, and whispered: "We can't go back. Don't forget that I am living sample No. 0. We have to prevent the future war in 41 years."

"Future war? Is there a future war?"

Ella exclaimed, and Lu Anru covered her mouth. When Ella finished shouting, a question appeared in her mind.

—Is there a big war in the future

She doesn't seem to remember much.

Looking at Sheng Ming in confusion, Sheng Ming solemnly handed back the computer and told the new bad news: "Senior Yin Yi was arrested and will be taken to Hades Z Prison today."

Hades Prison ranks the severity of crimes in reverse order from 24 letters. Z is the execution of the death penalty that month, and there is basically no chance of commutation.

Lu Anru asked in disbelief: "Where's the crime?"

"Spies from other countries leaked the country's top secrets and illegally conducted human research."

As soon as the two familiar charges appeared, even Ella showed a shocked expression.

But in the next second, he was laughing so hard: "Hahahahaha, An Ruru also has memory problems. I should have told you that we are not guilty of these crimes. You actually put Senior Yin's serious crimes on us, bah! Bah, what a bad luck.”

"Senior's felony?"

Lu Anru always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where exactly.

"Now you can eat with peace of mind and return to Xia Kingdom with peace of mind, right?" Ella handed over a new egg pancake.

Lu Anru pushed it back and refused irritably: "You can take what you have. Don't rush to contact Xia Guo's relatives and friends first. Wait until we confirm whether the news is true or false."

Without waiting for Ella to reply, she pulled Sheng Ming back to the spaceship first, entered their room, and turned on the do not disturb mode.

Just as they were about to discuss it, there was a knock on the door. Lu Anru opened the door, and Lianhua walked into the room uninvited.

Lianhua pushed the door open and took the lead in saying in a deep voice: "Do you think there is anything strange? Can Old Dog Xuantian forgive us easily?"

"Let's take a look at the news just released by Xia Guo. It can answer your questions."

Sheng Ming put the computer on the table, and the two girls leaned over and saw the eye-catching title: The Crown Prince of Xia Kingdom was rescued.

Clicking on the content, the report named fugitives such as Lu Anru great, and detailed their process of rescuing Ning Guang and resolving conflicts between multiple countries.

Looking at the false reports, Lu Anru felt extremely uneasy and asked Sheng Ming, "Do you believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether we believe it or not. The report reveals two core points. There is no danger for us to return to Xia Kingdom for the time being. Xuantian cannot take action against the great hero. Secondly, the new alliance that Bo Li has drawn together has been made public, and they have been included in our Within the credit.”

Sheng Ming tapped the computer screen with her fingers and expressed her position when Lu Anru was about to speak but hesitated: "I agree with your suggestion. If we don't return to Xia Kingdom, we will take the opportunity to bring out our relatives and friends."


Lu Anru pressed his swollen temples and tried to sort out his messy thoughts. But whenever I think about the key point, my head will hurt as much as it did in the morning.

"Xiao Ming, I think we need to save the senior."

Lu Anru sat at the table, holding his chin with one hand, and emphasized in a deep voice: "We must save him."

"There are no good people in Mr. Jishu in the past. Yin Yi helped Xuan Tian Lao Gou do too many dirty deeds. It should be said that there are some things that Lao Gou did because of Yin Yi's suggestions. We can't save him."

Lotus excitedly refused.

(End of chapter)