Magnificent Years

Chapter 307: The Mandela Effect


Lu Anru rubbed his face vigorously, paused the complicated thoughts in his mind, and expressed his attitude again.

"I believe in the senior. I must save him. I always feel that the unreasonableness is related to him. If we save him, he may be able to tell us many unknown inside stories."

"Lu Anru, I have listened to your words recently, but I can't obey this matter. The person who originally suggested the conquest of our Zhaoji tribe was Mr. Jishu, who was also Yin Yi's master. I doubt that this large-scale human body research, It was also Yin Yi who instigated Lao Gou."

Lianhua still couldn't let go of her past trauma. She took a deep breath and asked the petite man: "Unless you can convince me, I will not participate in the rescue. Apart from personal feelings and trust, do you have any other reason to save him?"

Lu Anru clenched her fists and replied firmly: "Someone told me to believe in Yin Yi."

"Who?" Sheng Ming and Lianhua asked in unison.

Lu Anru raised her eyes to look at Sheng Ming, the blurry face in her mind merged with the person in front of her, and she softly spoke an answer that even she found incredible.

"It seems to be Xiao Mingyou."

Sheng Ming did not answer. He would not expose his beloved in public. But Lianhua could tell from the surprised look on his face that he didn't remember what he said.

Time seemed to have stood still, and the three of them fell into silence at the same time. The dead silence atmosphere was very depressing.

There was a knock on the door, and Lianhua, who was closest to the door, walked over in a few steps.

As soon as he opened it, Ella poked her head in, looked at the three people in the circle one by one, and asked curiously: "Did you quarrel?"


Lianhua pulled Ella, and the two of them changed positions. She stopped at the door and once again explained the principles to the woman she respected recently.

"I will help with other matters. As for rescuing Yin Yi, my people and I will not participate."

Lu Anru pursed her lips, sighed and agreed: "Well, Xiao Ming and I will discuss the specific details."

Watching the lotus figure disappear behind the door, she turned to Ella and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Ella sat down next to her and persuaded with determination: "An Ruru, you seem to be affected by the Mandela Effect. You know the Mandela Effect, the collective memory disorder of many people in the last era. Everyone thinks that Mandela should have died in prison in the 1980s. In fact, Mandela did not die there. He lived until 2013 and became president. This symptom of collective memory disorder is defined as. The Mandela effect greatly affects people’s judgment.”

Lu Anru was obviously not convinced. When mentioning the Mandela Effect, he had to mention a certain multi-dimensional space research.

She took out her computer, searched for a report she had read, forwarded it to Ella, and analyzed: "Look back and look at the academic award-winning articles I forwarded to you. One of them records the results of famous scientists' research on multi-dimensional space. , he showed that the Mandela Effect is likely to be the overlap of what happens in other dimensions with ours. The most common multi-dimensional space overlap event we see every day is that dreams come true, and something in a dream happens in reality not long after. in life."

Ella showed the correct attitude that she had once taken the Sheng Ming class, listened carefully and responded: "So the multiple felonies given to us by Emperor Xuantian may just be the overlap of multi-dimensional space memories. Anyway, An Ruru, you must not do it Confusing reality, think of yourself as a sinner who may go to death at any time.”

The words of catering made it clear that they were mostly comforting. Lu Anru really didn't have the heart to explain what the other party had already determined, so he casually said "hmm" and looked at Sheng Ming.

Raising his delicate almond-shaped eyes and meeting her longing gaze, Sheng Ming solemnly promised: "An Ru, I will first let Lao Sheng understand in depth what exactly happened, and then we will decide on the next plan based on the situation. "

"Xiao Ming, I believe my memory is correct." Lu Anru grabbed Sheng Ming's hand and insisted stubbornly: "We must save Senior Yin."

Sheng Ming wrapped Lu Anru's cold little hand with her big hand and gave in softly: "Okay, I will call Lao Sheng now and ask him to find Li Ying and try to delay the death penalty of the senior student. We will find a way to see him before we talk. "


Lu Anru nodded heavily.

Ella, who was back to being a 10,000-watt light bulb, made her exit, walked to the door, smacked her lips, and said with emotion: "An Ruru is so happy, she is so pampered by her seniors."

After a secret investigation by the secret sect buried in the Xia Kingdom's palace, the couple learned that Lao Gou was talking and laughing with Yin Yi yesterday. He valued him very much and even asked Yin Yi for his opinion on improving the water conservancy project.

This morning, after Lao Gou received a piece of news about the Shadow Guard's secret investigation, he confiscated Yin Yi's illegal human body research institute and announced to the public that Yin Yi was a spy from another country and had been lurking in Daxia to steal state secrets for many years.

"Can I ask what specific information Lao Gou got?" Lu Anru dug into the details, eager to dig deeper into the inside story.


Sheng Ming placed his computer on Lu Anru's lap, showed the record of the chat with his father, and pointed to the penultimate sentence, "In order to find out this matter, the other party's identity has been exposed and sacrificed."

"This dark chess piece is Ning Guang's nanny!" Lu Anru exclaimed, and couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder she saved us. By the way, let's go back to Teacher Sun's house quickly. Keep the agreement document, we will be relatively safe."

Accustomed to the moodiness of the old dog Xuantian, Lu Anru still couldn't sit back and relax after regaining his innocence.


The group got back on the hovercar and arrived at Sun Zhu's house in half an hour. Before leaving, Huhu clamored to accompany them, and also said that Lu Anru had agreed to bring their companions who could participate in the battle on the spaceship.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming planned to enter the country with their own identities in a country with an alliance agreement to try out the security level of their innocent bodies. Taking Huhu and the others for experiments will inevitably intensify conflicts.

She had no choice but to let Huhu stay in Xizhiguo Ecological Park and continue training her companions.

Lianhua placed a spell on the agreement to keep it, and Ella yelled that she had to go back to China to see her mother, and couldn't wait for them to bring out their relatives and friends.

Lu Anru asked some close friends for their opinions, and most of them said that they could not leave Xia Kingdom for the time being due to multiple considerations such as academics, family, habits, etc.

Lu Anru could not stop Ella, after all, Ella had just lost her father. For some wounds that are festering in the heart, the persuasion and coaxing from others are of no use, far less than a hug from a loved one.

"Auntie is currently living in the Anpai transfer center. You go there to find her. Remember to try your best to move around where the Anpai can protect her."

Lu Anru held Ella's hand reluctantly and warned her again and again.

Ella opened her arms and hugged her best friend, put her face in the hair on the top of her head, and promised: "Okay, you will contact me after you decide on the location of your new home, and I will accompany my mother for a while and come back."

"Well, take care."

Lu Anru glanced at Li Mo meaningfully, and Li Adou, who couldn't help him, immediately turned his face and looked away.

Ella plucked up the courage and called out: "Li Mo, do you want to come with me to meet my mother?"


Li Mo happily looked back at the red-haired girl. As soon as he uttered a word, he lowered his head silently and apologized sincerely: "I'm sorry, I have a mission. When the mission is completed, I will definitely come to apologize."

Ella cursed angrily, and when she had enough, she boarded the spaceship heading to Xia Kingdom. Lianhua might be afraid that Lu Anru would entrust her to help rescue Yin Yi, so she took the three elders and the others onto the spaceship and said they were going to Marcia to handle some personal matters.

In the afternoon, Xuantian's spaceship to pick up Ning Guang arrived, and Ning Guang left.

For a time, Sun Zhu's house returned to its original clean state, but Lu Anru was a little uncomfortable with it. She always felt that her heart was as empty as the house, and she was very uneasy.

Some of Xiaohong's companions who have not completed their evolution stay in the ecological park and choose a place more suitable for them to practice.

Lu Anru, Sheng Ming, Rosa, and Xiaohong took a spaceship to shuttle among the seven countries that had signed the agreement, and all of them successfully passed the customs. They then expanded the scope of the test and flew into countries that had not signed the agreement, and they also entered smoothly.

The more cheerful the situation became, the more Lu Anru felt unspeakably restless. Every night she would have a nightmare, in which she stood on a battlefield where 198Z was flowing, and the green bubbling corrosive liquid was filled with the remains of her comrades.

On the third day, their father responded and bought them an hour of visiting time in the afternoon.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming set off in a hurry. Rosa wanted to follow, but Lu Anru stopped them. Li Ying, the leader of Hades, had a temper no better than that of Xuan Tian Old Dog. He was determined to die and only allowed the couple to visit him in prison. Multiple people would probably anger each other.

"I'll let you go. I'll stay on the spaceship. If you need me to forcefully destroy any place, please contact me at any time."

Teng She pulled Rosa behind her and cracked her knuckles to get the job for herself. In recent days, Lu Anru heard him say he was bored more than once.

Lu Anru wanted to refuse, but Sheng Ming agreed to accompany Teng She.

Time was precious, so they used the spacecraft to move directly at the speed of light and arrived at Hades located on the isolated island of Shaog in five minutes.

The spacecraft is not allowed to come within a hundred acres of the prison and can only stop on a huge rock.

Teng Shehou was in the spaceship, while Lu Anru and Sheng Ming entered the heavy prison in a land-and-sea prison car.

The car was filled with the sour smell of blood and rotten flesh. Judging from the varying shades of blood on the ground, some criminals' executions began when they got into the car.

Lu Anru suppressed his nausea and insisted on going to the visiting room without saying a word.

Yin Yi was sitting in a chair reserved for death row prisoners. His neck, limbs, and waist were covered with electronic execution devices. As soon as his butt lifts slightly off the chair, the execution device will immediately start and inject Z-level destruction liquid, ensuring that within five seconds, everything from body to soul will turn into smoke.

Lu Anru and Sheng Ming sat opposite Yin Yi, with a translucent blue light blocking the middle of the table.

The robot specifically used an aluminum alloy cup as a demonstration. The moment the cup crossed the barrier, the blue light cut it in half smoothly.

"Visit the prison for one hour, and the door will automatically lock after the timeout period."

The robot reminded harshly.

Lu An said 'hmm', watched the robot leave, and looked back at Yin Yi. The impression I have of the senior is that he likes to tease people, and always has a carefree and aloof smile on his lips.

When I look at Yoongi again after half a year, that smile has not changed.

He whistled softly and said jokingly: "As a master, I know that my love for my little apprentice is not in vain. I won't wait until my little apprentice braves the wind and comes to visit me. I am very touched by how good my master is."

Considering Yin Yiding's death sentence at the end of August, Lu Anru suppressed the sarcastic words that rushed to his lips and asked about business: "Senior, are you a spy from another country?"

She felt extremely regretful after asking, which was tantamount to making Yoon Yi admit his crime. Hades did not arrest the prisoner by mistake, and always took action after obtaining complete evidence of the crime.

Change the subject of communication before Yin Yi speaks.

"Senior, think about what other undisclosed achievements you have and what major contributions you have made. Find them out and apply for a commutation of your sentence."

"Well, let me think about it."

Yoongi seemed to be sitting uncomfortably, rubbing against the back of the chair and moving slightly.

Lu Anru watched with fear as Yin Yi almost lifted his buttocks, fearing that he would disappear before her eyes, she couldn't help but remind her loudly: "Senior, please stop moving."

"Ha, Xiao Anru cares about me so much, be careful of Xiao Mingming getting jealous."

Yoongi raised his hands that were locked with electronic cuffs, but the range of movement was limited. He had to shake his short hair that was no longer flowing, and shake away the sticky hair sticking to his forehead.

Lu Anru restrained the urge to get angry and asked in a low voice, "Have you thought about it?"

"Xiao Anru is calm, I have thought of my teacher." Yin Yi's tone sounded like she was coaxing a child.

But Lu Anru was extremely serious, stared at Yin Yi, and asked: "Speak quickly, what is it?"

"Ha, little Anru, I wish you had cared so much about me earlier. I will teach you all my skills as a teacher. At least I will have a successor."

For the first time, Yoongi's eyes showed a little loneliness.

Lu Anru caught that small look at once, and realized that Yin Yi was actually unwilling to give in, and was not ready to die calmly.

Unable to suppress his temper, he yelled: "Senior!"

"Okay, I want to ask you something, master. Do you still remember the decision you made before leaving Xia Kingdom?"

Yin Yi went off topic again, and Lu Anru replied irritably: "Remember, help the Zhaoji tribe and the Fire Fox tribe escape, and..."

Halfway through her words, she heard a tap on the table, a code that only she and Ella understood. I guess Yin Yi figured out the rules when he remotely proctored the exam.

The code says: Don't speak out loud, answer me with your lips.

After his thoughts were interrupted, Lu Anru's mind became chaotic again. What else was going on? She forgot!

Thinking back carefully, I realized that the original intention of joining the anti-aggression alliance was to ensure the safety of myself and those around me, and to prevent the old dog from coming to catch them. The second is to prevent the old dog from doing research on ordinary people. By the way, sample No. 0 and research.

Lu Anru answered with lip language, "stop studying" four words.

The loneliness in Yin Yi's eyes suddenly deepened, but the contrast disappeared in the next second, and the casual smile returned to the corner of his mouth.

"I remembered, Hades Z-class felons are not eligible for reduced sentences." Yin Yi said his fate.

Lu Anru looked at Sheng Ming anxiously, and there was a coldness in Sheng Ming's expression that she couldn't understand. Logically speaking, Sheng Ming and Yin Yi have a very good relationship. Sheng Ming will not bow down to power, so he would not treat Yin Yi like this.

Sheng Ming didn't take the hint she sent, and the person involved accepted his fate, but Lu Anru was unwilling to accept it. She looked through history in the past two days and found cases where Z-class felons had their sentences commuted.

In the eleventh year, a Z-class felon named Shou received a reduced sentence from death to 30 years in prison for developing a liquid that destroys souls in one second.

She immediately told the other party's deeds, but did not mobilize Yin Yi's enthusiasm at all.

After that, Yin Yi chatted with her for half an hour, and expelled: "You guys should go quickly, don't waste time here. Li Ying locked the door on time, he won't give me face, and I don't need to burn paper during the holidays. ”

Sheng Ming decisively picked up Lu Anru and dragged her out of the visiting room.

Just before she reached the door, she heard the familiar tapping signal.

(End of chapter)